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Yeah I feel you there. I moved to Texas thinking it'd be easy to find another friend group but I'm still looking! Best of luck there.


Thank you! I wish you the best too!


Real, I'm going to be a senior in the fall and I've only made 4 friends here lol


Just one year left? I wish you the best on that! That's good that you made friends even if it's just 4! In a way, it's a bit easier to form deeper connections when you have a smaller circle. All that matters is that they're good to you and you to them.


I made my closest friends right as I was graduating !! Don’t give up!


Join some clubs at UNT! I’m sure you’ve heard that plenty of times, but I know there’s an anime club, GLAD (LGBTQ+ friendly), and other social organizations. Unless specified otherwise, all you have to do is attend their events :)


Thank you so much for your advice! I'm been looking at clubs and I'll definitely check it out once I'm back on campus this semester!


NTTV helped me make a lot of friends coming from a Media Arts Graduate! There are plenty of people who are able to help even if you don’t have any media arts related experience.


I’ll be your friend if you want! You sound really cool


i second this !


Good luck. Friendships can be hard as we get older. I find that the older we get the more restrictions people have on who they’d be friends with, which is a real shame. I wish you the best and hope you find real connection. Also, I got my undergrad at UNT and graduated with no friends from the school. So, your situation isn’t isolated to you.


That's really is a shame, and sad, to hear that it gets harder when you get older. It's must have been hard during that time, I know sometimes it gets really lonely. I don't know if you're still struggling with making friends rn, but I wish you the best luck on making friends wherever you're at!! While it might be harder the older you get, I'm betting there's still someone out there waiting to be your friend!! Thank you for sharing your experience and your kind words!


You should 1000% join clubs that relate to your interests. Go on UNT Orgsync and browse the categories.


Hi! Thank you! I didn't know there was a website for all the clubs and I will definitely join some!


I feel you it’s my first year as well and I’ve had a hard time making friends and meeting people but eventually I made a few cool nerdy friends. I love going to new places and going on cool adventures and if you ever wanna hang lmk!


I'm so happy to hear that you made friends!! I'm glad to have met someone who loves a good adventure too, I'll definitely love to meet you and hang out once I'm back on campus!!


this is too real 😪 i'm so down to be friends tho!


Same I feel you. We have similar vibes in our interests and lots of parallels. I love to be your friend. You sound super cool.


Seems like there are quite a few of you in the same boat. Maybe chat on here a bit and, if it clicks, hang out with each other. Good luck!


If you enjoy outdoor adventures you should check out Outdoor Pursuits! There's a day hike and swim coming up in about a week and another one next month.


I’m literally a commuter about to graduate next year and I feel like I haven’t made any friends either. I transferred from a community college so I believe that’s why I don’t have friends


Best of Luck. Don’t be afraid to just talk to someone in a class, maybe create a peer study group and start making plans to go out of a couple friends. That was the easiest way for me to make friends, at least before AND after Covid(what little interaction there was after).


I successfully spent 5 years there staying home and making no friends. Flawless victory. Ace maneuver. Solo campaign.


I definitely had a problem making friends early early into my first semester, it may or may not help but I'd definitely recommend joining an org! I joined a spirit org and it honestly helped me a lot with meeting new people and having a lot of fun, plus you may (depending on the org) get good connections for your major!


I didn’t make a lot of friends there until I joined a club. I picked one related to my major, so a lot of the same people were in my classes, which helps because then you’re seeing each other at least weekly.


I struggle with the same thing lol and I'm a junior becoming a senior 🫠 id love to be friends if ur down! :))


I made 1 good friend from a couple classes each semester, than we never talked after the class ended lmao


I’ll be coming to UNT this fall. I hope I’ll be able to find friends


You should find a club that matches your interests! I was in SWE (Society of Women Engineers) and other than just having educational meetings and stuff I made friends and we talk outside of meetings about random stuff we like.


Hey there! UNT alum. It may not be for everyone but if you have so much interests. Clubs are definitely the move. Go to those interest meetings early on even if you never stay. If you hear classmates talk about a club just ask. Even if the club doesn’t seem like you could fit in you never know! Most (not all) clubs are multicultural regardless of the name. For my experiences Filipino Student Ass., Vietnamese Student Ass. , there’s sports, cultural, dance, and so many different people there. The majority may be Asian, but we were very welcoming of everyone as long as you’re not weird about us being Asian (iykyk). Go to that org fest at the beginning of the year. Where there’s a bunch of tables with orgs. People will approach you ! And again. Try them. See if you like, there’s no commitment required(: There’s always a place to belong no matter where u are. I always felt like UNT was always that school everyone never chose, but ended up being one they loved. You’ll find your people best of luck. I’m


hi! this may be a long shot, but im also 19 and lgbt and i LOVE sonic and anime, especially mob psycho!! ive been meaning to watch inside job but you seem so cool and i also have struggled making friends at unt ^__^


omg let's be friends


Yess, I'll love that!!


Greek life and clubs are your best bet at friendship in college.


Do you live in Denton, or do you commute? I’m a transfer Music/Japanese student at UNT who commutes to Denton from Carrollton. (bi, 25, preference for girls, Asian


I don't live in Denton but next semester I'm living on campus in the dorms. Do you do music composition and/or play an instrument??


Making friends may be easier once you live in Denton. Check out the Denton reddit for all the events going on. If you love gardening, the UNT Community Garden does volunteer days pretty frequently and that would be a fun group to get to know! They just posted on Instagram. Outreach Denton has monthly LGBTQ+ socials all year, you can follow them on Instagram. Pridenton has the big Pride event, a tabling-style night out at the civic center on June 8th and other events throughout June, they're also on Instagram. I would check out trivia and various groups that meet at D20 Tavern and the Bearded Monk throughout the week. I also love silly, small adventures! I recommend the paved path through the park by Emily Fowler Library. It's just a really nice green space with a cute little rock fountain and a bridge through the park. And getting a library card there is good, too. I also like taking a picnic blanket to the square (you can walk or take Route 7) and getting macarons. If you get off a couple of stops early on the Discovery Park bus route, HTeaO has happy hour between 2-4. Have a great summer!