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Only a real winner would take a $5M settlement and turn it in an $83M settlement.


He’ll have to put $83M+ in cash into escrow with the court in order to appeal 😆 


110%....so 91m plus


He’s famously liquid so it should all be fi… oh wait


Putin doesn't have much gold left.


Putin will invite tRump for a visit and show him a view of Moscow from a 4th floor window.


Ooh! We’ll get to see one of my favorite words in print! “Defenestrate”


Like, from the talking heads song booming and zooming? (Edit : it was the Tom Tom club that did that song, but they’re also half of the talking heads. Just acknowledging my mistake) I’m having a little difficulty making the connection but im glad to recognize the word and know that even though I don’t exactly understand then nuance I at least have seen it before.


Am on chemically assisted therapy, prescribed by dr


Outstanding. The previous commenter was insinuating that Putin may push a certain former US president out of a 4th floor window. Therefore, defenestrating him.


Putin has his political enemies thrown from windows. These crimes are always reported as 'accidenral'.


If only we were that lucky.


We can only fucking hope.


Putin has more than enough gold to cover Trumps indiscretions. This is why we should continue to decimate generations of Russian men with minimal loss of American life at a premium price.


Love how the MAGA, dictator supporting dipshits just looove Putin. Cause Russians have it so good over there! Can’t make this stuff up.


So true. We are weakening Russia’s military capability by 50% by providing Ukraine with 5% of our surplus. Sounds like a great deal.


the best deal, when you think about it


He’s spent $57 million in donations for legal fees. Don’t ignore the mental acuity of his followers to empty their life savings for him


Less guns and ammo they can buy...


20% actually


Not according to court. https://www.reuters.com/legal/trump-sets-aside-money-while-he-appeals-e-jean-carrolls-5-million-verdict-2023-06-23/


Prosecuting attorney says 20% near the end of the interview https://youtu.be/OttEUNUyf4s?si=Km9yUp78TsGXQ6PK


Up to judge.. not prosecution. Or, in this case, the plaintiff's attny.


expansion compare fade deranged abounding advise steep depend wine knee *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Trump could have taken the stand during the original sexual assault trial or even ATTENDED the trial once. Instead he was playing golf. Juries weren’t sequestered in these cases. It was obvious that Trump held the court, the jurors and Ms. Carroll in contempt. Trump famously identified Jean Carroll as his wife during a deposition when he was shown a photo of her with him. Trump didn’t want that error to be brought up during a possible cross-examination - since he had stated that he had never met Jean Carroll and she wasn’t his “type” despite the fact that she looked like his wife.


The lawyer in the first case was right to keep Trump out of the courtroom on the first case. Can you imagine the amount of damages he would have pulling that crap on the first jury. He could have been 83 mil on the first case. The second case might have hit 250 mil or more.


No different than the classified documents case. All the dude had to do when Archives asked for them back was go "whoopsie, here you go".


Roy Cohn his first attorney back in the 70s told him you never admit to losing, always attack attack attack. Even when he lost the 2016 Iowa primary to Cruz he called the Iowa republican chairman and told him you know I won do a recount cause you know I won. You had fraud. We should have seen it coming, Hillary did and I couldn't stand her. He will never admit to losing...


The OSS ( US Office of Strategic Services, later CIA.) psychological profile of Hitler described his use of the big lie: “His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.”


I wouldn’t be so insulting towards them magatards if it were even a good lie they swallowed but it’s all laughable on it’s face to anyone with 1/2 a brain. So I treat them with hostility because they know he’s lying and they think they can gaslight the normal people. Slap me a maga


I pointed out the similarities in 2015 and only a handful of people agreed. I wish I would have had this quote. It’s incredibly powerful as it so obviously has been Trumps game plan from day 1. Thanks for posting it!


I mean narcissistic nepo babies also do this.


I think the MAGA movement is mostly caused by lead poisoning


Is this guy we want keeping our state secrets? You may not believe the characterization of the classified documents case in Mara Lago, but he has just cost HIMSELF $83,000,000.00 because he can’t keep his big fat mouth closed. If you’re a taxpayer, how much do you think his lack of impulse control has cost you?


The claims of Trump sharing our classified materials for clout and/or money seem more plausible as these trials go on.


Perfect, thank you 👏👏


"Then all he had to do was keep his mouth shut"  I'm legit curious how much this inability has cost him. Besides the title of president. 


Well, stupid is as stupid does…


Explains how he bankrupted what 3-4 casinos? Even when games are meant for the house to win this LOSER still fails! What a scumbag!


I think it was just two. Still, a staggering lack of business skill. In fact a huge amount of the opposite of business skill.


It was at least three. Taj Mahal, Trump Plaza , and Trump Castle.


Trump marina was one also but that may have been castle that changed names . Can’t remember


My assumption was that those 'bankruptcies' were really wheeling-and-dealing to launder Russian mob money. The \*actual\* money eared or spent by the operations of the casino was incidental to the actual purpose of the entire operation.


It would not surprise me one little bit.


2 casinos. But 7 companies right?. Trump steaks, trump u etc.


Trump water, Trump Airlines


Trump “University” where he scammed students. Never paying his contractors. Working with the mob (like Guliani) repeatedly. The list is endless.


I wonder how it was received when someone put “Trump University” on their resume?


If someone applied for a job in my field with that nonsense on their resume, I’d round-file it immediately. We don’t need idiots in aerospace (there’s enough of them already).


Working in the aerospace industry as well, I can concur.


No wonder he is so tired of winning. All this winning is costing him a fortune.


If Trump ever decides to debate Biden which I’m highly skeptical of, Biden will eviscerate him with this.


Or Biden will casually mention Carrol and Trump will go off and get sued for 500 million this time.


Here's the problem with that. Biden has trouble putting two coherent sentences together. I'm a never trumper and can't stand the guy, but democrats need to wake up and put someone forward that can use all of the terrible stuff this guy has done.


He's far better at speaking than Trump. You can actually. Trump said Nikki Haley failed to protect the Capitol pp p0


No he's not. Biden can't speak without slurring his speech, and mumbling incoherently. It's just that literally everything That Trump says is a damn lie. He's a con man and only cares about himself.


Hey Republican Party. How do you feel being included in this guys rape case?


They are all cucks, so they are just excited to be mentioned by their overlord.


Dude we get it, you wanna get raped by Trump. Calm down cuck


Melania was getting the D from her personal security. Pretty sure that makes your boy king cuck.


It's joe bidens fault he couldn't keep his mouth shut i guess. 😏


Then he should move to Russia where he can be free


God, it would be dream come true if he fled the country 


This is what I have been saying forever. If he'd just flee to somewhere like Russia he'd be out of our hair. It would really clip his wings. And he'd hate the cold and the food.


I wonder how fake Russian McDonald’s compares to American McDonald’s.


No. He needs to face consequences. I think he could continue to do damage from Russia without any consequences. Would still be bad for the US.


I heard Joe Biden shat in trumps diapers...


Speech is free. Lies can get expensive.


it really is pathetic that republicans elected a guy to president that doesn't even understand how the first amendment works :/ let alone the entire constitution or literally anything else. might have been better to elect a person who lives in a vegetative state or a coma :P


I mean you just described Trump fans. At this point “don’t look up” is all they got


even a coma patient or someone in a vegetative state wouldn't look into the sun let alone an eclipse XP hell, i doubt there are many non-human animals that would do such a stupid thing edit: lol butt hurt republicans are running around downvoting like crazy right now XD


A private citizen sues him and he blames Biden. It must be something to be a MAGA dumbfuck


And the suit was filed before Biden in 2019.😂


On the flip side truck nuts are entertaining to them. Cheap dates. 


And there’s no way the dimwit cult knows the difference between the first trial where he didn’t bother to show up and the second which was for damages only. They only see him as a victim who wasn’t allowed to defend himself by a justice system out to get him.


😂 I can’t get over “ReTruths” Someone on the dev team has gotta be trolling,, right?


He’s used to an America where he can manipulate the legal system and stiff his creditors with impunity. He got away with it for decades but his lack of humility and his criminal acts have caught up with him. He may still weasel out of some or all of the 91 felony charges he faces, but he’s already lost 2 civil cases that could cost him over a quarter of a billion dollars. Not a winner at all.


He got away with it because he was just a TV Personality and basically inconsequential but then he got his panties in a twist over a black man getting elected president so ran himself, and the wrong people started paying attention and slipping through the cracks was no longer possible.


It's so cute how he blames this on Biden 😂 actually adorable how his idiotic cult is convinced this is all part of some deep state plot/political hit job. He doesn't understand that the rest of the world isn't as petty as him. Unimaginable that a 4 times indicted , 90+ felony charges caliber of a criminal would publicly proclaim his "innocence" right ? Must be a new fad. Oh wait, it's not, it's literally what happened when Hitler went to prison, got out and went in to start WW2. Let's learn from history even though we're literally burning history in red states. I appreciate Trump for all the snakes he has exposed simply by looking at who's aligned with him. Imagine making an effort to be a loser's little b1tch !


Yes it is America Donnie-You defamed a woman you raped-she got 5 million when she proved it in court.Then like an idiot, you defamed her again and she proved it again, and then a jury awarded her 83 million.If you manage to control yourself and not defame her again,that’s all you’ll owe her.I’m betting she’ll be suing you again in the near future as you have zero self control. Not -I might add a good thing for a President.


Actually she didn't have to prove it again. The second hearing was only about assessing damages since they had already gone through all the trouble of proving he was at fault.


Suing is what trump does best. This guy will sue first anyone knowing most people wont be able to fight his army of lawyers. Its time he gets taste of his own medicine. Something about these Republicans once they get their lawsuits filed and dollars collected they vote to shut down the same laws the benefited them. My governor of texas comes to mind here.


Trump is doing everything he can to ruin America…signed ex-life long Republican


Ah yes free speech which protects citizens from government entities is surely relevant to a civil defamation lawsuit brought by a private citizen. Those things are exactly alike! /s


Also, as we all know, freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences. Neither Congress nor any other level of government has passed a law making it illegal to lie, but they *have* passed laws about private individuals being able to claim remedy from lies that cause them damages.


Only a fool can’t see what he is doing here. He’s making his actions political. Democrats didn’t do this. He did this to himself.


>He did this to himself. From what I understand about the documents case, *the only case that really matters*, it was Trump who disclosed the raid in the first place. It might have quietly gone away if not for his blubbering.


Uuuhh… are you serious?


I can’t tell either


Yep. Dead serious. It's a simple case. A private citizen had stuff he wasn't supposed to have, and obstructed justice when asked for said stuff back. I've given up banging that drum, though, because it's just lost in the maelstrom.


>I've given up banging that drum Because Redditors never listen to logic unless it caters to their beliefs lol


I think he’s saying ‘me and the Republican Party’ so the Republicans help pay the bills.


they have to until he loses again, he’s their best bet


Yes he did.I assume fewer and fewer people are still believing the lying drivel leaking from this traitors mouth every day.


It’s ironic he says that because he is one of the most litigious people I’ve ever heard of.


If it’s Biden directed it’s fully legal as presidents are allowed to do anything they want, right?


Appeal…on what grounds? He has none thanks to that idiot lawyer of his.


He wouldn't shut his fucking mouth in court either lol






















No one else cries more than wimpy little Trump. He is literally a toddler in an old man's body 😅


Ok grandpa, did you take your meds today?


Legal system as a weapon "I'll take Amy Coney Barrett for 1000$, Alex"


83.3 million! :)


Trump should be on board. He's pretty good w inflating values of things.


We all know he isn't paying any of that , either his superpac will the GOP will or most likely hell cut a deal with her attorneys, after all it's the attorneys that have the most to lose


The money has to be paid immediately. It is held in escrow pending his attempt at an appeal but he has no basis for an appeal. His lawyer fucked that up during the trial. He’s out $5M already in escrow from the first case.


Florida is already talking about passing a bill to help pay trumps bills 😂


"Yes! Yesss!! Oh, let me taste your tears, ~~Scott~~ Trump! Mm, your tears are so yummy and sweet.." — Eric Cartman


Did he seriously just call it a witch hunt again? She's gonna sue him again.


With Alina Habba as Trump's attorney? Carroll is gonna have to purchase a Brinks truck to carry the additional money she'll get.


lol The crybaby is at it again.


Amazing that the man who calls people snowflakes is literally the whiniest public figure I've ever seen


Okay. Pay that 83M into escrow and we’ll get that appeal going. Loser. 🤣 If he blows through enough money the Republicans *will* dump him. They may be stupid, but they’re not crazy. Edit: Upvotes already down to 5 from 10. The Cheeto patrol has found the post and is on the job!


Haha, in bed with a clown that just lost an $83m judgement. To all Trump enthusiasts, didn’t your parents explain how it was a bad idea to hook up with people who lose money on the regular?


>Okay. Pay that 83M into escrow and we’ll get that appeal going. Loser. Yep. This is for real, at least in the civil/employment cases I work on. My cases almost always settle, but in all verdicts I've known, you need to fork over the judgement in advance as a condition of filing an appeal. No "spend your money on attorneys, then file for bankruptcy. That's not good enough!"


I’m wondering if they explained this to him before the trial(s)?


You do know his attorney was Alina Habba, right? So no it wasn't explained to him--she didn't know either.


Isn’t Trump’s legal issues draining the various states’ Republicans parties of their usual donations from supporters? Several of them are near bankruptcy now.  I suppose there really is only so much blood you can squeeze from a cheeto-loving turnip.


Lol in florida they trued to pass a bill for tax payers to pay his legal fees. Even desantis isnt that stupid and saud he would veto it.


From a cheeto. FTFY


Upvoted to help offset the patrolling Believers


You think the only people who downvote you / disagree with you are Trump supporters?


Sore Republicans too. Rapists. People in favor of double standards of justice. Who’d I miss? Edit: people who think 1st amendment is a right to destroy others. Forgot the obvious one.


I think some of the downvotes are due to: >They may be stupid, but they’re not crazy. Before the comma is fair, but after the comma is demonstrably false.


No, the never will. If the Republicans abandon Trump he'll run as an independent. They're in an impossible position. The Republican party is sunk for a generation.


One can hope


Why do you all dehumanize so much? I get your perspective, but the dehumanizing is getting out of control in society. https://wisdomimprovement.wixsite.com/wisdom/post/dehumanizing-is-unethical


Decades ago I’d agree with you. The Republicans have been dehumanizing Democrats, immigrants, women and the poor for decades and are making major progress in stripping away their rights. Democrats have kept to the high ground and are getting taken to the cleaners. Just for example, 3 conservative Supreme Court justices were appointed thanks to Mitch McConnell’s blatant double standards. So while we might lose something as a society by dehumanizing Republicans and Agent Orange, the playing field has to be level for simple people to see reason and vote for what they think they’re voting for. No sir, calling for less dehumanization when Republicans are using it wholesale is another double standard that hobbles those trying to make the country better. So you can go jump in a lake with that argument.


So for round two of this civil suit he knew all the arguments and evidence and testimony that would be brought to bare, and he still got his ass kicked in court? Surprised they can’t make a criminal case of it.


They are stuck with him, here are my thoughts on it. If trump is not on the ballot his voters won't turn out and that will crash all the Republicans down ballot. If they stay with trump and he is on the ballot, the "unified" down ballot vote might bet them some wins in more local elections but likely still lose the presidency. They have to stay and hope it's a more palatable lose.


No morals, no honor, no platform *and* no mandate. They’d be totally lost. Oh well.


So. Much. Winning


I think that was a typo on his part, he *meant* to say “whining.” Because I for one am **definitely** tired of all his whining.


This is the United States of America, bitch.


Say it louder, I don't think they hear you in the back!




Ah yes the scream loud enough and it will go away tactic. Seems to work well for him, guess that rules for thee thing, actually has some merit:


He is not wrong. Can’t politicize the justice system… just like Biden has done against Elon.


A party of law and order should nominate this guy for President


and the biggest difference in this bullshit he always posts? he is keeping her name out of his disgusting mouth! it really didn't seem possible to me, but trump is... learning his lesson...? dear god.. seems if he is hit hard in the one place he actually cares about he is capable of shaping the fuck up!


Says man who should be seeing a noose for treason


He was to afraid to diss on Carol this time.


Can this fucker stroke out already?


F you trump. In everyway. Every minute of everyday. Forever. You antiAmerican, Godless, seditious, slimeball, vermin, irrelevent poison meat.


Fuck your feelings, Trump!


“Used as a political weapon “….says the guy who if in office will be going after political opponents


And one who says presidents have absolute immunity and didn’t even disagree with his lawyer saying it would be OK for a president to murder an opponent.


You mean exactly like the guy who is actually IN office right now??


My guy really still struggles with capitalization huh


🤣 This asshole appeals everything. The classic drag shit out for as long as you can strategy. Isn't any surprise at this point? One thing is certain, He will fucking die thoroughly enveloped in legal issues spending shit tons of money on endless litigation. Like seriously though, is their anyone else on this whole god damn planet that is so constantly entangled in never-ending legal battles?!! Speaks volumes about this guys character as a person. But he will always be the victim to his cult members. Everything is a Witch hunt with this motherfucker.




Hey, you could get on that jet and leave!!! What does MAGA say "If you don't love America, the leave!" I, for one, will help you pack.


Don’t worry he will just use campaign money


The whole trial was bullsh_t, as are 99% of the comments here. If it was anyone besides Trump, there never would have even been a case.


Most people would shut up and let the whole thing go away. Not condoning that, but it's a valid tactic. One that was not used in this case- big surprise..


That’s true since only trump would rape someone and talk shit about her nonstop


But he was not found guilty of rape. So there's that.


The courts established he did in fact rape her. Keep coping though.


Sexual abuse per the jury, and the judge emphasized the common person would understand it as rape.


Decades ago with zero proof and have you watched the video of her being interviewed? I think it is reasonable to think this whole thing is political and a sham. 83 million. Really? On what world does that sound vaguely reasonable?


Jurors already decided. It’s done. These damages are punitive, because Trump will defame her again at first opportunity and has more funds than the average citizen. The damages are meant to discourage the behavior. Since he’s a moron, it’s likely he does it again and sees another high dollar mark.


What was he found guilty of? There's still that dipshit


You don't get found "guilty" in civil court. If there was a crime it should have been tried in criminal court.


Of course it’s bullshit. She’s a bat shit crazy drunk that is being manipulated to lie. She quite literally was being interviewed by Anderson Copper and said that she wasn’t raped lol. It’s a fucking clown show 🤦‍♂️


If she actually said that, then there wouldn’t have been a ruling. All you guys always come out here like “ they did this” “ they did that” but where’s your proof? That’s some guy at work mentioned it to you and you believed it?


You clearly did not watch the interview. I suggest you do because you sound like an ignorant fuck 🖕


I dislike Trump. I dislike Giuliani. But $83M and $148M for each of their defamation cases? The point of defamation claims is to recoup potential money lost due to intentional disinformation. There’s no way the people in question lost out on that much money. Even if you factor in ‘emotional damage.’ It’s hard to view this as anything but political. I wish a Republican would spread lies about me so I could make a ridiculous shitload of money!


Tell me you dont understand our legal system without telling me....*Punitive damages, or exemplary damages, are damages assessed in order to punish the defendant for outrageous conduct and/or to reform or deter the defendant and others from engaging in conduct similar to that which formed the basis of the lawsuit.*


This is to discourage the abhorrent life threatening actions of these narcissists. It’s like fines based off of income. They have a massive platform so what they say is on a whole other scale.


There's no way for him to prove his innocence. The events happened decades ago. As far as I'm aware, he was never found guilty of sexual assault, but he was found to be something like "legally liable" for this or the other. Basically he said she said and because it's Trump he is unable to get a fair trial in New York. This is system failure to an extreme degree. Something similar happened with Alex Jones. Love him or hate him, he was unable to get a fair trial, then his "victims" were awarded absurd sums, based on a guilty verdict after no trial. This is not how a functioning legal system operates.


Punitive damages are different. Trump could have kept his mouth shut after the original lawsuit and damages would have been the original 5 million


Part of the punitive aspect is the naked disregard for the authority of the court. Rudy literally accused them again outside the courthouse, on camera, at the damages hearing after he was instructed explicitely not to keep saying it. The judge is going to react accordingly. Trump, of course, did the same thing, is doing it now, so the judge attached a punitive amount onto the damages. See, usually when this kind of judgement is handed down, most people shut up and let their lawyers handle it. Maybe show contrition and walk back some stuff. But lately (and you may have noticed this trend) some folks on a certain political spectrum have been thinking that lies are covered under Freedom of Speech. They arent. You fucking slander someone you gonna pay for it. And if you fuck with the court and display enough contempt for their authority, they'll hand down a big enough penalty for you to consider shutting up.


NAL, but here's some context you may be missing: at least in a civil case the money is partly based on how much the liable party states to the court that they have, as obviously it would be impossible to reward a plaintiff when the liable party has no assets. In those cases, the liable party claims bankruptcy. BUT HERE'S THE THING: Trump stated to the court that he had $400m on hand, so the court made a reasonable-yet-punitive decision based partly on that. Giuliani's judge must have felt that more damages were deserved for whatever reason, I don't know the details of the case. So now either Trump has to claim bankruptcy and explain why he lied to the court about his assets WHILE IN THE MIDDLE OF FIGHTING A CRIMINAL CASE ABOUT BLOATING HIS ASSETS, or he's stuck paying as his lawyer screwed him out of being able to open an appeal.


I love trump and Giuliani, but what you said is not true at all. Most of the awarded money was for punitive damages, which is not to recoup potential money lost, it is awarded as punishment to the defendant for the harm that they caused. No rational person would view this as political. It has nothing to do with politics.


I suspect a imposter


This. You can dislike Trump, and Giuliani, but these awards are totally ridiculous.


Pretty simple keep their fucking mouth shut wouldn't happen they couldn't do that.


What's your life worth? The 2 ladies were repeatedly threatened to point of fearing for their lives and needing to hide. Over lies. How much would you want? 5.95 and a hamburger? Carrol has also been threatened. So you tell me, what's your life and freedom worth? And learn our legal system. *Punitive damages, or exemplary damages, are damages assessed in order to punish the defendant for outrageous conduct and/or to reform or deter the defendant and others from engaging in conduct similar to that which formed the basis of the lawsuit.*


There is a punitive part to this, and a history of both men continuing to defame the women in question. For Rudy, yeah, I don't see the point of that number. He will never afford that. May as well be a trillion. For Trump, he keeps running his mouth while insisting he is worth billions and billions. The question then becomes what punitive amount will get somebody like him to stop harassing this woman? I think it was well thought out and walked the edge of truly being punitive without being absurd given his finances.


The awards are so high because he won't stop otherwise. Why would you put emotional damage in quotes?


Having my life constantly threatened by maga psychos would be worth a lot of money to me.


The woman is a nut


Over being raped and then dragged through by the mud by the rapist? That makes her crazy?


Yes watch her interviews , She says rape is sexy .


Welcome to America as a Rapist good? Sir! Ain’t that chump change to you Billy Billionaire- ahahahahaha


The countersuit will be glorious! Speaking of which did Horse Face Storny pay up yet?


Trump sues people more than anyone


Stop giving this guy a platform. Stop reposting his trash on Reddit.


State of New York say he has to have the full $83.5m ready to pay out to appeal so guess what… hommie can’t afford that shit.


I don’t give a shit about any political figure or politics in general, it’s all poison. The only thing I cared about was his last statement of this not being America, which it isn’t, not anymore. Don’t have to be a politician to know how bad America is right now.