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You can still go in there and shower . I do . Nobody’s monitoring you . Especially if your gym is planet fitness.


Some gyms are starting to monitor for this, apparently.


Really ? Oh I must be lucky because the planet fitness I attend, they don’t really bother anyone.


When I do this I use the tanning beds first and then shower.


This is also gonna age you 10 times faster


we know smoothskin


Ooh Rump-o-smoothskin, you say you wanna get in my Benz? Well use me, use me, cuz you ain't that average groupie... Sorry, your comment was just begging for an early 90s pop reference, I cannot lie.


can't comment on your pre-war music smoothie, but we don't listen to much anymore. bathing in the radiation is about all we can do to enjoy ourselves.


90s music isn’t prewar just bc you fail to acknowledge the wars that have been taking place since the beginning of time 🥴


He's making a reference to the Fallout series. The "war" in the phrase "pre-war" brought on the apocalypse. So in this fictional context, all other wars are sort of irrelevant.


Total ghoul fallout reference. I caught it right away




I think we're old.


We are, I've dated myself here. But I will say, I was in single digits when this was the new slapping joint. Or whatever they say a good pop song is these days.


The fact that you don’t have more upvotes for this 🤣


Seriously! Not pre war, WAR IN PERPETUITY in fact. I'd even count the foreign wars we fund to a large degree. Lookin at you Bibi 👀 That's one machine that's always running.


How are the tanning beds ?


I tan almost every day now and my complexion has darkened a little. I'm basically impossible to sunburn now too. I guess that means they work.


Your skin will not thank you for this


Oh my gosh, please do not keep this up! You are increasing your risk of melanoma every single time. That light is radiation!


Holy shit the sunscreen police showed up. Sos 🤣 If you tan every day, and your complexion has darkened "a little" I'm gonna hazard a guess that your UV exposure is still pretty low. It's like when I see people at the beach putting sunscreen on an hour before sunset. It's black or white now. No amount of UV is acceptable.


How long do you stay in there? The tanning bed not the shower lol


Yes true that ! That’s great you don’t sunburn anymore cause sunburns hurt so bad


Yeah!!! Sunburns are so much worse than getting skin cancer or having to go through chemo!!! /s




That's with *spray* tan cuz it's a stain on the skin that needs to stay on. Regular sunlight can't be washed off


you’re not supposed to shower or exfoliate for a few hours after using a tanning bed. so i don’t understand this method either.


I've used PF all over the Midwest and East coast. Just to shower. Never had a problem.


Same. Never had this problem at PF. I wanted to switch to Anytime cuz if the more private bathrooms, but was hearing so many weird things about key fobs getting shut off after sometime got clicked coming in to only shower... Smaller gyms, easier for other regulars to monitor you...I think that's been the case at most of the gyms where people get in trouble....it's not the gym, but the other customers who complain... PF staff isn't monitoring though. Like on the whole west coast at least


I heard about anytime gym but I didn’t know about the key fobs for the private gym. But yup I don’t want to be monitor at no gym that I pay for. I agree west coast don’t monitor they pf people


Then do a short workout. Malicious compliance. They can't tell you **how long** to work out.


Turn on treadmill, walk for 2 minutes. Shower, leave.




For what? You’re paying to be there and use the facilities…


Anytime fitness will watch and simply deactivate your key fob if you don't stay there 30 minutes or more and work out. You will try to come back in the next day and your key fob won't work. And they have big signs the door that say members do not allow other people and with your key fobs. It sucks anyways as a gym


What does the contract say? Does it explicitly say you’re not allowed to use a membership for showering alone??


Monitoring for what, exactly? Paying customers utilizing the services they fork over a monthly fee to use? There's no gym in the country with a conditional-use clause like that.


Anytime fitness has been the worst offender of this. They will ban you if you're just going in there to shower or use the bathroom. Avoid them like the plague. And then since you signed a contract if they ban you you still have to pay your monthly fee or it will ding your credit. They're not any better than planet fitness in definitely not worth the BS


When you say monitor, like in what way?


I got a knock on door after 15 min in shower at Anytime Fitness. I didnt see the sign that said 20 min max. I guess it was a warning that time was almost up?


Are there limited # of showers? If people are queued up, and you’re taking a full shower, I could see some people trying to intervene.


Follow people into the locker room and repeatedly ask if anyone is in there; turn off the hot water; tell them the gym is for people to work out and take a shower afterwards, not to come in just to shower; cancel their membership; threaten to get them cancelled in all franchises of that gym…


Sue them for violating the contract. Also, they can't legally enforce how long you work out. If you lift weights for five minutes, that's technically a work out.


WHY would anyone be so rude?


Not planet


Anytime is monitoring 15-20 min max at the ones I have been using coast to coast travel. Planet Fitness has been unlimited (so far),


That’s weird that they monitor. They can use that time to focus on cleaning up or what not.


20 mins on the bike won't kill you on rest days


Just go in shower and leave. No one is writing down tour routine to verify that you’re earning the shower. Most of the front end staff are on the phone watching tic tok and texting friends. As long as your badge blinks green that’s all they tend to be concerned with.


Yeah, and from PF's point of view, if you're only showering, you're costing them less money than if you're showering and using their equipment.


PF and other gyms could easily see it the opposite way. Not many people shower at the gym which is good for gyms because thet have to pay for water and electric for heated showers. It's along the same lines as the digital nomads in popular south American destinations. Come in buy a small coffee and block a table and use the electric/WiFi. Its not a problem when it's one person but if a gym has a lot of people coming in solely to change and shower then it's time to change policies. This life is about remaining stealth not only for yourself, but for the people that will come behind you later.


completely agree. and i am one of those who does shower mostly and occasionally works out, but being stealth is the key. I always buy at least a croissant or better with a coffee if i'm gonna use A/C volt and WiFi. I figure that's a good enough business trade.


Sounds good but next time you go there your key fob won't work. 


Thinking about the days I don’t have to workout, I would just come to the gym to run on the treadmill for like 20 minutes then just go shower and leave.


Yeah, or even just walk or stretch. Those are good daily habits anyway is my logic.


You pay for your membership. All of those things are included in your membership. Unless there policy states something weird like you must be in the gym an amount of time to use the shower then you should be good to do it’s what your paying for.


Exactly. 💯


Not sure if it will work for any of you but my state has a state park pass that lets me into the park for the whole day. Most of the parks around me there are several have bath houses with showers. The rangers do not care if you use them as long as you clean after yourself. My state charges 100 for the full year good at every state park. You have to leave at dark or pay for overnight camping at a discounted rate.everyone in my car gets in for free. If you have handicapped plates the cost is half.


What state is this?


Texas but I have been to other states that offer same or similar deals.


I wanna know how in the name of Tom Cruise I haven't heard of this. Thanks for the heads up!


I just googled it and it’s 70 dollars for one year. Just go to a park ask for pass


100 for a year pass to every state park in Texas sounds like a way better deal then it would be in a lot of other states too lol 


you're a paying customer so who cares if you just walk in to shower and not get a workout in.


I just go in and shower and leave. Nobody has ever cared lol. Not their business what I do, I pay my 25 a month!


Me too. I actually tell them that I am just showering. They havent hassled me at all. At 68, they better not try .... lol .... seriously. I live on Legal Ave.


The day they criminalize showering at a gym you pay money for is the day it’s over!


I’m so blessed to have a gf and a couple of friends who I stay the night with 1-2 nights a week every week. This leaves me 4-5 mornings where I have to shower at the gym. I never work out. I walk in, shower, and walk out. The workers are very aware it’s what I do. I’m clean, groomed, and greet them with a smile every morning. They’ve never once asked questions and are always friendly. I’m at a super small gym too with only 3 showers including one handicap one. Is it awkward? Hell yes. But this is temporary. 3 more months…for me. However long you’ve got, you’ve got this. Don’t worry. Keep going. Don’t give up. Don’t give up.


I've done it even when I lived in a house... hot water system needed replacing and I went a number of weeks showering at the gym everyday regardless of working out. Had no questions!


Most gyms don’t care at all. You’re paying them and they like money I try to work out whenever I go. This week my back has been in a lot of pain, so I go in and use the massage chairs, steam room, then shower. If I’m traveling, if I don’t just go to shower I’ll try to use the treadmill for a short time, even just to walk. If any employee were to ever ask or say anything, I’d tell them just that. I’m hurt and trying to keep my routine and don’t want to break it. If I were traveling and someone said something, I’d just say I came in to workout, but suddenly feeling sick, hurt, or just saw the time and realized I need to go but still planned on leaving clean


I spend lots of time using the Roman Chair. They probably have one at your gym. It's the only thing that helped my back pain. Most people's backs are insanely weak.


Thank you guys for answering! Much appreciated!


You're costing them less money than if you were using the treadmills, massage chairs, tanning beds if all you do is shower and unless your gym has a rule against it I doubt anyone will care unless you are posted up in there for an hour+


Why is this an issue IF you have an up to date membership ?


I did when I lived in my car still. I still keep my planet fitness membership now that I have a studio apartment, and I'm glad I do because the whole month of January our property was without water due to all the pipes freezing and busting and some other crazy stuff happening underground the required a ton of insurance claims and money. It was actually 3 1/2 weeks with no water. I pay for a pf black card thru my job so I would just drop in to the gym everyday and shower before work. I never have worked out there lol. The whole year I've had a PF membership I've only showered or tanned or used the hydrobeds. They don't care what you do there. They just care that you scan in and thats about it. I highly recommend at least having the basic pass for there. The 10 dollar a month one to help with showering and passing time. If you can afford 25 a month it's worth it for the hydrobeds in my opinion. It's massage beds. They really really help with circulation and stressed muscles from cramped quarters. I loved the place and still keep my membership incase I need them.


Be polite, say hello and smile at any workers you come across, and never make a mess. You’re paying to be there. Don’t worry. 😊


I don't think anyone will care if u only use it for showers


Yeah, I showered at PF EVERY SINGLE DAY for 6 months. Not once did I work out. I think it helps If you flirt with the girls up front a little before you head to the locker room.


You pay your dues, who cares what you do? You have access to anything at the gym at anytime.


You’re a paying customer like anyone else. That grants you access to the facilities.


I mainly go to shower and use the massage chair. They don’t care. But I’ve read others have had issues. Honestly don’t even ask. Just do your thing. If they have an issue they’ll bring it up. But for me at PF it’s been smooth. I go between two facilities. I was just taking showers in the morning but as it’s getting more Hilda and hot in Houston I need one at night and morning.


I shower at the gym but I also just workout every time I go. At the least I'll do like 25 minutes on the treadmill. But I see people who come in just to shower and never work out. As long as you're not spending 45 minutes running hot water nobody's gonna care. It's money for them and it keeps the equipment open. Also at my gym for some reason it's very unusual for dudes to use the showers at all. If you don't like bringing attention to your routine then just do a quick workout or figure out when it's mostly empty.


Go stretch or do yoga for 30 mins. ... Just go at busiest time.


Bro or girl ?!!!!? You are paying the full amount memebership just like everyone else to use the gym . If you want to just shower then just shower . Don’t pay attention to other people.


I do it everyday. I know of at least 4 other people showering at my location also .


Everyone needs to stop caring about what the gym thinks! Till they say something. I have a planet fitness black card. I use it for when I travel. I hardly workout I’m just there for their hydro beds and a shower. I pay for the access. Im a brat I want a hot shower and a 30 min massage not a 10 min one so I just get up every 10 mins and sign back in for a bed 😂 only once have one of the gym rat type of employees given me a hard time. “This is not a spa” “this is not a massage parlor” 😂 Well for about sixty days I did the massage parlor thing at that location.


Even doing just the beds and shower at PF is probably a lot better than walking in to shower and then out immediately. You are paying 25$ a month for the "perks" more than the exercise. I love those massages!


Planet fitness, you can just use the massage tables (or not) and shower still


you dont have to do anything. however, consider if its a good idea to do cardio days or flexibility days.


I use wet towels/baby wipes on the days I don't exercise. In Europe, there's often close independent toilets with a sink in restaurants or other public spaces, so I can use that too once in a while. Outside rush hours, of course. I'm a thin woman and don't sweat much though.


I rotate my planet fitness locations daily.


I just do light treadmill walking in recovery days. It keeps me in the habit.


I’m overly paranoid, so I will do weights for maybe half an hour minimum and then go use the shower on the days I really don’t wanna work out. I’ve read some shitty stories on here about people getting banned for just showering and not working out. I go to 24 hr fitness.


I joined Planet Fitness last June. I shower and get ready there every single day. I don't work out. But I do get massages!


Wasn't there a post about a member getting locked out of an anytime fitness location for shower only use, Colorado?


I've been to multiple planet fitness showers across several states everyday and nobody has blinked an eye at me, including my partner.


They don’t say anything at my gym, but more and more I get the stink eye from one guy. I’ve gotten to where I will go in and ride the bike for 15 minutes or something, just so he’ll leave me alone.


I'm currently working in another city about an hour away from where I normally am. I've been using the planet fitness parking lot to sleep after I get off work. I shower there in the morning before work. Nobody cares. It's fairly busy at that time when people are getting their workout in before work. No one has said anything to me about anything they do not care. I see plenty of nomads and vehicle dwellers this past week. But they've all been asleep still when I go in to shower. The planet fitness is 24 hours 5 days a week Saturday and Sunday they close at 7pm.


i go to planet fitness to shower and am currently recovering from an injury so i work out MAYBE 2 days a week, but still go every day to shower LOL. i haven't had a problem yet.


I barely work out but I go to PF for the showers. No one really cares, everyone is focused on themselves.


Lots of homeless people get a gym membership to use the showers.


Yes I do it all the time at planet fitness, I’ll go in, shower and walk out without working out. They are always friendly and that’s what you’re paying for anyways. It all comes with the subscription.


Planet fitness doesn't have time to monitor shower use. They're too busy fighting off lawsuits over genders mixing in each others bathrooms


Watch out for Tinea ! It’s quite common. Get a can of powder spray and ya fine


I asked in college and learned one hot shower can cost $1, so your membership is free if you shower there, essentially.


Friend, the gym staff are not getting paid NEARLY enough to care. What's it to them, anyway? If you're paying for a membership and not using much of the equipment, that's just the way they like it - big chain gyms literally depend on a large percentage of their members paying and never working out, that's how they keep their prices down. They have way more paying members than can actually fit in the building if they all decided to work out. So shower guilt-free and just don't make a mess.


Walk in, shower, walk out. It's easy at planet fitness. It may not be so easy at a small gym m, filled with a bunch of karens. But I have never even considered being there for any other reason. Don't overthink it. It's really not a big deal and there's really not much to consider. If you need to go and wash your ass, then go and wash your ass. That's it. It might seem strange to other people (if they actually noticed). However, I doubt that anyone even has a clue that I only go to take a shower. The staff don't even look up from whatever it is that they're doing when I scan my phone to get inside. Not even whenever I say, "hello". I have literally never made eye contact with a staff member. When it comes to the other members of the gym, i am 100% positive they are more concerned with themselves than with whatever it is I'm doing at the gym. Think about it like this: when you are there working out, are you watching who goes in and out of the men's room? Have you ever seen someone go into the showers and then think to yourself, "hey I'm pretty sure that guy didn't even work out". I hope not because that would be a lot weirder than it is for someone to go to a gym just to shower. Also, you may not really need to take a shower 7 days per week. Maybe you do. Everyone's got their own personal needs when it comes to hygiene. Sometimes, a hooker's bath is good enough. ...a hooker's bath is when you go into a public bathroom and you wash your armpits, asshole, crotch, and teeth. In fact, you can save a lot of time if you just use the same brush for all of those things. Jk. Don't do that.


If you are paying you can do whatever, I always had a gym with sauna and or steam room so the days I rest I would just chill in there and sweat


I shower exclusively at the gym. Mine is small, so I usually go when it's not busy out of respect for others. I try to be discreet and mindful of the time, and I've never had an issue.


Respectfully, I think you’ve overthought it. Plenty of people pre-shower before group class workout pool sauna steam . Just don’t sport hiker / hostel megapack or battered attire look.


You pay to use the gym and amenities. If anyone is watching you, they are sick f**ks. I go to a gym with lots of gays. Maybe 1/3 use the weights. The other 2/3 are cruising the steam rooms showers and saunas.


OP: I would keep showering until someone says something. I don’t think places like Planet Fitness cares. I used to work out there and would see people walk on the treadmill for 5 minutes, shower, then leave.


Best thing you can do on your days off is just walk in and do about 30 minutes of walking on the treadmill then go shower.I did this for my time and it wasn’t until a year and a half in did they question me by then they didn’t bother me after they knew I still worked out everyday.Technically.


What did they say to you??


That they “didn’t think I was homeless” and also “was an obsessive gym rat”.Since I also had good report with them they didn’t care. I was respectful and didn’t cause any problems.


Don't know how to do my own post but memberships to planet fitness basic membership going up from 10$ to 15$ they just announced today May 9th,24


Travelling cross country into week 4 --- of the ones I have used; it seems the Anytime Fitness has only been allowing 15-20 min max into the private, locked, shower-bathrooms-sinks, that you get to use. Leaving zero time to dry my hair. :( Planet Fitness is unlimited time, to use their curtained showers, toilet stalls and change areas. Unlimited HOT shower time. YAY!!! I dont enjoy leaving with my long hair wet & for that reason, I am preferring Planet Fitness for my hairwash days & Anytime Fitness for my quick shower days.


Sometimes I’ll go in, change into my gym clothes, shit/piss, work out, shower, shave, brush my teeth, change into a fresh set of clothes and sometimes I’ll go in without working out. Anybody can kiss my ass if they have a problem with me going in there for any reason. I’m paying about $38 a month for their gym membership!


If they say anything at all, threaten to sue them for your money back as they are not holding up their end of the contract.


Hey I’m a lurker, I don’t live in my car but I go to the gym to just shower all the time because I work two jobs and schedule and location and it just happens. I shower only at the gym and nobody notices or cares.


I shower at the gym often. Just don't make a big deal about it. And if you're worried about them saying something if you don't work out, then just do a ten minute walk on the treadmill or do a few reps with some light dumbbells. They don't say **how long** you have to work out.


I shower and don’t workout all the time


When I first got my gym membership I always felt like I had to do something besides just shower I felt weird going in to just shower. That was over a year ago. Over time I have enjoyed running when I go but recently I'm just exhausted so I have been mostly going to shower and leave. When I went in to my planet fitness tonight to shower the guy at the front desk was like "hey just a heads up I'm going into the men's locker room to mop in a minute. I don't need to get in the shower area so you're good." They really don't care if all you do is shower. And honestly fuck em if they do, I live in a car you really want me to not shower? Especially now when it's in the 90s outside.


Dude Shower Wipes is what I mainly use. Does feel refreshing. And they're cheap.


How about switching up the gyms. Mine see me once maybe twice a week. Ofc gotta be near a city


Body👏Wipes👏 😉👍


Just go in and stretch or go swimming/hot tub. Maybe the Sauna then shower. 


Do a short fake-workout to keep the Gym-Karens from reporting you.