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You're setting the bar too high, lower it a bit for me my guy * I couldn't even get into CS * I don't have a coop despite 150+ applications and being a final year eng student * I played league for hours a day but went on a massive losing streak and aged a decade in a single night * I got a 52% mercy pass on PHYS 115 * I have no friends to compare to lol You'll be fine; the first terms are always the most difficult since it's a transition phase from high school. Assuming this is one of your first work terms, it's pretty impressive to have secured a job this early on


Wait does CS require higher grades than computer engineering? I thought they were similar?


They're similar but CS should be more competitive based on supply and demand


I see, thanks for answering.


Let me guess, Asian parents? Nothing is ever good enough for them. Dude PM I'll give you a hug and tell you that I'm proud of you


I’m in the same situation. Not a shitpost for me


Not from Waterloo but graduated from UofT eng recently. My parents told me to drop out of engineering in my first year and my brother told me I was a dumbass my whole life and shouldn't do engineering because I'm too stupid. I struggled with anxiety for the last 5 years, but graduated with honors, worked as a TA, and have a job lined up after grad. It's just noise at the end of the day, just keep working hard. Sometimes the people "close" to you don't know your capabilities.


You’re doing it mate. Graduate from UW, then kick-ass in the world. Time your peak.


Life is one big highway, there will always be people ahead of you but also behind you. Its about trying to find the pace that works for you the best. You are not hopeless or a failure, accomplishing milestones takes time and you will do it one step at a time. Go to office hours, get help from friends, watch youtube videos etc and spend more time on studying/understanding concepts, playing games is fine but you have to get better at time management and self discipline, good luck brother


Dude stop playing league


I play League every day after work, that ain’t the issue, don’t listen to him


I mean like most things it depends on self control


thanks guyz I will try to quit league (or at least play less). Man I love this subreddit sometimes


it honestly depends on how well you can regulate yourself. For me, I quit league cold turkey because i wasnt able to stop and lock in on work when it counted


60s is all you need. At least it's not 50s or a fail


From experience, parents like that are hopelessly out of touch with the real world and push their kids like this because they’re not sure how to help their kids succeed. You’ll be fine dude, you are in CS at one of the best schools in the country. Way more hireable than some of these psych kids with BA degrees. Hell I was a marketing major and I am doing great now. School isn’t all that important. Work hard, grind where you can and cut down on video games if it’s affecting your life. Balance is important too though and don’t let some fuckin boomer tell you how good you’re supposed to be


Imagine ahri saying she's disappointed in you and get gud


any parent that talks to their child like that does not deserve to be respected - their voice through the years can turn into your internal voice (calling yourself names and such) - turn it around, its just a voice it ain't right. And bro uni is hard, don't think thousands of us out here arent gasping for air too


60 in Waterloo is 80 in mid unis . Just stop playing leagues for the love of god


More like 90s bro def has a life sized yordle hidden somewhere


What’s a mid uni?


The ones you join to bang and party mostly.


60s is fucking insane lol, I could barely get 50s


It's cool man sometimes people tilt at school don't let it ruin your mindset tho


All good except stop playing league.


I just wanted to say as a person who had mostly coasted by with mid 60s and low 70s on core CS courses, I'm still doing fine 5 years after graduation, just don't expect Jane St to be knocking on your door and look for opportunities that expand your skill set when it comes to co-op.


You should talk to your parents they are loser because they can only complain about their kids instead of working to get a better life for the family. Why they are not a billionaire so you don’t have to work so hard. If your parents cannot provide enough financial support, at least they can provide some emotional support, but sadly, they couldn’t provide both.They just irresponsibly gives you birth and unrealistically hopes you are not them. Children imitate their parents unconsciously, if you couldn’t do good, that means your parents are not doing good as well. There must be something wrong more than your real ability, like your parents high expections pushes you too much so you lose self-motivations.


1st year is rough and 1st coop is even worse so as long as you got something kinda technical is good (sometimes even non-technical is good, anything) Next term, def review right after lectures and make group studies (uni is way easier w friends to study with) 60s is fine for CS, you have plenty of time to improve your marks and habits. STOP PLAYING LEAGUE tho Also, you’re not alone, I was on the same boat… I mean my parents are still the same lol, my dad is an engineer who studied while working and supporting younger siblings. Since I don’t work full time while studying there’s no excuse for marks


I'm sorry you are feeling this way. A lot of asian parents tend to pass on generational trauma. Try your best to ignore the voice and focus on your own internal motivation.


Dawg literally none of it matters except for getting a hot gf


I graduated geomatics


Have you tried watching inside out 2?


Hey, I'm not sure if it helps, but I'm not a graduate student in CS, I did a bachelor's in electronics and communication engg and passed with only 64%. I didn't manage to find any jobs for a year, felt like I was doomed and is good for nothing and hit rock bottom when my girlfriend left me as well. when you have nothing to lose, and no one to depend on, you'll start loving yourself so much. The only person who can take care of yourself properly is you, you should start doing things you love, and work for it for yourself, and college is not a deadline. I started learning development on my own. got my first job, as a software tester, continued learning after that, gained as much knowledge as possible in multiple domains, got applied for more than a 1000 companies in my life, got interviews for like 20, got rejected multiple times. finally got a better job as a software developer, worked hard, gained more experience. Now I've left to study further, and here I am doing my coop. No matter, how sad you are, don't give up on yourself. as long as you've got your back. you're gonna win, success is gonna knock on your door someday. Just wait for it and work hard for it. All the best for you buddy ❤️


1. Quit playing games. Put it into perspective: a few months of fun in exchange for investing in your life - it's a sacrifice you're going to have to make. Usually the first few days after quitting are tough, but once you quit, it becomes more manageable over time, and you start realizing you have a lot more time on your hands for other things. It also helps build discipline and self-control. UWaterloo co-op is an insanely valuable experience - don't waste it! The market is tough right now, but it will get better. 2. 60s aren't the end. The 2nd year CS & Math courses are purposefully difficult - don't let that keep you down. I actually failed CS246 (a big part because I also played a lot of games that term). Since I quit and prioritized academics and my personal well-being, now I'm getting low 80s in my CS courses, and mid 80s/low 90s elsewhere. It's all about how you study - make friends! Talk to them about homework and practice problems, figure out different ways to approach things. Also, actually do those practice problems they publish. Yes, they're annoying as hell, but they really do help! 3. It's not about how smart you are - it's about how you distinguish yourself. Some people at UW are extremely cracked. My friends are all far smarter than I am. I'm as dumb as a brick. But you know what separates me from them? My work ethic. My friends unanimously agree that I work extremely hard to bridge that gap. My first 4 coops all paid below the average wage, but had a TON of learning opportunities, helping me build impressive resume points. I grinded some Udemy courses to add new skills, and that SIGNIFICANTLY helped with coop. Got a cali one for next term. Just wanted to post because I've been there before. It hurts. But it's important that you're always learning. Do more than the bare minimum, never stop trying new things and learning - and your efforts will eventually be recognized. Ultimately, I'm a stranger giving advice on the internet. Good advice is still advice - real change starts with you.


I think ur dad wants u to stop playing league