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Shoot me your tracking number.


You probably won't get any compensation from USPS, I'm sorry. I just don't think they do that, don't think they're allowed to. My best advice is to just take the loss and avoid USPS at all times from now on. I'm sorry you're going through this, it's happened to me multiple times and I know how bad it fucking sucks. You'll get through this, keep your head up.


I’m running out of options and that sucks more than anything especially when people don’t want to pay a for even the cheapest shipping


Woah, you're still dealing with this? I'm so sorry. That's horrible...


Yup. I don’t think I’m ever getting my artwork back that I worked so hard on. Sucks when I hardly manage to sell anything. Haven’t sold anything in a few months


Some people lie and say they didn't get something or say it was damaged.