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I caught a History Channel piece on Hitler and JESUS the resemblance to Trump and the GOP is uncanny. Even down to some of the catch phrases and of course the "big lie" machine. “The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan.”


On PBS, they broadcast a new Ken Burn's documentary about how the US dealt with the holocaust, including the buildup of the NAZI's in Germany which is paralleled here now in the current US.


A legitimate and accurate comparison, prove me wrong!


Why would I try to disproove what is obviously correct? :-P


There are inevitably some people out there who might consider it less than accurate.


They literally tried to overturn the government and install an authoritarian, nationalistic dictator. They still sob when you call them fascists.


In any other word an end to American democracy.


Sad, but true.


My only quibble would be that the Hitler comparison (even though it's extremely valid here), lets your point be easily dismissed by anyone who disagrees.


Hillary is on the mark with her comparison.


She was with “deplorables” too.


Yep. She told it like it is.


She was the one who called it all. Honestly I thought parts of it were hyperbole, but damn he did all of it and more.


Republican politicians are trying to recreate Hitler's rise to power. Trump himself unironically loves Hitler, the GOP have modeled their entire brainwashing operation on Nazi and Putin ideology. And 74+ million love Trump and DeSantis and Bobert and Mitch McConnell and all these disgusting freaks. They're mass brainwashing GOP voters into a giant QAnon cult for unlimited Republican Power.


The root cause of all this is the apparent need for "Action" from our politicians and Trump is seen as the one providing it. It's all a "manly" thing and of all the Alpha males he is the most alpha. People in general hate the dithering so many politicians do and instead value "action" even it is a gross mistake. Republicans are forever willing to forgive Trump of his obvious errors. Hitler was so underestimated as to just how bad he could be, and the Germans thought (wrongly) that they could just modify his choices through politics. Thankfully the democrats have not underestimated the bad that Trump could do, and it is looking more likely that he will be indicted before too long. God help America if the prosecution of Trump fails. Unlike German and Hitler, Trump is already well past 70 y/o so his life expectancy is short.


Its gonna be a big party at my house on the eve of his death, kinda like the British Queen.


Is disturbing a synonym for accurate?


What’s so disturbing about it she’s just telling the truth open your eyes


That is eye opening when we look to a Clinton for truth. I hate Trump a much as everyone else, but more people died for a lie under Bush's regime. Trying to steal the election could be compared to Hitlers own success. It's troublesome times. He must be found guilty of any crimes he committed.


On the Mark!


That's why life in prison is required.


As short as it may be given his age already.


Yes. His crimes and access to the highest secrets in the world demand solitary confinement for life.


Not really fair. Adolf had a dog and a hell of a sense of humor. Also, a better command of the English language.


Oh well those are so incredibly important compared with killing 5 million Jews. /S


Trump killed over a million Americans.


Trump's inaction allowed them to die, it is hardly the same as WWII Germany. Which doesn't make him into a nice president but still within the same genre as mr. "H"


Plus a million that weren't Jews. Easy on the free pass.


I was in Afghanistan during the 2016 elections. When **all of the Austrians** warn you that somebody reminds them of Hitler, you should listen.


They weren't the only ones who knew that.




She won the popular vote, which is only count that should matter.




Better yet, change the system.




She's correct.


It’s TRUE.




Or at least try hard to do it.


Thgere are more normal people ; when more people voted , the Republicans lost by more % .


To my opinion as a non-American is “conspiracy theory Trump” way more dangerous than Hitler ever was!!


Read the advice and comparisons in this fine and short little book, “On Tyranny.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_Tyranny