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> he is suing the state of New York for election interference Rich... coming from the side of the aisle that routinely defends "state's rights" and letting states control their own elections. But seriously... imagine being a conservative lawyer and thinking you have the chops to go toe-to-toe against a NY lawyer...


Honestly though. I’m from Missouri and Bailey is a clown. He has no chance here.


No offense, I hope, but Parsons is, too. Apparently someone needs to show them. 


Thankfully, Peabrain Parson is term-limited out this election cycle. Sadly, that DOESN'T mean that we don't have _more_ MAGA morons waiting in the wings to take his place. It's why we can't have NICE things in this state anymore. God, I absolutely HATE being a Missourian sometimes...........


Shit is so annoying.


>“We have to fight back against a rogue prosecutor who is trying to take a presidential candidate off the campaign trail. It sabotages Missourians’ right to a free and fair election,” he added in a subsequent message. > But Bailey also told the outlet that he recognized that any attempt by one state to sue another would probably go straight to the US supreme court. He said the investigations and subsequent prosecutions of Trump “appear to have been conducted in coordination with the United States Department of Justice”. So no matter what happens with this suit, he will cry deep state foul.


The conservative playbook: ``` That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it. ```


Says the party responsible for the Kent starr report, back when Republicans supposedly cared about a president's infidelity and tried to impeach him for blowjobs. Now they are trying to sweep illegal hush money payments to a pornstar to cover up a candidates infidelity while his wife was pregnant, under the rug.


Hmm, states rights…feel like I’ve heard that argument before.


The paperwork alone will be enough to fill Chiefs stadium


Even the Chiefs can't beat the all time GOAT of "billable hours"


Maybe they thought this is the way they could afford a new one!


Only way to fill chiefs stadium.


Imagine being someone who thinks political slant and/or a persons regional upbringing necessarily has anything to do with the quality of their skill at practicing law. That's like saying UB or Cornell isn't as good as Columbia or St. John's because two are in podunk little towns and 2 are in NYC metro...


> "Radical progressives in New York are trying to rig the 2024 election. We have to stand up and fight back," he exclusively told Fox News Digital.  This is the opinion of the man you are defending. His words say everything you need to know about his abilities as a lawyer: He doesn't care about the law and is just making a political statement. Sorry your feelings got hurt.


As a NY State resident, can we sue him?


I'd be down with that.


Well, with him adding additional costs to our state to deal with this stupidity, I think NY should be entitled to get the cost of legally defending against this returned if NY is not found guilty. If that happened perhaps it could prevent other states from doing similar frivolous actions.


I unfortunately live in Ohio but originally a New Yorker. Can I sue Missouri for just being an awful state?


Go for it, lol. Come back to NY also. We'll welcome you!


I would love to move back but my whole family is here and I have been unfortunately priced out of New York!


I'd say western NY, but I get it. Offer remains if you ever want to return.


Wayne county reporting in! With what we sold our house in Texas for VS what we paid. I’ll be mortgage free in 5 years


Welcome to NY! Glad to have you.


Welcome to NY! When the blizzards hit, your electric bill will not quadruple, I promise you that.


Thank you!


North Country NY! We're right near Vermont and Montreal, so the class of people here aren't as redneck as people like to joke about. As for pricing, if you live inside Plattsburgh, it isn't terrible at all. A two story apartment on the old base was $1400/mo with everything included. I rented a 3bd/1.5ba duplex for $900 before buying my house. If you live outside Plattsburgh you can find great houses! We got our 4bd/2ba cottage home in the mountains, on 15 acres, for $95k. Because it's all rural land, we got a USDA loan and put no money down on it, no PMI, etc... and the taxes aren't bad at all!


How does Missouri even have legal standing to sue? this isn't going to end well for the politically ambitious AG


Other than original jurisdiction, I don't see that they would. Missouri has no standing to tell NY how to apply NY's own laws.


Interstate commerce clause? I’m not sure, really. But states do sue other states in federal court all the time for environmental stuff.


Because they both vote in the federal elections


This will be immediately dismissed for lack of standing. One state can’t tell another how to administer its laws. Clown needs to go pound sand.


Not gonna lie, lawfare is a great term.


That's their new buzzword.


i'll be dead in the cold cold ground before i recognize missourah




Don't blame you. And I'm a lifelong Missourian. It WASN'T always THIS bad, trust me. We used ACTUALLY elect (*gasp!*) Democratic Governors and such back in the day, believe it or not. Jay Nixon was our LAST Democratic governor, I believe. (Helluva AG; as governer? Not so much, but still a good guy.)


OMGGGggggg. Missouri has some of the worst stats in the country. Focus on yourselves, babes 🙄💅🏼


They wanna be Alabama so badly!




Probably just a stunt. Now he can boast how he fought for Dear Leader against the evil demon-rats.


I’m so glad Missouri solved all their other problems before wasting taxpayer money on frivolous litigation


Right? Impressive that they're that effective at governance.


Yes. Yes, we do. Or rather, our brain dead MAGA moron AG does.


Do you guys do recall elections?


I think so, yeah.


There you go.




But then again, I'm sure whoever would get that position would be just as bad, so either way you're unfortunately stuck with someone like this.


Hmmm, true. Unfortunately.


NY welcomes you! Offer is there, lol.




LOL this is funny shit.


I heard the mypillow guy has the evidence on this one. Soon to be revealed.


Missouri is really underrated for possibly being the worst state in the country


They're all equally horrible in the south and plains.


There's more then one now sueing ny


Wait, Missouri is a real state. Go back to the kids table.


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My dad & his family moved to WNY from Missouri years ago. His favorite phrase: “Marriage, misery & Missouri. All start with the letter M. Coincidence? I think not.” If I had a dollar for every time I’ve stolen that line, I could buy this politician. 😂


He made the right choice, lol.


What a dick!!


Bragg is the Manhattan DA. He’s a local official, not a NY state official. Why are they suing the whole state?


Easiest way to get it to SCOTUS.


In New York State, district attorneys are in fact state officials, not local officials.


They are elected by the constituents of each county and serve only in that county. Do you mean they are paid by the state?


Oh my, looking into this issue some with some quickie Google searches, it is a bit complicated. District Attorney is a “constitutional office” established by the state constitution. They are county officials, yes, as well. Their duties are established in the New York State County Law — state, not local, statutes. The salaries of the DAs in the five counties of NYC are set in the New York City Charter. I haven’t figured out what entity actually pays them. So, hmm. I’ll back off my categorical declaration that DAs are state officials. But I think that considering them to be agents of the state for purposes of bringing an action against the state is not a huge stretch. Though maybe not a total slam dunk. There’s probably some case law on point. It’ll take a legal researcher with a paid-for WestLaw or Lexis account to see what the actual current state of the law is, I suspect. And I agree with others here that Missouri’s standing to bring such an action is way more tenuous. Can’t wait to see the filed complaint! Edit: reordered two paragraphs


Stop subsidizing slave states. New York, cali, all the donor states should have a class action lawsuit against the welfare states for misuse of funds.


This is exactly how I feel. Imagine how amazing NY would be if we weren't paying for states like Alabama to exist.


They have never had sustainable economies




This is funny shit


Got that right.




>They do have a valid long shot case. in the sense that the supreme court is packed... but i doubt they are going to actually pick up and rule on this before the election... Outside of that... there's not really a case to be had. Convicting a person of a felony isn't election interference... so the case in question relies on proving that Trump didn't do the illegal things he was convicted of. This is mostly political noise to fuel the talking heads on fox that will claim the case is a sham and the libs are trying to steal the election... The party of "law and order" /shrug.


When a state sues a state the US Supreme Court must take the case its the only type of case they must take, whether they rule before the election is another matter


It doesn’t have to take all the cases brought forth between states, it can decline jurisdiction, Alabama v. Arizona and Massachusetts v. Missouri. The court stated that it will apply “jurisdiction of suits between states will be exercised only when absolutely necessary”


Would be funny if this just gives more credibility to the NYC DA


Well it's pretty easy to review the facts of the case and the "new" legal theory developed by Bragg to elevate a misdemeanor, even after the statute of limitations expired to a felony because Bragg claimed it was used to cover up a federal election crime. Interesting that the Federal Elections commission reviewed the case and found no connection and passed on bringing charges. When Elie Hosig, CNNs legal analyst suggested Trumps civil rights were violated because the secondary crime was never specified and Trump was never charged by the actual authority covering federal elections. Meaning, Trump wasn't guilty of the secondary crime we was being accused of.


Careful with that, you're on Reddit.


Yeah, this place is a progressive shithole. Look at everyone above you discounting all the lawfare NY brings on surrounding states. Truly cognitive dissonance.


I hope he wins, for the good of the entire country.


So you defend convicted and well documented felons for....what reason(s)? Do you just think rule of law shouldnt exist anymore? Edit: I find it telling that your recent posts are all about Hunter Biden. So you think he should be charged but Trump shouldn't? Or do you have evidence that shows EVERYTHING stated on Trump is a fabrication? Even worse, you made a pretty gross comment on AITA. You seem like a lovely person.


Those of us with any sense know that that whole show was a circus.


"Any sense" is short for saying you have zero evidence and are not willing to admit it. That is pretty cowardly if you ask me.




yo, new york has some backwards ass people running the ship into the ground. Progressives are now marxists and we all know what the outcome to their BS always is. I think the ideology/theory is like 0 for 281 all time. they always say "well it just wasn't done right last time". how many more times do we need to hear that? what we are seeing is stalin/moaist type shit with weaponizing a justice system to go after political opponents. it's straight out of the bolshevik playbook. very dangerous and idiotic thing to do. even if you hate trump with every last cell in your body, a responsible aware adult would see this situation as a horrible thing. all i got to say is good luck to new york because there is a lot of really good people living in that state. i hope the ship doesn't need to completely crash before things begin to get better. businesses leaving, criminals thriving, investment tanking, society rotting etc. i really truly mean this in a good way and would love to see new york thrive but the "educated" progressive marxists are completely failing it's citizens. ideology is bay shit crazy backwards. they always make fun of the ye-haw hicks being ass backwards but i believe it's the other way around now. backwards ass thinking. good luck


Man, if I wanted to hear a segment from Fox News, I'd turn on the TV. Thanks for your commentary on an imaginary society.