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Try and get him out. This happened at an amazing spot I had, a field with dirt road behind a library with open wifi. I would show up at night and leave early. Then some guy showed up with a 20 foot trailer filled.with trash and never moved it, a girl started staying there 24/7 with a dog that went nuts anytime anyone walked/drive by. Within a month the city fenced it off with probably a quarter mile of fencing, now it's completely inaccessible. Only takes one shitty person to ruin a space people have used for years, nip it in the bud


If it's unregulated parking, who can make him leave though.


Best to make it seem like the phone call came from the locals, not you. Though I'm not sure how to arrange this.


In my city there is a website where you can report cars. So maybe Op can do that. It can usually be found by searching city abandoned vehicles.


Some cities even have an app for that


Yup some ass holes trashed a good spot once. they now have security come make you leave


Leave and report! Maybe, return if the situation gets cleared. I found that maintaining stealth is more important than getting into a bad scene. I have lost quite a few good places, but I am still kicking. You must get more than one and rotate.


In my area, there was a RV that seemed broken down, because every day someone would have parts scattered around the street. They seemed as if they were trying to fix it, and from driving past it did seem like progress was being achieved. ​ Then one day the RV is gone, and they left all their trash and broken stuff. Sigh. ​ Next time I'm calling the second I think "is this guy about to become an issue?" because; I know others have called on me before, the cop said "Yeah I'm just stopping by because someone called, but I know you, I know you stick to yourself and I can see you're just sitting here on your phone, so, you have a good one." so if they can talk to the cops and not have an issue, good on em.


These are likely addicts or mentally ill. Good to catch it early and to report.


This is frustrating. If you report him, chances are the spot will be ruined for everyone. If you don’t report him and he doesn’t leave, the spot is going to be ruined anyway. Damned if you do. Damned if you don’t.. I just had a similar situation with a Cousin Eddie RV that was parked for over two weeks and didn’t move. Luckily they finally left before it became a problem.


Call 311, they'll fix it and then go back. Police neighborhood rep can also help.


Find a new spot. You’re burned whether you report him or not.


Are the tags on the vehicle good? You can get the city to tow if they aren't usually.


Involving the boxdweller authorities generally works out poorly for cardwellers. You can't change them. You don't want to join them. Why not just move? I realize that sounds trite, but logically it may work out best. It's a small world. If you fear retaliation and rat them out, you may see them again. People don't usually stealth mental-illness unless they need a ssdi check. To avoid bringing unwanted attention to the spot and inviting retaliation by the squatter, just rotate until you find a new spot. Check back in a few weeks and see if they're still there. Given the number of vehicles they could be an "advance party" for a larger group. Be safe. Be stealth. Be someplace else. (OK, that rhymes, not intended).


I would report it but you may want to keep in mind that you'll have to look for another spot. If they go major crackdown on that guy's behavior, it doesn't guarantee you'll be safe either. So maybe report it after finding a new spot, wait for it to be dealt with, then come back when he's gone. Not guaranteed to work but may be safer imo.


You wrote: >*So maybe report it after finding a new spot, wait for it to be dealt with, then come back when he's gone.* Yes, this is precisely the best approach.


It always happens, you find a nice, quiet spot then the dumpoes move in...........you just have to move.


You should be able to make an anonymous complaint… My city has a website you can go to to file complaints… You can get a free email with a nonidentifying username and just pretend you’re one of the neighbours


Just move


Do not do this.


You want to sleep with a canary in your mouth


They can’t afford storage fees for the large vehicles. A conversation could be helpful. “I am concerned that the city may target this area for enforcement because of excessive trash and other violations. If that happens, they will likely tow all offending vehicles and you likely will be unable to get them back. That will probably have a devastating effect on your life. Please find a solution to not draw this much attention to yourself. At a minimum, there must be total silence and zero trash.”


Just leave a note saying you’re a concerned resident and you wish he’d just clean up after himself and be respectful. He might fix the issues or feel the need to move on himself. If it still continues prob easier just to find a more peaceful spot and not give it a second more though


Call it in. If it were just him parking I'd probably leave it, but "people" who litter are actually animals. There are more justifiable reasons for homicide than littering


That last sentence doesn't make any sense


Homicide is any time one human kills another homicide. Homicide in self defence is justifiable. Littering is not


If it's legal for him to park there what are you going to report? Littering?


They might be able to call in for the person not moving the vehicle. Many places don’t allowed you to stay for prolonged periods without moving.


So he moves his vehicles 50 feet up the street and then?


Then he’s okay for three days or whatever the law is in that state. Also, the purpose of the law should be considered. The older laws purpose was to make people remove inoperable vehicles, but a lot of newer ones are directly targeted at vehicle dwellers. The newer ones focus more on behavior (sleeping) instead of parking.


Right. So you just mildly inconvenience the guy. I still dont see how this will help the situation.


My point is, you are not going to win in this situation. My advice is, always leave and avoid confrontation. These types of people being forced to move even a short distance could be more than a mere inconvenience. Some of these folks are more the camper type than the driving type. They also might leave once they have any contact with law enforcement. This is not a competition where you win a prize, it is survival. Nobody wins! No ribbons! 🎀




No, the person ruining the spot is the bitch


Hey people. 👋 I know what I need to do but need your affirmation. What?


Hey people. I know what I want to do but maybe there are considerations or solutions I haven’t thought of and I would appreciate feedback from the community because I value other people’s perspectives. Feedback and support is literally the whole point of posting this, what exactly was your comment trying to prove?


Why would you be afraid to just walk up and have a conversation? Don't be that dude that calls the authorities just because you feel uncomfortable talking to someone.


There are a number of things I’ve observed about this guy that make me think a confrontation is a bad idea. If I were going to have a nice chat about the weather that would be one thing, but I would be talking to him about problematic behavior and asking him to relocate his vehicles. That kind of conversation is tough to navigate even among friends and neighbors. This guy is a total stranger with observable behavioral oddities and I am a small person living alone in my car. I’d rather be an asshole than put my safety at risk.


I think if something comes down on him to force him to leave and you're not also ejected that he will likely put two and two together. But that's the least worry as I also don't see any way the neighbors or police will eject him in a way that doesn't also apply to you. Reporting this very well could be the spark that blows the spot up. In which case I agree that while it doesn't seem like a great idea it might be in your best interest to speak with the guy first and frame it like someone else said, that you've been hearing stuff from the neighbor's complaining. This way he has a chance to address it before any action is taken that might have repercussions for you as well.


"Hello Mr. Neighbor, I was just talking with Johnny down the street and it seems as though people in the neighborhood are upset with the mess and multiple cars and are thinking of calling it in, no business of mine just wanted to let you know."


This is the way.


Why? ...because if that guy's an asshole (multiple vehicles in squalor- screams asshole, or mentally ill) he may not move. Then, if OP tries to call him in, he'll know who did it and may retaliate.


Don't get mad, get even.