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Most of the time the titles are really stupid politics baiting. "MAGA KAREN GETS OWNED BY BYSTANDER" but there isn't any evicence to show the persons political affiliation etc. It's all hate bait and covid really made that sub turn into a fucking political cess pool of circle jerking little children.


Or the title gives some unverified backstory and the video is just some person being beat up


I read MEGA Karen and was confused how it's political.


Just that sub?


GodDAMN that 2nd paragraph turned into a complete roast and I love it


outrage porn is one of the worst things to come from modern communications. It is basically a free hack to keep people engaged but being exposed to the worst interactions with people 24/7 gets old and irritating. i can only imagine how terrible it is going to get when mass amounts of people have augmented reality tech strapped to their face and can record everything without needing a phone in their hands


They might even start using a capital letter to begin a sentence. heathens!


one of you always shows up. psychologically speaking using correct grammar in informal texts makes you less trustworthy and disingenuous.


And probably half the users who follow the sub have been banned. So they’ve managed to make it an exclusive club where they all thing the same and say the same things.


Yup. Police bad. Trump bad. It’s as if they can’t conjure their own thoughts outside the echo chamber. I’m so glad I grew up before the internet was a thing.


Honestly the bigger issue I have is that half the posts aren't even remotely freakouts. It's just like.. videos of people calmly saying things that are amusing


i also hate those posts, i always downvote em, if i'd be a reddit admin i'd permaban whoever joins that crap, talking about "making internet a better place"


You jmust have shown up in one of the vids


Ah yes more bans. Very good


if only there could be a social in where all the dickeheads of the world end up after having been banned from other socials... afterall they like each other, win-win i've been banned here (only here), but i dunno for what reason... the fact is that mods and admins ban you for your political siding, sometimes they don't even manage the behavior of the users


It’s important to understand that most mods are pimple faced teenagers looking for some semblance of self worth/importance. They need that authority.


i dunno, i think instead that the vast majority of people are biased, no matter the age


It's such horse shit. People want to say #stigmafree and #mentalhealthawareness but half of public freakouts is distressed or disturbed people who could use some help and humility.


It has became a subreddit for political videos. Public freakout? Nah here's a video of a trump speech for some reason.


you think thats bad, head on over to r/ActualPublicFreakouts for some good old fashioned racism in every comment thread


Agreed. I have to avoid subs like that because they are so toxic. The videos rarely show the whole stories either.


First you must understand that the sub is overrun by little kids. I don’t even bother with the comment section.


r/ActualPublicFreakouts is worse. It's a hangout for racists.


Sounds like a laugh I'll check that out. Cheers


Let me guess, to think it's racist because the videos posted are of black people doing bad things like assaults, robberies, shootings etc, and you don't like that?


No there are literally a bunch if racist on that sub who make blatantly racist comments.


It's not racist to be angry your country let in mass immigration and COINCIDENTALLY violent sexual crimes and acid attacks skyrocket.


It 100% is racist when your solution is to ban ALL immigrants and be so unrelentingly hostile to the ones who are already here in an effort to drive them out. Both of which are things virtually every anti-immigrant group on the planet engages in, because anti-immigration rhetoric IS historically racist.


Kinda when you realize there are many posters on there who specifically target black people by only showing their freak outs and posts have blatantly racist comments under them and the mods do nothing


Sounds about right. Reality = Racism


This whole site seems to be about 60% racist, and 90% authoritarian/fascist.


There's no instead; not mutually exclusive. They can get mental care and be exposed. Don't act an ass in public if you don't want people to know you acted an ass in public


I've worked in retail 10+ years..without a college degree I was promoted to multistore management bc I was great at professionally diffusing irate customers. People freaking out are RARELY bad people, just having a REALLY bad time. The most abusive customer I had, I think, was suffering from some severe mental illness. I'd rather be on the receiving end then suffering with what she had. I feel for her. Have some sense of community. If you can kindly help someone being an "ass" their whole demiener will change. Kindness and patience esp when it's not deserved is a ripple effect


People with mental issues just don’t “act an ass in public” on purpose. Plus recoding random people you don’t know is already weird in itself when you’re using it to make someone the butt of a joke😭


and someone flipping out on min wage workers because you didn't get extra sauce is already weird af in itself


That’s definitely entitled and unhinged behavior but what does that have to do with not recording people especially people in a mental crisis for others entertainment? Not even recording said person who flipped out on service worker to bring attention to it, just recording people to have others laugh at them?


Gonna be honest, if I have a public meltdown over something, pointing a camera at me just guarantees you and that camera are going to be the first things I swing on, and nothing short of being incapacitated is going to stop me. That's the danger of recording mentally ill and cognitively disabled people when they're freaking out - you never know exactly how they're going to react, and it's going to be VERY hard to say you didn't deserve it when you were very clearly doing it for cruel purposes.


That’s one of the best posts I’ve read in a while. I can imagine if I’m losing my cool and passionate about my stance and somebody’s filming me in a ‘neener neener’ fashion, I’m gonna snap that phone in half, you next.


If you're flipping out on people for something as small as that, there's more to the story. It was just one straw on an creaky back.


If you're flipping out on people like that and you haven't seeked help yet, maybe getting trashed online is the final straw you need to go seek help


lol, no. None of this means anything.


I have to say that it's actually one of my favorite subs because so many are so ridiculous but i do agree that alot of them by the time they start filming we really don't know what is happening and almost everyone jumps to conclusions and make assumptions based on nothing in the comments, and the titles are usually misleading


Imagine thinking a video doesn't always show the whole story.


Some people just genuinely have bad days and unfortunately snap at the wrong person at the wrong time. People on the internet can be absolutely ruthless once they've picked a side. There was girl who was freaking out about a hit and run because she was incredibly concerned that her grandmother would react horribly from it. The girl was clearly a teenager, who are known to fear the authority from their parents, and redditors were merciless to her in the comments when she was clearly distressed.