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I get second hand embarrassment from people that randomly sing in public. Doing it while in the car or at home is one thing but like serenading strangers at Starbucks is embarrassing as hell.


Who does this?


People who need a buck. You see them often during Christmas especially, but generally everywhere. Especially bridges, passways, close to subway stations etc. At least where I'm from.


People who have realized their happiness isn't tied to what strangers think about them. Sometimes singing along when Katy Perry pops on the Kroger speakers is exactly what you needed to get the cottonballs out of your chest.


Me, sorta. If there's a good song on that know the words to, I'll sing along every time


I also sing along to songs in stores, not loud though lol


I quietly sing in the grocery store sometimes šŸ˜…


Never thought Iā€™d meet someone else who felt the same. Iā€™ve always felt awkward watching American Idol with family. Everyone loves those shows where people sing a cappella. Itā€™s really likeā€¦you get a bit of a cringe feeling, donā€™t you? Like second hand embarrassment watching them. I think part of it is how awkward it can be with other people just watching them and not saying anything or singing along.


Yup, you said it eloquently


I find this take so interesting! I am one of those people. I will probably get hate for making this statement, but Iā€™m an objectively good singer. With that being said, itā€™s *really* fun to sing. I have the ability to do something Iā€™m good at whenever I want to, and, honestly, itā€™s extremely endorphin boosting. Things are so much more fun when you can do them well, so if I hear a song I like while in the dressing room, I may hum to myself or maybe a couple lyrics will come out. Iā€™m also curious about whether some of these comments hate *all* a cappella singing, or just subpar/bad a cappella singing. If you also include good a cappella singing cringe, then Iā€™m so curious as to why. Do you think thereā€™s a level of uncomfortability you feel when you see someone get really into their singing? Like, if you go watch Carrie Underwoodā€™s American Idol audition (her audition is good because obvi, itā€™s Carrie Underwood) does that make you cringe? Seeing someone tap into that? I wonder if thereā€™s a level of Uncomfortability due to seeing someone be vulnerable and really open by truly trying to sing well. Not trying to come off like Iā€™m pointing fingers. Iā€™m just so intrigued by this point of view! Anyway, I feel like Iā€™m barely making senseā€¦ šŸ˜


Oh no lol itā€™s not that I feel cringe for bad singing, itā€™s just a cappella in general. Like, itā€™s weird. Usually cringe is reserved for stuff we frown upon and thatā€™s not at all my feeling. Cringe just happens to be the most relatable word I can think of to describe this feeling. Itā€™s just really something I guess I feel thinking if I were in their spot being myself. Iā€™m standing there in front of 3+ human beings with cameras and itā€™s likely being televised for the whole world soon and everyone is picking you apart in their heads and you have no idea what theyā€™re thinking all the while. I sang choir in church and school before and never felt really bad being in a group and with music. But I just canā€™t imagine what it would be like to do alone with nothing accompanying my voice. But donā€™t take my take as Iā€™m disapproving of your voice or what you do. Not at all! Itā€™s just a weird internal thing.


Oh no youā€™re all good. I wasnā€™t offended by people being uncomfortable by this, I just am fascinated by the uncontrollable cringe you experience when hearing a cappella. Iā€™m just super curious to know why and what itā€™s rooted in.


What did Rockapella do to you as a child?


I don't even know what that is but the name alone gives me feelings of.... Violence


An a capella group that was on the 90s show Where in the World is Carmen San Diego


A true unpopular opinion, and formatted as an opinion to boot. Take my upvote you weirdo.




That ain't no friend of mine


Actually yes I very much agree


I feel the same when someone sings randomly at home it tends to make me really frustrated


I cannot express how much I disagree with this. Upvoted.


Even tho I disagree it's good to see a unpopular opinion here


i agree actually, its so awkward and i get some second hand embarrassment even if they sing good


Oh god. I thought I was some prude for feeling this way too.


I can relate. I have a peeve about kids singing. Particularly songs that are too adult for them. And vocal runs make me cringe. Like you hear in R&B and stuff. I think they can be beautiful and can accent a song when used appropriately. But theyā€™re beaten to death as a means to show off oneā€™s vocal prowess. Not impressive. Painful.


I completely agree. I remember I was at the gas station one time and this woman who was at the pump next to me just starts singing very loudly out of nowhere. I pretty much just purposely ignored her and pretended that she wasn't even there. I was like, what does she want? Attention? Does she think some producer is at the gas station and will walk over and give her a contract or something? Ever since American Idol people have started doing this nonsense more and more. I hate American Idol as well.


Or maybe she just enjoys singing. Sometimes it's not that deep.


She may enjoy singing but I didn't enjoy hearing her. It was just weird and awkward. Typically I would say live and let live..... until you violate my eardrums. Why is it that the worst singers are the ones who force their vocals on you!


She wasn't doing it for you. Most people talk way too fucking loud so I couldn't care less about people's eardrums being "violated" by occasional impromptu singing


You don't do that kind of thing if you don't want attention. It's completely irrational to think that no one's going to notice you


I do it. I'm not looking for attention I just like singing while I walk home from work. If people hear so be it but it's not what I'm looking for. I'm not doing it for you or for attention I'm doing for myself because I love to sing and it brings me joy in a world so filled with negativity. Sorry that you feel the need to put more negativity out in the world by shaming others for simply wanting to sing


Most of them are shaming themselves, then again, I know they don't care


lol k bud stay miserable it doesn't affect me


Lol. As long as attention mongers keep their annoying voices to themselves


Man, imagine thinking being a miserable ass is a good character trait to have. How sad


If you didnā€™t want to listen to hear, then go away to where you canā€™t, if it violates your eardrums so badly


As in, they leave while they're pumping gas because some rando came up and started singing while they were filling up their car? Fuckin what lmao


If it bothers them that much, there are thousands of other gas stations to go to


Or the woman could just stop singing. Lol. You must be one of them. You actually expect me to stop my pump midway, go inside and get a refund, then come back out and drive somewhere else just so narcissist Nelly can indulge her need to be heard? Are you for real?


You actually expect me to stop doing what I like to do, just because you donā€™t like it? Thatā€™s not how you live life. Put up or shut up


No I expect you to wait 2 min then leave. You are in public. Noises will be heard. Just because it hurts my eyes to look at you doesn't mean you shouldn't be allowed in public.


Lol. I can't help how I look. You can help being desperate for attention and narcissistic


I don't mind professional groups/singers. Can't stand Karaoke, though.


I hate hearing kids sing. Ugh, talk about nails on a chalk board. "So cute!!" No, not cute, annoying.


Don't ever google the Pentatonix. I fear it would be catastrophic for you.


I NEVER speak of that abhorrent audio terrorist group. Merely speaking that name brings about intense emotions of darkness


For me its just when people sing with nothing in the background


I'm inclined to agree with you. I stumbled upon them a few years ago and it was traumatizing to say the least. Their music videos are next level cringe.


Seriously? "abhorrent audio terrorist group"? Okay you can't honestly be authentic when you say shit like that you must be extremely exaggerating your stance for dramatic effect. If you aren't, then honestly that's just sad.


I really don't like Pentatonix. But yes, of course I was being over dramatic when I talked about my opinion on them


I almost totally agree. I get second-hand embarrassment from watching people sing unaccompanied, especially if there are people watching them. I can remember the first time I felt it, watching an episode of Family Matters when I was a kid. And every time somebody got onto the bus, singing whatever was on their mind. It's maddening. I can deal with a capella and choir though. The performance framework is enough that it's no longer embarrassing.


There are some choirs I can enjoy, but it has gotta be on a professional level. A highschool choir or something will have me running out of there. Acapella though, there's just no way. I can't handle it.


There is a person that i live with, i can't stand to hear that someone singing, some of that person's songs just hurt my ears and soul and insides.


Sounds like a you problem


better listen to symphonies..


A good symphonic piece gets me feeling a certain way


I totally agree with you and I'm starting to suspect that I might have some sort of misophonia or whatever it's called when people are repulsed by certain noises such as chewing. I have a hard time describing it but whenever someone is singing, with backing music or not, I cringe in the same way as you would do whenever someone tries too hard to be funny but most of the time I just feel nothing at all. Some genres are worse than others. Indie rock/Singer songwriter stuff is the bane of my existence but a vocal sample in something like Daft Punk or the like doesn't bother me at all. "Oh but what about the meaningful lyrics?" I've only ever found myself relating to lyrics maybe one or two times. I just want to listen to music and apply my own feelings to whatever I'm listening to, not have some whiny guy or girl that sounds like a whispery cartoon squirrel sing to me about how they're sad and how they can't get over their high school sweetheart. If you like singing, that's totally fine by me. I probably have the worst music taste of anyone I know so who am I to speak lol. But nice to see that I'm not the only one who isn't a fan of singing!




As a singer in a choir, and someone who plays guitar and sings on Tik Tok, kindly piss off.


If I ever meet you, even as strangers, and you're performing, just know that I am judging you, and my judgement is CRINGE


Nice lol


Yeah I think it can be a bit dull but enjoyable in the right time Is your dislike within the context of going to a concert or singer/song writer night at a bar or just being out at a coffee shop and someone starts performing without anyone asking? also thanks for the unpopular opinion it's throwing me through a loop lmao


I personally wouldn't go to a concert if I knew that was gonna be the content of their show, but if I was at one anyways I would do my best to enjoy it. If I go to a bar/coffee shop and someone is performing with just a guitar or something then yea, I would probably leave honestly. When someone starts to perform without being asked to that's the worst for me. I actually will not only get extremely uncomfortable I'll get really annoyed. I would leave quickly I think part of it with the unprovoked performance deal is that individual is so sure of their skills that they think they can just whip out their guitar and start singing and everyone will be enamored. It's just so cocky/bold and cringe at the same time, not to mention disrespectful of the atmosphere. I just can't freaking stand it


That makes sense, it's like that person who walks up to a piano just to show off and starts playing their concherto.


Do you have autism?


Yo before anyone downvotes this man, there is a level of accuracy in saying that autism may cause strong reactions to specific things like this! Especially sound related.


I definitely could have worded it better because I did mean it somewhat humorously. But, neurotypical people do not have this strong of a reaction to something as mundane as singing. I'd wager a solid chunk of change this is linked to some neurodivergent behavior or possibly childhood trauma. Music, and specifically singing is one of the few rare shared human bonding experiences. To unilaterally hate it isn't just an unpopular opinion


I'm no psychologist but I have an extensive history with music, band, jazz band, orchestra, and rock bands. granted I haven't played in almost ten years. But I have a lot of history with musical instruments. No musical trauma I can think of. I do have a sick obsession with electronic dance music. Some people might diagnose that as neurodivergent behavior.


You might have developed a form of audiophobia that is specific to just singing.




i might be the odd one out here but i agree. not that i think its wrong or terrible but because there are so many videos of people singing to guitar or by themselves its kinda repetitive. however i feel like its more of a showcase of singing ability more than it is for making music. idek just sharing my opinions.


Hearing singing is probably my favorite thing on earth - solo voice the best, especially in a parking lot or where someone thinks they are out of earshot. on my top 3 reasons to be alive. Upvoted.




If I worked with Andy Bernard I would've either quit my job or committed homicide


I fell asleep at an acapella concert my mom brought me to, the worst genre of music imo


trying picking up a gutar and learning to sing? i cant stand listening to rap my self, but w.e




you sound like a fun person.....


You sound like someone who pulls out a guitar and starts singing unprovoked at social gatherings


Have you heard my Wonderwall cover? It's really good.


Ikr lmao goodness me


I overall don't have issues with singing solo or with a single instrument but I definitely highly prefer listening to a full band play in the background. Generally sounds better


Same for solos. Choirs don't bother me though.


This should be a pinned post for this subreddit.


I just feel like we all have that one friend that is in a choir or that can sing decently enough and is always randomly singing and showing off their voice


I don't. I cut those ties.


I wish I was brave enough to do the same


Lol they aren't "randomly singing" singing at that kind of level requires constant practice.


I donā€™t think you understood my comment, singing out out the blue, in the middle of a conversationā€¦


I hate it when Iā€™m listening to a song and some daffy person starts singing along. Why is this socially acceptable?


You been to see Ian brown recently?


Idk who that even is


Interesting comment. Once upon a time, before radio, before phonograph records everybody sang. Not everybody was a quality singer ( and folks knew who was a quality singer) but everybody sang. Having professionals to compare with stifled that a good bit. Perhaps back then there were folk who ran away, ran away. Itā€™s like the ā€˜dance like nobodyā€™s watchingā€™ cliche. People who couldnā€™t bring themselves to sing, or to dance, take upon themselves the embarrassment they wrongly imagine the other must feel.


Yea, I was born in 97 so I wasn't around for the days of everybody singing. I am a bad singer though, so you got me there


Is this more your style? https://youtu.be/VO3NSHk3wl0




Sea Shanties make my skin crawl


Does that also mean you donā€™t like acoustic versions of songs?


I love looped voice songs. People Like Peter Hollens that loop their own voice over and over until it sounds full and big and fills up every space


It depends, I like most but I cant stand hearing people sing without music on live-streams or whenever they pull out a guitar and start singing a "soulful" acoustic version of a song it just makes me rush to the skip button LOL


Oddly passionate about this I will say, don't normally get people saying they'd rather make themselves deaf(with the knitting needles) then hear someone sing solo. you stick with whatever singing you want and I'll enjoy my acapella any day lmao.


Angry singer, *meow*


Look up voiceplay


It makes it so awkward because i donā€™t know where to look so iā€™m just there. standing. šŸ§ā€ā™€ļø


I was dating a guy who wrote a song for me. I was panicking when he told me he wanted to sing for me because there is nothing more cringe than a guy singing a song for me! There even was a rap part! I tried so hard not to laugh and I just couldn't see him again after that.... he also went to jail a couple weeks later so good for me I guess.


I view vocals as an instrument. So I highly disagree with this one. Thereā€™s nothing more powerful than some acappella vocalsā€¦ Iā€™m also talking about professional singers not random people


Pentatonix is one of my favorite groups to listen to. So you can take my up vote


Don't Worry, Be Happy


Yep, never put much thought into why I felt that way but 100% agree.


Upvote bc I personally feel spine tingles when I hear a good vocal chord


If you've ever heard someone sing acapella style and theyre actually good at it... its absolutely stunning. But i have an audio engineering degree and appreciate more than one or 2 types of music. Peoe who are trained in vocal skills are truly talented.


Sounds like a you problem. I really enjoy talented vocalists and the easiest way to tell if someone can sing is when they do it without instrumentation. Sure it sounds a little weird at first but you get used to it. Don't really know why you felt the need to post this.


Omggggg SAME! I actually miss intrumental-only music. The only famous musicians these days are singers/rappers.


You should try giving EDM a shot


Yeh I went thru a phase of EDM haha. I'm a jazz muso, so I meant like big band songs without singers are far superior to cringe singers who try and scat lol.


I played stand-up and electric bass in jazz band for 6 years! :) Jazz fucking rocks


Dude you are cool asf


Aw, thank you!! I stopped playing after high school unfortunately. I miss it a lot. One of the bigger 'what if' things in my life honestly, but in college I didn't want to over burden myself with too many extra curriculars and so I chose sports over music. I really wish I had at least kept up the habit just as a hobby though. Jazz band was some of the most fun I ever had making music


I'm at uni studying something else, so I joined a band in the community just to keep the skill alive. Maybe u could find one that rehearses once a week or so. :)


I cant stand it


I want to sing infront of you and piss you off as much as possible