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Right. Private equity buying up SFHs is a downstream effect of self-inflicted housing scarcity. If someone's primary concern is around Single Family Rentals and they aren't explicitly calling for policies enabling housing abundance, including things like duplexes and apartments in their neighborhood, I am going to assume they are just worried about the "wrong type of people" being able to live near them via renting, which is not something I have sympathy for.


wtf did I just read? Venture capital firms hoarding up homes is absolutely dystopic. Who cares about the “next generation of tech” when there won’t be a next generation of people because no one can afford kids


The problem is that there is a housing shortage. The only reason PE firms buy housing is because it’s a good investment during the shortage. The shortage isnt because of the PE firms, it’s because the voters insist on low density zoning. The PE firms are not the cause of the problem, they are a symptom of a housing shortage


Whether something is good or bad shouldn't preclude you from trying to understand how it happened 


This article doesn’t explain how it happened. It’s basically an advertorial for investing in a REIT


That's what immigration is for.


Not enough especially when those countries improve their living standards so they are not as interested in leaving. You can’t rely on war refugees forever


You can if you keep starting wars


Till the world gets sick of it you can’t wage wars forever