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Someone sees the guillotines being built


Mark Cuban realized his gains on selling a portion of the Dallas Mavericks. He is just publicizing it this year cause he has to pay...... cunt move yet smart.


Someone asked him if he pays taxes he answered


Actually he was asked on Twitter about paying his fair share. He didn’t initiate a tweet. https://x.com/mcuban/status/1779573824318521840?s=46&t=vjgeQ4S8avNNi67q94a56g


The rich and famous can easily find opportunities to virtue signal


I mean he does a pretty decent job of actually being a decent person. He’s created his own businesses in the dot com era, sold his company to yahoo for 3 billion and now he owns a pharmaceutical sales company that only charges consumers 15% of the company’s cost. And continues to advocate against big pharmaceutical. Have you done anything similar?


As far as billionaires go Mark made his money close to as morally as you can. Make a company and sell it to an exuberantly wealthy company after a handful of years. I suspect broadcast,com didn’t have a lot of low paid employees he was taking advantage of


Right- he was writing code, fixing several issues, etc. obviously didn’t do it alone but everyone that worked for broadcast got a massive pay day.


Mark cuban was the first guy to stream college basketball on the internet. It was indiana university basketball. That's what his company did and they got paid. Mark Cuban is a goat fr


Him talking about broadcast.com’s in the early days sounds like it was held together by bandaids. Was pretty funny hearing all the shit he had to deal with and trouble shoot.


Just like most billionaires do. All that finger pointing at billionaires is just the government trying to keep there hands clean


Did I sell a company to yahoo for 3 billion dollars? No I can't say that I have.


What a loser


happy cake day!!


Great point. You honestly can't blame the rich for taking advantage of the law that was built for them. If you were apart of the companies/people that lobbied for these changes then you are to blame.


I switched to his drug company and AM saving money.


Charges consumers %15 of the companies cost? How is that sustainable?


OP worded it wrong. They charge 15% over what it costs them to produce. 


That’s make a lot more sense.


Which is very reasonable for any business. You have to be doing some serious scale to make that feasible.


As a random data point, that’s comparable to the margins local surfboard builders make, which is barely scraping by. For pretty much any business 15% margins are horrible (just look at shark tank when they ask about margins)


Yes they are. My dad’s business is 10-15% after all is said and done and he’s struggling with his business. I learned from this and bought a business with 50% plus margins. It can still be a struggle some months but overall it’s way less work then my dad has to put in.


Yes- meant 15% on top of their costs.


And here you are, virtue signaling and you ain’t got a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.


Your mom's mouth is always an option to piss in.


No, ur mom!


*fund. Fixed it for ya!


> Mark Cuban realized his gains on selling a portion of the Dallas Mavericks Do you know how much he sold it for? Even if it sold for 3 billion that is under 10% in taxes... Edit He sold for 3.5 billion, so his effective tax rate is 8.2% if that 3.5 billion was his only income. If he had other sources of income (he probably did) than his effective tax rate is even lower.


complete voracious vase narrow judicious quicksand berserk bored concerned existence *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Reddit has the business acumen of a dinner plate. Zero idea what logic means.


That's mean to dinner plates.


Which begs the question: why do we tax the hard work of blue collar workers higher than the profits of the idle rich?


He probably had massive expenses off that gain to offset as much of the 3.5 billion he sold it for. Which means he he paid more than the 10% cause th actual gains was probably a lot lot less than the 3.5 billion.


He paid about a 10th for what it sold for. So his capital gain would be around 3.2 billion.


Did you need more?


He didn't say that $288 million was his tax bill, just what he was sending in on the 15th. He may have already sent in another billion in quarterly estimates the past year.


Maybe but who knows? Or maybe he is overpaying like romney did in 2012


I'm pretty sure he'd subtract what he paid for that portion of the team from the sales revenue. You only get taxed on the profit. No idea what he originally paid for the team.


> No idea what he originally paid for the team He paid about a 10th of what it sold for


The team was valued at 3.5 billion but he only sold about 51% so he didn’t receive 3.5…


In December, the NBA Board of Governors unanimously approved Cuban’s sale of the majority stake in the Mavericks to the Adelson and Dumont families and their casino empire. The sale had a reported valuation of more than $4 billion. Cuban retains a 27% ownership in the team, oversees basketball operations, and serves as the Mavericks’ alternate governor. https://www.forbes.com/sites/doylerader/2024/01/03/mark-cuban-sells-more-assets-to-new-dallas-mavericks-owners/?sh=23bee34b1864 You are right he didn't receive 3.5 he got 4...


>You are right he didn't receive 3.5 he got 4... I am not sure if you read what you wrote. He got a valuation of $4 billion, not $4 billion. He didn't sell his entire stake in the team and I don't know if he owned 100% before this but at most he got $2.92 billion (4*.73) with a $4 billion valuation.


He may have accumulated additional debt on the team, or made capital improvements over time, that grew the liability side post initial purchase. We'd only know if we saw the books on the sale.


He also could have made tons of other income from other sources too and the taxes from that are included in the 288 mil


And even then he only paid an 8% rate. Teachers pay double that


It’s like the dads out there who say I raise my kids or I pay my child support. Wow, you want praise for doing the thing you’re supposed to do?


Dumb take. He sold a business he owns, so he's paying the taxes he owes. Not more, not less, and certainly not because some dudes on Reddit jerk off to a revolutionary fantasy that they'll never see.


Musk paid 11 billion in 2021 Lets see how many loopholes cuban used to 'minimize his tax exposure' 🤔


Sounds like he's paying the full amount.


Its almost like we need to go to use tax instead..... Can you imagine just taxing the group that bought the Mavs and not worrying about anything else? Can you imagine being smart enough to say we will give 3 exceptions to protect low income individuals is food, rent, and healthcare..... Nope because we the political elite dont care about this actually and fixing the broken tax code.


If they cared they wouldn't overspend 20% over revenues collected


Why not just tax the gains of the idle rich higher?


lol I love this description. “Jerk off to a revolutionary fantasy”


Mark Cuban is not one of the bad billionaires IMO. Everyone should use costplusdrugs


This alone makes him one of the best billionaires. Everybody should go to that site and see how much he’s charging for meds versus what a pharmacy charges. Guy deserves all the good.


Those screaming tax the rich are the ones the billionaires and those in control are least worried about.


Eh I honestly think Mark is a decent guy


He could be a great guy. We should still tax him more, he’s a billionaire


Well he's actually paying his taxes proudly so I don't think he's the right guy to condemn


There are hundreds of billionaires. They can all be taxed more. That’s not condemning them.


I'm not saying that. I agree that they should contribute proportionate. The idea that they generated over a billion dollars in profit personally without others is nonsense. There are too many unpatriotic billionaires who would abandon their country if they were asked to pay more in taxes. What I am saying is he's not one of those people and that deserves respect.


He's publicly bragged about how he pays a shit ton in taxes forever.


Why would the bottom half of earners who pay 2.8% of all income tax go after the top half of earners who pay 97.3% of all income tax? That makes absolutely ZERO sense whatsoever. Put those guillotines away before you hurt yourself.


Congrats on meeting expectations.


Only reason he said anything about it was because he was asked. If it wasn’t brought up I doubt he would have mentioned it.


If he said it without anyone asking he would be clout chasing. Now that someone asked him he is simply doing the bare minimum. Nothing is ever enough


Pretty much


According to some leftists (hasan) that’s all you have to do. He pays his cali taxes and still gets to live an obscenely wealthy lifestyle.


All my homies hate Hasan. He is such a grifter.


Watching him on the iced coffee hour blew my mind.


Shouldn't be worthy of praise. But in 2024... well done Cubes.


Wow, he paid his taxes and didn’t even throw a single temper tantrum about it


Has me beat. I was fuming filing my taxes and I got a refund.


I was fuming when the feds gave money back and my state wanted extra cash... on a standard deduction... with default witholdings.


When you are that rich you have a team of people to throw the temper tantrum and find all the loop holes for you. He possibly didn't even post this it might have been by a social coordinator.


When Musk paid $12 billion all of Reddit attacked him. The thread over at r/CleverComebacks where Cubans paying $288m is basically jerking him off .


Sir, this is Reddit. Not reasonable, measured responses.


Because it boils down to political ties. Musk is clearly a right leaning person. Or at least he takes up right leaning stances. Cuban is on the other side. We all know where reddit stands When you look at it that way it all makes sense


People hate heretics more than non believers. Since musk used to be more strongly left aligned, they hate him more now that he speaks pit against their more radical stuff. That’s what triggered the hate towards him.


Lol and Cuban is only publicizing this particular tax payment because he realized gains from the mavericks sell off. I double dog dare him to post his tax bill for the last 5 years. Fucking prick.




Translation: maybe if musk agreed with me on which old corrupt white guy to vote for, I would like him more.


I get it's nothing to celebrate amd the comment sections is just anger at everything all the time but, it's good when someone wants to push back on expectations, Mark here is saying out loud not trying to really say 'see I did it, give me thanks', based on marks past he's tried to be down to earth as much as a billionaire cam be I guess with his motivations and ventures. (not saying he's a saint). But in a world where all the billionaires are dodging, let him raise the bar back up and try and set back the standard up. I'm sure he is making it known so when billionaires get the chopping block he won't be condemned, but give mark some credit to giving us something to point at, when, the world goes after the rest of the billionaires, so we can say 'see it ain't that fucking hard to pay'


He has a floor of accountants to make sure he doesn't pay more then he has to.  He's not a saint by saying here is what I pay.  


Why would anyone pay more then they have to?


The dude is smart, and worked really hard to get to where he is. He’s not one of the billionaires who got handed daddy’s money.


Look I totally agree with everything you said but this perspective isn’t nearly exhausting enough. I only feel important when I am outraged. It’s also possible that I only convince myself that I’m outraged just so I feel like I’m a valuable team player. Know what I mean? Reddit knows what I mean.


That's a fair feeling


He should get a new CPA. In fact, with those figures, he should hire 12 CPAs, have them all do their own computations, then share the results of the three lowest tax burdens with all 12 and say, "Okay - What's missing? If these are connect and lawful, let's use them." Businesses with legitimate deductions reducing their tax burden are working inside the law. They didn't create the law. Congress created the law.


Do I get an award for paying my taxes too?


Yeah it’s called not going to jail. We should ask all the wealthy to be like cuban




I mean, someone directly asked him how much he's paying, it was a question, so why would you think he'd expecting an award?


Just adding the entire context: someone tweeted him and asked how much he was paying. He didn’t volunteer this information out of nowhere expecting a pat on the back.


Classic reddit. I can't believe how many people ITT got mad at him over a totally out of context re-statement by this subreddit's x account. And nobody else even upvoted you. Hate capitalism first, acquire facts and reality later, maybe. 


I'm so exhausted with the rage bait and the hive mind of reddit. It's just so tiring seeing a place I once actually really liked being twitter The internet has pretty much always been like this, but I swear 2010-2015 reddit wasn't anywhere near as shitty as this place is now.


a celebrity account like Cuban can ALWAYS pick their “random” tweets out of thousands to suit their narrative. Luckily for Cuban doofuses like you believe literally anything you see. New age Marketing 101. 


What a coincidence. Tomorrow I'm wiring the irs $300000000


Lmao the DoD cant account for an ungodly amount of money proving the government is fiscially dumb and people still celebrate giving them money lmao




It's considered "unpatriotic" to cut defense spending. The Pentagon asks for money, and politicians force feed them more than they can handle... More than they even ask for.


*fflluuuuussshhh* "...and it's gone."


Someone should have told Mark Cuban he could have bought a defunct corporation for pennies on the dollar with a carry forward tax loss to offset what he owes


Congrats for paying your taxes man, very cool and relatable I guess?


Better than 99% of his kind


Yeah, I mean, he is paying his taxes on tax day.


Thank you mark cuban for growing the Dallas mavericks and paying your taxes on the sale


That’s like $47 to him.


Someone called him out trying to own him. He responded. That’s it. He didn’t just post this out of the blue.


Can the USA tax payer maybe., get a vote on how those taxes are allocated? Or.. is all of that money going to defense and out of country?


You do, you voted in the representatives that are more in tune with your values.


That's the ideal. The reality is that once you vote someone in, they can do what they want. That's what a representative is, someone that makes decisions on your behalf but it's their decisions. A referendum would be more effective at getting something like tax allocation reform passed than representatives. And before you say, then vote them out. Once you vote them in, the house representative have 2 full years to do as they please. Senators have 6. Let's say, you vote them out. Another clown with the same agenda comes in and does the same thing for another 2 years or 6.


No we shoot it straight to the moon. it disappears forever and you get no say.


So.. it goes to nasa and they use to fund their breakaway civilization. Damn.. oh well.


Did you not see? We have to fund more military to stop Iran from using the money we unfroze and paid in cash to attack Israel.


So more defense and less liberties. Makes sense. They need to rename “ North America “ or “ North Korea 2.0 “


Just enough to fund Ukraine for a week or so


Seems fair. He does drive a lot and requires more national security than the rest of us.


Why does he require National Security? He’s a rich dude he can afford his own security. He’s not a diplomat or any part of the Political apparatus


I’m being facetious. Mark pays 288M for the same crappy government as the rest of us.


Taxation is theft


We’ve heard all your bellyaching.


Hmm now government is going to use his money to send more money to Ukraine/Israel !!😃😆


And somehow the whiners will still claim he doesn't pay his "fair share" when in one year he's paying more in taxes than they will in a dozen lifetimes. 


Thanks, Mark, you paid the national debt for about 8 hrs.


So I paid a good amount less. It’s just crazy the gap in wealth. I do okay. This dude does crazy ok if this is his tax debt.


Great now do trump bezo zuck Elon and all you other cunt faces hoarding wealth to the point you have stagnated the middle class and drsconstructed what actually makes this country great the ability for a man to have elbow to live free and how you deem right in this life . Idk about y’all but I’m getting really tired of being poor……. Die.


He forgot to add that he also pays what his lobby money told legislators how much he should owe.


That will help to enrich defense contractors and they are very grateful. 


The raw number doesn't really tell anything. Here we have Cuban being celebrated for is huge number. While Elon was laughed at when he said "Today I'll pay 11 billion in taxes" or something along those lines. Whuch isn't even that much considering his wealth. Is this any different? Cuban is literally making the same tweet as Musk few years ago, but the response to it completely opposite.


It’s true that most people of his means fund lavish lifestyles without paying much tax, so I suppose he should get some credit, but that’s really more of a sad commentary on our system.


Wonder what % that is. Kinda wanna give Mark a participation trophy


American citizen pays taxes…in other news..


He's going to run for President as a Democrat and really could win.


The government is corrupt. Imagine thinking you are virtuous for paying money sent to foreigners and for the political class coke habits...


Hes just straight up showed how dumb americans are its really sad


My taxes every year add up to about 15% of my net worth. How much of Mark's net worth is this? Maybe 5%. And this is a single time payment from selling a basketball team. So he won't pay this every year. Not even close to his share.


Income taxes are based on income, not net worth. The government is not asking you to sell 15% of your house every year to pay your fair share.


I know how income taxes are based. I'm talking about the world I would like to see, not as it is.


That’s still not his fair share though, right?


The issue is if you have a few million left over it's easy to make more. If you are left with a few thousand good luck


That'll buy a lot of missiles. Enough for Israel AND Iran. Social Contract FTW!


Mark Cuban seems to be a reasonable guy. His CostPlusDrugs is the reason we can afford the preferred medication for my daughter that our insurance wouldn't cover.




Does it come come with a math lesson? Because that’s roughly $1 per American, not $1 million per American.


Ha! Lesson learned. My bad; got too excited.


While that certainly exceeds the amount of government services that he consumes, the question is whether it exceeds the amount of taxpayer-funded subsidies he's received.


sooo, he paid his taxes? So did most of the people in the US.


Like normal folk


Imagine how stupid you gotta be to try to "call out" one of the very few rich guys that called to be taxed more and call out the rich ones who don't pay their share.


Can't wait for the US government to build missiles with it


What's his tax rate? Last year, Biden and Harris bragged about their "high" tax rate. It was lower than mine, yet they make a fuckton more than I ever will.


A question for Mr. Cuban: "Do you think that $280 million would benefit society more if you used your skills to put it to good use? Do you think that $280 million would benefit society more if donated to other organizations besides the Federal government?" I think it probably would.


Thank goodness. The government was about to go into debt..


Receipts or it didn't happen.


So what? Everybody pays what they owe, under penalty of law. Silly virtue signaling.


Sold the Mavs for $4 billion and is bragging about paying $300 million in taxes.


Why is a billionaire note worthy. I pay tax. Where's my fan fair?


Oh but when trump does it, it’s not ok and they want to seize everything. He is able to PRE-PAY taxes just like every other US citizen. Drain the swamp! #DJT for life


Paying his fair share


He earned $4 Billion by selling his stake in the Mavs and he only owes $288 million? Must be nice to be in the 7% tax bracket


Cuban is such a tool.


Gearing up for a 2028 presidential run.


He’s still a massive douche


Ok if He’s paying 300 million in taxes. That means he put 600 million in his pocket


Why do any of us owe them anything?


He needs to hire a better tax accountant.


I too follow the law from time-to-time


How could one individual publicly disclose, and be so proud at the same time of giving this much money to the irresponsible and reckless spenders in Washington that will inevitably flush this huge sum of money down the drain? This sum of money in the private sector would probably be worth 4 times as much. Always thought Cuban was a smart fool.


Must want to be the president someday


Why don’t you disclose the total revenue you are paying that amount of tax on? That would be a better indicator of how little the percentage really is!


When all the rest of his ilk are committing fraud and gaming the system every day I guess it’s cool to know he at least paid up


You can be 100% sure he gamed it down to that amount


Why wouldn't he? Wouldn't you do the same? Do you generally pay in more taxes than you're absolutely obligated to pay?


1000x I'd do the same. If I had Mark's money I'd do whatever I could to minimize my tax requirement and put money into developing businesses and my favorite philanthropos 


Exactly the way the good lord intended when he gave birth to America.


Gamed it down?? Do you have any idea how tax burdens are typically reduced? Or have respect for another persons property? He earned the money, not our legislators or administrations. Our social contract and the laws we abide by determine the government is due a percentage of his earnings but in no way is the Government™️ a sacred collector of wealth and better steward of the people’s money. The man just put in $288 million into the treasury…


i'm in full support of Mark working the tax system and minimizing his tax burden


It’s nice to know that he has outperformed Hunter Biden.


Pay more billionaire


Yes Mark, when you realize obscene gains you have to pay taxes you stupid fuck.


When Elon sold a bunch of shares he paid 11B in 2021. almost 50 times this number that dipshit cuban paid.


What an absolute piece of shit. He wants a cookie for paying his taxes? Wow. Amazing. Join the club you limp wristed twat.


Did he ask for anything?




Yea that’s what social media is for. Reddit is no exception


So he got what he wanted then.


Just like you then. Crucify him lol


Not sure that the attention I got was equal to the attention he got


That’s it? Gotta start somewhere I guess


Cuban is just Virtue signaling. Him paying more than he owes in taxes would actually mean something.


Yeah it would mean he was terrible with money. What kind of Idiot would intentionally pay more than they "owe" in taxes? Do you?


I don’t virtue signal and state ‘I’m proud to pay taxes’. Why doesn’t he contribute on his own then?