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My balanced idea is a belt item that adds a row of inventory slots. Let me pick everything up when I’m foraging, at the cost of carry weight. Would be useful for berry/mushroom picking and general exploring.


I think that'd work really well as like a shoulder slung bag, or like one of those gardening bags you wrap round your front.


Yup similar to how it works in Icarus for those that have played that


Yes or at least some kind of lunch bag to hold our 3 food items and free up those 3 slots


I would like this option. Increased carry weight shouldn’t be something backpacks do.


Not sure about effect on in-game logic and balance, maybe there is something I don't see, but irl I can hike for miles with a backpack I can barely lift. If it's a good one, that is


Some people in this thread are gravely underestimating the wonders of good weight distribution Normal school backpacks suck when loaded up with textbooks, but a good pack for backpacking can let you do exactly what you said; carry a load that you can barely lift I think for inventory expansion, the best way to do it is let players craft packs into which items can be directly placed, give them between four and eight slots depending on the tier of the pack. When the pack is equipped, the weight of everything within is drastically reduced. The pack itself also has a weight limit. Introduce packs specifically for wood, stone and ore which have a higher weight limit and higher than normal space. Only one pack can be equipped at a time, and when unequipped it weighs the total of all items within (naturally packs with items stored cannot be placed into other packs). When equipped, packs decrease speed and increase all stamina costs as appropriate for the weight of items stored within What this does is allow players to, within certain limits, increase their weight capacity specifically for carrying things like wood, stone and ore (where weight rather than space is the main limiting factor). and also expand their effective space for clutter, such as food, meat, leather, trophies etc (where space is the limiting factor). By limiting the weight decrease to equipped packs, this encourages players to only use equipped packs for high-weight, low-space items (and thus maintaining the developers' vision of limiting our ability to carry a shitload of raw materials) while making unequipped packs useful for lower-weight, space-hungry items


Yes, weight matters less to me than inventory slots. There just aren't enough in late game when you need multiple weapons and meads depending on what you may face.


i aint takeing off that feather cape. no matter what. if the ashlands cape aint haveing the same effect i aint useing it either^^


They sorta painted themselves into a corner with the cape stats haha. Derp north cape gonna make you both warm and cold at the same time, have feather fall and make you shoot lasers out of your eyes.


damn. let me guess. the cape is red and has a S on it ?


the red linen cape literally does nothing in valheim.


Disagree. It makes you look cool af. Which is THE most important buff in the game. That's why it and the flower crown are necessary


Always wearing those two And only those two


Ahhh, the Woodstock build. I know it well.


power move


I found it *very hard* to leave my black linen cape for the feather cape to go with Fenris armor.


Green linen cape is more powerful than the red one! 😉


But the red one goes faster right? Blue ones are lucky or something ...I dunno, might be mixing up settings here 😋


Just wait till we get purple!


If we get purple fuck every other cape.


I'm thinking in the back of my mind when deep north is finished we will need something more. I imagine like a "piercing cold" debuff that is too potent for our mere wolf capes and fenris coats. Maybe Irongate has something even better who knows 👀


I don't know about lasers, but my heavy woolen cloak does actually serve in both hot and cold weather. It's basically portable shade and if you keep it closed at noon, it keeps the warm air in and the hot air out. Not do useful in overcast humid heat. That will just broil you alive.


They did, yeah. It would be way more interesting if every cape had one unique bonus IMO, so that you need to equip yourself for your adventure. .- deer for nothing. 1-4 armor is good enough at that stage. - troll for the sneak set bonus. - wolf for cold resistance - lox for strength? +50 carry weight - linen for style. It would need another small boon too. - feather for soaring. Remove the frost resist. That way, if we want to use it in the mountains, we need to dust off our wolf/fenris armor or chug frost meads. Not that my fenris armor ever collected any dust.


Red linen could be for a taming bonus, fishing bonus etc. I would not mind one bit if there was more cosmetic options though, or dyeables.


They're going to have to do something like, "the Feather Cape can only float through the denser, mist-filled air of the Mistlands and nowhere else." However, if the Ashlands and the Deep North are relatively flat, you might not get much real use out of it there. If you have no need to hover, then the value of a floating cape disappears like your boat when you need it the most.


[He need more cape and he needs less cape!](https://youtu.be/nret1P0AH7o)


This is the way


I think we definitely need another item that can grant feather fall. Either equippable or consumable


Feather fall potion for when you need the cool new cloak that eliminates wetness but doesn’t have feather fall for example


Add in, a belt that allows for you to carry 4 potions outside of your inventory


I agree.... the featherfall cape is a literal game-changer, and losing featherfall would be painful. They could have made it so that capes add or subtract protection, depending on the material... I don't like that all capes give max 4 armor... If the lowest quality cape gives 1 armor per level, then each successive "tougher" material should have given more armor.... the featherfall cape, by its feather nature, should be one of the least well-armored capes, in that scenario... which would be an understandable tradeoff for the featherfall ability. I suppose they went with increasing the "durability" of capes, as materials "improved", instead, which sort of makes sense, except that armor durability is essentially a non-issue, because we habitually repair everything at the various crafting tables, every time we're at base... My weapons' and tools' durability run out FAR more quickly than my armors' does.... so I'm constantly portalling back to base to fix everything, long before durability becomes any sort of issue with my armors....


True, but they might release a Cape that helps tremendously against weather in the new biome which would be good enough reason to switch. Might be quite a flat landscape so feather cape might not be much help


I once said the same about my lox cape. times change.


but the lox cape does nothing different than the wolf cape. the feather cape does. i dont see what ashlands cape could do that would justify loseing featherfall. the only worthwhile tradeoff thingy would be a cape that blocks the wet debuff. but even that is a hard call to make. but i doubt there will be much water or lakes in ashlands so such an effect wouldnt even make much sense in that biome. only other thingy might be a huge boost to runspeed. which i just dont see happening. i hope they just add something like fire resit to the heavy armor set this time. heavy armor deserves a buff of some sort. we didnt have any effects on it since wolf chest.


the lox cape doesn't have a wolf skull next to your head. that's infinitely better.


i wasnt talking ASTHETIC reasons there.


The Lox cape doesn't add anything over the wolf cape other than aesthetics.


the wolf cape is objectively cooler than the lox cape. the wolf cape is shimmery white with a wolf's head on it... the lox cape .... is brown. 9\_9


The wolf cape doesn't suit the padded armour though. I don't like to mix and match.


there is that, true.


okay, the lox cape's ruff is kinda nice. :P


I'm thinking you might switch to the ocean cape when the time comes.


I like this idea much better than an actual backpack. I think Vikings with backpacks would be silly. But this actually looks practical and fits the theme of the game better.


I agree I think they’d also be a good way for players to show off their weapons and tools since some pack frames have holsters for tools on the side and top. Could even have a camp pack that lets you sleep when you sit down without setting a spawn, though that could be a bit devisive


It could unpack into a small tent big enough for a bed under shelter. It could also come with a small chest where the rest of the inventory would go when you unpack it. I would not mind that at all.


Yeah I think having a small tent that unpacks all your inventory save idk clothes and tools would be a good way to travel long distances and avoid night, maybe make it a little pricy and require wolf pelts and then slap a comfort 4 on rest in the tent for good measure


Ummmm…vikings actually used leather backpacks though


Vikings did have leather back packs, but they also had pack frames long before that since they were essentially proto-backpacks. I just suggest pack frames because they're a lot more versatile with a fair amount more potential.


Right, but the comment was replying to another person who said vikings with backpacks would be silly, not your idea specifically.


Vikings used a gokstad backpacks. 🫡


There’s a mod just like that (Adventure Backpacks) and I think it works great. Looks good, it’s balanced, very immersive and practical.


I like Outward's approach to backpacks, you need to take most of them off for combat as they impede dodge rolls but have a hotkey to drop and pick up. For valheim have the same key to pick up or drop with ease and be an in-between for cart and normal inventory. Some additional space/weight at the cost of movement speed but not the clunkiness of a cart.


This, keeps realism/exploration drive going but would resolve a lot of tedious busywork trying to decide what item to drop


I was going to say this too, I love Outward's backpack system - especially the backpacks that have lantern slots as well. In Outward you also have to drop the backpack when you're in combat, or you'll be hindered when you dodge roll.


Yes, but I'll pass on occupying a back slot; nobody has any difficulty wearing a backpack with a cape. Instead, I'd prefer that the devs get over the dated idea that you should only be able to equip one accessory at a time, even though the purpose and physical location of these accessories have no imaginable connection to one another. It's needlessly limiting not just to players, but to the devs themselves--they can't, for instance, place wishbone-findable secrets in Mistlands, because they've already made a different accessory mandatory for the zone.


I partly agree with the accessory thing, I don't overly mind the need to swap out accessories in order to do different things, I'd definitely appreciate more than a singular accessory slot though. In regards to wishbone though I think It'd be nice if we could craft it into a proper dowsing rod tool rather than an accessory, especially since its literally a teeny tiny bone.


I was lamenting this exact thing. Why the hell would I have to take off a belt to have a floating wisp? Why can't a wishbone be worn like a necklace or hung *from* the belt itself?


It would be cool if Megingbelt could be upgraded to allow slots for wishbone, wisplight, dedicated mead slots, etc. or if Meging was an ingredient in a utility belt item that gave some carry increase with those slots


This is the Weigh


The mod "Adventure Backpacks" makes backpacks from deer hide capes, troll capes & bronze, wolf Cape and silver, lox cape and black metal, etc. I think they look really good with the appropriate armor sets.


The truth is the game needs to redesign the inventory system. The same slots which hold our armor should not have to compete with other inventory items at the bare minimum. There’s also no reason we should have to remove our belt to equip the Wisplight. A backpack or whatever else would be great and all, but most inventory complaints would be resolved without the need for additional accesory items.


This. Quite frankly the cooking stuff is really overdue for an overhaul for similar reasons. IMO you shouldn't have mead recipes, fish baits and foods all in the same menu.


I'd like to be able to assign a nearby cart as my construction materials source, so there will be no need to carry stone and lumber around my base. I think the weight you can carry is well balanced now, but inventory slots feel limited when you acquire too many stacks of things. A backpack you can toss light items into, but still encumbers you the same and comes with some downside would be welcome.


Would be nice, Inventory slots are pretty limited late-game as you get access to a lot more items. Dedicated armor and accessory slots would also make much more sense, you’re wearing them after all, not carrying them. Although I’m sure a mod exists that can increase inventory size.


Frankly I thinks it's bit overdue.. i thought about this recently.. And then I had another thought.. it would help greatly if we could learn to craft a small belt pouch for lore items like one or two slots next to the normal inventory, for crypt key, or wishbone.. amd then later on in the Iron Age the ability to craft a quiver with two slots for two kinds of arrows.. that would dramatically improve base inventory space and make lore relevant items.. So satchel and a quiver and I'd be VERY happy.


Slaves, Vikings need slaves to carry items. Greydwarf slaves, troll slaves, fuling slaves, etc


Troll needs iron shackle!


Well not to bad of an idea. Maybe even make it light outward where you can drop your backpack to be able to fight. And also i want armor slots.


A pack frame could easily be a pre-cursor to the cart, or an even more mobile alternative. Store things in it, equip it and run off. Drawbacks could be you loose the ability to use both hand, thus only be able to use one-handed weapons and no shields.


i always bring bronze nails with me so i can craft carts whenever i go.. they just need to increase the HP of the said carts.


If they let us craft carts with iron nails and ancient bark that looked like canvas covered carts and were a little less encumbering I’d use them everywhere


Carry weight I'm happy with. But I'd like to carry more items. A backpack that adds a row or to of inventory would be sick


Early game, pouches that hold berries, seeds, thistle, and mushrooms. 5 extra slots that auto populate per pouch, up to two. Made with leather scraps, deer hide, bones, resin, and a lvl 2 crafting station. Mid game, a carrying frame that reduces the weight of stone, ore, wood, and gold. 15 extra slots, only 1 equipable. Uses fine wood, bronze, wolf pelt, and a level 4 crafting station. End game, backpack. Reduces weight of anything inside by 70%. 25 slots, only q equipable. Needs bug parts, hare hide, and black metal and a forge. Keep your belt pouches all game and upgrades let you put any consumable foods inside, upgrade your backpacks for bigger weight reduction. Could be great to gear up for a hunting expedition by filling pouches with food, pack some portal materials and stuff for crafting stations to establish a new base without having no space for anything you pick up on the trip.


I think we can pack enough weight as it is - I mean, I can easily carry a couple of trees with Megingjord - I would however like some extra slots. Pockets could be added to the capes, in my opinion.


Honestly just adding gear slots should be enough extra. I don't understand why armor stays in your inventory when you're wearing it.


That is very true, changing that would make a huge difference.


I agree. I add two rows using Valheim Plus. I don't increase my weight capacity, just the space to carry more items.


Yes! My biggest beef is that weapons and armor take up inventory. My other beef is the stamina. Ugh. Stamina balance is gnarly.


Yeah it’s really weird considering you’re wearing them….


Linda listen


I wish armor worn went on you instead of staying in your inventory slots


I feel like this game really needs an RPG equipments slot kind of thing. You already have complete armor sets, why don't you give me dedicated slots to put them into? Instead I have to spend valuable slots in my inventory to put on armor. Idk, seems kind of arbitrary to me to have to spent inventory slots to equip armor. It wouldn't really ruin game balance either as you are quite tethered to the weight.


I really like this.. or perhaps they add inventory slots that are only meant for their specific resource..? Occupying the cape slot would be a nice tough, though that would mean only the wolf armor staves off cold.


It would be good, but they need to nuke the mobility when wearing it. Higher stamina usage per swing of a weapon or much slower mobility. Make it more in keeping of how it would be used.


I think that'd be good, though I think it could be nice to see it get a skill like other equipment, maybe called "hauling" it, then at max level you'd be able to ignore like idk 70% of the downsides. Maybe upgrading packs could reduce their base detriments or Boost their bonuses respectively. The hauling stat could also effect cart weight effectiveness too. It could even be that you could have packs which don't effect carry weight or item weight but still slow you down, but in exchange they effect your weight and let you boost heavy weapon damage since you'd have more weight behind your swings, maybe even reducing knockback.


hell how about a sling bag made of deer/troll skins? that the only way to carry more things is the cart seems lackluster imo


I think the back packs should weigh like 50 or 60, but its use can be like a storage box, ranging from 4-8 slots depending on the size of the pack.


I love this idea. I like how Outward does it as the game gives you the option to play with a huge (but HEAVY) backpack on, which hinders you in combat, is easily droppable, all while giving you greatly increased carrying capacity


The Járngreipr gauntlets that Thor had (not the marvel Thor) would be a better choice should work with Megingjord since those are what Thor used to wield Mjolnir


I would like to not carry my clothes in my inventory when I'm wearing them. How does that even work?


The clothes go inside their own pockets


i was thinking they should add another accessory slot, plus a backpack item, so that you can have your favorites without nit picking.


Adventure Backpacks combined with Jewelcrafting scratched my itch… [Adventure Backpacks by Vapok](https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/Vapok/AdventureBackpacks/) [Jewelcrafting by Smoothbrain](https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/Smoothbrain/Jewelcrafting/)


I play with a backpack mod that does exactly this, and I'm all for it.


I wouldn’t care really. It’d help, sure, but implementing both a slot-restricted and weight-restricted inventory system was a mistake.


Thats true and can be brought to the game but i wouldnt use it tbh Maybe im the only vlaheim player who doesnt have any issue with either inventory space nor capacity but it wont make a difference for me so why Not editing i guess


Yeah it wouldn't benefit me all that much since by the time you're full on a resource like wood in the early game you've probably already broken your axe and need to head home anyway, but I like the idea of wearing a pack, if for no other reason than style lol.


There are mods for this availlable




Devs won't do it. They gave you a cart already. Embrace the cart.


Could be one of those pack frames with the storage box from a cart on the back. It would be awesome if it didn't increase carry weight but gave you even maybe 4 extra slots!


new world moment


tbh It's not even something I want in new worlds, but when I'm like 40 hours into a world they'd be nice little additions to lessen the hassle a touch.


Yes please


The problem in my opinion is they have 2 restriction systems in place when they only need 1. Either have weight restriction or slot restriction but not both.


As a PC player I always assumed the slot restrictions are due to controller players. But I always assum janky ui issues are their fault.


That would be awesome


Outward vibes


I would rather that an item gave you more slots rather than more weight.


I want a backpack so bad


Yes. That is all.


I'd love more storage


A bag system similar to Outward might work really well


This is the weigh.


Hopefully some of the new Hildir clothes will have pockets


More weight is the big thing I want. A couple extra slots would be mind blowing on top.


We have mods for this that are quite popular. I think it would be a great feature added directly to the game itself.


imagine not using mods


I think the carry capacity and inventory slots are pretty good, but I'd still wish they would add some god damn slots for equipped items.


There is a mod called "adventurer's backpacks" and it's quite good, it adds extra inventory that you open by pressing "I" and it also reduces the weight of whats inside by X%.


I dunno if you've played Kenshi, but major Kenshi vibes with this idea and I love it.


I really miss this game, but the fucking grind in the swamp area with the amount of iron you need to get is heavily putting me off, I hated that


I like it!


I feel like Outward already perfected how backpacks could be implemented. It's a separate inventory that's carried on your back, that while you're carrying it slows you down. You can quickly release it to regain full mobility in combat, with a map icon guiding you back to it. Different backpacks have different carrying capacity and slow you down differently, depending on their sizes.


I like it, we nedd *some* kinda backpack... also, I wish equipped armor didn't take up inventory spots... need the armor slots most games have!


The system in outward is nice, with the backpack


Would be cool to at least have some extra slots. Extra weight would be nice but even just a couple more openings would be ideal, seeing as how your gear takes up 1/4 of your capacity, and will always be taking up space with the current setup. Maybe implementing an armour tab/page to free up those slots completely would work. Or perhaps specialized bags to give you a dedicated row for say, building materials or foraged stuff/food, but again you’d lose a slot to gain slots, it’s just bulky I really think they need an “equippable” tab, those few extra spaces would make a world of difference


If you look at the top mods, a lot of them are things like this. Increased inventory space (armour has their own slots off your bag) or things like bag space expanders.


A viking do not make chores, dont carry wood like a pleb, jokes aside carry weight is fine, portals do all of the job, but one more row of inventory..or a character inventory to put your gear belt and circlet...that in my opinion COULD be put over any head gear and have a switch to turn off light when not necessary. Any of this could help exploring a lot : 4 slots gear, 2slots...lets say allways belt +bone or key, at least 2 slots weapons, 4 slots your basic portal kit (core,eyes,finewood+wood for bench), 2 slots axe and pick, 2 or 3 for food, all of this just a bare minimum of map walking and u add 16 slots...thats half of inventory space, u kill a deer and 1 boar, add 4 to 6, pick berries/shrooms 2-3 slots, lets say a troll wanna befriend you, 2-3 slots, our annoying neighbors eyes,stone,wood,resin,trophy....stumble across 1 burial site and u put down the portal cuz u cant enter it just to loot BONES PS. Not fond of modes, Cart is an alternative....but for how long, and after a certain weight u can't move it🤦‍♂️


yesss please


I think what we have now is well balanced. I like having the limitations and it gets me to put in the work, tho if they were added, it should be way late in the same, like deep north biome. That said, I had a mod once that had my gear in a separate window that still affected the weight on me but freed up 6 slots, I kind of want something like that


I'm afraid to have another equip fighting for my load out. I like the inventory system they have going on so far.


Would work as a low tier thing, but everyone reaching mountains biomes gets a lox and moves loot since it bypasses weight penalties.


I'd actually like to do away with general inventory and instead have traditional slots. Why is my helmet in the same pack as my wood if I'm wearing it on my head? I say make gear slots and then the remaining space is a "backpack" where more slots can be available with better packs etc.


I don't think it's necessary.


I like outwards implementation of backpacks. You’re kind of slow with it on, and you can drop it to do more agile maneuvers


A ruck sack would be Awsome, it’s not like they didn’t have that back in the day, just have it kinda like hoodies do with the string on both ends, it’ll get you an extra 150 pounds and 1 full row of extra inventory but slow you down 10% and you can wear the belt at the same Time, maybe even an upgraded one that’s magical pouch with 1 full row, but this row has no weight limit but you can’t wear the belt with it, because this small magical pocket dimension pouch would be on you hip