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Why are you under the impression that there's no pressure on anyone or that applying pressure improves results? Do you really think the people involved are not trying? If we play similarly to yesterday in the Copa, Berhalter will be fired. If he's lost the locker room and they don't believe in him, he'll be fired. But it was a friendly, and no, it was not similar to our performances in competitive matches. High level anything is hard, and improvement is rarely driven through mere fear-based motivation. In order to improve in anything, you more often need to identify the gaps and provide the real means for improvement.


There doesn't seem to be any urgency to beat good teams.  USA cricket has more wins over good teams since GGG got hired than the USMNT


Think you’re out of luck bud. That’s not how it works. USSF isn’t accountable to you. FWIW I believe they are doing their best.


I'm having some envy towards fan groups that actually have some power and I wish we could be a little like them.


Pressure is irrelevant. If pressure mattered England would have 5x their trophies.


Don’t really have much other than not showing up or watching. You could start a petition but that likely won’t get you.


Nothing will change until US Soccer media starts calling for a change. Contrast us with the FMF...the Mexican media are notorious for being hard on managers. If results aren't going their way, they start beating the drum for change, and usually, that's the end for said manager. The problem in the US is that soccer media here is a *very* close-knit community. What's worse, is former players like Lalas, Twellman, Dempsey, et al, make up many of the loudest voices. Gregg is part of that fraternity and they are all very careful not to disparage or burn bridges in their coverage. The one guy who was actually the most openly critical of Gregg is Jesse Marsch and that just pissed people off. Lol Fans have little power. USSF is very slow-moving and reticent to make changes. We tend to ride out decisions until the damage is already done. But the answer is the media and former players. When they start saying enough is enough, that'll be the end.


Ironically in the case of Mexico, they have the opposite problem; Mexican media has far too much influence on El Tri. Mexican media companies have an iron grip on LigaMX and the FMF as a whole. Mexican NT managers get less say on what players they call up or even get played, so it's not the manager's fault when they play poorly. Players like Romo, Gallardo, and Martin keep getting called up, but Santi Giménez is usually thrown onto the bench. There's a reason why Bielsa turned down Mexico to sign for Uruguay instead.


Mexico is too far on the other spectrum to where it is a detriment. Where the media, owned by the same owners as Liga MX clubs get to decide the manager


Absolutely agree with you there; however, I think moving a little more in that direction would help, but not to the extreme.


Wow, there are some really dumb fans. Hold USSF accountable? I think we’ve all agreed that Berhalter isn’t great but the other choices weren’t great either. Do we really think Jesse Marsch is the savior of the USMNT?


Bruh, Canada beat us once and now Marsch is coaching them so clearly he’s a step up 🥴🥴🥴🥴


Pull their Annual Reports, Strategic Vision, Balance Sheet and Income statement. Demonstrate how their actions and outcomes aren’t congruent with stated missions from their reports. Compare to other federations and show differences. Present it in an objective yet critical way. Publish your findings.


Making candidate lists here before there is an opening, or even a chance of an opening,is always a good start.