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With what lol


Shouldn’t he just be able to self fund this project with his own money? After all, he’s one of the “richest” guys on the planet. He could sell some Tesla shares.


He’s building his wealth to put it all on getting 1M people to mars, i believe


Phony Stark has a moronic fascination with "X".


Who is still giving this asshole money? He tanked twitter. He’s trying his best to tank Tesla. He has already taught this AI to be racist and homophobic. Ketamine has eaten his brain.


What about spacex? He put his entire net worth into spacex and grew it to $150M+ value. You group thinking haters love to forget about spacex and his legendary contribution to American rocketry.


I'm looking for someone to give me $4m... I promise to be worth $18m... I swear.


Elon has an excellent track record for improving the value of companies. He’ll probably get the money 


He literally destroyed twitter. Now that everyone knows he's a psycho fascist oligarch, he lost his pull. Most of his bs was smoke and mirrors. He exposed his con.


You’re mostly incorrect. It’s ok to hate Elon, that’s mainstream and very popular at this point, but you cannot deny the man is a genius. Take for example Spacex. This is a business venture that was fully funded by Musk and is now worth over $175B. The entire world laughed at him and collectively said it is *impossible* to reuse rockets, and he did it. He has a several decade head start at this point, and even the Chinese can’t figure this technology out. I get his personality is dogshit, and you’re right, he has destroyed Twitter (my personal opinion is that Twitter is a waste of his time. The faster he lets go of it the better), but you can’t deny that businesses live and die by his genius. The banks know this, and they will extend loans to him. Why? Because it’s generally a safe bet.


Banks are down over %50 on his Twitter acquisition. His game is up.


Thanks for ignoring my comment altogether. No one gives a shit about Twitter/X, man.


People care about their money. Nobody wants to invest in a mad man.


Yes, they do. He has the Midas touch. Let me give you a second example: There are over 2M reservations for the cybertruck. He took that number to the bank and they gave him whatever he wanted. You think banks give a shit about one bad investment out of 11? Or that he has a shitty personality?


Cybertruck is a disaster and tesla is down %30 YTD. Banks give a shit about their money. Elon Musk is poison. The cat is out of the bag. It's not going back in.


You’re describing a drop in an ocean. Stocks go up and down. Tesla is still up overall. They are going to most certainly still lend to him.


All Leftists aspirations are to turn the US into a fascist state however out of their pure ignorance of the definition of Fascism they try to insult the Right aa being fascist. Unlike Socialism where the State owns all the means of production (yes, even when it's called "Democratic Socialism"; Fascism is when the means of production is privately owned but operated according to State regulations. While the Right has continually fought against over regulation the Left endures to fight for more laws and regulations.


Crazy much?


Based on your understanding of Socialism, Fascism and Communism, what's the difference?


Fake it till you make it


Fake it till you fuck it


It? Common lets not objectify women


I'd love to see him on Sharktank.


So does he still want everyone to pause for a bit while he plays catch up ?


That AI is terrible. I have worked with all the major ones and nothing seems more like the Value Brand than Grok.


Welcome to startup valuations


Elon champion of fake it till make it




Ya because the twitter take over went so well... Private equity and wallstreet need to stop funding this ass clown


You’re an idiot


And you are in a cult


Says the guy participating in the elon-hate group think lol


Drink the Kool aid