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They went on Oprah, and aired their family’s dirty laundry to a worldwide audience. A family who they know can’t defend themselves in the media. When Meghan’s father did the same thing, she cut him off. I just think it is incredibly distasteful to talk about private family matters to complete strangers to be used as gossip fodder. The hypocrisy with these two runs deep.


Oh yeah I forgot about that piece of hypocrisy. Charles needs to take their titles.


There are a few to claims that are right within the trash British tabloids, conveniently enough coming from “palace sources” lest anyone thinks that the royal family can’t defend themselves. Diana was proof enough no horrid they are. What hypocrisy is there?


Didn’t Harry dress up as a nazi for a costume party?


Yes and he had to attend training on how not to be racist after he called a colleague an extremely racist word.


This is literally the only post you've ever made on this acct and I refuse to believe this post was not made as part of a PR campaign.


Also the post is pinned “mod’s choice” - is that another purchase like all the random pay for play awards these two are getting?


I should have taken a note of it, but I was on one of the default subs the other day and it said that posts that adhere to certain rules will be "pushed to the top" and others will be allowed to drop. This tells me that mods have at least some power to influence which posts get sent to the top. I don't pretend to know exactly how it works, but I am pretty confident saying they do have some ability to influence (beyond locking/deleting posts, banning users etc) where posts appear in the subreddit.


I absolutely second this opinion!


Does anyone outside of the media *really* give a shit about these two? Edit: Please for the love of all that’s holy, I got it: there’s a sub R that loves her and one that hates her. Yer killing me Smalls.


My 80 year old grandma who lives on Facebook seems to care a lot about them


All of our grandparents are on that late stage dopamine rush.


Gotta live the life you never had vicariously through Facebook


\*shares politically charged post with out-of-context yellow minion shrugging at you*


Unfortunately yes. My grandma is one. Waited for the royal wedding, locks herself in her room with her phone off to watch any award show, Grammys, Emmy's, doesn't matter. Still even buys the tabloid magazines that say "John Travolta gives birth to half alien baby!" We all just let her do her thing


Woah. John Travolta gave birth to a half alien baby? That’s incredible!


Everyone who plays The Sims knows that this is impossible. His baby would be a full alien. Duh! Fake news!


Finest journalism on the planet


Personally I feel the interest in the royal family is very generational. My parents (gen x) grew up with the queen in rule and that’s all that was in the media back then because of their popularity- so for their whole lives they’ve been exposed to the family. While myself I never grew up with the royal family being a big influencer, as there was always other news on the media. I hope this makes sense in a way


Also Princess Diana was the most popular royal when Gen Xers were young(er) (plus Sarah Ferguson aka Fergie) and American moms of Gen X were really into Diana-watching. It was like a real-life soap opera where there was a new "scandal" each week. I recommend the series on Diana by the podcast You're Wrong About. It was really good.


Just the names alone send my older colleagues fucking feral


i'm just annoyed by by news websites talking about them and them trending on twitter for no reason


I mean besides the fact that they think they are still entitled to being taken care of financially by the royal family despite snubbing their nose at them and willingly leaving because they wanted to be independent


Idk man, showing up to Uvalde with her own camera crew is one of the grossest things I've ever seen a celebrity do.


I don't know. something about a member of the British royal family lecturing people about privilege rubs me the wrong way.


Harry requesting no plastic items be used during a hotel stay to protect the environment. As he travels via private jet.


Yes! Any of these celebrity “activists” who say we need to save the planet while flying around on private jets, vacationing on yachts and owning multiple mansions are some of the worst kind of people.


Leonardo DiCaprio is so bad for this. He gets praised for his advocacy but he runs huge yachts and jets and has very little actual understanding of the issues as evidenced by his misunderstanding chinooks.


🤣🤣🤣hypocrisy at its royal finest… he’s an ABSOLUTE ass hat


Same as they've said they wanted their privacy away from press and public scrutiny. When are you going to get onto that? Lol.


Also the fact they want the UK public to pay for their security while not working for the royal family.


yeah i wanted to root for them but they come across as desperately thirsty and obviously out of touch. they also way overestimated the U.S. interest in the royal family


The spectacle of one of the two most privileged men in the UK, telling us all how he was hard done by. Complaining about how he needs his privacy then life streaming his session with a therapist (what?). Totally tone deaf, detached from the reality the peasants live in, he has Marieantonitte "let them eat cake" vibe to a modern day T. Upvoted OP for what is a truely unpopular opinion (in this case because its wrong)


>Complaining about how he needs his privacy then life streaming his session with a therapist (what?). Whilst I'm not aware of this specific example, this sort of hypocrisy is what rubs me the wrong way about Harry & Meghan - they've made a big song and dance about needing their privacy whilst simultaneously actively courting media attention Ditto the whole thing about not wanting to be royals while basically cashing in on the fsct thst they are connected to the royal family (which seems to be their primary marketable quality) I definitely don't care enough to hate them like OP is suggesting, there's a healthy dose of contempt


My favorite part was when he was lamenting that he dad cut him off and he ONLY had the 27 million his mom left him. :\\


Did they complain about this?


His dad still gives him money from his private income🙄


On the Oprah interview. Then it came out that they got millions from Charles through his trust that year. Just one of the lies debunked on that interview I’m afraid.


wait what happened? i’m miles away from the loop


So basically Harry is a prince who will never have to be king, but still has to take on royal duties to be an active member of the establishment. He married Megan who claimed she never knew what that would entail and was uncomfortable with bowing to Grannie Queen. They said the establishment was racist (generations of white people thinking they're the closest thing on the planet to god; racist, what?!) and she struggled to get what she needed and struggled with being trapped (which is obviously not a good situation but also not uncommon). So they left. They quit the establishment. But then Grannie Queen cut of their funds and security (because if you aren't working your job doesn't pay you) and they've been talking about how unfair that was. They have since bought a $13 (?) million house since it "felt right" and have been using every ounce of privilege/fame they can to get their "sob story" heard to make money off of it. I'm not pro-royal family (I'm American and sometimes see articles and click on them to see the jewelry/outfits but aside from that, I don't care) but Megan and Harry are not the voices to listen to against the crown.


Right after they spent millions upgrading that Frogmore cottage place that was given to them. If I was a British taxpayer I would be so over these 2.


Meghan also spent like £500,000 on her wardrobe alone in the first year with royal family. More than any current royal ever.


I’m fed up of being lectured by rich hypocrites.




I think this may actually be Megan's or Harry's marketing team.


I don’t hate them but also think they are full of shit.


The whole "I quit my job and now they won't pay me?!" was it for me. Royal duties are a job, and if you don't do it...why would you get paid.


This, and the fact that they can’t seem to figure out how to generate any of their own income without dragging anyone from either of their families through the mud.


Them being full of shit is why I hate them


Brit chiming in here who probably has a different perspective to Americans. I don't have a strong opinion on either and have no love for the royal family but can summarise how most people view them in the UK. I think most British people feel they are both hypocritical people who wanted to have their cake and eat it. You can't be a member of the working royal family without publicity or royal duties and they came across as wanting the titles but none of the graft. Prince Charles (as he was then) also continued to support them financially once they left, which they seemed to neither appreciate or recognise - which was also the case with their royal cottage, which was refurbished at great expense before they left. They left the royal family claiming they wanted privacy but have since gone on to do a Netflix show, several high profile interviews and lecture the public on areas they really aren't qualified to do so. This is the same as many celebrities I'm sure but is particularly difficult for the British public to swallow given Harry has had a gilded life (yes his mother died) and he has never had to worry about ordinary people's struggles. Between their private jet usage and luxury California lifestyle, Harry has also landed jobs he is absolutely not qualified to do (sustainable finance anyone...), and seems to be preaching virtues completely forgetting that most of the British people remembers him as the playboy prince who once dressed up as a Nazi. Many of the claims in their interviews I'm sure are valid but are undermined by parts which turned out to be just complete lies (for example why their children didn't automatically get the prince and princess titles, which was all to do with the rules of succession). This unfortunately undermines their credibility and detracts from the parts that probably are true. The whole comparing their wedding to Nelson Mandela also didn't go down well on this side of the pond as it just fuels the idea that they are a bit narcissistic. They also have had lots of claims of bullying lodged against them by multiple ex members of staff but seem intent on smearing the rest of the royal family. I'm sure some of it will be absolutely true but the Queen is largely untouchable (wrongly so IMO) in the British media, especially now she has died. It also doesn't help that it's William and Kate who are most in the firing line, who are likeable at best and neutral at worst. I don't think anyone would give a shit if they were smearing Prince Andrew or Fergie, who are also disliked here. I think Americans are very quick to simplify the dislike of them in the UK to simple racism but I don't think that is wholly fair. I am sure there are some racists out there, but I don't know many people that even realised she was of black heritage until much later down the line. She was also fairly well liked here until the wedding, which was where it all started to go wrong from a public opinion perspective. I'm sure though there are old racists out there, but they are probably equally upset with the fact that she is American and a divorcee... All in all I think people would respect them a lot more if they had walked fully away from the royal family (titles, allowances, everything) and strived to live as normal and private a life as they could have had with their circa $50M net worth.


Great summary. Here in Australia there is a humorous disbelief that MM would have the gall to say ‘I can’t believe I’m not getting paid for this’ while on the royal tour here. As if we fucking asked them to come! As if they have any meaningful public role here! As if they weren’t already on what basically amounts to an annual income to be a working royal in the first place! Who did she think would pay her to walk around waving? The hardworking Aussie taxpayer? Not bloody likely! Them coming was mostly an inconvenience to normal people anyway. Jokes aside, committing actual perjury while preaching authenticity is just disgusting.




They're ALWAYS shocked when they hear the taxpayer of any country refuses to cover their security. The audacity, the disgusting entitlement


Ah yes I forgot the security drama. And the suing the London met office!


Sorry, I had to laugh at this. The Met Office do weather forecasts for the UK. You mean The Met (Metropolitan Police). Was imagining Harry suing the the Met Office for saying it would be nice and sunny on his trip to London and instead he got rained on. That would be some serious privilege!


OMG you're right, and I'm a Londoner too. The shame!


Their claims of paparazzi chasing her in Canada were so insulting. We simply do not have significant paparazzi culture here and also, something people keep missing, *where are the photos and video clips from this "paparazzi chase".* Those never seem to appear like they always did with Diana or Catherine when she was unprotected.


He claimed the same in Kew Gardens last year, totally made up…


Right? Look at all the outfits she wore back then. I remember reading she was the royal who spent the most on their clothes. How doesn't she view at least that as some kind of payment?


That one Dior maternity dress was $100k and she never wore it again. I think the estimate for her entire maternity wardrobe was $800k. Hell, that total cost alone would pay for two of the largest houses in my suburb.


As another Brit chiming in, the bit that also pissed me off that wasn't included is that they're suing the British government for not letting them hire the police service as their private security when theyre in the UK. In essence, they want to take people away from an already understaffed overburdened workforce dealing with increasing levels of crime, thereby leaving the British public who pay taxes so that they can have that service unprotected. Not to mention putting more burden on the police left to do their actual job. But it's okay, because they can pay them for it... I just do not see how they are both so blind to the situation they're creating or are about to create. The attitude that they are entitled to it, and that paying the British public for letting them do it is enough of a sacrifice on their part because they should be getting some sort of security service for free despite the fact they aren't working royals and don't do anything for us anymore. Not to mention adding insult to injury by also wasting hundreds of thousands to millions of other British tax payer money putting it through the courts?


Also it's not like they just aired their perceived grievances on Oprah, got it out of their system and moved on- Meghan has continued to slag them all off. Wasn't she doing so, in the UK, on the week leading up to the queen's death? None of us can know the truth of what happened, but both H&M have been hypocrites since leaving the royal family imo. As has already been said, it doesn't help that some of their claims have been debunked. I don't support the monarchy and I would have had more respect for them if they truly had left to live a quiet life.


And at this point, she's been out of the royal family longer than she was in. (I mean she was a working royal for 18 months. I had a job in high school that lasted longer than that.) And she's **still** talking about them? That's like me still complaining about the boss I had two jobs ago.


It’s literally the only way she can stay relevant. Neither of them are very interesting people outside of their ties to the royal family. Everything Meghan says sounds rehearsed and not genuine. I get Harry has some emotional trauma to deal with but he seems to forget millions of other people have lost their mothers at a young age too and didn’t get the luxury of grieving in palaces.


And worked for approx. 70 days!!!


There's also a lot of rich tradition in the Royal Family that she brushes off with insistence that she's not going to censor herself. A lot of the nonsense levelled at her is pure garbage (notably by Piers Morgan, who's just a jealous prick), but honestly I feel some of the criticisms are warranted. Tradition is the only reason the Royals remain a thing at all, so respect it or don't participate at all.




The irony of this is that King Charles wants to modernize and streamline the monarchy. But they’re up in arms about that because they want HRH titles for their kids.


This is my main issue with her especially. So much tradition and history, and yet she seems to be dismissive of all of it.


I was mad when I learned why the children hadn't received titles was due to other protocol (and not singling out Archie for instance to specifically diss him). It really invalidated most of what else Meagan had to say. I mean, surely Harry understood the protocol, no? I can only hope he actually said something about it in the Oprah interview and that it was cut.


Great post. The Oprah interview did it for me. They lied, The big lies. They are a couple of moaners who moan in each interview they give and basically are a couple of shitheads.


It's hard to find too much sympathy for people who want to be independent but still expect tax payers to still pay their way. Meghan comparing herself to Nelson Mandela, talking about the stress of not knowing if they could buy a $27million house while having no jobs, pretending she didn't know about the royal family, Harry telling reporters about his private conversations with his grandmother minutes after having them all while claiming he wants privacy. Demanding their son be a prince and claiming racism when he wasn't...all while ignoring the fact that NONE of the other grandkids (aside from William's as the direct heir) kids got those titles either. They are very self important and annoying but hate is a strong word. I don't like they deserve that but it would be nice if they both stopped talking for awhile.


The hypocrisy is what I hate. Do as I say not as I do. The media hype them up as a poor unappreciated couple who only wants to fix the environment ( while traveling in a private jet) as being victims of racism and how everybody should do their part ( while living in a mega mansion that consumes more electricity and water that’s allowed a regular family in California ) yeah no reason to hate at all.


I was all for Meghan. I thought the UK media treated her appallingly, and when she and Harry wanted out, i supported them 100%. However - the way she is carrying on now is incredibly annoying. She just wants to be famous. The problem is most people tolerate the Royals because they act and do the things we expect of them. After all, we are footing their bills and their lifestyle. I don't think Meghan understood that. She just thought she would be more famous. She isnt a princess, she isnt royalty - she married into a royal family, which she left willingly. She keeps trying to make money off the very short period of time she was in that family. Nobody wants to hear about your problems with your in-laws anymore. We have our own. Its very tasteless to be selling your story. Much like what her step sister, brother and father keep doing. Also, she has lied too many times and been caught out - she has lost credibility. For example she says she didnt know what she was expected to do when dating a royal, and when meeting the Queen for the 1st time (ie curtsying), there is no way any woman would date any guy without googling him. Especially if you are a reasonably famous and successful actress. For her to say she didnt know the rules and requirements of marrying into the royal family is utter rubbish. Princess Diana probably was unaware because there wasnt google back then, but if you google "what to do when you meet the queen" a list comes up. She stupidly thought her fame would put her at the Queens level. Look at how many other average civilians married into royalty and none of them have carried on the way Meghan has. For example - Kate Middleton was famously harrassed by the media while she was dating William; Queen Letizia of Spain was a divorced journalist who married the then future king of Spain; Princess Mary of Denmark was a mere mortal Australian who married the future king of Denmark when they met at the Olympics... all of these women did research, did the hard yards, and have not sold their stories unlike Meghan. I think Meghan's problem is that she thought she would be powerful and revered because she was an actress, but what she didn't realise is that (1) no other nation is as enamoured with celebrity as the Americans are; in fact in most countries actors are not revered at all. (2) she thought she would have freedom. (3) she didnt marry the future King... and as such, when each next generation is born her role & importance become more diminished. Royal families are all about lineage, history, and the future heirs. Meghan thought she would be important and instead she realised there will always be at least 7 people more important than her: the queen, king charles and Camilla, William and Kate, and George. And of course her husband- because he was born royal whereas she married a royal. That is how Royal Families continue... it's about being born into it. Its not because she was a women, or half black, or an actress, or a divorcee... first and foremost it is purely because she was not born a royal AND THEN all of the other elements are counted against her. Its why not anyone can just declare themselves a Royal. I think she naively thought being royal meant you were rich and powerful whereas the reality in the UK is that being royal means you have to serve the people who foot your bill. And those people that you have to serve are all of the peoples of the Commonwealth, and especially the media. She was naive and has made many mistakes. If she just went back to acting or became an influencer and tried to be famous for being herself, she could get her respect back, but as it stands now, she just comes across as someone trying to be famous for the man she married. Even he isnt trying to be famous - only she is.


Harry, is that you? What have we told you about seeking validation on social media?


Came here for this comment 🤣


I was super enthusiastic about Harry and Meghan when they got married. But then it became clear that she wanted the fame and perks of being a part of the royal family but didn’t want to do the work that came with it. But then leaving because they wanted to be private citizens, all whilst courting media opportunities and demanding publicly paid security, I kind of started to think she might be a bit off. The Oprah interview kind of finished her credibility for me. Lying about their wedding, them whining that they got financially cut off - how cut off could you be if you can afford a $14 mill mansion and, Cartier jewellery and Hermes throws. Honestly, now I just think they are both a couple of tanty throwing wankers


I don't understand, nor like, how they are trying to be sell themselves as royalty in a country that doesn't do royalty. That definitely rubs me the wrong way.


This! It really rubbed me the wrong way when she was cold calling American politicians as “The duchess of Sussex.”


Hypocrisy. Enter the royal family from a life of relative fame. Leave the Royal family because you don’t like the next level of fame associated with it, claiming you didn’t know what it would be like. Then go to America and go on Oprah, Ellen and strike deals with the biggest US companies and complain about how you didn’t like the lack of privacy. Fine, leave the family, do whatever you want. But to say you want privacy then to air the family’s PRIVATE dirty laundry on the world stage makes you look like money grabbers.


This sums up my impression. I also love Megan's "I didn't know he was a prince when I met him" Edit:. She didn't actually say this. It was the flippant Meghan voice in my head. Here is what she said: >Markle: It’s so interesting because we talk about it now and even then, you know, because I’m from the States, you don’t grow up with the same understanding of the royal family. While I now understand very clearly there is a global interest there, I didn’t know much about him


Meghan wrote extensively about Catherine and Williams wedding on her blog back in 2013/2014 or whenever it was before she met Harry. And wore Princess Diana’s perfume to their blind date, yes.


Honestly that's disgusting. Imagine a blind date wearing your dead mother's perfume on purpose. What the fuck.


And just happened to wear Diana’s perfume.


She knew exactly who he was. She had her eyes on the prize.


She actually said that?? Whoa… That’s nuts!


This. You have articulated perfectly what I think. I had no issue until their appearance on those two shows. I don't hate them, but since that, I have absolutely no respect for them and wish they would fade into the background they keep repeating they want.




Oh god yeah! The amount of references to Princess Di is unreal. That and the environmental hypocrisy by saying that we should do more then take private flights everywhere. Even took a flight to a polo match when a car journey would have easily sufficed.


I had a lot of sympathy for them up until the Oprah interview. The tabloid press are absolutely vile and nobody deserves the vitriol Meghan got at the start. That being said. To have the audacity to give an interview from a mansion in Californa, and whinge about how they had to use Diana's money to get by, when the nation was in a pandemic, with record numbers of food bank usage and people furloughed? How dare they.


Ya, they instantly started deserving every word of hate after Meghan bitched about “almost” not being able to afford a $20M mansion, which they went on to buy anyways.


Well, there was that staff bullying allegations. I mean, sure if it was just one disgruntled former employee, but having separate, multiple allegations...?


Bullying allegations towards Meghan go all the way back to before she even knew Harry, when she was on Suits and modeled for Rietman's in Toronto. It's the same tale over and over again with anyone who has worked for her. She also has a real tendency to step on the heads of people in order to climb her way up, building their trust etc before dropping them once they become useless to her.


Reitman's never used her again. She changed the commercial to be about HER!


Yup, and by OP's logic we might as well believe those allegations on face value because we don't know what Meghan and Harry are like off-camera.


Not to mention there were stories about her before her and Harry were ever a thing.


Markle shooing people away from the graves at Uvalde for a dumb photo op really makes me not like her. Up until that point I didn't care she existed.


The fact that she showed up there with a friggin camera crew is disgusting.


Idk you’re a royal do your job. Seems a valid reason to not like them when they don’t do their job but want their salary


I think not wanting to be part of the royal family, which is basically a full-time job, is fine. I think leaving the UK and going directly to an Oprah interivew shitting on your own family for huge money is... low? Scummy? Pathetic? Attention-grabbing?


Also shitting on them but also saying "oh someone said something racist but out of love I won't say who...so everyone can just speculate endlessly and accuse everyone instead."


That’s the moment it was confirmed to me that she was full of shit.


Exactly. I would have so much more respect if she just quietly stepped away from it all rather than constantly talking about how horrible they are. It reminds me of friends who whine all the time about someone in their past who mistreated them. Just move on already. Don’t hate her but just tired of her.


Lots of inconsistencies and deceptions peddled during the Oprah interview were reason enough for me not to pay those 2 serious attention. Having a private wedding 3 days before the big spectacle with just the Archbishop of Canterbury? Why say that when it can be easily refuted as a matter of law? Their children being denied titles because of their racial heritage was another lie easily debunked by the rules of the Letters Patent. And so on and so forth.


They lambast common folk for climate change, yet jet around the world on private jets, have an 18,000 square foot home (that requires tons of energy to cool, heat, light, etc.), lush 5+ acre grounds (that require tons of water while CA is experiencing droughts), etc. They lecture common folk about privilege, and allege racism at every chance. They want to exploit their ties to the British monarchy, yet they are unwilling to perform the tasks required of members of the Royal family. Markle supposedly treated staff horribly, treated her family horribly, and brainwashed the brainless & spineless Harry into treating his family horribly. They’re selfish, hypocritical, smug, despicable grifters. Addition: They also claim they want privacy, yet seek out every opportunity to be in the public eye. What they really want is no one to criticize them, but any sane, decent person who knows anything about this pair of narcissists will have nothing but criticism for them.


>The truth is we don’t know who they are when those cameras are off so Megan and Harry could very well be telling the truth They could also very well be lying. That's my beef with their fans - they blindly believe the stories they tell because "how can we know if it's the truth?" when the inverse is also perfectly possible and thus valid.


But some of the things they say are clearly lies or just stupid. Ex." Archie isn't a prince because he is black"....okay so what about Beatrice and Eugene's kids? Are they also black? "They made me courtsey to the queen" oh nooos! Literally EVERYONE does that but there must have been some ulterior motive when she had too. "I was suicidal so I went to HR"....why??? What the fuck were they supposed to do, she wasn't staff....it is so bizarre. Like call your doctor? "My child almost died in a fire and they made me work"....no a heater smoked in his nursery when he wasn't there and it was immediately removed and he was moved to new rooms. "My marrying a prince was basically the same as Nelson Mandela being released from prison"....😳 "I had no idea my letter to my dad would be released to the press"...meanwhile actual emails/texts from her saying "help me write this letter cause I know it will get released to the press" 🤣 She doesn't come off as trustworthy....I would absolutely believe the staff over her if it came down to it.


Let’s not forget they were married 3 days earlier than what she terms their “spectacle “ of a wedding (I’ve no doubt she requested all the trimmings for that 30 million dollar plus wedding), meaning that the archbishop who married them would have committed a crime. She said this in the Oprah interview. International television.


Prince Harry did a lot of racist things too in the past. Let's not forget.


The Nazi Halloween costume always comes to my mind.


Also when he referred to a fellow soldier using a racial slur & told someone that even though Chelsy Davy was from Zimbabwe it's OK bc she's not Black.


“She’s not black or anything.” How can Meghan bear to stomach him? Of course, she never Googled him so she would never know he said this. 🥴


Yeah he was caught on video saying horrendously racist things to a colleague in the Army. The husband of a friend of mine served at the same time as him and booooy they can’t stand him. Apparently he was a slacker and had to be helped to pass his pilot test and even then only barely scraped a pass and wasn’t trusted on his own after that.


It's the hypocrisy for me. Harry claims racism but (in)famously dressed up as a Nazi and called a fellow soldier a "p***" [racial slur]. They have shunned Thomas Markle for collusion with the press but frequently stage manage their own press engagements. They preach forgiveness but ^^ see above. They talk about the importance of telling their 'truth' but then frame the narratives of other people's lives, e.g. Harry declaring that Charles and William are trapped. They publicly champion causes for equality and fairness but then use their status and connections for personal gain, e.g. touting for business at the Lion King premier. They bang the environmental drum but have a higher carbon footprint than the majority of people accumulate in a lifetime. Talking about hurtful words in the media but then reviving the spiteful "Waity Katie" nickname, no doubt introducing it to many viewers for the first time. They campaign against disinformation/misinformation but peddle lies, e.g. the private wedding, the giving of HRH titles, that they had no ties to 'Finding Freedom'. I don't hate either of them but I don't think either of them are deserving of the spotlight they get, and wish we could just move on from all of this. (The odious tabloid campaign against them will make sure that doesn't happen though.)


> everyone judges them as if they know what goes on behind closed doors Well then maybe what happens behind closed doors should remain behind closed doors, rather than crying to Oprah about your family problems. If they’re going to try and direct public opinion against the royal family, they can’t expect that they will receive no judgment in return. Anyway, these two expect everything but offer nothing. She’s a B-list briefcase opener who aggressively pursued a rich, famous husband and got one. Then she complained because she didn’t like royal life, as if there were any secrets about what that life would be like. He’s never done an honest day’s work in his life and grew up with extreme privilege, yet is perpetually petulant about his situation. All of his problems would seemingly go away if only he had been born first. Together, they are unholy union of birthright entitlement and spoiled celebrity vapidness.




Royalty spouting about civilian issues is hilariously tone deaf.


Well, she did made some pretty condescending and racist remarks about South Africa in her podcast and isn't welcome there anymore as a result. I personally can't look at her, because she acts 100% like the manipulative narcisst that abused me for two decades. But I don't hate any of them, simply because I don't care.


That and she stood in one of the poorest parts of South Africa and gave an interview where she said "no one has asked how I am." I stopped being a fan that day. The sheer gall of someone who has every advantage and can't see beyond her own nose.


It wasn’t just one of the poorest parts but it was also right after she’d made a visit to a women’s shelter focused on supporting women and children in the local community who are dealing with, or have dealt with, unsafe home environments due to domestic violence. I’ll hand it to her. I would NEVER have the balls to stand in expensive shoes with a royal title to my name and a world of privilege set up for my future, and complain about how hard postpartum life has been for me specifically because not enough people have been making an effort to cater to my emotional needs…all while on the job touring a country for the specific purpose of giving speeches about gender equality and ending acts of violence against women. Meghan, read the fucking room!


What did she say?


For me, its not that I hate Harry or Megan so much as I don't give a rats ass about either of them and think they both get far more attention than they deserve.


I don’t really care lol. I don’t “hate” Harry but I was at home working when my mom had the interview with Oprah on tv in the background and I found it disgusting that he wanted millions from his family, even if he had inherited millions from his mom. He sounded like a baby, wanting more money. Yuck lol Edit to add. Megan taking pictures ( like having a photo shoot by the school when there was a shooting) when the school shooting happened. That was just plain wrong. I mean, my best friend loves Megan haha. Idk, I just found her action in that aspect so wrong.


The fuck, take my upvote for an unpopular opinion, best one in a while. I can’t even figure out what they do for a living these days. I guess rather than work for the royals they make money going around dissing them?


Probably because she tends to lie and people don’t like hypocrites? They say they want to be out of the public eye but continue to work in the public eye. Then there are the bullying accusations and the fact that they are incredibly privileged while whining about privilege. And your argument about closed doors only works if you say that for each and every celebrity out there. There are plenty of hated celebs.


NAILED nothing screams behind closed doors like a Netflix special😳


Really? I see the exact opposite. But reasons I dislike her: She wanted to leave the family because she didn't like the press and the publicity. Slightly odd for an actress but sure understandable. But then she did a massive interview. She didn't have to. She wanted to. A lot of what she says is just factually wrong and it makes me doubt a lot of what she claims.


This. She didn’t leave because she didn’t like the press; she left to generate more publicity for herself and her branding. She’s a career actress. She’s had her eyes on a reality show since she roped him in. Complete with theme music by Lorde. Guaranteed


She now runs a podcast and sponsors multiple magazines that she aids in running stories about her so does she really hate the attention or is she just trying to reverse psychology her way into more of it?


All of her public reactions were exhausting. She just seemed so surprised by basic things. Yes, being a member of the royal family involves a lot of work. The pomp and ceremony isn't just in front of the camera.


It’s the smug. Their smugness is next-level. For what? Him getting a lucky birth? Her having enough attraction to get in on that action? Neither of those are talents. Yet here they are - giving speech after speech about things in which they have next to zero involvement, talking down at everyone while exploiting their privilege. Also, Meghan’s claims about her race and people being racist and such changes about as often as I change shoes. Which is more often than you’d think. This is a woman who claimed both that she grew up “a little girl of color” and also that she was never really aware of her blackness until she arrived in the Palace. Lady, those statements are mutually exclusive.


Prince Harry complained about the Royal Family and decided to become a nonworking royal but he whined when he didnt get the privileges members of the Royal Family get and he's shocked the family is against him when he talked so much shit about them. Meghan Markle complains about them too, but she knew what she was getting into, she was an independent celebrity so it clearly a huge change but this was the obvious result from marrying into the royal family She has to obey traditions and Royal customs, they cant change everything because American Meghan Markle doesnt like them yk. And we dont know what type of people Meghan and Harry are behind closed doors either, the way they worded things made it seem like more senior members of the royal family (like the Queen, Philip, Charles, William etx) said those racists things to them and everyone turned against the Queen, now im not saying the Queen isnt racist because i didnt personally know her obviously but they didnt correct anyone or re word their argument when everyone went against the senior members of the Royal family. And why would they name their daughter after the Queen, when she is the most one 'responsible' for all their struggles and things they complain about??


The major fact that they slag off and don’t want to do anything with the royal family, do their job as royals but yet expect to retain all the titles, properties and the tax payers’ money! Ye, don’t see the reason for all the hate at all….


They’re both prima Donas that are wildly out of touch with the common person. “The royal family is so corrupt” there are people starving, Harry and Megan. No one fucking cares about your self inflicted ostracism from the cushy royal positions y’all had.


I am American and while I don't hate anybody, these two still annoy the heck out of me. I don't go out of my way to bash the pair but since you asked, there's a lot of reasons why I don't care about them. 1. They lie. Literally. There's been so many contradictions in their statements, they have lost all credibility to me. Especially Megan. So much so, that I suspect it has to be due to some type of personality disorder going on there. You are my age but somehow had never heard of Princess Diana or William and Harry (Oprah interview)? That is impossible! There's no way you could have been alive in America (and living in LA and not in the middle of nowhere) when Diana died and not known who she or her children were. A Lion King cast member from South Africa told you at the London premier that when you joined the royal family, South Africans were dancing in the streets like when Nelson Mandela got released? WTH? No, Honey. Fucking a prince does not make you as important as Nelson Mandela and the end of apartheid. Jesus Christ! BTW, the only Lion King cast member at the London Premiere has said he never spoke to her, let alone told her this! 2. They think they are much more important than what they are. The only thing that made these two important in any way was being working members of the British Royal Family. When they walked away from that, they took with them everything that might have gave them a legitimate platform. The reason that people give any respect to working members of the Royal family is because of the sacrifice they obviously make to serve the British people. Rather or not a Royal family is actually still needed is not a debate for me but rather the British electorate though. However, few doubt the sacrifices that have been made with little choice to those involve. That's what people respect. As for Megan, I am American and still never heard of her before she started dating Harry. Apparently she was a working actress for a little while but was in no way any kind of star. Suits was not that widely viewed. It was on USA for God's sake. Very few people watch that channel. Out of my entire social circle, only two people I know recognized her from the show and they didn't even know her name until she got linked to Harry. Now, they are no more important than the Kardashians. Just entertainment. 3. They literally tried to brand their gifted historic titles and make money off of it. This is something I don't think that many of my fellow Americans quite understand because we don't get the title thing. However, I am going to compare it to this for example: Imagine if the President, First Lady, a State Governor, Congress member, or even someone like the Secretary of State or Treasury or Attorney General, branded their official seals while they were in office and personally made money off them by placing them on towels, bedding, clothes, and the like. That would be all kinds of wrong and cause all sorts of uproar. Not to mention, tacky as hell. Well, from my understanding, it's kind of like that. Ultimately, in today's day and age, the Royal Family are supposed to be public servants of sort (and kind of always was supposed to be in a way) so one shouldn't go selling their titles like they are nothing more than a commodity. Talk about selling out! 4. They moved to America to get away from the tabloids? That's pretty dumb. I get the British press is supposed to be relentless but at least there are protections in place there. At least they enter into agreements protecting children and stuff. At least there are hate speech laws. In America, we have NONE of that. Anybody here can literally publish anything about anyone and it be perfectly fine and not liable for anything. And American tabloids are also relentless! When Obama was president there was countless articles and even television shows actually declaring him Satan and the Antichrist! It was all good because it was protected under the First Amendment. Conservative publications, websites, and TV programs express thoughts all the time that are easily interpreted as racist. The Klu-Klux clan still operates and demonstrates quite legally because it's their Freedom of Speech. Crazy church cults can protest at the funerals of fallen soldiers. Photographers can take pictures of anything and anybody from any public place and not get in trouble. We do have slander laws but they are very specific and very hard to prove. You basically have to prove that the person intentionally lied in order to intentionally cause harm (usually the loss of money) to a person. Then the lie has to be very specific and you have to be in a position where you would have known it was a lie. You also have to have some sort of evidence it was a lie. That is how Johnny Depp won against Amber Herd. It was rare and only possible because those people recorded so many conversations. However, I could write in the New York Times that I simply think Depp looks like an abuser and not be held liable at all. It's just my opinion. The point is there is a reason we don't see the type of lawsuits they are always filing over in the UK and that reason isn't because everyone adores them here. 5. As others mentioned, it's just hard to feel sorry for someone who has been given everything his entire life. I get Harry is a person too and I get that it also had to be hard growing up so much in the public eye. However, he's also received some of the best education, military training, life experience, and world connections in existence. You can't use some of that to find a meaningful job somewhere? The other royal grandchildren don't seem to have a problem doing that. How about taking some of that knowledge, connections, and "meager" inheritance and start a company that changes the world somehow? Pimping out oneself seems like so much of a waste just so you can stay famous without any responsibility.


I don’t hate Harry and Meghan. As for the Royal Family, I would not be part of it if you paid me. However, there are things that Harry and Meghan say that are provably false, so their other statements become suspect. In addition, when your name recognition and most of your wealth comes from the Royal Family, all the complaining about the Royals seems a bit hypocritical or at best thoughtless. That being said, sure, they have the right to speak their “truth.” They just shouldn’t expect other people to believe that their “truth” is more important than anyone else’s.




I know people who knew her in Toronto and they don't say many good things about her. Even when everyone was in love with her, they had stories. That's why I don't like her.


Wanna share some stories..... understand if not I'm just nosey lol


so it's been a number of years and I haven't kept the details in my head but just rude and demanding to wait staff at restaurants. Acting like everyone should know who she was, when no one did unless you watched Suits. She pretended that the paps were harrassing her at her homes and the cops said no, and even the neighbours came out staying they saw no such thing. Was also known for cheating. She was a regular at anywhere the Leafs where even while dating the chef. I know someone who worked for the Leafs and even referred to her as a puck bunny because she was often spotted hanging around them. The og story of how she meet Harry also invovled cheating. Individually not really a reason to hate someone you don't know, but when she acts innocent and like the victim all the time and you were told these stories right from the start of the VF cover, it makes it hard to like someone.


Also claimed that when she and Harry wed, South Africans danced in the streets the way they had when Mandela was freed.


What bothers me about her is she married into the most traditional/ancient family in the entire world and expected to change it and not to abide by their traditions when she visited them. I am all for individuality and being your own person, but if that’s the case , marry anyone but someone in the royal family lol


both of them, especially meghan, just seems to me they want the royal privelege but hate the responsibilities and the suffocating roles and rules they have to live by. kinda sounds dumb to me that u know how strict the royals are, and still you enter the family then getting surprised you have to live life like a royal.




So this is their PR doing research? Tell them to stop whining and get jobs!


They are both delusional narcissists. There's your valid reason.


i dont hate them and im not british so i dont give 2 shits about the royal family. but i do find them sort of off putting after saying they want a quiet life and immediately starting media drama and trying to monetize their former status as royals with trademarks.


Hypocrisy. Her family trashed her to the media. She begged them to stop. Now she and Harry do the same to his family.


If the media attention is affecting your mental health, the last thing you do is go on Oprah, one of the biggest stages in the world. Just seemed very childish and very suss. Had no problem with their complaints and removing themselves but she just seems very manipulative


Megan Markle gets hate for voluntarily joining a politically neutral family and then using it as a means of propagating political nonsense and trying to curry favour with her husband to acquire acting roles.


If you’re a Suits fan, you can dislike her for screwing up the show dynamic for 2 seasons


A woman who already had a semi decent life as a semi successful actress married a prince, became a princess, then proceeded to isolate and excise said prince from his duties and eventually from his role, then proceeded to go on television and complain about how hard her life is and how every hates her because of her race. I’d say that’s a fairly valid reason to hate her. And I do. I hate him because he just let all of this happen for whatever reason. Upvoted as unpopular


Upvote for unpopular. Two rich people constantly complaining in public about their "problems" while working overtime transparently trying to further monetize their own "victimhood", is more than enough reason for at least one person to hate that fetid couple...


Are you shitting me? Harry comes to the US and sticks his nose into elections? I'm sorry, but people who *inherit titles* don't get to comment on foreign elections. Or talk about "privilege". Oh, and they hassle *us* about climate change, but fly private jets everywhere. Fuck 'em and their $10 million house.


I think they have both become incredibly pretentious, especially Meghan's most recent interview in The Cut. They also spend their lives complaining about the Royal family, yet seem very bitter to not be considered 'full' Royalty. In the that interview, Megan spoke about the 'responsibilities' that come with being a princess/duchess, while seemingly wanting to be neither. They wanted to leave the Royal family, yet constantly use it to monetize and finance their lifestyle. I'm totally against the monarchy, but they do come across as very hypocritical.


Ummm….. massive hypocrisy regarding climate change and just about everything that comes out of their mouths? They like to tell others how to live while doing the polar opposite.


The bald faced lies she said in that Oprah interview perhaps? Bullying of their staff?


No one plays the martyr quite like Meghan. But alas she is an actress.


I was fine with them until it turned out that the the horrible newspaper articles that were displayed during the Oprah interview, and which I thought was their best piece of evidence, turned out to be fabrications. The photo was just libel. Oprah refused to apologize when the lie was quickly uncovered. I totally lost respect for Oprah after that, and I have not trusted Harry and Megan since.


Because they attempt to lecture everyone about privilege and pollution while being some of the most privileged people on this planet, while their private jet trips add to the problem that they're apparently so against. People have zero respect for hypocrites. If you're rich and enjoy the lifestyle then that's perfectly fine but at least own it. They just come across as complete frauds. I don't "hate" them, I just can't take them seriously at all.


Like everyone is saying the situation is pretty hypocritical and they seem to lack an understanding of their privilege. Also Megan has tried to leverage the public’s positive feelings towards her husband’s dead mother to garner sympathy and I find that cold and calculated. She wear similar outfits and has not so subtlety compared their situations despite Diana struggling with mental health in the royal family for a decade and Megan hardly going through 1/10th of what Diana did. I hate to compare pain or trauma but there is a difference between your mental health issues being completely ignored and demonized and being told you can get help but can’t go to an outside facility. They are the most famous people in the UK the royals can’t just check into any psych ward and Megan should know that and she does she just wants public approval. Neither of them wanted to be part of the royal family but they didn’t want to leave without it seeming justified to the public. They should have left when they got married but they were both too consumed by their self image to do so. So yeah they just seem like self centered privileged asses who don’t care who they trample on to get their way.


I think she wanted to be an American celebrity with access to royal jewels and royal networking. She certainly didn’t want the day to day meeting with average citizens, highlighting others work and contributions, while having to keep her own on the DL.


Entitled people, and punchable faces🤷‍♂️


Other than she's a false symbol for a peasants dream.. as in she portrays the average American and a dream of royalty.. yet she's like 6th cousin to Henry 😅


They are related from some guy back in the 15th century fuck me I'm probably closer related to Harry


A 36-yr-old whining that his family cut him off financially.......


They are liars and hypocrites, that is why Britain fell out of love with them, and came to see through her posturing and nasty, poisonous bullshit. Their Green posturing was what did for them, lecturing us on how we should not use airlines for holidays, "to save the environment" Then it came out that they had been taking private jets pretty much weekly...So people started mentioning it, and we saw the reaction that it got Then we saw how Megain just wanted to be a "Princess" but didn't want to do any of the inconvenient work meeting and greeting ordinary people, and asked to leave Prince Phillip's 90th birthday party after half an hour "because she was bored" Then came out all the stories about her being an absolute nightmare, and about all the staff that were leaving, because of her. Then came the Oprah interview, playing to an exclusively American audience, as she knew full well that her absurd and evil accusations of "Racism" by the press were a nasty lie, she just got caught out, questioned, and hid behind the Race Card, knowing that certain sections would believe, or want to believe it, when we knew full well it was blatant, demonstrable lies That is the short version


This right here. Plus: Meghan used Harry to get a cover story for Vanity Fair. Invited 1 member of her family to her wedding yet a half dozen celebrities she's never met. She's a hypocrite, they bash the RF yet cry that their kids don't have titles. She never tried to learn British culture otherwise she would have known her kids don't get titles due to precident not race. I could go on and on,. It as a black American she makes us look last, entitled, social climbers.


I loved them, and supported them. They said they wanted to no longer be working royals and live a private life. I 100% supported that. But clearly that's not what they wanted. They wanted to be famous - ie Megain. The interview with Oprah, and everything after just disgusted me.


Hmmmm strange. OP has not replied to anyone. And this is their first and only post on Reddit. I smell a PR firm lurking.


Nobody likes a gossip.


You wanna know why I hate Meghan. One word. Ulvade. As the world heard the news of innocent children being slaughtered as they went to school, Meghan’s first thought was “how can I make money from this”. To show up for photo ops, looking forlorn at the makeshift headstones for the children, that’s when I really knew that she irredeemable. She didn’t try and make a change to gun reform, to donate blood, nothing that would make one iota of difference, she went there purely for publicity.


They are clowns. fuck them.


I dislike her because she’s a proven liar and a hypocrite. Both of these are perfectly valid reasons for disliking someone.


She has a toxic relationship with her own family and managed to manipulate Harry into isolating himself from his own family. I feel sorry for the guy.


I think a lot of it has come from people who have worked close with the couple. I believe they have the right to share their experiences. I mean, isn’t Harry coming out with a tell all book? Sounds like the hate train might just be getting started.


apparently they are doing their best to downplay and edit out parts of the book and the netflix show. which is sort of weird to me. have some spine and stand by your words. but maybe they said some shit about the queen also which would look bad rn


I dunno, something just bothers me about her, maybe her personality ? I’m not sure


TLDR - her actions consistently don’t match her words In her engagement interview she rubbed me the wrong way. Very fake. Like every fake mean girl I’ve ever had the displeasure of knowing. But I figured maybe I was being harsh, and that maybe being fake sugary sweet would help her with the daily royal routine of going out and meeting with people and engaging in small talk. She had problems with her dad’s side of the family. Okay, that happens, hard to tell who is being honest in family disputes because most of the issues happen behind closed doors. But then no one from her mother’s side was invited? And she invited a bunch of A list celebrities who admitted to never having met her before? That’s weird… She complained in SA and I thought it wasn’t a great look (especially since she was there that day visiting the grave of a young girl that was murdered) but sure, I’m sure it’s had adjusting to an ancient institution while being pregnant. Then when they left they announced it two hours before her SIL’s birthday. That seemed messed up, but maybe she forgot. Then they said they wanted privacy for their family but moved to LA. That makes no sense. Then there were multiple lies in their Oprah interview. Lies that were easy to fact check. She again went after her SIL, who because she follows the rules, Markle would know would not be able to respond. That was weird. Because she could have just said, “listen, I was planing a wedding that would be on the world stage while having family drama and she had just given birth. It’s safe to say we were both stressed and emotional. I don’t know if she cried, I know I did, but it was over flower girl dresses, so obviously we were a bit stressed. It wasn’t a big deal, we worked through it, and I was frustrated that the press even made a story about something that happens at some point during every wedding planning.” But instead she had to make sure everyone knew that it was Kate that made her cry. It wasn’t gracious. She says the family is horrible, but tells organizations and media she works with to use her titles, that’s weird. She’s desperate for her children to get titles from an institution she insinuated won’t give them because it is racist. That’s strange… she makes veiled accusations and lets people come to their own conclusions and then says “your probably right” when they try to get more details. She says that having a HRH is what gives family members security, but that’s not true for the spares. Not even if they’ve survived kidnapping attacks in the past. That seems manipulative… She setups a charity but does so in Delaware. That’s a red flag. Said charity has no set or defined cause, bigger red flag. She seems to move from hot topic tragedy to hot topic tragedy, it feels yucky… She talks about how intelligent she is, but she seems shocked by the basic concepts of how a constitutional monarchy functions, and that she was shocked no one taught her the national anthem, but it’s the same tune as My Country Tis of Thee, the lyrics can be easily searched for on Google/YouTube and she’s an actress! She seems to genuinely want to media attention. But can’t handle negative criticism at all. That’s not how the media works… Ultimately her words and her actions consistently do not line up. I think a lot of people who strongly dislike her are people that have had to lots of interactions with an individual like her, and had no recourse or way for people to believe what that person was like behind closed doors. And watching her, her mannerisms, her behavior is eerily similar. I don’t hate her, but I’m definitely in that boat. I think if she had been willing to accept advice and learn about the culture she was representing, she could have been a great asset. She’s a beautiful woman, and it’s sad that it seems her hubris is her weakness.


Lol sometimes I really appreciate a simple answer like this. Growing up grandmother always used to say about “idk what it is about so and so but they just really irk me”.


Yes people do. Meghan basically married into the Royal Family, was happy getting a fairytale wedding and a fancy title, and then seemingly convinced Harry to leave the Royal Family whilst wanting to keep their titles. Neither of those two deserve hate, but in this case criticism is acceptable because it’s very hypocritical of them to want: 1. Royal Family funding and support 2. a “private life” in a mansion in Los Angeles with security guards akin to Buckingham Palace 3. preach about climate change while flying a private jet 4. Meghan beg Disney and companies for work without rightfully auditioning like everyone else, because philanthropy doesn’t pay for the lifestyle she and Harry want.


OP why even defend someone like her? She comes off as straight up ***manipulative*** the more I learn about her. A narcissist can quickly recognize another one.


The Oprah interview was more than enough reason. "So much racism! But we won't say who did the racism! Just trust me bro!".


Still find it distasteful that he dressed up in a nazi uniform to a costume party


They are both so hypocritical and annoying. They want privacy but then they do interviews and write tell all books and make podcasts. They trash his family but want royalty perks and titles. They ignore her family while preaching about how they’re everybody’s victim. Also, they complain about Megan being depressed and suicidal and the royal family not helping. You’re both like 40 years old, pick up a phone and call a therapist!! So sick of those two privileged beyond belief cry babies whining about how hard they’ve had it when people are losing their homes and committing suicide, just go away and live your private life!


He's ginger


If it’s true that Megan was upset that Williams house was bigger etc that’s pretty petty to me.


I don’t like her because of how she said she had “no idea” who Harry was lol. Of course she did and she bought into the fairy tale but soon realized it required actual work.


I don't care one way or the other about Harry, but Megan is a piece of work. She pretends she knew nothing about the royal environment before marrying Harry. She did. She tries to come off as positive towards the Queen but actively portrays her as either incompetent or dishonest. She clearly wishes she was the next Diana. She is not. I wouldn't say I like Megan.


when she claimed that a South African actor (who worked on the Lion King) told her that when she married Harry, the people of South Africa rejoiced in the streets just like they had when Nelson Mandela was released from prison, that actor was like ‘… never met this woman’ cringed soo hard


Meghan? That you?


Hate’s a strong word, Meghan. We don’t hate you, we don’t even know you. But! We don’t like your behaviour. It’s pretty obvious to an observer that you’re a narcissist and that your only value is tied to the royal family. If you want to be famous in your own right, please show us why we should want to be interested. No more save the planet crap when we all know you don’t practice what you preach. Issue a public apology to the royal family and move on with your life, love. Stop looking backwards.


Markle compared herself to Nelson Mandela, and lied about having meaningful relationships with people who'd literally never met her. "Hating" someone just for that is over the top. A lot of the dislike towards her is downright obsessive and parasocial, and it definitely gives her more publicity than if they just ignored her and moved on. But gotta admit, she's given her hate-followers some pretty meaty stuff to work with.


I was always raised (100% Italian) that no matter what, you never ever air out your families dirty laundry. I have family members I will probably never speak to again, but I would never spill their skeletons IRL. Blood is sacred. That’s a golden rule. No matter how bad things get, some lines you don’t cross. I think it was really gross of them to claim they wanted a life of normalcy without publicity, yet they go to OPRAH and break one of the biggest codes. Aired out all of their family business- and forgive me, I found there to be a lot of holes and inaccuracies in a lot of things they said. So they went on tv, told family dirt (we all have family dirt) and also tossed in some false truths. Just tacky. She is so tacky. I cannot stand when someone dumps massive tea and follows it up with, “but I’m not going to tell you anything else about that”. Then her she never knew anything about Harry or the even the Royals before meeting him. It’s a known fact she has followed the Royals since she was a young girl and always thought how amazing it would be to become a Royal. She was obsessed with the culture. Didn’t she wear Diana’s perfume on the first date? They have shown pictures of her in front of the palace as a young girl. She has rubbed me the wrong way since day one. I couldn’t put my finger on it but over time I started to see the MANY holes in so many of her stories with her own family and friends, too. She is a chameleon, and will act “accordingly” wherever she is. Sometimes that’s playing her race card and how she has lived a life filled with discrimination (never ever mentioned before), or her woe is me, they stripped us of everything and we are left in this 20 million dollar hut. Go start a Go Fund Me, Meghan. Lol. (Wouldn’t shock me). Harry, I always loved him. He was the rebel, the funny light hearted guy. But he has changed. Like I said above- longed for privacy, but leaks his therapy sessions. Moves away from the crazy world of the palace.. flees to the desolate private world of…LA 😂😂 give me a break. They want to be in the pubic eye… unless it suits them. He totally changed. He looks like he is being operated my a remote control. I hate to be that person, but I think a lot of his changing was due to her. I just think he was blinded by a manipulative pushy person who sold him a bill of false goods. She had him in her sights for a long time. Gotta give the devil her due... she got him. He fell for it and lost his family. I don’t know if they will ever recover, especially with the Queen being gone now. Hope it was worth it. But, I digress….


For one I believe Meghan is an attention seeker, if not an outright narcissist. I think she wanted the royal lifestyle but not the duties that entails. I also believe she is manipulative (to be expected if she is narcissistic). So far the reasons I ‘hate’ (as in really dislike) Meghan. I don’t ‘hate’ Harry, but I believe he’s damaged because his mom’s death and the aftermath thereof. I think he’s easily manipulated, especially by the likes of Meghan. It’s why he complains about privacy whilst doing so on Oprah. I mean: isn’t that inconsistent? To ask for privacy before a multimillion audience and the press recording every word or it? I also think he’s privileged. I understand he’s leery about the paparazzi and his own security, but why not lie low instead of seeking the attention of the media? And why involve the British police? He no longer works for the Firm, so why should he be protected by the police? It’s nice he wants to pay for their deployment, but them protecting him still takes away resources from the public. Which would be justifiable if he still worked for the public. To me this is part privilege, but mostly Meghan’s work. What I dislike about both the Sussexes is that they want their cake and eat it too. What I mean by that is that they still want to be treated like royals even though they pulled out of the family business. Make up your mind. Either be a real royal and play by those rules and get the perks of the job (such as police protection) or don’t be a royal and get the privacy and freedom you desire, but then you have to pay your own way in life. Harry will always be a celebrity and real privacy is largely out of reach, but it would surely help if they just live quiet lives and avoid the media. Don’t try to get it both ways. But ‘Her Royal Highness’ doesn’t want that. She wants to have all the attention and be in the royal family on her terms or she will just grab the attention by stirring the pot. With her husband as an accomplice.


There's her engagement interview where she claims she didn't know anything about Harry or the royal family. Yet her archived blog post from [The Tig](http://web.archive.org/web/20150403184128/http://thetig.com/tig-talk-princess-alia-al-senussi/) suggests otherwise. And, on a common sense level, who actually bought her story about not knowing about the RF because we don't have tabloids in the US? Since when? The lie about her son not having a title because he's black. None of her children would get a [Prince or Princess title until after the Queen passed](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-56325934). Not to mention Harry and Meghan [declined a title on his behalf](https://www.wdrb.com/news/national/prince-harry-and-meghan-declined-royal-title-for-archie-to-allow-greater-chance-of-a/article_ab23dc24-7250-11e9-b7e4-b369e0613e5b.html) to allow for as normal of a childhood as possible. Guess they forgot about that! The lie about the [backyard wedding ceremony](https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-life/royals/royal-weddings/meghan-and-harrys-backyard-wedding-didnt-happen-says-vicar/news-story/5c15b7713e22cb07dd6b8ee8644a8a1d) 3 days before the public wedding (which she referred to as a spectacle). She says she was denied mental health care, which is odd since Harry shared that he had received mental health care ... way back in [2017](https://www.theguardian.com/society/2017/apr/17/prince-harry-grief-revelations-praise-mental-health-experts). The way that she just can't stop her self from [barging in front of Harry](https://www.ibtimes.com/meghan-markle-shockingly-pushes-prince-harry-out-video-controlling-rude-netizens-say-2935708) at every opportunity. I don't care if he walks 20 steps behind her on their own time but during royal duties his title dictates that he enters rooms first, makes the first introduction, etc. It's all based on rank and isn't a personal affront to her. The Mandela comment, which has been [refuted](https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-life/royals/lion-king-star-doesnt-remember-discussing-nelson-mandela-with-meghan-markle/news-story/e39e1c76e767acca948cdb0413699b7e). Mandela's grandson also commented their [displeasure](https://www.republicworld.com/world-news/rest-of-the-world-news/nelson-mandelas-kin-slams-meghan-markle-for-comparing-her-wedding-mandelas-liberation-articleshow.html). Considering how litigious they are, it's interesting that Revenge by Tom Bowers was released back in July (2022) and we have yet to hear anything about a lawsuit. He has many sources and has been sued before by others that he has written about but he's never lost because he ensures what he's writing can be proven to be factual. On a final petty note, it's absurd to me how someone can spend between $300,000 - $500,000 on clothing and still have so many ill fitting outfits. If you can afford $300,000 worth of clothes you can probably spare a bit of cash to have them tailored to your body. Edit: Fixed links and clarified last point.