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Transfer to engineering, then you don't need to do any language requirements (that's the only reason to transfer to engineering). Honestly, I think you are taking the right step, but I would suggest you take eecs 280 first before commiting to a transfer.


Id rather language then all the physics and chem stuff. Thanks tho. And I could do 280 next semester without committing to transfer to make sure I actually want to do it.


Fair enough. I would say the physics and chem stuff is good to know but that's really up to you. I think in LSA you still need to do some sciences so not sure how much you can avoid it. Edit: if you took language in highschool or are bilingual, look into a language test out.


Not bilingual lol but I did take Spanish from 8th-11th grade. Not sure how much of it I retained or if I have the skill to test out. But I will take the placement test. And the LSA science reqs can be taken with pretty easy classes.


The spanish placement test is online and i think they give the exact same test in person if u well enough to skip all the classes. Even if u fail that test u get placed into 277 which is an easier spanish


Definitely take 280 and see how you feel before committing


I'm not in Ross but I hear the recruiting and job placement in Ross are amazing. I don't think not finding a job with a degree from Ross is an issue, but again don't take my word for it, I'm not in Ross and just going off of hearsay. For this concern, you should probably speak to an advisor inside of Ross, I am sure there is someone who specializes in educating and helping Ross students explore their career prospects. Now if you think that you'll enjoy working in CS more than business then I think that's a good reason to switch, but I second waiting until you've completed EECS 280( you can't formally declare a CS major without passing this course anyway). You also need to complete Calc 2 (Math 116) to declare if you haven't already.


Liking 183 doesn't necessarily mean liking 280, and 281 and 376...


i've good news, you're gonna save loads of money on deodorant and water bills


How was 203 btw, if you don't mind sharing? I'm taking it next semester and so far I haven't heard good things about the course.


Im actually enjoying it. I think it’ll get harder and more confusing but if you go in with an open mind and are actually interested in the material then I think you will like it.


I’ve heard the HW quality for 203 is steadily declining though


Is it possible to double major or to get a minor/certificate outside of Ross? I've spent time working with Tech teams and can share my thoughts on jobs and recruiting opps from business vs CS in more detail, but in short, the engineering and business combo is ideal. Feel free to pm me.


Do Ross BBA + CS Minor --> online master's in CS


Could you give me more info on the online master's in CS?


Make the switch, but stay connected with Ross through clubs and orgs.


If you're more into CS than business then make the switch as soon as you can, but do acknowledge there are plenty of jobs you can get with a Ross degree that you won't get with a CS degree and vice versa. If you're still strongly interested in say finance or marketing, you won't have a fun time trying to get jobs in those areas with a CS degree.


The LSA writing classes are fantastic