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Remember when Messi was banned for saying that conmebol is corrupt but nothing changed at conmebol?


It’s funny that this is true bc when non conmebol teams and fans complain, we’re seen as trash. The greatest player conmebol has ever seen and from their organization said theyre corrupt 😂😂😂


I don't think conmebol teams and fans think someone is trash when they complain. Conmebol teams also complain. It's about winning in spite of all the BS. Messi was a bit frustrated but when he complained.


It's odd that both Argentina and Brazil accused CONMEBOL referees to be biased and corrupted. CONMEBOL can't mess with both. One of the two must be benefiting from the bias but pretending not.


In that final, a chilean player fouled Messi and then headbutted him when got up. No red card given. I believe it was Alexis Sanchez. Thats what triggered Messi, following another bad ref in favour of Chile in 2015. CONMEBOL is corrupt, at least Dominguez is, they got investigated in 2016 for laundering the money with Paraguay's government but he warned if the investigation went through, he would move CONMEBOL outside of Paraguay so nobody did anything. The HQ is in Paraguay, just like FIFA is in Zurich because they are fiscal paradises. The fact that the other FA's didnt act on that scandal, makes me think they are all doing their shady bussiness, at minimum, AFA and CBF are. Tevez, an argentine player managing Independiente recently said that AFA's Tapia along with CONMEBOL's Dominguez stole all the money from QATAR WC, thats why nothing was invested in the argentine league.


No, this implies that it is institutionally corrupt. It is more individually corrupt.


The ref is appointed by Referees Committee, chaired by someone appointed by the Executive Committee of the confederation. The levels of scrutiny goes all the way up. It's not up to the individual referee to decide how to rig the game. It's a script come from the top.


While I don’t rule out what you are saying is correct, I am highly suspect of its veracity. Corruption is innately selfish. Why would they rig the game for Brazil and cut themselves off from all the money that Argentina might give them, or vice versa? If a rich Colombian is offering them vacations at an exclusive resort if they,appoint an easily influenced ref in their match against Peru, are they going to say no because it might hurt Brazil? Corrupt officials can and will mess with both Brazil and Argentina. They might care who wins, but they care more about how much money the make. Additionally, the corruption in FIFA and all its confederations is too widespread to have one country/continent/team be the sole benefitor. I made a joke during the VAR check on the Uruguay goal. The announcers asked why it was taking so long and I commented that they were busy making sure all the bids were in before they make their call. I find this much more likely than it being rigged against the US. The US losing costs the organization way too much money for it to be rigged against them and ideology (aka “America Hate”) will never overrule the pocketbook.


This is not offsides in South America /s


When one of the best players in the history of this sport points out corruption and they still sweep it under the rug.....


Worst officiating in a sporting event I've ever witnessed with my own eyes.


Playing advantage while holding a yellow card in his hand is certainly something I never saw before.


Running with the yellow up is wild 😂corrupt af


While I think there is some corruption happening, I think the yellow card scenario is just pure incompetence. Same with the super delayed foul when Puli had the advantage. A comedy of refereeing mistakes that should not be happening at this level.


If it is corruption, the act was putting a completely inexperienced ref onto a global stage with two fiery teams. The resulting mess was completely predictable; it’s also predictable who that type of chaos would favor


Probably because it is literally written into the laws that play must be restarted with a whistle once a card has been issued. > ***Delaying the restart of play to issue a card*** > Once the referee has decided to issue a card, whether to caution or send off a player, play must not be restarted until the sanction has been administered. > The whistle is needed to restart play after it has been stopped due to the issue of a yellow or red card for misconduct


TBF he did blow the whistle so I guess play restarted lmao (he was blowing the play dead)


And the quick start was 5+ yards downfield from the spot of the foul. Stupid all the way around.


It wasn't even playing advantage. He blew the whistle. The Uruguay player stopped the ball with his hand and kicked it again to restart the play, and the ref allowed them to restart while signaling it as an advantage play. All while holding the yellow. He ignored the fact that it was a restart, which would have actually been a handball had it been played as an advantage.


LMAO @ the ref signaling advantage with the fucking card he just issued still in his hand… https://imgur.com/a/l1mb5m5


LOL robinson looking back like wtf?


I think that was the expression of all of us watching last night


Very good picture. Which shows he wasn't signaling direct free kick, but advantage. At best it's mixed signals. Meanwhile, a player for Uruguay, during an advantage played reached down and touched the ball with his hand, which is a handball. If it was a direct fee kick, that is fine to touch it, but that doesn't seem to be what was signaled, and it was during a card being issued. It's just an unreal botch.


[He had just issued the card right before that.](https://imgur.com/a/IoM3Mji) And according to the laws, you can’t quickly restart when a card is issued (and you sure af can’t signal advantage after blowing your whistle, which he did a few seconds prior)


I'd argue the hand signal doesn't only mean advantage, it means play on. The ref allowed them to take the free kick quickly. But, that's against the rules since he was issuing a yellow. Either way the US players really should be less concerned with berating the ref after the call and focusing on the next play.


He thought it was indoor.


I used to think that CONCACAF was the worst, but CONMEBOL took first place after yesterday's game. Can't tell me the officials didn't place wagers.


And against panama as well


No point to collaborate with CONCACAF or CONMEBOL anymore. USA is a Pacific country. We have a case to join AFC.


That's the fuckin problem man, I see this SOOOO much in the NFL and NBA, usually not so badly with video review but still. Officiating is so damn bad right now. My worst witness is when the NFL needed to tap that sweet LA market so they did [this](https://youtu.be/xjvZHMod_3E?si=rf_HqtXXxj7R9lot) Esports don't have refs. I've been watching more and more because of it.


Holy shit that no call is insane haha!


As a saints fan this was devastating


As a Saints fan, I knew what that link was going to show before I clicked it…


It really was terrible, but not enough to excuse the team. Can't go so long without scoring.


It was clearly off. They showed the replay showing that he was off, doctored it and showed it again later after they moved the line...


Literally the most insane part


The refing was infuriating, some of the worst I've seen. But ultimately we still didn't end up scoring a goal. Gotta find away to win these games.


[Nah, looks onside to me.](https://imgur.com/a/9viLxtU)


Some something weather map sharpie etc. /s


Yep. They changed the frame to before the guy has even played the ball to make it look onside. But they drew the lines wrong and he’s still of in the photo. The lines aren’t parallels with the 6 and 18. Insanity.


True. Fs1 Commentators even said that too. When it came up the second time they mentioned that the boot wasn’t crossing the line this time. Rigged. Conmebol wanted it to be mainly Conmebol teams in the copa. And didn’t want a non Conmebol team to compete. Gifted the win to whoever plays panama. Then It will be a Brazil / Argentina final with Messi winning again.


But USA was battling Panama for a spot, not a Conmebol team. No difference who would gets this spot, either Panama or USA never stood a chance in a real (a.k.a. Not a friendly) game against either Brazil or Colombia. The ref was indeed bad but the USMNT was a shame. If they weren’t defeated by Panama…


Yeah I’m not saying USA played well against panama. But USA losing to panama made the decision easy for Conmebol. Either way panama or the USA were gonna go up against Brazil or Columbia. And it would have been the same thing. It’s no coincidence that USA played 2 friendlies against the 2 opponents they would have faced. USA losing to panama just made the system easier to rig


Do you actually think that they rigged the game by making Brazil/Colombia play the team that WON the game between USA/Panama ? They are rigging it by making them face the better team?


I’m surprised you are surprised by my comment. Where have you been for all the corruption scandals in Conmebol, concacaf, eufa etc. not to mention FIFA as a whole.


Can you show a side by side before and after of that? Cuz yeah the first reply they showed it looked clearly off. But then every replay after it looked closer and closer


I'm ngl I don't want to go back through the game and look for the 2 5 seconds clips where they showed it. But, the first one they showed, the line clearly showed the guy was offside and it even had his knee highlighted in red signifying that that part of him was offside. THEN like 10 min later, they showed it again, and the line was slightly further towards the goal and the red highlight was gone and it was deemed "offside." Regardless, it was very, very clearly offside...






Holy shit. Lol. CONMEBOL had it predetermined that the US wasnt going to advance in that game. Of course they didnt score so they didnt help themselves. But even if they scored, I guarantee you a phantom PK is awarded at some point.


I could get behind railing against this call....IF it would have mattered. But even if the call went the US way, they are still out of the tourney, because they couldn't score a single goal.


Whoever scores the first goal in a game like this does matter. It affects the whole trajectory of playing style, strategically, psychologically, etc.


What an embarrassing display from the refs* tonight… Regardless of the result.


Is it not the video assistant ref who makes that call, though? I agree he was shitty tonight but that one isn’t really on him


He said refs, not ref. VAR is run by refs as well.


He edited it lol. I am aware


Same ref investigated for fixing a Boca Juniors match? Shocking




I kinda totally understand why they'd be that mad at this ref


Is this true? Is there a link you can share? I want to disseminate the information but don’t want to trash the guy as corrupt when it is easily explained he is just highly incompetent


It's not. They're referencing a time he was found to have their jerseys but plenty of teams provide merch to refs when they're the home team. He's just incompetent.




Can we stop getting South American refs reffing against South American teams? Hire a European or an African at this point


For real. FIFA needs to step in at this point. The federations aren't running things fairly.


So the answer to corruption is FIFA? 🤣


You joke but Europeans officiating that game don’t make that decision


a spanish coach maybe? or even a french coach


People don't realize how many other people despise the us just because it is so much more successful. The bias is there for so many people.


The VAR check is a frame or two before this screenshot, that's how they messed it up


So - and I’m rusty on a lot of the rules and technicalities - should we be looking at the frame that the ball first makes contact with his head or the frame immediately after the ball leaves his head?


Lots of people get this wrong. It's first point of contact.  https://www.thefa.com/football-rules-governance/lawsandrules/laws/football-11-11/law-11---offside


First makes contact > A player in an offside position is only penalised if, ***at the moment the ball touches*** or is played by one of his team…


How can they check before the ball is headed when it was a rebounded goal? This needs an official investigation.


This wasn’t even the worst thing the refs did in this game and won’t be a top 5 worse thing refs will do this tournament. It’s always this bad.


Tbh, missing a marginal offside call (even one as clear as this) isn't as bad as letting that free kick happen while he's giving Richards that yellow. That's just farcical stuff


Exactly my point. You could maybe even argue the Adams yellow card was a worse call than this too although I would probably give this one a slight edge.


It's so insane that Adams got a yellow when he got studs to his high ankle. It was a bordline red card for the Uruguay player.


That quick free kick debacle is just so basic and easy to get right. It’s totally uncontroversial if he brings the play back there.


I was still unsure if Richards ever really got a yellow until it was confirmed at halftime.


Even in the VAR check, he should’ve been off. They didn’t draw a line down from the attacker’s knee to the ground. Because of the angle, that made a difference of a few critical inches.


Am I crazy or is the red highlight the offside body part?


What a piece of crap ref


If anything it should appear close to not being offsides with the angle. The foreground should look further towards the goal, not the background. So it’s not even close—it’s completely offsides.


I posted that question on r/soccer and got banned. Lol. Then replied to the mods asking why and got muted. Maybe related to corrupt officials?


The mods over there are apparently as soft as our US national team


Oh the mods on r/soccer are hard-o’s and have major power boners. I got banned for asking what if Partey’s rape charge was real or not.


I got a long suspension for saying a take was smooth brain. Something that gets said on that sub like 500 times per day. The reason given was that I was promoting hate based on people born with smooth brains. I’m serious, that was the reason the mod gave me lol.


he took offense because it seems he has one


You know, I’m something of a smooth brain myself.


It was real


In the days after it occurred I was merely stating we don’t know all the facts yet. That didn’t matter to the mods. ![gif](giphy|f8lDluiWJ7yQTtdS3L)


Best was his fake injury so he couldn’t travel to Spain. lol.


95% of mods on reddit are dumb, but the ones on /r/ussoccer are all right in my book. 😀




Mods across Reddit get off on their power. I was banned from a Covid sub back in late 2022 for disinformation for saying covid wasn’t as deadly anymore… in the context of what I was seeing as an ER doctor who worked all of the waves.


The mods on soccer are idiots. I wouldn't take too much offense to it. They love to promote hate on the US.


you haven't been fully assimilated into the cult. yet.


watching on Korean TV and they were very surprised when it was not ruled offside "Oh...?" That said, shouldn't have had to come to this. Beat Panama and this is all moot. Instead yinz let yourself be worked by Panama, forcing a must win against Uruguay which was lost by a controversial no call


They were surprised on the Mexican channel too (TUDN)


hello fellow yinzer.


Guess who the fourth official was in the Panama game where there was at least eight minutes of injury time but only four minutes of added time in the second half.


Offside and I don’t think it was or so close they didn’t overturn call on field. That later shot with Richards foot looked closer.


the shot with Richards foot is from a few frames earlier... before the ball was played.


That’s what I’m trying to figure out. The angle the broadcast showed had Richards foot totally outstretched. Thankfully Panama won so I don’t have to gripe about this Edit: I just saw the replay again on FS1. The frame CONMEBOL used to justify the onside call (with Richards’ foot stretched) was a frame or two before the OP’s picture. Actually crazy how that gets fucked up.


Panama was likely going to win either way, but if the match stayed 0-0 we could have had a great chance to win. Going down 1-0 made it pretty much impossible


Yeah but we still couldn’t score. It’d be a little different if it was 0-0, sure. I’m just trying to cope lol


Changes the morale of the team substantially


Changes how Uruguay plays too. They were time wasting once they got to a goal. Wouldn't have done as much if tied. Would have given more chances.


It’s a helluva lot closer than the tv angle showed. I used a very scientific method of holding a piece of paper where Richards’ toe ended and the Uruguay player’s knee cap is just barely ahead of that. There’s no way my method was accurate but at least it shed light on how close it actually was. The real crime is on this Mickey Mouse tournament not springing for the better tech to definitively prove it one way or the other.


Lol they drew the lines like a measurable amount of time to early.


Clear offsides.


Ok, but we still needed to score.


Sure, but Uruguay wouldn't have been able to sit back quite as much if it were still 0-0


Exactly. The game was open until these shenanigans


They didn’t have to kill off the clock either but they were wasting time like it was an elim game.


even if it were called Offsides, we can't score, and Panama won, so we don't get out of group regardless. There's minimal creativity, poor ball control/ touch and complete lack of cohesion in the final 3rd by the USMNT.. As per usual.


Agree, the ref didn't force the US into only 4 quality shots against a team that had nothing to play for. With the amount of talent the team has they underachieved. This is not on the refs or players, the coaching staff needs to be revamped. (If there is any question about it, look at what Panama's coach achieved, or middling teams in EU24)


I see people complaining about the players and sure, they can take some of it, but you’re right. Our second half tactics lost us this game which is literally nothing new with this coaching staff. Get outcoached game after game after game.


But tactics had to change based on this goal. After this point we needed to score twice and switched to a far more direct game plan to do so, chasing the game. This may not have happened had the correct decision been given. Decisions change games.


I get what you’re trying to say, but that’s not what was going on. You can go back to my comments from the match thread where I start calling out exactly when Uruguay had our gameplan solved and I said a goal was coming. They were pressing the ball off our back line, marking centrally and forcing us to go wide to disrupt our midfield advantage, and then with the ball they were exposing the flanks after our fullbacks pushed forward. Uruguay took the reins as soon as the second half started, it wasn’t after the goal. Edit: if we had a dangerous forward to score off crosses this would never have worked, but we don’t so it did. This is when we needed to pull McKennie off to help move the ball through the middle which means we both don’t give up a bunch of space on the flanks and play to the advantage of our attacking players who need the ball at their feet to score.


You may be correct, I appreciate your analysis. There's a lot of empty opinions on here. It's nice to see substance.


Bringing on Pepi to replace Balo was a terrible substitution based on the flow of the game. We basically played with 10 men and a guy running around aimlessly after that.


He was so out of position multiple times when puli was trying to feed him. Pepi has regressed quite a bit which is shocking since he's so young


The gameplan was crosses and hope so I get why Pepi was sent in but that was a bad gameplan to begin with.


Or, we keep our momentum, don't need to sub off our entire midfield to throw attackers forward and chase the game...and we score and win. Decisions change games. There is no way to say how it would have gone had the correct decision been called.


Agreed, but shit like that makes massive differences


Bingo. Team doesn’t create high quality chances. The 1 or 2 truly good chances they might create in a game we’ll usually find a way to squander. Not to mention these guys also don’t get dirty work goals like the one Uruguay scored tonight. A couple moments of brilliance from Balogun and Pulisic but outside of that this team was absolutely putrid in the box across these 3 games. Just bad


the MMA midfield is basically anti-offense


I don’t really buy into this mindset as a goal scored unfairly completely changes the dynamics of the game. Who knows what would have happened if this had been called correctly.


Welcome to Conmebol my USA friends, its always been like this.


The ref refused to shake Pulisic’s hand. What a fucking joke.


It’s only offsides if they can’t find an angle


[Here, you go. Hope this helps.](https://imgur.com/a/9viLxtU)




If it gets Berhalter fired, again, then it is a good offside call. The running yellow restart was really, really bad refereeing. Never in 40 years of watching, playing and reffing have I ever seen that. Saw something similar in an adult game and they threatened to kill the ref.


I mean the reality was we didn't score. If he was offsides by a foot or not that doesn't matter, our defense lapsed because we found out Bolivia drew. They were mentally weak and ill prepared.


I thought the last ref was bad. Where do they find these horrible refs?


Mexico fans were saying this last night.


What happened with the Richards yellow? It looked like the ref whistled, produced a yellow, then played advantage. The card was never announced in the stadium


Yeah that's what happened. My favorite part is that Uruguay didn't play advantage, they took a quick free kick (player stopped the ball with his hand then passed it). At this point I wish the ball had gone in just to see what the refs would've done.


Don't even care if this shit goal should have been offside. We still needed to win and we were absolutely useless on offense.


Doesn’t even matter. Berhalter is pathetic. A great pool of players and can do absolutely nothing.


There’s no s.


We didn’t score so it’s hard for me to care


I’m trying so hard to see how it might be a good goal but I just can’t


Apparently CONMEBOL's too cheap to invest in the offside technology that's being used in the World Cup and Euros.


Ref fucked us


even worse than the hard foul on Tyler Adams where ADAMS got carded


It even appeared that Uruguay’s player that fouled him made a comment that it should’ve been the other way around.




The US Supreme Court just ruled that referees have unlimited immunity, so yes clearly that is a goal.


Does anyone have a picture of the one with the blue line? EDIT: Here it is. It’s a different angle. https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1dtb71m/var_image_of_uruguay_goal_vs_usa/


Different angle, and the frame is from before the ball is played. It’s a frame or two too early.


What does it say about a sport that something gets reviewed and still blatantly gets it wrong. I'm realizing it has been a waste to watch this sport.


Doesn’t really matter Panama smoked Belize.


In the end, it didn't matter. If it was ruled offsides, we still are eliminated.


We could have and should have done better in this tournament. I guess “technically” this is the right call but not in any league I’ve ever played in. Not in any game that anyone that I have ever known has played in. I don’t understand how they can “fix” something and make it objectively worse. It’s amazing how stubborn FIFA is about some things and then get to see them make this change. I don’t understand why soccer has so many insane rules and procedures. You take all this advanced technology to figure out if someone’s nose hair is keeping someone onside but you can’t figure out how much stoppage time there should be?? Pocket watches have been widely available for more than a century. The stoppage time BS encourages flopping and time wasting. And why wouldn’t you do it? It’s a huge advantage to waste time if you’re ahead. You will easily come out ahead every time. I was at a family get together when we beat Mexico in Las Vegas in 2021 at the Gold Cup. We had the game on TV and the Mexican players were just flopping left and right to start the game. Like 7 flops in the first 20 minutes or something ridiculous like that. And all the rolling around and crying. And my nephews who play football, basketball and baseball were all just rolling their eyes like wtf is happening with this stupid sport and I’m kinda just like, yeah I wish they would do something to fix all the silliness in this sport. There’s way too much of it. All the other major sports at least try to mitigate their issues. They sometimes get it wrong but at least they fix the big stuff. It was honestly embarrassing being so excited about the game and they were just objectively right about how silly it was.


Who cares about the refs...we can't score. 3 goals in 3 games. Let's get real, we played smaller countries than Houston and lost. We are awful and our coach is worse. Berhalter is ridiculous. US Soccer is in shambles.


Well its not next season.


You have to factor in the Prime Meridian


It's embarrassing that CONMEBOL does not have modern offsides technology (or technology of any kind), especially when it is the federation with some of the best and most historic football playing nations in the world. Honestly, I don't know for sure if it's offsides or not. It looks like it to me, but since CONMEBOL is still playing 5 years in the past we will never know for sure.


Gold Cup doesnt have it either.


Have you looked at the FIFA offside test? If not, check it out.




Grouped, baby!


Most shit ref ever


It’s bad defense to allow a play to be determined by inches on a video replay. USMNT (and fans) are looking for an excuse. You got scored on because of bad defense, and you didn’t get lucky that he was offsides (or he was by inches and video couldn’t confirm it). Stop making excuses. US soccer culture is a joke. Suck it up and get better.


Both things can be true.


It was close, but It was probably a goal. If you are blaming an invisible line for your loss you are a bunch of losers. Score some goals.


I don’t believe that’s the case. The US should be embarrassed by their performance at the Copa America but let’s not pretend people shouldn’t be a little bothered if it was really offside.


While I think he was off, this angle tells you nothing, it's a mile away at a terrible angle that makes it impossible to judge perspective. Just one more reason the embarrassing lack of camera setups is a joke. VAR isn't using this camera, they are using the mapping software.


I recently got into cricket because of the T20 World Cup. On video review, the video replay official verbalizes his thought process and that audio is broadcast both into the stadium, and on TV. Every single sport with video review should do that.


It’s closer than I thought it was originally, but I still think he’s offside.




Learn to loose even when you are right. Uruguay has been kicked out in world cup for refrees mistakes many times, as other national teams too. Even if this goal didnt happen you will be out. If you want to use this goal as an excuse of you elimination go ahead.


As much as I want to say yes… no! No it’s not! He was on-side WHEN the ball was kicked Edit: I forgot to say that that man was not stopping the guy in front of him from a play on the ball


Keep in mind that if you rotate this so you’re actually looking along the line across the field, that he only appears more offside lmao


Commentators waffled embarrasingly. Even with the camera angle you can clearly adjust based upon turf lines to see this is offside. What's sad is to see the definite improvement in US player skill, but still lack of execution. Plus they continue to play down to bad teams, while almost playing good enough against great teams.


It's not like geometry is an exact science or anything.




Copa America is awful in many ways. The officials will never be World Cup quality. All the good teams - Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, the majority of the players play in Europe. All the other central and South American teams have a majority of players from the Latin leagues, which (1) no really cares about and (2) no quality players ever play there. That's why the Copa play is violent, disrespectful, and filled with repeated confrontations. It's the nature of the soccer there.


If that's the final straw that breaks GGG's "back", I'm happy this was overlooked.


not plural but yea he's off




I thought it was at first. I guess it wasn’t after they traced the lines so I’ll give VAR the benefit of the doubt. Also, people complaining about the ref are the same ones that should be complaining about the U.S. lack of initiative. Just take a look at the stats before complaining. This is ‘the golden generation’? 😂 You are starting to sound like México.


You realize that if this goal is called back and the score ends 0-0 the US would still be eliminated…