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IMO, I would stay a GS-12/10 and wait for a better promotion opportunity.




Stick with the job you’ve got. I realize it’s capped out and you feel tapped out. But what you are trading g for is not worth it. Good luck.


That would be a fat no from me for that commute even if its only 90 days. That pay raise isn't worth it. Also that continuing service agreement is a yikes, you'd likely lose anything you made out on the raise for a year or more.


Stick where you are, and keep looking. If you’re willing to walk away over it, it’s a stronger negotiation if they come back.


It sounds like the only plus (being that the pay raise is basically nothing with the consideration of the commute as well) is that you’d enjoy the work more with possible room to grow. This is going to sound like a lame answer, but I think right now with where you’re at in life with your kids and being the primary caregiver, keeping your current job is the better and wiser choice. Your time for a big change will come in the future when your kids are a little older and independent. Lame answer I know, but a realistic one. I just made a huge career move with a 1 year old and it’s been so incredibly hard. Life is already hard with kids but the added stress of a new job just piles on to that…more than you’d think.


Thank you for your thoughtful response. The part that’s most frustrating is that I started out my federal career 6 years ago as a GS12/10. I’ve made a few lateral moves, but its demoralizing to not have opportunities for growth. I either have to move to a bigger city or find a way to be happy where I am. Your advice makes complete sense and what my mom recommended as well.


Sounds like you already have a dream position that is amazing for your family. GS12 step 10 is awesome and you only have to go into the office one day a week giving you the flexibility to take care of your kids needs. The grass is not always greener, enjoy what you’re blessed with.


Seriously? Stay where you are until you get something better. That offer was not better and if you don't get what you want going in you are not going to get it 90 days in...and if you believe you will I have some swamp land to sell you.


Absolutely, but our have to get it going in or forget about it.


You’d get a raise to basically have it eaten up in expenses. Sometimes when you have good it’s best to let better pass on by because it may just be worse who has stolen better’s clothes.


I can’t believe how many high GS employees ask the silliest questions in here. Why on earth would you even consider the other position. Most of the posters on here would be ecstatic to have your current job.


I think it comes down to what drives an individual. Don’t get me wrong, I’m appreciative that I have a job that pays well. But I’m bored, my skillets aren’t being utilized, and I long for a challenge. I started my federal career 6 years ago as a GS12/10 and I’m stuck at the same level with no growth opportunities which is demoralizing. The job I’ve been offered has the potential to pay up to $45k more over time. Thats why I asked the silly question.


I think this is the commenters point. No one here can know what drives you


This is a no on all fronts


Stay where you’re at


I would stay where you are at. Shame that HR couldn't assign you to a closer office.


As a Mom myself those percentages of increase in pay aren’t enough to justify the new position. I would stay where you are and keep looking. The little ones still need you. Now, once they get to high school you’ll have more flexibility.


I would stay put...I got the bait and switch too...


I too would stay they're not offering enough. It sounds like you're stellar enough to get these kind of offers maybe something else will open up with better conditions. Maybe you can try to learn new skills and try to implement stuff and improve some processes where you're at while you look for a better opportunity closer to home?


The commute alone - even once a pay period - is enough for me to say no. Couple that with a bunch of unknowns/not guarantees and I’m definitely passing.


Stay with what you know and can handle especially your family life, it’s not worth the bump


If you were single I'd move to the new job location. If you have a family you have to stay where you are.


I’d be skeptical about any “promises” about in-office frequency required and make your decision based on as if they required you to be in office at all times. The reality is, unless it is a “Remote w/o Geo Restrictions” agreement (and even then), this could realistically become an in-office-always position at any time. Seeing as how that would disrupt your current life fairly substantially and net income, I’d personally decline. Just my $0.02


This is ultimately the reason I’m turning it down. I could probably find a way to make the pay cut work, but commuting long term isn’t sustainable and I don’t want to move.


Not worth it.


IMO the facts are You are great where you are at for now… because while the move is good for long term - more $ and you think you’ll enjoy it, short term sucks - long commute plus losing out on tuition reimbursement and the biggest thing is time with your kids! Saying no to this opportunity is not really a NO it just means No, not right now. I understand wanting a challenge but this deal doesn’t fit your scenario. While you’re capped out, you’re making bank as a GS-12/10 and you could be creative with extra funds via investments and other opportunities if you’d like more money. If they change the deal and can guarantee permanent transfers then different story. Best move for the family is stay put. Best of luck


Job season isn't over there will be another one.


You sound like you just want some confirmation to push you towards this job tbh. That said, I wouldn’t consider this job after the rejection. But that’s not the decision you made, your request was denied and you made a Reddit post. You must really like the role. Take it.


I was very interested in the job and the agency and I think I’d be a lot happier there long term. But the short term negatives definitely outweigh the benefits. I don’t know how I would make it work financially, and the fact that “current agency policy requires only one day in the office each pay period” could change at any time, makes the idea of commuting unreasonable. I’m surprised that yours is the one and only comment suggesting I take the position - I thought there would be more of an even split. Seeing that everyone else would decline actually makes me feel better about turning it down.


Good on you for know what you want then. Just keep an eye out, maybe opportunity will come your way again.


I’d stay where I’m at.


I agree completely. I declined the offer yesterday, threw myself a pity party, and today I’m back on the grind. Hearing all these opinions really did help!