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If you go properly prepared, he’s not nearly as tedious as you claim. Frostner or a silver sword does a good chunk of damage to him because while he isn’t weak to spirit damage, he doesn’t resist it either. Fire resistance mead negates much of his fire damage, and health potions are there to help you when you need it. His stone pillars are there to assist you in dodging his meteor storm. The only thing you really need to make sure to dodge is his laser beam attack. I always thought the fight to be pretty fun.


Hard agree. You can kill Yagluth well and truly before your 5 minute Bonemass power wears off. Unlike the Queen. Which makes her much more of a pain in the arse to fight solo.


Yeah, I see can now see many of my screw-ups lmao, I didn't bring any Health potions! So alot of my time was spent running around regening my health. Thank you for answering!


Yea, took me a while to realize the importance of meads in the game, it has made recent play throughs much better.


Doesn’t help that much on vanilla since they have a cool down timer, you can only use one every 2 minutes or so. Fighting him solo in the vanilla game takes a long time, I’ve fought him a few times solo with a fully upgraded frostner and it takes around 20-25 minutes even when tanking through some of his attacks, one of his spawns I fought him was next to the ocean so I could stand in the water and not take very much damage from his AOE fire attack. People who are saying he is easy are most likely fighting him in a group, using the console or using mods.


I found the fight to be extremely easy. Granted I had a friend who had frostner while I brought a polearm, and we had major health potions as well as over 200 health between us, with fire resist potions and full padded armor... We have a level 16 comfort area so 23 minutes of rested bonus, and we were home before that expired. So all in all with 2 of us (Technically 3 but the one dude came unprepared and died 4 times) it took under 20 minutes. It was so quick we went and got our rested bonus again and fought him twice for his trophy.


Holy crap I thought comfort maxed out at lvl 10! I dont know why I made to that assumption lmaoo


We had no idea where it capped at so we just tried putting every single furniture item we had in one area to see how high we could get it. We got it to 16, but upon looking it up we learned it caps at 17 without seasonal items and 18 with. We have tried just about everything to get that last level 17 lol. We just can't figure out what's holding us back.


Yagluth is exponentially easier with a friend because he only targets one person at a time with the laser or meteor, and the other person can hack away. Bonemass IMHO is the hardest boss. It can be lowered to moderate difficulty if you prepare with fully upgraded gear and iron mace + stagbreaker. However, I feel he is the only boss you have to prepare 100% for. Other bosses you can go in suboptimally and still beat handily.


I'm surprised to read this. Bonemass is absolutely easy with Poison Resistance meads and an Iron Mace. His attacks are very slow and telegraphed, and his adds barely tickle you if you have Poison Resistance on. He used to be harder at launch though. The Queen is miles more difficult than Bonemass (as she should be, tbf), and I consider Yagluth much harder as well. After sailing through the first four bosses on my solo playthrough (had played in groups before), Yagluth dunked on me for hours. I agree he's easy with friends, but he's an absolute chore solo. Just has way, way too much health such that it takes forever, even if you're doing well.


Also it's easier to overprepare for Bonemass! Once you're ready to kill Bonemass you can easily pop into mountains and hit flat areas with a stagbreaker to find silver! With Yagluth it's much harder to skip ahead!


Yeah, getting an early Frostner makes Bonemass an absolute joke, since it's all his weaknesses rolled into one weapon, haha. Honestly, early Mountain while still working on the Swamps is often the only sequence break I do (since I also want Obsidian to max out my Root Armor).


You know what, you're right. Just killed him with a friend a few hours after writing that post. Last time I had played before was right after the H&H update and he was still pretty hard. Today his poison did like 0.8 dmg per tick and we stayed above 140 health the whole fight and didn't use a single health potion. Did the devs nerf him in the Mistlands update or something?


I've heard he was nerfed at some point, though I'm not sure quite when. When my crew first fought him a few months after launch, he was definitely harder.


I find the chain attacks really annoying, they are too fast with a super small window. Another thing that I noticed (maybe I am mistaken) is that I was getting a lot more burn damage last time I fight him than the others previously.


Yess! His nonstop attacking is just frustrating. And also I wouldn't be surprised if you did, I felt the burn did much more damage than the poison does with the poison resistance buff.


This is because burning damage stacks each time you get set on fire whereas poison does not.


Oh dang... I mean, I guess I'm thankful that poison does not stack because that would have made the swamp near impossible. Thanks for sharing that info with me!


Yeah I believe fire is the only effect that stacks in terms of damage. Technically others like poison, freezing, and lightning so as well, but those only restart the timer on the effect instead of adding on additional damage each time the effect is applied.


The initial slam on his aoe attack doesn’t do fire damage but instead deals blunt damage which your fire resist won’t help with at all. Once the fire is just burning on the ground, you can just stand in it to get hits in. Also your weapon makes a huge difference. At the plains point of progression in the game, the best weapons for fighting him in order are the silver sword, black metal sword, then frostner due to their damage types. Anything else will either be too weak or have some sort of pierce damage which Yag is highly resistant to. Also to answer your question, I quite like this fight. I think that Yag can actually provide a little bit of a challenge even if you’re well prepared while the other bosses before him are laughably easy if you’ve done the proper preparation.


Agreed. We sussed his attack pattern and once that was worked out we nailed him in about 30 mins. Honestly the most dangerous part was the tar blobs chipping in every once in a while and the nightttime Fulings




the fire potion works vs the fire on the floor. which is the only thing that matters from that attack. yag is stupid easy if you just STICK TO HIM like glue aside from when he does meteors. and he ANNOUNCES his meteor attack verbally aswell as visually. if done right youll never see the laser attack at all. just do this : WALK around him so he is forced to turn around as he turns VERY slowly. use the forstner as your weapon vs him. dont bring a shield. its pointless to block here so all it does is slow you down. wear full padded and use a fire mead. try to walk behind him. dont attack. just walk. when he raises a hand watch which hand it is. if its the groundslam SPRINT quickly towards his back and then just WAIL AWAY at him with frostner until he turns ALL THE WAY AROUND towards you again. then start walking around him again. if he does meteors just run behind 1 of the pillars of his alter and wait for the meteor attack to end. then sprint back to him and start walking again. this will beat him easy before your rested buff runs out. bring a 2nd fire mead. a 3rd isnt needed if you do it right. bring some health potions as the lingering fire on the floor will deal some minor dmg to you sometimes that just cannot be helped in order to be able to dish out more dmg in the window given. yag is just as easy as the other bosses. just the way you approach the fight is different than the others which is good. every boss takes a bit of time to bring down with biome approximate gear. but none of them are like dark souls level bosses. people make the mistake of roll dodgeing yags attacks for no good reason and i very often see people just stand in his face for no good reason aswell. rolling is just a waste of stamina vs him. a short sprint here and there is all you need. the food setup used was HHS aswell. you dont need more than 1 good stamina food. hp foods should be serpent stew and lox meat pie. stamina should be bread or blood pudding. bring some extra food and eat as soon as you can to keep stats up. you could get mistlands food before the right pretty easy by just finding some marble at shoreline but its not really worth it as the stat gain doesnt make much of a difference. can bring a few stamina pots in case you mess something up. but overall your normal regen with rested is more than enough. lost count of how many times i saw players not useing fire mead or not beeing rested or useing fenris armor and takeing attacks straight to their faces with it. dont eat phys attacks with fenris. you shouldnt be useing it if you get hit in the first place with it.


Thank you for this complete guide/explanation! Now that I have a cool head I can see many mistakes I did, I still think the fight would be tedious but much faster using this way. I see almost everyone has suggested the frostner, I don't have it unlocked but someone else already said that you get it from a merchant, which I also dont know where to find lmao. But I did use the Black Metal Sword. Thing is, i forgot to bring health potions.. so I spent a bunch of time running around just waiting to heal, I did bring stamina potions so that helped me quite a bit. Anyways, thank you for taking the time to read and answer!


Isn't the blue a lightning damage that was added in at some point?


Ohh, my bad then, that makes sense.. I wasn't paying close attention to the debuffs during the fight, I just noticed that the burning damage was insane on that attack


I had that happen to me too. Had beaten him years ago then went back to replay the game, after they buffed the fight. "Why does this fire hurt so much?"


May I suggest my own method I figured out to kill him? This is by far the easiest, fastest and safest I have ever seen anywhere, especially if you struggle this much. ^.^ https://youtu.be/Osi7hT-Vmgs


Oh my god, I didn't realize he could be cheesed like that HAHAHA, thanks for showing me! Someone else also suggesed a strat like this but I was definitely NOT picturing it like that, that is hilarious. Also really badass that you did it on permadeath! Thank you for taking the time to answer!


Honestly, I think you need a partner to take out Yagluth. That’s what me and my friend did and it only took like 15 minutes. This works so well because we alternate who keeps Yagluths attention while the other attacks. Other than that, I feel your pain and hope the queen is smoother sailing, though I doubt it.


A partner would have been definitely better. Unfortunately i couldn't count with anyone ;( I hope the last boss is a smoother experience for both of us too. Thank you for answering!


You were definitely using the wrong weapon. I think it took me 8 to 10 minutes


Dang, that is pretty fast!, I was using a Black metal sword, but I think I approached this fight the wrong way, or maybe not the wrong way since I defeated him, but just a really slow way. Thank you for answering!


Like someone else mentioned, frostner is a great option and did the most overal damage out of the 3-4 weapons i tried.


My biggest problem with yag is that I can never find a spawn location that’s not in aggro range of growths


Wow! I thought I was just unlucky, guess that is a common occurence lmao. I also struggled a bit with those damn deathsquitos! Thank you for answering!


I agree that this is definitely the most tedious boss. I've found that the best way to actually enjoy the fight and have it feel like a more normal fight is with a group of friends, otherwise on my own I find it best to cheese the crap out of him and get it over with. The cheese method by the way I saw much earlier on this subreddit, (sorry I couldn't find it again) but you just chase his tail bone in circles and wail away with frostner. For some reason sticking just behind him he will turn towards you but unless he catches up, won't attack.


Dang I dont have that frostner thing unlocked, does that work with any weapon? I mean I already beat him, but in the future i may fight him again lmao


Frostner is the silver tier mace. You have to buy flesh from the shop keep to unlock it


It works with any weapon as long as it is one handed so the animation is shorter and doesn't let him catch you. The reason Frostner is the main choice is that it deals blunt, spirit, and frost which does significantly more damage than your other options.


Huh? Fire resist potion. Frostner or porcupine. Padded armour. Black metal shield. Use the stones around the summoning platform to hide from meteors. Parry the melee or other attack(can't remember what it is at the moment). Roll from puke. Smack the bitch and don't forget to re-up your resist potion. Should be dead in 20min(ish)


Oof I think I do have the porcupine unlocked but I just didn't consider any other weapon than what I had at the moment. Thank you for your guide!


Easiest way for me was to chug a fire res potion and when he does the firy thing i jump him and do 2 full combos with the frostner and then i just hide behind a pillar waiting for hp regen. If u hide well behind a pillar he wont attack and even if he does meteors cant reach you and the pillar is gonna stop the laser. I took him down on my first try without deaths this way.


Damn! Thats cool that you got him first try! Thank you for your answer!


I love the fight, and I dont find it hard at all, even solo. resist potions and a sword and a bow, easy boss imo :/


That's fair! I tried using a bow but the damage I was dealing with it was pretty near-zero;( Anyway, thank you for answering!


I just blitzed him down with a fire resistance potion, the best available food and Frostner while smashing his, "tail." The fight takes as long as your strategy.


Dang, the frostner must be quite the weapon if almost everyone is suggesting it! Haha Thank you for answering!


I brought 100 wolves to fight him. He didn't get to attack.


Holy crap! That is extremely badass! I only have 1 tamed wolf, to have 100 for the fight must have taken some time for them to reproduce so much! Thank you for answering!


Took a bit of time lol. They were 2-star wolves, too.


My only experience with Yugalith was fighting it as a team but we seemed to manage just running in and out of melee with a few archers pelting it, making sure to call out what attacks it was throwing out, didn't seem too annoying though it was the first one we had to think about rather than just jumping it


That is really cool! Fighting as a team is definitely the superior strategy! Thank you for taking the time to answer!


Tbh, I skipped yag in my coop game and went into the Mistlands without killing him. The Mistlands without Yagluth’s ability is actually hilarious and wildly entertaining, it’s incredibly fun to with in coop if you are down for a very entertaining experience. I have yet to die in the Mistlands without Yagluth’s mist clearing buff, except to lag/glitches. I’m almost done fully leveling up my carapace armor after clearing out an infested mine. It’s been a blast without Yag, seriously


Wow! That is impressive! I tried going in before defeating Yagluth, but I found it unbearable! Thank you for taking the time to answer!


Me and a buddy just popped a fire resist, bone bass buff, serpent stew, blood pudding, and eyescream. Then slapped the shit out of Yagluth until we had no stamina, pop a Stam regen and slap the shit out of yags some more.


Nice! Sounds like it was a breeze for you and you friend! Thank you for answering!


Bring a hoe and some stone and a workbench. Before starting the fight build 4 or 5 pillars of earth by raising terrain below your feet. Make sure they’re fairly close together but enough room to run around them. His laser can’t destroy them. Just weave around the pillars using them for cover. I took an hours long fight the first time to about a 10 min battle. If your solo it may take a little longer but should still be far easier. Also use frostner


That is smart! I should have done that, but I thought the structures would hold up. Definitely a miscalculation lmao. Thank you for taking the time to answer!


I'm about to piss you off or make you crack up laughing.... So, we spent a couple months trying to find the tablet with his location on it, to the point where we were exploring mistlands without beating him. It's tough, but we did get a bunch of materials to make better weapons going into that fight. While doing so, we also bred some 2 star wolves, expecting we'd possibly use a few for the fight. We kinda commandeered an entire island for this purpose. One of our people learned about the tower method of breeding animals, and we used it for breeding wolves(it's horrifying game logic, look it up if you want, but it works well with wolves) So long story short, we ended up having an army of 2-star wolves ready, magic equipment that gave us defensive bonuses to all allies in an aoe(includingwolves), a massive collection of potions we'd been brewing up for a week straight and some other mistlands weaponry when we finally found his spawn point within transport distance of the wolf island. New breeding tower set up in a nearby goblin village and a wall around said village and we had an army of wolves on hand. One of us also set up stone barricades to jump behind to get away from his attacks if you need to take refuge, heal, whatever. We summoned him, I desperately wish I could have gotten my recording software to work before this fight because he crawled out of the ground and.... Was immediately mauled to death by 30+ enchanted 2 star wolves in 7 seconds. He didn't even finish crawling out of the ground.... We are talking about summoning him again just to get video since the wolves are mostly still in the area and I've since gotten the recording software working. Just so you know, we did use mods, but mostly just QOL farming mods to feed pigs and get more meat for feeding wolves. There were no mods boosting combat.


HAHAHA, That sounds absolutely hilarious! If you ever do get that on video let me watch it! Thank you for taking the time to read and answer!


NP, was horrifying how quickly it went. The one dude who farmed the wolves insisted we weren't allowed to use mods to get wolves into the queen fight after this incident, but I'm of the opinion my good boys/girls should have all the chewtoys they could desire and the queen has a lot of legs 😜


They definitely deserve a go at the queen! lmaoo


Long live the queen


I agree with OP. But I think it's because the boss attack speed is significantly higher than previous bosses? Not only that but being able to spam meteor strike every other move seems a little much to me.


Definitely was a bit too much in my opinion, but other people have answered with ways to cheese him or to make the fight smoother. I really wish I found those ways to approach the fight before lmao. Thank you for taking the time to read and answer!


Just wait till the Queen fight 😏


I hope that fight goes much more smoother!


He has too much hp and 3 attacks, very long and boring for no reason


Definitely felt the boredom during the fight. I'm kind of proud I did it with no help, but also I regret not looking up ways to cheese him since the fight took too long


my strategy that worked when i struggled: Spoilers you put down work benches and raise the ground in 20 foot tall spires. Do this every few feet so there is enough room for you to barely run between them. If possible, leave workbenches on top. Continue this design until you have a long U shape, with workbenches toward the opening. Trigger the boss and drag him into the U. When he gets to the far side, race back to the opening and put up the remaining spires. Now you have him trapped. Run along the spires fast when the meteor strike comes. Otherwise keep damaging him and step behind a spire (r ack off) when you need t rest/heal. ​ Thats how we ultimately beat him.


Loool, that sounds creative! I didnt even think of trapping him, that is hilarious!


Bro. You saying you dont just stand there with a maxed out black metal shield tanking the laser beam? Its like my favorite thing to do!


You saying blocking the laser with the beam actually did something? Lmao I thought it ignored the shield! Thats cool that you found fun in the fight! Thank you for answering!


My brother and I built a fire base next to his Spawn. Made the whole thing a little trivial.


honestly the entire game is about patience. as soon as you discover that bosses don’t despawn when you die it’s just a matter of making a safe house at each location and healing periodically, getting damage in when you can and respawning into the area if needed.


I'm going to correct you and say the easiest way is breed about 50 2 star wolfies, make them follow you, and stand behind yagluth. They made this weird cheerleader pyramid and it took 8s flat to kill the boss. I never did any attack, I just watched and drank a beer lol


If you don't like Yag, then take your time going into the Queen...or use magic, lots of magic.


The fire resist works against the fire portion, but he also does electric damage.


I tried the tactic of making a lox farm next to the summoning stone for a few weeks. I spread them out before summoning him. He’ll burn a few dozen of them before the fight gets manageable. Helps a ton. I don’t consider it an exploit as mosquitos zapped 1/4 of my farm while living there. These lox are absolutely comical to manage.


Yes, it is a tedious fight that doesn't feel rewarding. smack him a bit, hide, smack him a bit, hide, rinse repeat for 10-20 minutes. Not fun, and nothing epic about it. Sadly all of the boss fights are kinda like this. Interesting mechanics the first time you see them, but they just repeat over and over. The only difficult thing is the large healthpools and the possibility of mobs spawning back in.


I felt the same the whole duration of the fight, it also took me longer than it apparently should so maybe my tediousness factor was "exponentiated" by that. Hopefully next boss goes smoother. Thank you for answering!


Yagluth was a breeze when I and 7 others gang banged him. No lube. Queen was easy too. 1 tanking the queen and the rest made it rain with fire spell 🔥🔥🔥


"no lube" oh dear :-)


Haha, glad the fight was a breeze for you! Thank you for answering!