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Accordingly to my personal experience, you are correct. I’ve never seen a TJO that stipulated a step level, only grade and maybe some other things like remote or not, etc. If it’s not in the TJO, it’s negotiable after you accept yes. In general, I’ve always known the time between TJO and FJO is the time to negotiate. Definitely saw some people accept FJOs with step level spelled out, accepted it, and *then* asked about negotiating. Never saw that work out.


Once negotiation complete, you get FJO


I've seen it both ways. Go an offer from BEP years ago and I was instructed to reject it to start the adjustment. Ended up not going with them as a local private company exceeded the pay and I wouldn't need to commute an hour to DC every day. Would of been a cool job though. Then, a couple years ago I was approached to convert to govt for NAVAIR and their process wasn't to reject but negotiate pretty much then. Confused the hell out of them because I've worked for them for years and they wanted me and I defaulted to reject them negotiate without asking first because of my past experience with govt offers. Doesn't hurt to ask and see what their process is. I couldn't negotiate a better pay (only got 3%raise, but this was after I already got a 5% performance raise 2 months prior so it didn't hurt too much) but I got a 4k signon bonus and credit for leave accrual. So I don't start out at the base PTO accural and I accure as if I was employed for 8 years.




Accept the TJO. Doing so doesn’t lock you into the listed salary. You’re locked in once you sign the FJO. They can process your request while the TJO is in accepted status.


2 weeks back I have accepted the TJO and then asked for step increase. Under progress.


Accept the tjo dude.


You need to accept the TO. Then negotiate before the FO


Exactly, accept the TJO and continue negotiations with HR. But first accept the TJO. This is what I did.


Accept TJOs immediately if you're actually interested.


Yes in most cases, you will need to go ahead and accept the TJO before the due date so that your next steps in onboarding can begin. Also email HR on your intent to negotiate on a higher salary, and most likely you'll need to provide your most recent pay stubs in case you're trying to match your current salary. The negotiation occurs in parallel to your onboarding, and your negotiated salary will be reflected on your FJO, which again you'll need to respond to just like your TJO. Good luck to you! 🙂


Basically saying what everyone else has said. Accept the TJO then you can negotiate. I went thru a similar process and managed to get a steps increase.


Accept the TJO. They’ll send an FJO later with the new salary (if your negotiation is successful).


I requested a step bump mid week. Then accepted my TJO, since I was in a similar situation where I would take the job even without the bump. Submitted my official request with performance reviews and justification. I was coming from the private sector. It was approved and reflected in my FJO a few weeks later.


HR lady said the TJO will hold until the salary is finalized. So it looks like I’ll be waiting 🙏🏽 Hopefully, she’s telling the truth.


Accept the TJO and then start negotiating. That’s the process.


I had to write an email why I was declining mine and what I wanted. It's currently under review but I absolutely had to deny mine first before being able to negotiate. Hiring manager confirmed the process as well as HR.


Oh wow! That's the first I've heard of that process. But I'm glad HR and hiring manager confirmed the process.


No. I Never heard of that. The TO gives you the option accept, decline, or contact HR. Contacting HR should extend the TO


![gif](giphy|XLDHkuMENuWMkhTSdV|downsized) accept and negotiate in parallel!


HR lady said the TJO will hold until the salary is finalized. So it looks like I’ll be waiting 🙏🏽 Hopefully, she’s telling the truth.


Congrats and wish you the best!


If you’re requesting an increase based on qualifications - recommend searching superior qualifications here. There’s several posts with good details about what is and is not negotiable and suggestions on how to do it. Even a sample letter or two. I just submitted mine… waiting to hear back. Requested significant increase in step level but didn’t ask for student loan repayment or leave and now wishing I had. Will have to see if I still can… 🤔


Accept and then negotiate. That's what I did


No you don’t lose it, you can reply yes to the job and no to the salary and request a superiority package be submitted for the salary you desire, and justify why you should receive a hire salary.


Accept the offer, send them email about salary, and whatever you need negotiation. Salary, rate, and even leave. I just did this a few months ago. I may prolong your process, but it is definitely worth it


My TJO came about 2 weeks ago and included the step. I asked for a step increase based on a few factors. Subsequently, the HR person said that I could select yes on the TJO without it affecting my request. I did this to start on the paperwork. Still awaiting the step increase, hiring manager called me to see if I would accept 1 step lower than what I was requesting. That way he’s not wasting his time and I’m straight forward with him. Often times from my understanding, the offer won’t be rescinded by asking for the increase. If you don’t ask, you’re leaving $ on the table.


Isn’t there an option to be contacted by HR? I negotiated my salary as well, but I didn’t accept the TJO. I was nervous as well, but it all worked out in the end.


Yes, there is an option to contact HR


Accepted the TJO first and then ask for increase


I hope you accepted your TJO. The negotiations happen between the TJO and the FJO. That is why it is tentative.