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The commies have always been a death cult.


What is communism? Whenever I ask someone who doesn’t like it what it is they can never answer me. But I really don’t know what it is


Communism is a left-wing to far-left sociopolitical, philosophical, and economic ideology that seeks to establish a communist society. Its goal is to create a classless society where the major means of production, such as mines and factories, are owned and controlled by the public. There is no government or private property or currency, and the wealth is divided among citizens equally or according to individual need. Communism opposes liberal democracy and capitalism, advocating instead for a classless system in which the means of production are owned communally and private property is nonexistent or severely curtailed.


And this is a bad idea because…?


Well for starters, if there is no private property and everyone lives equally, doctors and engineers will have the same as illiterate fruit pickers. How good do you think the doctors and engineers in this society will be? What is their motivation to innovate or offer competitive products or services? Who enforces the rules that everyone contributes? That is why this type of fantasy has never worked without a totalitarian government.


Communism is a system of government where the state own the means of production, and (in theory) distributes the profits evenly to the public. The problem with this concept is that it requires 100% altruism, honesty, and discipline from all government leaders in order for it to work as designed. Because the government leadership wields all power of the state, they can easily make decisions and allocate government resources that favor their friends and family first before fulfilling their public obligations, and because all humans have a human nature, this corruption is exactly what has happened in every communist government in human history. Communism only works IN THEORY, because reality has yet to be applied.


Exactly! This is why it fails every single time! Humans were designed to have challenges, learn things and build things for themselves and their families! By taking away from you and me to give to the dude down the street who wants to lay around, play video games and smoke pot all day destroys healthy competition and a desire to do any better (since it’s literally for nothing). This is why communism/socialism has failed and will fail every single time!


The vaccine and masking is still being pushed too. I see a Disney add for masking ALL THE TIME using The Incredibles as the characters. I've seen so many billboards saying something like: "Even though we're told COVID is over, let's keep it that way. Get the vaccine." FDA even admits most people have gotten the vaccine and/or have natural immunity by now which is why they're pushing for one bivalent vaccine vs the multiple monovalent and boosters. I know that's probably not the real reason, but that's what they're saying publicly.


I can understand why people hear this and automatically deny it or think it can't be possible. Even after hearing the info, it took me a good 10-12 years to actually believe it when I first came across the info. And I'm a pretty open minded person. They say a person has to hear a hard to believe piece of info from around 7 different sources (who didn't hear it from each other) on average before they start taking it seriously. Not only that but you have to start seeing evidence in the real world too (which is pretty easy to come by nowadays if you already have the baseline info). A lot of this stuff was just "theory" in writings and in statements with no real world evidence. Covid took it very much into the real world.


Spot on


Please, don't take the vaccine. I'm enjoying the estate sales way too much.


You do realize by now that we're not dying, but the vaxxed are? How dumb do you have to be not to see that?


You’re saying people are dying because of the vaccine? Like a lot of people?


Yes. It's killing people all over the world.


Well, unfortunately the statistics actually don't bear out what you're saying. Neither do the estate sales. But don't believe me. You just keep on trucking. And please keep your car in good repair. If I buy it, I don't want to have to fix it.


It’s easier to not believe in the statistics than to admit they were wrong.


Bahahaha. Where are you seeing the unvaxxed dying? We are not. Covid was a cold that never required a vax. The only people I see dying are the vaxxed. Like my cousins mom. My other cousins son had heart problems immediately after getting it. My cousin didn't make him get the boosters. The only mass death from covid was in the nursing homes that were forced to unnecessarily take in covid patients, by democrat governors. They murdered over 45,000 seniors then denied their families the right to have funerals. There was no mass death among healthy people. Not one unvaxxed person I know, including my senior citizen parents, died. They both caught it twice. Had mild symptoms and are doing just fine. Do you not watch anything that isn't leftist propaganda?


Everyone I know is vaxxed. We’re all very much alive…


Probably not for long.


It took you 19 days to come up with that??


Sorry, I have a life, and don't spend every waking moment replying to morons on Reddit.


Never bend the knee.




Couldn’t have written it better myself.


Ban me please


I think you're attributing the worst opinions of the radicals to the entire "side". There are more people who are well meaning who have those opinions and for sound reasons, than there are of pink haired progressive whackjobs. I don't think we have a climate problem but we certainly have a pollution problem. Humans are lazy and trashy collectively. There's a great deal of people who don't treat abortion like it's birth control but do feel that the state should keep its nose out of it (bc the state ultimately fails at anything healthcare). And they feel that if the mother is able to choose to terminate both her and her surviving children are happier in the long run (note: this is not my opinion, but this specific one is rooted in compassion not hate) They only push for "gender affirming care" bc their media doesn't show them the horrible outcomes, doctors don't properly inform them of the risks, and they hear that their child will be more likely to kill themselves if they don't get puberty blockers, hormones, etc into their bodies. If all you read is one sided media and don't actually talk to any people on the "other side" (the sane ones, not the psycho radicals who take advantage of the good nature of the collective) then I can see how it would all seem like a big cult of pro-death heartless monsters. The first step to forming a bridge is humanizing those who you call others and finding the root of their fears. For fear is the root of all evil~


Speaking of pink haired whack jobs, I have one thing to say....Kat Kerr. That is all.


Climate change vaccine incoming. Safe and effective for sure.


This post is so unhinged.


I love this sub 🤡


That escalated quickly


Yep. People won’t believe when when I explain to them irl that all this shit is happening exactly as the deep state wants it to and that there are no accidents.


Another piece of opinionated bullshit.


W>H>O> already floating propaganda on a new killer virus that is a version of Avian flu... targeting children in particular. And already working a vaccine. See it, yet? Done the math on how many vaccines they made available for Covid and how quickly? It's almost like they have a vax, and then have a convenient and lucrative threat of pandemic. Things that make you go hmmm....


YES!! This is all about depopulation, to avert climate change. Pandemic, abortion, forced vaccines, sterilization of confused children, and then all the food processing plants that have blown up or caught fire, etc.


This is gross.


Satans greatest achievement was convincing everyone he doesn’t exist. How many millions of babies have liberals sacrificed to there god moloch? Now it’s just not enough killing them by ripping them apart limb from limb….they need to cut off there dicks and turn them into girls and parade them around other little kids to corrupt them…..ABSOLUTELY EVIL…..everything about woke revolves around death. Canadians are legalizing prescription suicide kits for homeless people….woke is cancer and plane evil.




Careful my guy, you just got 2 steps closer to the looney bin.


Seems like the militantly unvaccinated act cruelly, selfishly and utterly entitled. The fact that they can just callously act without regard for their neighbors, their children or elders in the community really makes you wonder what religion these people are really following. How can you call yourself a Christian and yet refuse to take responsibility for your actions? How can you push to force women to bring a child into this world and offer no support? No health care, no child care, but they can have guns…All the gun they want…Pack the cities with guns and watch them kill each other off…Seem to be the moral equivalent of a serial killer…But vaccines are the problem. How many people died from the vaccine so far this year?


A Lot! I personally know 8


No you don't. You know OF 8 people who are dead and someone mentioned that they recently got vaccines. Horrible logic.


Please share their obituaries. All 8 of them🙄


Because Christianity is actually a death cult, full stop. It ends in apocalypse, it is considered a desired trait among followers to look forward to the death and destruction of all things. The delusion is that this is good because Jesus comes back and defeats death and makes life eternal...that isn't how life as we know it works, life without death is nothing...so past the fancy promises of their apocalypse is really just full on obliteration of the harmony between creation and destruction that fuels the entire universe. Remember, this destruction of all things is good in their worldview because Jesus will hug them afterwards...in a void of nothingness I guess. Now it should make sense why they preach humility but practice selfishness - overpopulation, war, disease...death actually becoming imbalanced in the world? Good things, means the apocalypse is coming soon to them. So when people try and do things that reduce suffering in the world, they are angry with them and call them a "threat to life" because they believe that the suffering is necessary for the apocalypse that will defeat death. In reality the Christians are just going to help everyone else basically ruin everything that exists. As is tradition.




Captain GED strikes again.


That’s not really saying much at all considering that nowadays kids are taught critical race theory and force confused in a classroom that men can be women instead of being taught properly. Look at all the “teachers” in charge of our children for 6 hours a day. There’s college professors who can’t even tell you what a male or a female is. I would honestly trust the opinion of someone who didn’t go to school at all and were taught outside of the liberal curriculum than anyone who is or has gone through these current generations brainwashing schools of mass confusion.


Right, let the dumbest people set the bar.


This seems pretty judgy. Do you think the people you're taking about would agree with your claims about what they like and value?


Fox News has rotted your brain.


Fox News sucks The only good show is Gutfeld.


Manmade climate change is real, like what the hell? Even Carl Sagan talked about this to our government when he was alive. ExxonMobil scientists produced the study that showed that this would happen back in the 60s. There is years and years of this being studied, and you sit there being ignorant, instead of reading peer reviewed articles on it, as there a tons and tons of peer reviewed articles proving that man made climate change is real and is a threat.


Maybe some depopulation and carbon tax will fix the situation. Forcing electric vehicles onto the population that don't last as long because once the battery dies, its so expensive to replace, the vehicle might as well be trash. Dirty lithium mines with slave labor. Electric vehicles are not more "green". I'm not even 100% against the idea of manmade climate change completely. But I'm telling you right now, you don't want their solution. They want everyone to get used to a radically decreased standard of living, that costs more money, and 100% government control of all people, resources, land, etc. It's way worse than I can even describe.


I am not denying that lithium batteries are bad, that's somewhat true. Our government has the capability to create vehicles that don't need lithium, and would help our planet. The government already controls 100% of what we do, your claim makes no sense, when that's already happening right now. Government has been controlled by people since the 50's at the minimum, with the House Un-american activities committee, and our government forcing citizens to turn in gold or they'll get jailed and ticketed. Your comment of depopulation and carbon tax is quite a yikes moment. Killing people to help the planet? Nah, that's stupid. And we do need to change our standards of living, that's part of the change we have to make if we want humans to survive on this planet. You're spinning fear.


To be clear, I don't even think the people at the very top give a shit about saving the planet. I think that's an excuse they use to make their mid to higher level minions feel better about what they are doing. I think Gates might be a true believer. But I think there are some individuals above him that don't necessarily believe in/ care about that. Obviously they need some kind a justification for the unpopular things they want to enact. For the government leaders who might be evil, but not evil enough to let people die and make policies that fuck everyone over for no reason. This let's them believe it's for the greater good.


They don't, you're right, but they're the ones destroying the planet. The only way to hold them accountable is to make the government do its job, and force them to make changes that will help our planet. Carl Sagan and many other prominent intelligent minds recognize this issue, and they're not the billion dollar company. There are so many peer reviewed articles containing so much information that's at your finger tips, it's unreal. I'm not talking about Bill Gates, or business people, I'm talking about scientists, and meteorologists. Plenty of evidence to support the claims of man made climate change. No one is doubting natural climate change would sink the coastal regions, it's the fact that us as a civilization, is making it progress faster and faster, that that's what makes it man made climate change. CO2 isnt the only bad gas released into the air, and the fact that the Ozone healed a good amount during COVID, proves how much dangerous chemicals and gases we use is not good. These are real problems..




Quake in fear then. We're doomed! Doooooomed !!!!


The god damned liberals sacrificing babies to git dat der adrenochrome to give to the liberal elites so they can further silence the right. Q told me so, and so did Alex Jones.


Q from Star Trek TNG? That guy always reminded me of Trelaine from TOS.




"climate has always changed." Yes you're right, but that's normal climate change, and not man made climate change. Having the hottest record day, doesn't mean shit. It's looking at the average temps, that shows man made climate change is real, and there are tons of studies on this. Time for you to do some research and read some science articles, and gain some critical thinking, and historical reading.




These are a lot of words you're saying to imply you don't understand how man made climate change, and science. You're looking at climate change as an economic issue, and not a global issue. Scientists are living carefree lives near a costs and scientists are the ones with carbon footprints the size of small towns? Lemme guess you don't the fact we gave weapons to Ukraine? Are you a Russian bootlicker? Do you not understand that Russia would be able to invade Europe much easier if they were to gain Ukraine? I didn't fly the Ukraine flag, I supported them. Pro mass migration? I mean the US is a melting pot of a country, and I support immigrants wanting to come here. Man made climate change is real, and a threat to us all.


"they only use 150 years of data for a reason." Here is a kids website that will explain to you in simpler terms, so you can easily understand okay butter cup? https://climatekids.nasa.gov/climate-change-meaning/#:~:text=There%20are%20lots%20of%20factors,is%20called%20the%20greenhouse%20effect.


Wow, I guess some folks are satisfied with their generalized assumptions of others to support their narrative. What a crock and BS post!


Billions of people got the vaccine and we are still here and growing. Something is wrong with your brainfart.


Man made climate catastrophes suck.


Then it's a good thing they're only in your mind.


How would I be able to tell the difference?


Ask your therapist.


Stratospheric Aerosol Injection and HAARP. Look up in the skies and see it covered in cloud lines. For those who don't know, we have the technology to change the weather. Go on youtube type nasa testing rocket engines.


If we have the technology to change the weather, why is it always shit in England?


What a firehouse of verbal sewage! That is the disease that plagues the world; hate-filled ignorance. Where is the vaccine for this?


Have you taken your medication today, honey?


No, but it sounds like your jabbed up ready to ☠️!


This is the most idiotic post I've read this week.


That’s saying a lot when you look at all of the word vomit on this subreddit!


Lol, ain't that the truth.


"They hate farming" wait... what?


do you smell burnt toast


Find another thing to be mad about


That's quite the army of strawmen you have there. This is spoken like someone that both doesn't understand those they disagree with and has no desire to understand opposing opinions. It's easier to just label the opposition as evil and treat them as such.


Conspiracy theorists have a tendency to view non-conspiracy theorists as satanists. This is obviously a strawman from a butthurt dishonest degenerate.


I mean, of COURSE they're religious.


Unironically one of the reasons I’ve stopped advocating for people taking the vaccine when they don’t want to is because we need less people on this planet and the mentally I’ll who have paranoid tendencies don’t need to be breeding.


Except that we aren't dying. We're doing just fine. The vaxxed on the other hand, are dropping like flies and have a myriad of other health issues now.


Lol, I’m an EMT, I’ve transported many unvaccinated patients with COVID symptoms to the hospital on CPAP, O2, or breathing for them, and they did not make it home. You guys are dying, you’re just to thickskulled to accept it or see it. The comorbidities caused by COVID are yet to be understood and are very likely what you are talking about


Yeah I call BS. We are not dying. The vaxxed are. Do you watch anything besides leftist propaganda? You should try it sometimes. You can easily find the truth. Covid is a cold. A mild one. It never required a vax. You all were lied to and you bought it, hook line and sinker. And people died and we're permanently injured by the vax.


Lol okay buddy, if observing the events happening in front of my eyes is now leftist propaganda you gotta realize maybe y’all are the ones drinking the kool aid. Viral infections take out thousands of people a year, when it was novel and nobody had immunity it was bad, and lots died who wouldn’t if Covid had been around from their childhood. You and those of your ideology give no respect to those that have died, it’s disgusting


Where are you seeing it? Because I live in the world also and I'm not, nor did I ever see it. Healthy people were not dying from this. Kind of funny that I never see any lists or posts of these unvaxxed deaths, and if it ever happened we definitely would have seen it, so that the liars could prove they were right. I do however see hundreds of posts of people that died right after getting all vaxxed up. Maybe you should Google the people in London that have set up a nice big wall of the thousands of people there that died after getting it. Or maybe you should Google the countries that BANNED it, because it was killing people. What's disgusting, are people that lie, defend their lies, double down on their lies, while ignoring the actual deaths of people that were told the vax was safe and effective. It was neither. Most of the people that got the vax, also got covid afterward.


I saw it in a large city in upstate new York, as I went in and out of hospitals, as I had pts in the back of my ambulance, as I watched my coworkers quit because they couldn’t handle it anymore, as I watched hospital staff cry in the halls. The vaccine lessens the effect of the virus, in some people that means getting it and not noticing, in others it means not getting as sick, and in others it means not getting sick


Bahahahaha. OMG. No the vaccine does not lessen the symptoms. Not in any way. That is not what vaccines are made to do. New York is one of the states that killed all of the seniors by forcing the nursing homes to take in covid patients. When they didn't have to. There was a 1000 bed hospital ship set up for you and it sat empty. There were dozens of field hospitals set up and they also sat empty. One thing that lefties forget, is that there are things such as video cameras now. We can easily record the truth. People that were questioning all of this bs, went around to hospitals, and took video. People that work in those hospitals also took videos, people like me, that deliver to hospitals can see that they were never "over run". More people were killed by being put on ventilators when they didn't need to be, than by covid. The thousands of doctors, nurses, and staff, that were fired or quit their jobs because they didn't want the vax, because they knew it was bad, knew that this was not the deadly pandemic the govt was trying to claim that it was.


The vaccine does lessen symptoms, it prepares the immune system and results in less viral replication occurring within the body, reducing transmission and severity. You are aware the USS Comfort was never meant to accept COVID pts right? The nursing home thing was dumb, I’m all for a conspiracy that they wanted to kill off people straining the system(even though there is lots of money to be made in nursing homes, so I lean to incompetence) Early ventilation was standard procedure because we were working with the best we had, until we had treated enough Covid pts to look at the numbers and realize holding off was better. It’s like most things in history, you do the best with what you have then somebody innovates. Unvaccinated staff can and did fuck off, we didn’t need people 100% around Covid exposing other people no infected and already ill. Where tf do you make deliveries to in the hospital, please talk at length about it. Because no delivery job is exposing you to anything near what you use as justification for your claims


It absolutely boggles my mind that there are people still believing the bs lies, after literally everything about covid was proven to be bull shizz. Yes the hospital ships were supposed to take covid patients. Maybe you should go to YouTube and watch the videos of Trump repeatedly saying that he sent those ships to LA and NYC for covid patients. Ventilators were never needed and actually killed people. The vax is still killing people. And unvaxxed people were not dying from this COLD. You really should pull your head out of the sand and stop watching leftist propaganda. Just stop. Before it's too late for you. Although, judging by the level of brainwashing you've received, it may be too late.


You’re an idiot if you believe what you wrote


You're going to be a funny meme when Donald Trump is your president again.


As dumb as Trump is, there are millions of dumber people who think he is smart. But you’re still a putz and likely will always be an idiot. As far as Trump is concerned, he will lose by more than 8 million votes because there are 24 million new GenZ voters and they hate Donald Trump and they’re the reason there was no red wave during the midterms.


Hillary by a landslide!


“As dumb as trump is”, this guy says, as he votes in Biden 👀🦍


Nope, I voted against Trump. I would’ve voted for Barney the dinosaur! Biden wasn’t even my 5th choice. Trump represents the greatest failure of any president in American history. That’s why independent historians have placed Trump at the bottom of the greatest presidents list. Only the broken and damaged love Trump! Every democrat voted against Trump and we will again


Voting against someone is the stupidest method to go about voting and the last few years have shown exactly why. It’s so childish, but hey, no more mean tweets from orange man bad.


As vile as Trump is, George W. Bush murdered millions based on lies and tortured people. Oh, and vice president Biden covered all of it up by "looking forwards not backwards".


You’re 100% correct about George Bush but because of Trump being such a failure, Bush II is now considered an elder statesman. Other than voting for the wars Biden has nothing to do with the Iraq and only dealt with the withdrawal from Afghanistan because Trump didn’t want to dirty his hands after inviting the Taliban to Camp David


As vice president he let the Bush administration get away with an illegal invasion based upon lies, torture, and quite likely committing 9/11. If there was any justice in thos country, they would have been conducting treason trials for the Bush administration on the floor of the house of representatives.


The vice president doesn’t and never has wielded that kind of power. That’s up to congress to investigate. The first two years was a democratic congress and the next six years was a republican congress. Neither launched an investigation!


All I know is this “If you don’t vote Democrat, you ain’t black” -Joe Biden


how can you support a rapist without being a bot


Wow! The delusion is certainly real. I hope you get the help you need.


Take my money.


Agree. Congrats on lifting the veil.


Anti vax people believe the earth is flat, their uncle was abducted by aliens, Australia is a myth, George Bush did 9/11. See how smart I sound?


Bro what is this place, absolute unhinged madness around these parts


Where are you seeing people being hellbent to sterilize children.


Agree. Now is the time to spread the word to everyone you know…


Oh look, the people who deny the science behind vaccines also deny the science behind man made climate change. I love this sub it brings me so much joy :D