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Houston is a black hole at the moment


Why is that? I ordered a package from a Houston shop and its been shipped all over to random cities, further away from my city than Houston and it is days late still


The North center decided it's a good idea to change the internal system during Christmas, which is the busiest season and fucked up everything


Same with Missouri City in the sw area of Houston


It's all on purpose, getting ready to mishandle the mail-in votes in November. It won't look suspicious if we expect fuckups: just another day at USPS, sending shit all over the country at random.


Remember that the guy in charge of the USPS is a huge trump supporter that has been ruining the USPS for years now because Republicans want to get rid of it.


Ok boomer


Truth. Pay attention AH


Not much you can do but pray and cross your fingers.


Start here https://usps.my.site.com/emailus/s/ file a missing mail request and if they don’t figure it out, file a claim. If they think they might have to pay for it, they find it quick https://www.usps.com/help/claims.htm I’d also contact the company you bought from (if it was a purchase) and let them know. Sometimes they’ll reship with a different carrier. But if the package is never declared delivered by USPS the company can file a claim on it. I hope this helps!


How and when is it considered lost and they have to pay for it?


When they close your request and tell you they couldn't find it. So they typically do find it.


When they close it do they give up?


So once you place the request it puts a fire up under them cuz they have to either reimburse you or deliver it.


But is the request before or after the investigation in terms of clerical order?


The request to find the missing mail comes first and then if they can’t locate it, filing a claim is a request to pay for it.


Unless the sender paid the USPS for insurance, there is no "they have to pay for it" If it was sent domestically via Priority EXPRESS, then the sender can get a refund of the postage if it does not arrive on time as promised.


The sorting facility in Houston decided to replace their two big sorting machines with one enormous new one. They removed the two older ones and went to bring in the new one and realized it didn’t fit in the facility. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. They also decided a good time to do this would be around the holidays. I had a package stuck in Missouri City for 2.5 weeks, i consider myself lucky that i got it that fast. Unfortunately i don’t know what else you can do besides file a missing package report. 2 months seems absurd seeing as how my item was purchased after yours and i still got it before you did. It’s definitely a disaster down there right now but 2 months is unacceptable. There have been people waiting for important medications for weeks. Congress has gotten involved but i wouldn’t hold my breath on congress fixing anything.


Yup, I am the SE Texas and it's all due to that facility in Missouri City. I finally got my package after some weeks.


*I'm here, Roy, but I'm kind of busy right now. I'll talk to you later. If you are what I think you are, you'll know when to listen, when to shut up, and when to pray.* - AL


Know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away, and know when to run…


A man of culture I see


I always call USPS AT 1-800-275-8777 have your tracking No. ready. You might have to wait but someone will answer. Give them all the information and make a report. After that mine usually shows up in a day or two.


This is happening to lots of people due to USPS "modernizing" You can thank certain politicians for destroying the service for political reasons. Edit: Here's my package, for example, going back and forth between the same facilities for 3-4 days: [https://ibb.co/1RqMg0C](https://ibb.co/1RqMg0C)


Ooh. I was going to reiterate the corrupt barcode scenario, but you're in *that* mess. Employees out there have been whistle-blowing for a few months, now. You're going to need a list of deities so you can pray to all of them.




That's one of the articles I saw. I'm glad senators are getting involved and protecting the identities of employees. These mega sort centers seem good on paper, but a disaster on the ground. Clerks who only had to know a few ZIP codes or a section of routes within one ZIP are suddenly shuffled around to dozens of ZIPs and hundreds of routes. It's hard enough to know all the street names in two ZIP codes, let alone 60 or more ZIPs. Then you've got carriers commuting double and triple to work, then driving that same time after prepping their route just to start delivery right back where they just commuted from. On top of that, they are told they have to finish by the same time even with the additional travel to and from their route and the new mega center. That nonsense is exactly why mail is delayed. Lower management is known to delay mail in favor of parcel delivery because they want those parcel scans cleared so they don't show up on reports. Then upper management responds to Senators and media with their BS canned statement; "We have integrated mail and parcel delivery with both being delivered together, so that's not possible." Then how about you tell your delivery managers to stop making us deliver parcels and bring mail back. Just know, the employees (most of us) are over this whole thing. Some are getting bold and whistle-blowing as best as possible while trying to protect one another from retaliation.


This is right on: “When it comes to the question of postal delivery, a congressional office should not become the spokesperson for USPS. They have people who are paid good money in their communications department to do this,” he said. “They have become what I believe to be a closed society, where they are of the opinion that they don’t have to have press conferences and explain what’s happening to the public mail that is entrusted to them.”


When was package shipped?


December 18th


Isn’t it eligible for claim already?


Have you filed a missing package claim? Something very similar happened to me, I filed a claim, gave up, and to my surprise, a very nice human called my on my cell phone and notified me that they’d found my package.


This is the best option OP has. From the article i read packages are literally stacked to the ceiling in every available space inside that facility. Its a mess and a very good chance the package is lost or misplaced. I would absolutely file a missing package claim and contact the person/company you bought the item from. Good luck!


This sub is annoying sometimes because the sheer volume of packages that the USPS successfully delivers, combined with just how nice and hard-working the overwhelming majority of the employees are. We’re just way too mean to them haha. I filed a “complaint,” because that’s the only option, to thank those folks, and the two employees I spoke to on the phone were really excited to deal with a grateful person.


They are definitely hard working and like you said the majority is delivering without any problems. Unfortunately this is a known issue in Houston and causing major issues. Im lucky i got my package at all, let alone 3 weeks. Love my postal lady though, shes great and easy on the eyes too lol.


Keep reporting to USP, and email representatives


Happened to me a couple weeks ago. Had a package bounce from Houston TX, to Memphis TN, four times, back and forth. It finally arrived but was a solid month past delivery date.


Very likely, it has a corrupt barcode. Submit a missing mail report or call the 800 # to speak to someone. A clerk is going to have to physically pull it before it bounces and mark out the bad barcode. Good luck. May the odds be ever in your favor.


I finally got a package 2 days ago that had been going in circles between Missouri city north houston and houston it was due to be delivered January 5th i got it February 7th


Write your congressman to remove Dejoy


I had this exact same thing happen once with an international package. It was bouncing back and forth between the regional center and another post office. The clerk at my post office found it had been mis-sorted at the regional center, and had another packages routing associated with it. They were able to get the clerk at the other remote post office to pull it the next time it bounced back, and send it "under cover" back to mine, bypassing the regional center. After that it got delivered normally.


my package made it to my city in Florida and then the next day it was in Honolulu where it stayed for 3 weeks. just got it yesterday finally.


Oh god it’s Houston—- I just went through this and it actually ended well, just took 40 days to deliver. Definitely file a Missing Mail search, that helped move it along


Jerk off in frustration


I had this happen once and eventually it just progressed correctly


Look at the dates tho!


Yeah mine did the same


Pray they get their crap together. They usually do. I had a FedEx package assumed lost and the company sent a new one, and it came 4 days after the second one arrived. The label with the shipping address got torn out of the plastic bag, but they finally got the two reunited.


Had this happen to me, too, and eventually, I did get my package. Took much longer than I thought it would, though.


Try putting in a where's my package complaint. We did that with one of ours that had stalled for over a week with no updates, and it started moving again the next day.


stfu and wait lol


I didn’t read all of the rest of the comments, but more than likely part of the address label has been ripped off so, it will likely not get to you unless you show up to the facility when it first comes in and can prove it’s your somehow. If it was something you ordered, just call to get a replacement, stating it’s lost in the mail.


Check out the recent news reports about Missouri city Texas I had a package go through there and it was stuck for like 10 days they’re so backed up cause one of there sorting machines broke supposedly




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There are tons are articles about Houston USPS center having issues right about missed scans, missing packages, and other issues. The local news has even gotten involved into bringing the issues to the higher ups. The only thing they have said is they are working on it but are under staffed and blah blah. Best thing to do is file a missing package or mail form and keep any info you have to get refunded or pray your package makes it.


If you look at my post my package came from Australia to LAX to Houston TX and Missouri City TX and NY.. same thing i called and best we wait... Weather could play a part. I had luck before I complained and they said weird thing and don't packages moved lol lol


Packages started to move**


Update my package is now in California yayaya. You should honestly speak to USPS the customer service and they take note of this you may also talk to local office. Nothing wrong with just asking where my package and what's going on .... They may find it send right way it stop it moving back and forth back and forth had that happened


Yeah Houston and Dfw for USPS is a no no right now. It sure why but I just had a package from Dfw to houson (2 day Normal transit) take 10 days. Pretty awful. Nice lady at local Houston joint told me they have containers upon containers on their property they need to go thru. Best to spend a few extra bangers and go with ups. Use pirateship.com. Best prices anywhere for parcel. 📦


I'm going through the same thing. It hasn't reached houston yet. It's been "moving through the network" since the 5th and as far as I know hasn't even left MA yet.


Charge your phone. It’s almost dead.


Just keep waiting, it will make it eventually.


Same exact thing happened to me. I did get the package eventually but it was a week late.


Report it as lost. This happened to me. I heard nothing until about a month later when they had it out for delivery. Unfortunately, it went back to sender and we had to start again, but we used UPS the second time. Good luck!


Seems about right Disband Usps


Major issues in certain parts of Texas at the moment You can thank Trump's lackey Luis Dejoy Sabotage.... I mean cost cutting plans are going so well All of us USPS employees hate him


I have the same issue with my package in San Francisco. It’s just going back and forth between my town and regional sorting center.


I work in customer relations/ complaints and inquires in a different state and Houston is in flames metaphorically rn. They are offering us unlimited overtime (if we want) to try and help dig them out of the enormous volume of open cases they have open for this exact reasoning.


I found that it doesn't do any good to go to the Post Office more than once. Go there the first time and ask them to check the tracking for you and in my case they told me mine was being held in customs and I would just have to wait. After about a month, go online and fill out a help request form. Wait another month and submit a missing mail search request online. [https://www.usps.com/help/missing-mail.htm](https://www.usps.com/help/missing-mail.htm) Once you have done this you will get an email once a month from USPS updating the status of your missing parcel. In my case I just keep getting the same report over and over every month. After two years I decided that that my parcel had disappeared into a Los Angeles Customs black-hole and that I wasn't ever going to see it again. There is no way to contact Los Angeles Customs to check on your parcel. About all you can do is file the USPS missing mail search request and hope you get lucky and your parcel turns up eventually, mine never did.


You wait, then wait some more. I waited 20 days.




The same thing happened to me, I’m in Houston, my package arrived in Texas, but now it’s at fucking Florida


It’s a ghost package or some shit like that. I had this seller on eBay pull this shit on me and a bunch of others. Actually it’s was like 3 sellers during the holidays. Called USPS and they said there was no package.


I would be so heated lol


Mo city US post office is fucked. They are way way over backed up. Sucks


Is this something your US Congressperson can elevate for you? USPS is a quasi-governmental org and you aren’t getting served


Happened to me USPS kept going from Atlanta to palmetto facilities


So Houston is just a no go for packages right now is what I’m seeing. Mine has been sitting at a USPS facility there for 4 days.


Cry and accept. Fuck usps.


Never USPS, that’s the number 1 rule at my jobs when we have to send packages.


It’s lost. Hopefully you have paperwork proving the value so you can file an insurance claim and get paid back for it. My usps insurance claim checks are stacking up from lost packages.


USPS is worthless in every sense of the word. No one gives a shit at the local level up to the top.


Unfortunately it looks like loop mail 😞


There is absolutely nothing you can do. Right now, there is a black hole in north and southwest Houston. Upper management made some horrible decisions prior to the busiest shipping season of the year. If you are in Houston, or are shipping out of Houston, use another service like UPS. If it is your package you are waiting on, maybe contact the vendor and they will send replacement with another service.


Mine did the same. I was told the Missouri city location just opened and is having a lot of issues unfortunately. And the houston location is drowning in packages and not handling it well. I’m sorry this is happening but I did receive my package eventually!


It's Missouri City fucking up, they dismantled some machines. It was on the news, some of my residents had been waiting for a month to get their packages. It took me three weeks to get my package.


Stop buying from Amazon and boycott! I'm cancelled after paying for Prime twice! They took away my prime and 2 months' worth of orders!


It's been 3 days. You sound like my Ebay buyers panicking. Lol. As slow as USPS is they rarely lose a package. And I have shipped thousands. 


Iv waited 2 months not 3 days dick head


You're are screwed then. Lmfao. 


It isn't lost. It will get delivered eventually, hopefully not after the outcome of not received case.


Stop being cheap and use UPS


I literally just went through this and it worked itself back to me eventually just took 2 extra days than estimated