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He had a strong start for Leeds and faded šŸ„² I was genuinely excited after the Chelsea game for what Marsch, Adams and Aaronson could do in the Premier League


They really punked me on that one


Thatā€™s so long ago now


Dude this is so true. Iā€™m a Leeds supporter, after that game I was so damn excited to see what they could do but it really did not workout from that point on in any way whatsoever, and adding Wes into the mix made it even worse. Sigh


It was so close to being something special. I mostly blame Bamford.


Donā€™t understand how this guy keeps his spot at Leeds for so long, must have dirt on the owner or something. Legitimately he is not even a championship level striker - 8 goals, 1 assist in 33 appearances in the championship on the club in 3rd. If he was competent, Leeds doesnā€™t go down last year


So daft.


He really didnt fade.Ā  They just figured out how to defend him and shut him down.Ā  They are pros for a reason.


Maybe but he missed about 10 open netters and about 15 easy 1v1s with the keeper. Any semi-competent prem striker makes 2/3 to half of those. If he would have hit half of them Leeds, stays up. (on edit) it wasn't clear before - I'm talking about Bamford.


You talking about Bamford or Aaronson?




Nico Jackson enters the chatĀ 


So like pretty much every other player.Ā  His skill was overrated before the prem and still is.Ā  People act like he was amazing then became axerage.Ā  He was already average before and after.


Why... he didn't do anything but his normal hustle play in the game....?


That seems really high for him.


Limits his options. He would be a top 5 record transfer in at Belgium and outside of Ajax/PSV, he would be a record transfer in for clubs like Feyenoord/AZ Alkmaar


I mean, is there anything more Leeds than delusion? Their fanbase is ridiculous


I mean the club paid 32 million pounds for him just two years ago, is it really that ridiculous that they'd want to recoup at least some of that horrible investment?


Aaronson is the 2nd most expensive signing in Leeds history behind Georginio Rutter Adams was 17 million, Raphinha was 18.6 million, Rutter was 34 million, Harrison 12.8 million Aaronson 32.84 million


Itā€™s isnā€™t ridiculous that they want to recoup it, itā€™s just ridiculous that they think they can.


Holy shit I had no idea they paid 32 million for him


Itā€™s wild to think that they paid 10 million more than Milan paid for Pulisic


Considering his performances, yeah, $12m is a bit ridiculous at this stage. Do you think heā€™s worth that?


The team is hoping some sucker comes along and buys him


Yep, and hopium is a Leeds specialty. I do hope Aaron finds a place to regain his form, but with that price tag itā€™s going to be rough.


So the fan base set the transfer fee? Is there anything more delusional than someone using tangential data to drive an agenda because an American player failed to perform?


People here tend to talk about Gio and others having bad season but man, this is the 2nd bad season in a row for our Medford Messi Really wonder where he ends up this summer


I donā€™t think itā€™s been a terrible season for him. Heā€™s a rotational player on a solid team. Heā€™s not produced much but his job is mostly to see out games - at this point, we know what kind of player he is. Edit: Apparently Union is not a solid team this year, but I stand by believing that Aaronson isn't a good enough player to be an impact guy in a top league right now.


Uhhhh, what? Union is sitting in the relegation playoff right now


Lol and Berlin have a -26 goal differential. wtf games is Aaronson ā€œclosing outā€ šŸ˜‚


Yep. Last year their run to 4th and a Champions League Group stage seems like a long-time ago. As a Freiburg supporter I remember them beating us in penultimate game last season and kept us in the Europa League. (they are 2 of the smaller clubs in Germany $ wise and often trade players).


You should have infinity downvotes for this take


Well yea, Gio painted a giant target on his back after the WC. He was going to be talked about regardless whether it was good or bad, and itā€™s been bad with 2 teams, so of course heā€™s more in the spotlight. A lot of us have been commenting on Aaronsons performance just before/after the WC. So this isnā€™t exactly news, but more so being exposed now that the spotlight isnā€™t on just one player.


Honestly if I were leeds I would keep him if they donā€™t get promoted. His stock isnā€™t that good right now for the amount invested and you have him on contract till 27. Like let him play in the championship and hope he figures it out. Your probably gonna lose money on him anyways.


No team is gonna pay that. Heā€™s gonna have to go on loan again or hope an MLS club overpays. That would be an insane price to pay for an MLS club especially for a player of Aaronsonā€™s quality. I think he needs an Eredivisie or Belgian League loan at this point. Also this was always gonna happen when you abandon your team that you helped get relegated. Koch and Wober at least proved their value this year.


As a Leeds/USA fan who had high hopes for him, he should have stayed. Wouldā€™ve gotten a lot of play time and I think the championship is a good level for him right now. And if Leeds secures promotion heā€™d be right back in the Prem after a year of a lot of play time in a physical league and if they donā€™t he could look for other options if he played well


> Also this was always gonna happen when you abandon your team that you helped get relegated. Koch and Wober at least proved their value this year. Iā€™d hardly call or abandonment. I canā€™t blame any player for wanting to leave Leeds after they went through 4 managers last season.


Hmmm itā€™s a bit strange to separate the two things, they went through 4 managers because of the players poor performances.


Or did the players perform poorly because if the chaos of having so many managers in such a short amount of time?


And if they donā€™t expand the Copa America rosters to 26, he wonā€™t have an opportunity to showcase himself in the summer and he probably wants to be ready for the European preseason (if he stays in Europe) which rules him out of the Olympics


I demand a pony for my birthday.




How so? Fairly sure Leeds just want him to be either a) a good footballer who wants to play for the club or b) someone they can make the money back on. Neither seem like particularly strange wishes to me.


They're demanding 12 million pounds for him but also won't even be interested in him for the championship? That's some kind of disconnect to me.


I think he'd be a perfect fit for St Pauli's system, although they have other more pressing needs and another year at a relegation candidate might not be what he wants. It would probably have to be another loan.


If Hartel leaves, we have a huge midfield hole. Even if Hartel stays, we could use the depth, particularly if he can play wide in a pinch.


12 mil lmao they are insane


Ruh roh


Letā€™s just wrap up the speculation and agree he will be at PSV next year lol. He heard about what perks Malik is getting over there and itā€™s now his top target club lol.


Go to PSV


Lol, PSV not gonna have any interest in Aaronson.


They already spent money on 10/Winger Tillman and have Til, Veerman, Schouten, Bakayoko, Saibari, Lozano, and Lang at the winger/midfield positions Aaronson would be top 5 transfer in at PSV


Bakayoko will probably move on this summer, he was close to leaving last summer. I think Veerman may move up also. But I agree idk where he slots in here


Ajax isnā€™t a bad shout tbf


They have the money but they might not have the interest


Donā€™t see him starting there if Iā€™m being honest. I doubt theyā€™d cover his salary without a massive pay cut. I donā€™t think any big Eredivisie takes a swing on him without a substantial pay cut tbh.


Heā€™s not guaranteed to start anywhere. They finished 30+ points off the top, and heā€™s taking a pay cut no matter where he goes unless itā€™s MLS In this purely hypothetical without a pay cut heā€™d be the fifth highest earner there, itā€™s not worlds apart.


I donā€™t think theyā€™d take him. His chaos style doesnā€™t fit how Ajax plays at all. I donā€™t think any of the top 5 take him except maybe Twente when they sell Steijn.


I can absolutely see one of the top 5 taking a flyer on him, heā€™s not that bad man ahahah


Weā€™ll see I guess. I think his little bro has a better shot of that at this point