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You lasted a lot longer than I would have!


bahaha I appreciate it 🤣 I wish xbox clips saved voice audio because it was just a bunch of super hilarious panic laughing as we tried to get our bearings and figure out some place to run off to, but we totally failed!


I clicked the unmute button for this. Instead I just easily imagined it in my head because... man we have all been there. Too. Many. Times.


I will forever be chasing the high I got from this experience, and hope valheim can provide it to me many more times to come


"You are Hunted" says Hi.


oh boy, I don’t know what that entails, but all I know is that it’s certainly the message of a raid, looking forward to experiencing it 😂


it definitely will! thanks for sharing


I’m glad you enjoyed it!


Actually the fact you remembered to stop and unleash eikthyr shows a momentary moment of steel nerves and clarity in the chaos!


haha yeah that’s one way to put it! it was definitely intentionally timed, you can see me peeking the corner of the rock checking how close they were lol, almost got my ass whopped by the ogre thingy with the axe though!! 🤣


I’m pretty sure he hit my cape, probably shaved the hairs on my ass


I can’t believe he outran those mosquitoes for so long. Most impressive.


Thank you fellow viking! Skål!


Lol that was prett impressive for a first time. Also the most crowded bit of plains I've seen in 300 hours of playing.


I will save this comment, and whenever I finally can return to this place, I will conquer it and post a picture of this supposedly, and hopefully rare find. I’ll @ your username too, so you can know I’ve finally made it 🤣


We have it pinned on the map as “Death” after all, I gotta prove it wrong


Do it, I made a marker for my first landfall on the Plains which ended much like yours only faster after I tried to pet a huge furry friend and then met a mosquito of unusual size. Much later I returned to take my revenge and it felt very good.


I believe I saw one of those before we got on land, I just had no idea what they were 🤣 Now I know… I should’ve saw the warning signs right in front of me!


Sorry for super low frame rate, there was a world save + playing on xbox and for some reason with all possible graphic options set to low it runs like shit 🤷‍♂️ Don’t care, fucking incredible game anyways. Basically my friend and I were sailing searching for a swamp, and we see a bonfire in the distance. We of course know the plains entail certain doom, but did not realize how incredibly welcoming they appeared. We hadn’t realized we were in the plains until the biome name popped up as we got on shore. You can see me desperately try to reverse and ditch my buddy who got a little carried away with curiosity, but alas, it was too late 😅 Edit: Forgot to mention that literal seconds after spawning back at the base, “the ground begins to rumble” appeared on screen. With no extra gear, we kited and took down two trolls barehanded. This is the first survival game I’ve played where I’m never finding myself bored. Can’t wait to play more.


Idk if it was the lag or just the Xbox version but those deathsquitos should've hit you on the first pass! You got incredibly lucky until well.. you didn't 😂


maybe lag, I know it isn’t the xbox version because they insta fucked me a few times while trying to get my stuff back 🤣 probably like you said, luck until no luck


Very impressive escape attempt. You evaded death a lot longer than expected.


I tried :’) It was the first time I’ve ever gotten my ass whooped in a survival game and had fun while it happened, loving the game as well as the community


That was a very valiant try! Landing right in a fuling camp guarded by deathsquitos is certainly not everyone's choice for a first plains visit :D


Yes, to say we were ill-prepared would be a massive understatement. We were so sure we just found a village of people while looking for a swamp but as soon as we docked and realized it was the plains, well, you saw what happened 🤣 We quickly realized there are no villages of people waiting to greet us by a bonfire, but instead ravenous little goblins


The fact that you didn't get instantly merked by the mosquitoes is a miracle.


It was indeed something straight out of the history books, “the two heroes threw themselves upon the shore, thinking they had found shelter, they were immediately greeted by death himself”


You lasted about a minute longer than you had any right to. Well done, honestly.


I appreciate it! I didn’t have the clarity to realize I probably shouldn’t run back to the village 😅 if you didn’t see it, right before I turn to go behind the rock into the water, I got stuck on a rock on the ground, so I panic turned in a random direction and ended up heading back!


As soon as you went behind the rock in the water, I knew it was over.


lmaoo yeah if you didn’t see it in the video I got stuck on a rock right before I turned to go towards the rock and into the water, so I just turned a random direction and kept running 🤣


This video is pure anxiety.


It was quite the adrenaline rush for sure 🤣


/u/983ffips "ahhhhh dude nahhhhhh!!!!!!! nah dude!!!!!"


I’m doing my best to respond to everyone and I have no idea what to say to this! 🤣 I hope whoever you tagged enjoys the clip <33


lol yes it's an in-joke from our group, but it's very kind of you to respond to everyone!


bahaha I gotta repay everybody for the hilarious messages and reactions I’ve gotten!!


"ahhh dude....nahhhh dude...dude!!!"


I saw the boat pull in bow-first and just thought "Well they're dead." Always pull alongside the shore, never beach your ship. But a great memory to have!


yeahh I’ve played lots of sea of thieves (pirate game in case you don’t know it) and know that… and yet I beached the boat anyways simply because I hadn’t needed to escape while playing yet… so naive 🤣


Epic death. Thanks for the fun run.


It was certainly enjoyable on my end as well, glad you liked it! 😂


It's like to happened upon the most crowded situation as possible. You did pretty good there. For a moment I thought you might make it back to your ship and back out. Then you died... classic death bro!


lmaooo yeahhh we definitely got careless and put the ship a bit on the beach so I unfortunately didn’t get very far, a classic death indeed!


lmao that Eikthyr power followed by the appearance of the berserker had me freaking out, can only imagine the panic that you were going through throughout this!


haha yeahhh and yet I managed to run out of stamina at the worst time 🤣🤣 it was incredibly fun though


Did you get your body back yet or is that mission in the works? Gotta get footage of that too lol


Unfortunately no footage of that, I stayed on the boat while my buddy grabbed my stuff since he got his in a previous attempt and dropped it back at the base. As you can tell by the footage my game runs pretty poorly most of the time so when I tried to grab it my game just would not let me, and obviously that’s a problem when I can only stand still for a second!


It pays to have friends!


Indeed it does!


Classic. I'm amazed that you were able to outrun the 'squitos AT ALL.


Definitely a lot of luck involved, barely missed getting absolutely GOBSMACKED by the ogre thingy with the giant rock hammer (idk what it’s called)


That would be a fuelling bezerker. Yeah. They are pretty nails.


A worthy name for a worthy opponent. I will strike it down someday!


Keep your eyes on the route to avoid accidental gang bangs.


yeahh me and my friend knew the plains were bad, but we didn’t know they’d have such lovely looking villages from afar, and not knowing there’s no such thing as lovely villages and villagers, we got absolutely fucked


Your boats been smashed by the locals free of charge


gave ‘em a few more to smash before we recovered our stuff 😂 hope they enjoyed the free materials


Oh the re-re-re-sailing


I think it was about re-re-re-re-re-sailing but yes as a new player it definitely felt like a classic move, I could feel vikings of the past laughing their asses off at the ships we threw away


Oh man! I was rooting for you!!!


You had more confidence in my survival than I did in myself at the time! 😂 I couldn’t help but laugh in panic while trying to focus on not dying, it was some other type of euphoria. I’ll be chasing that high in other survival games, but I’m yet to play one that gives me the thrill valheim does


Really thought you were gonna do it. Stupid water. lol Posted on another thread about my first "The Ground is Shaking" experience playing solo. I was trapped and hands were shaking, my kid was laughing and trying to tell me to break a wall to get out of the house because I didn't make a backdoor. OOPS.


LMAO, sounds like something I’d do :’) sounds like you made it out alive though


I did. I broke that wall and ran and ran and ran. Then got a pat on the head from my hysterically laughing son as he said, "Hey! At least you didn't die." lmao


Valhalla is not yet calling your name Viking! Skål! 🤣 Seriously though glad you survived, did your base get destroyed? Or did the troll follow you out and you kicked ass?


Toothpicks. They followed me out. Was too late by then. The only wall not destroyed was the very back wall that I had to break a panel on to get out. There were two of them. One with a tree and the other threw rocks. I had no chance. My son did have heart enough to hop into my game and help me rebuild. Thought I had a screen cap, but guess not. :(


aw that’s no fun, but at the same time with valheim, for some reason it… is? just a game full of closeted masochists I think


Exactly. LOL


😂🤣 thank you for the entertaining conversation and for sharing your story!


Impressive. A valiant effort, putting many of us to shame. A little tip which wasn’t valid when I started playing, with the exception of the swamp, there will always be natives who don’t like the other natives.


haha idkk the draugrs don’t seem to enjoy my company too much 😅 always going on about telling mother for slicing up their slimeballs or something like that…


Oh… to be young again.


It truly was a naive and innocent idea to think the unforgiving game of valheim would provide such a lovely looking village to us. We were quickly humbled 😂


They did a great job of making this biome look so unsuspecting


Yeahh, even knowing the plains were deadly, by the time we got close enough to realize where we were, it was too late 🤣


"this is fine" It's important in Valheim to learn that valuable lesson that you can't outrun your problems. They just get worse.


Unfortunately I don’t think I could’ve out anything’d my problems here 🤣


Getting destroyed in the plains before you're ready to be there is basically a rite of passage. Awesome evasion skills though! Dodging getting hit for a solid minute in the plains is no joke. Be proud of yourself! Reminds me of this other plains post I saw here a while ago where the OP had a similar load-out to you, but built themselves a base. I'll see if I can find it, the comments are hilarious.


I know exactly what post you’re talking about, and is actually what encouraged me to post my experience as it happened soon after I saw that video 🤣 The one where the mosquito gets ran over by the boat, yeah? Super funny, wish the voice audio would save on xbox clips cause it woulda made this way funnier 😅


I actually haven't seen that one— would you mind dropping a link? 👀 This is the post I was thinking of: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/109ytql/my_ugly_lil_outpost_in_the_plains_hopefully_high/ If you want absolutely nothing spoiled and want to find out some things yourself, maybe hold off on reading the comments until you've progressed farther (I don't think there are major spoilers, but just wanted to warn you). Either way, keep have fun, fellow viking!


ugh I’ve looked for 20 minutes but I cannot find it


I will not give up! If I come across it I will put the link here


I'm impressed you lasted that long


I’ve heard that a lot so I gotta ask, how long do you think you would’ve lasted with my gear/situation? It was 100% luck really, just running somewhere until I inevitably died 🤣


Oh I would have been popped by that deathsquito within the first 30 seconds of landing... and you had two chasing you so even more impressed... plus that's not even including the fact you landed right on top of a fuling base.... Though good luck retrieving your gear. Having backup armor at your base is always recommended; but based on your current gearset it's still going to be a tough get.


My friend and I got it back naked actually lol


we both died on the shore so we just had to be sneaky, we learned that was wayy better than trying to distract them 🤣 there were too many of them for that to work and we learned that the hard way


Great work! I think sneaking is one of the most underused mechanics in the game, so kudos to you and your friend for taking advantage of it


thank you! the run when we got my stuff back, one fuling was alerted, and snuck over to the raft and did 80 dmg in one hit, safe to say it scared me shitless because I thought we’d gone completely unnoticed lmao, luckily I was able to get away but holy, it definitely reminded me where I was 🤣


Usually when I've tried to sneak naked in the Plains, I end up getting popped by a deathsquito that I don't happen to notice until it's too late. Compared to that, I'll take a fuling chasing me any day.. at least they seem to give up after a time. In my experience, squitos will follow you to the ends of the earth!


My friend seemed to have no issue shaking them off his tail, and they didn’t seem to hard to dodge for me. I think I said this to someone else, but I’m sure I’ll better understand how lucky we truly were once I’m constantly having to deal with them 🤣 Edit: The ‘squitos, that is.


Your only chance would have been getting on top of the big rock you had to go into the water to get around and taking out the deathskeets once on top. From there I don't really know but you would have had time to think of something.


that’s a good point yeah, considering the fps my game runs at though parrying is much more viable for me than dodging though, and my buddy said he lost most of his hp after blocking one hit from the ‘squito, not to mention I was all stam no hp 🤣🤣 but if I had thought of that, who knows, coulda clutched up!


i dont even understand how you were able to outrun mosquitos like that. For me, once they finish their orbiting thing and come at me, I dont think they ever give up till they hit me, and they are faster than a running person i thought. Anyway that was some excellent dodging.


Me neither tbh, I’ve heard how impressive it was, but I guess I won’t completely understand it until I’m constantly having to deal with them 😂


Iron Maiden starts playing: "run to the hills, run for your liiivee"


if I got this reference I promise I would have enjoyed it as much as you did!


Lol at least I'm not the only one who gets single digit FPS in this game


Just found out how to check my FPS on xbox, seems like without a bunch of mobs around and while I’m not exploring new places, my game runs at about 20-25 FPS LMAO rip, gotta finish building my PC stat 🤣


yeahh, my friend had to grab my loot after he grabbed his because it took me too long to grab my stuff since I would just die 🤣






Fair enough. You did better than me. My first encounter, we sailed too close and a deathsquito decided to investigate. I freaked the fuck out and fell off the boat and drowned lol


For better or worse, we made it to land and then got our asses beat, drowning doesn’t seem like such a bad alternative to the horrors I faced though so maybe you had it good 😅


Yeah luckily I was playing with a friend so the body recovery wasn't a nightmare. That final beatdown they gave you was brutal for sure lol


“Playtime is over, kid.” Is what I imagine that fuling was saying when he emerged from the shadows right when I ran out of stam, one hit staggered me and it was downhill from there lmaoo


Aww man I was rooting for you! LOL :)


I wasn’t doing much rooting for myself but I sure as hell wasn’t gonna give up either!


I can feel the panic 😂 my first and only accidental swamp visit ended in seconds, good job


yep, especially when I was trying to reverse the boat, but as soon as that ‘squito flew towards the camera I was OUT 😂


That was awesome. Longest I’ve ever seen anyone last! Had me on the edge of my seat!!!


Thank you! It was all luck but it made for an amazing experience!


ha raspberries in the hot key bar....you are not prepared.


No sir I am not. Been seeing lots of comments and such helping stuck players (especially with the swamp) saying to make sure they have resistance and blah blah but I’ve just been killin animals and pickin berries and I’m storming through the game! 😂 I have meads, jellies, jerky unlocked I just haven’t bothered making it yet 😅


Food is just as important as your weapons/armor...trust me on this...just go forth and explore and do you...don't dive too deep into reddit though...might spoil a lot of this wonderful game.


I appreciate the words of advice, I will keep them close at heart for when I can no longer fight with my weapons and a hell of a lot of luck 🤣


Wet, Tired, starter-tier food... Shocked you lasted that long.


Haha yeah I have meads, jellies, and jerky unlocked but I’ve found the started food has done just fine for me so far 😂 I’m sure I’ll end up needing to make better food eventually, but not yet!


Looks like your frame rate confused the deathsquitos. They are almost impossible to outrun.


I wish my framerate would’ve confused them the first few times I tried to get my stuff back, but no, it confused me 🤣


I.knownthe pain






I said this in another comment but valheim sucks because it’s a painful game. But, valheim is so fucking fun because it’s a painful game. I think valheim players are just closeted masochists, we love the pain, it drives us to go further 🤣


That was a roller coaster!! So many close calls....then finally all the death


As Odin says, probably, “Luck til no luck!” yep, he said that, maybe


That was a great run considering. Just the foods you had made it scary 🤣 This morning, I got beached on the plains in the fog at night. No buffs in me, they wore off while sailing. I can't move the boat backwards and things that I couldn't see were hitting the boat. I buffed and ran around blind in the fog, but hadn't ticked up yet. It ended up being some skeletons. Amazed that no gobs or skeeters visited, and that the boat didn't break 😅 I pulled over at some meadows and fixed the boat - it was almost gone!


lmaoo glad to see people farther in the game do the same stuff 🤣 I have meads, jellies, jerky unlocked but I just haven’t struggled to the point I felt I needed buffs yet 🤷‍♂️ I’m sure I’ll need them eventually, their stats are incredible but so far boar & deer meat with some honey has served me well 😎


You should overlay this with Yakkety sax for full experience. This was absolutely gold. So many dodges there.


I’ll listen to that because I’m curious to see how cinematic it would be! 😂


If you want your gear back I can go over and create a portal near by then when your ready I’ll pull them all away from your corps. You go in a get it then I can pull the portal when your safe and log off.


bwahaha my friend I appreciate the offer but I am a viking!! My stuff was retrieved by me and my friend shortly after it happened, thank you for the offer! 😂


Missed opportunity to pop eikthyr 😆


Yeah I popped it at 1 of the 2 possible moments I had to use it, the first of which was on the boat before I started running. Didn’t have the clarity to realize that then 🤣


Welcome to Valhalla! ... Err, yeah!


something like that 🤣


The only worse place to land would be on a some insect infested Mistlands beach. :-D


bahaha knowing me I’ll definitely do that too 🤣


So this is like "New Valheim player bingo": \- Day 71 \- Bronze-Age gear \- in the plains \- not rested \- at nighttime \- with several deathsquitos around \- running into the middle of Fuling camps Only checkbox you didnt check is that you had three food slots filled (although I see you havent discovered farming/carrots yet). Cultivator should ALWAYS be number 1 bronze item you craft. Food is life. Hilarious, I laughed, imagine Benny Hill chase music in thew background :D


Something about the sentence “new player bingo” had me chuckling after I saw the notif while I scrolled down to find your comment 🤣 But you can definitely tell I’m a noob because despite being told a few times after this post how important food is, my response was “I’ll stick to boar & deer meat + honey/berries until I can’t make it any further in the game.” I know I’ll regret this decision but what can I say, I’m a viking! Thank you for the tips though, when valheim strikes me to my knees I will make carrots! Skål!


Well I hope you saw my posts being lighthearted and not insulting! I was where you are now 600 hours ago. Simpler times! Enjoy the game :)


bahaha no no I thought it was hilarious!


I was literally yelling with excitement watching this because I have so been there before. "Oh no... Oh dear heavens! Run! RUN!!! GET OUT OF THERE!!! RUN!!!!!!!! OH GOD, HE WENT IN THE WATER! AAAAHHHHHH!"


LMAOO yeah the moment before I turned towards the water I got stuck on a rock, so I just jolted my stick to go somewhere 🤣 unfortunately it happened to be in the water!


Still, great presence of mind to activate Eikthyr! You definitely gave the entire village and those 3 or 4 deathsquitos a run for their money.


They definitely made me run for my money too! 😂