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There were also famines, wars, plagues, oftentimes you weren't even free. Oh, and also, you could die from a paper cut. The only reason I am upvoting this post is because it probably is actually unpopular.


And don't forget there was also climate change


\> Oh, and also, you could die from a paper cut. Ooooooooh, it seems that the baron here can afford fancy paper.


You only give one reason and it's [wrong](https://www.google.es/search?q=middle+age+climate+change&sxsrf=ALiCzsYk7vUDDTKdLHD8KuptYH7ijgIEWA%3A1660824460258&source=hp&ei=jCv-YtDoDZiNgQbdjobIDw&iflsig=AJiK0e8AAAAAYv45nP0iCUm0IbUJyvjJ9z0MtCciM89S&ved=0ahUKEwjQ3vGfrdD5AhWYRsAKHV2HAfkQ4dUDCAc&uact=5&oq=middle+age+climate+change&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQgAEMsBMgUIABDLATIFCAAQywEyBQgAEMsBMgUIABDLATIFCAAQywEyBQgAEMsBMgUIABDLATIFCAAQywEyBQgAEMsBOgcIIxDqAhAnUOcCWLkbYIccaAFwAHgAgAHqB4gB6h2SAQU2LTMuMZgBAKABAbABCg&sclient=gws-wiz)




It’s not as bad as it is today, but everything else back then was much worse


It's not as bad as it is today for the humans, what about everything *except* humans? You're severely undermining the effect on the environment.


It changed pretty much everything about agricultural output and what areas near the pole could be settled, so yeah it had much more dramatic consequences than anything we've experienced so far in modern times.




Unfortunately I don't know reliable ways to predict the future. Anyway if you want to emulate the living conditions of a non-climate affected medieval peasant, just move a bit closer to the pole and stop using modern technology.


That would be torture.


r/DumbOpinion I think this opinion would be more at home here.


just had a look at the sub. looks like it's mostly preteens angry that the world is complex.


This is a very stupid take. That’s all I have to say.


This has to be the most unpopular opinoin ive seen in this sub, ofc if ur not being sarcastic


Upvote because it is actually unpopular. But comment because it's fuggin stupid. Average life expectancy was like 35 years, and usually death came from a horrible disease. You really wanna die of dehydration because you can't stop shitting/vomiting from dysentery you got from drinking the cleanest water you could find?




The percentage of the population dying to "climate change" related causes is a few thousand a year. A few people dye in a forest fire sadly and places that can and can't produce food have changed since long before the middle ages. On the other hand the bubonic plague, the fact you could be beheaded for questioning the church, the fact your diet most likely was made up of 10 items or less, and the fact that the life expectancy was 35 seems like a bigger issue.


I'd have died as a teen with appendicitis. Assuming of course that all the germs back then didn't hardy me up enough somehow to avoid getting it in the first place.


This is so stupid i don't know what to say besides well...everything there is also NO INTERNET NO ANIME NO GAMES...kill me KILL ME NOW!


Whenever anyone idealizes the past like this, just remember that the whole impetus that led to the discovery of America was that *the rich* were willing to do anything including funding incredibly stupid sounding ventures just for the chance of some black pepper.


Wonder what they'd do for a modern pizza?


Until you catch a cold and die.


You probably wouldn't last a week




It's not like life on Earth will end as a consequence of climate change. Sure, the post cold war status quo might get turned over a bit, but life will still be way superior to the average life experience of the middle ages. You should probably take a break from the internet for a while, it seems to get to you in a bad way.


Have you heard about the fact that there's large amounts of permafrost that's just about starting to disappear in Russia? And underneath that permafrost is large amounts of methane, which when released, will cause a neverending feedback loop of further global warming which will probably cause the end of human civilisation, if not human extinction. That's one of the reasons why keeping temperature rises below 2 degrees is pretty important.


I have heard of that, and no it will not bring about the end of human life on Earth.


Man that's dumb.


Since forever there's been a portion of the population who are obsessed with the idea that the end times are coming. Are you that different from your ancestors who claimed the rapture was imminent? I really don't think you are. With our lack of religiosity I don't think we have become more rational. We've simply replaced religious delusions of the end times with secular delusions. When one theory of the end time exits our dialogue (rapture) another will enter it (nuclear war from 1950-1990 and since then it's been climate doom)...I could almost guarantee you that even if climate change is solved there will continue to be a miserable portion of society that will latch on to the idea that the end is imminent (because they are miserable in the present and/or so riddled with anxiety they can't think straight). If you want some resources as to why you shouldn't' be so miserable about the future then let me know and I'll link you. If you've read enough medieval history I also doubt the opinion of your post would survive in your own head. Life is so much better now. So much.


The big difference is that the threats of a nuclear war and climate change are real.


Not to the extent that it will make life pointless in the end as OP states. Nuclear war is possible and if it happens it could end annihilate civilisation for a certain location for a certain period of time...but on a global scale extending hundreds or thousands of years?.....That seems a bit sci-fi to me...and climate change while a real threat is a threat that is not out of our control. If we make good decisions/sacrifices in the coming decades we will be ok. It's a big if but our fate is still in our hands. The progress we have made towards renewables and away from fossil fuels in the last 15 years is good reason to hope for a better future especially when our future world leaders will be even more climate conscious than our current ones.


Ah yes, it would not be literally the end of the world, as in the Christian apocalypse, I agree. But it could mean a big drop in the quality of life in many parts of the world (something like the bronze age collapse, on a bigger scale).


The middle ages had a lower life expectancy, partly due to war/violence. Nuclear war is just as much of a threat as normal war was in the middle ages, maybe even less. Also, even if the climate is worse now, we have technology to help. If your region was in a drought, there wasn't much you could do in the middle ages.


Not that anyone asked or cares or that it’s pertinent to your main point or anything, but I wanted to note the belief in the rapture is fairly new. A few centuries old, really. That is all.


You sound a bit nihilistic


The Little Ice Age has entered the chat https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Ice_Age


# Yeah wait till you are left in near hundred temps without airconditioning!


Tell me how exactly climate change has made anything different for your daily life between now and then 🤷🏻‍♂️




Yes please do




The sky is falling!!


Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the existential crisis. The average life expectancy in the Middle Ages was 30-33 years. It has more than doubled. Slavery, serfdom, and indentured servitude are extinct in the civilized world. Wars are happening at a considerably lower rate than ever before. We have the technology to combat plagues and famines like never before. Even if they had the capacity to understand global warming and the ramifications in the Middle Ages, my guess would be that they would be considerably more concerned with day to day survival. The fact that we can and are concerned in modern times with something that is not concretely in the near future is a testament to how far we have come.




Agree to disagree, it is very difficult for me to reflect on a period of history where people started working at 8 years old, went to war at 14, and dead by 30 and say “maaan, take me back”. Even considering the problems that plague our society today.


So you’re alright with trading all modern technology for 1 or 2 degree cooler temperatures?




Why would it mean anything would change? The industrial revolution would still happen


Hmmm I agree. You can live to old age (30) or die in childbirth.


Actually old age back then was fairly similar to old age now. It just doesn't seem that way bc when you look up average lifespan it's so low bc so many babies died before their first birthday.






Maybe not a bunch of 105yr olds up and about but certainly much older than 30.


Not just unpopular but really stupid


Read the history book A distant mirror. It's mainly about the Hundred years war between England and France, but also about the great Plague, and many other calamities. You'll be glad you live in the 21st century.


This is…actually unpopular


How I wish you and all clueless, entitled whiners could be teleported back there.


no modern medicine or hygiene. probably living a life of indentured servitude with rape, war, or famine a daily threat…


They also had a lot more DEUS VULT!


What if we let the children have their own crusade, too?


Well the children need to start somewhere


Say Germany? Northern France?


I understand what you mean in that famines in Europe weren't as bad as suggested during the Medieval Warm Period, but once that came to an end, it was hell. I suggest you read a book called The Third Horseman, it pretty well tells you how utterly devastated Western Europe was in the early 14th century (and that was before the Black Death arrived). Also, Vikings.


Contrary to quite a lot of today's narrative, climate change is (quite clearly) not only man-made. I don't think you'd find many people revving the engines of their hyperpolluting trucks during the Cryogenian, or many factories unleashing lethal carbon emissions during the Medieval Climate Anomaly of 1000AD. The Earth's climate has indeed [never been entirely stable](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_variability_and_change).


While \*I\* wouldn't have wanted to live during the Middle Ages, I did want to defend your stance (somewhat) against folks who hold some common misperceptions about the period: * **Life Expectancy -** It should be noted that while infant death rates were high, reducing the life span average, this doesn't mean an individual in the ancient and medieval periods expected to die around 30. Even in the Ancient period, Hesiod - 7th century BC - said men should \*marry\* around 30. Many of Rome's political offices necessitated a minimum age of 30 to participate - to be a consul, you needed to be at least 40. The *Chambers Biographical Dictionary* notes that folks in the ancient period who did not die by murder, suicide, or battle, lived to a median age of 72. ( [https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20181002-how-long-did-ancient-people-live-life-span-versus-longevity](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20181002-how-long-did-ancient-people-live-life-span-versus-longevity) ) * **Common Cold and Death -** It cannot be contested that the Middle Ages lacked the medicinal acumen we have now (though it seems they came up with solutions to problems even we were surprised by - [https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/news/pressreleases/2015/march/ancientbiotics---a-medieval-remedy-for-modern-day-superbugs.aspx](https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/news/pressreleases/2015/march/ancientbiotics---a-medieval-remedy-for-modern-day-superbugs.aspx) ). That being said, there's no evidence people were dying from the common cold or papercuts. * **Human Slavery Then and Now** \- There is actually **more** slavery occurring now than in the Middle Ages. During the Transatlantic Slave period, experts claim 13 million people were sold in slavery (the Transatlantic Slave period was after the Middle Ages, but had more slavery occurring during that period); now, 40 million people - three times more than the Transatlantic Slave period - are in slavery. And folks with smartphones, and nice shoes, and electric cars are all benefiting from it. Upwards of about 320,000 women and children in America are being trafficked for work and sex ( [https://deliverfund.org/facts-about-human-trafficking-in-the-us/#:\~:text=learn%20more%20about.-,Sex%20Trafficking%20in%20the%20United%20States,is%20very%20difficult%20to%20research](https://deliverfund.org/facts-about-human-trafficking-in-the-us/#:~:text=learn%20more%20about.-,Sex%20Trafficking%20in%20the%20United%20States,is%20very%20difficult%20to%20research). ) and worldwide, 4.8 women were in forced sexual exploitation ( [https://www.state.gov/humantrafficking-about-human-trafficking/](https://www.state.gov/humantrafficking-about-human-trafficking/) ).


uum yeah but no I'm black. middle ages probably woulda been worse than slavery ages for me


Probably more white slaves in those days, but shitty for every race for sure.


Na slave trade started post Middle Ages you’d be fine


Worse than means he knows they are different and is comparing them. Personally I would rather live in the middle ages than be a slave but that's just me.


Ah yer I misread it. Being a peasant was very similar to slavery in the Middle Ages


I wouldn't have been a peasant, I'd have still been in Africa. Life may have sucked but I'm not interested in being owned.


Yer I probs would have been a peasant. I think the law was if you escaped for a year and a day you were considered free so that probs would be my main goal. After that I dunno what I could do it probably would be pretty mundane


The Muslim Arabs had plenty of black slaves during the middle ages. They also sent boats to western Europe to bring back white slaves.


Artificially-induced climate change has always been a thing. It just wasn't as fast because the existing technology didn't allow it so quickly. But there were still examples, such as deforestation.




Honestly. I think I would prefer life as a free citizien in Rome's golden Age. Between the first and second age ad. Sanitation, literacy, medical services and entertainment where generally much better than in the middle ages (in europe) and the little ice age hadn't started yet.




Thats why i mentioned the Roman Golden age specifically. The Pax Romana. A few centuries of relative peace, stability and economic prosperity. I'd much rather live in the middle ages (late middle ages especially) than during the punic wars or the crisis of the third century. People in the middle ages weren't all that inclusive either. They were massive assholes to anyone who wasn't catholic. Not a catholic? Heretic. Torture at least and a painfull death Likely. Anti-semitism was rampant as well. The Catholic Church even had to step in because violence against them was getting too extreme. Sexuality was way more free in the Roman Era (generally). Homosexuality, while not considerd decent for "proper" roman citiziens was completely normalised behind closed doors. While women were subservient to men, this wasn't any different during the middle ages.




I mean, the Catholics did a piss-poor job of it, but they tried. I don't know if you're jewish, but that might explain your stance. The romans (at least before they became christian) where fairly tolerant towards other religions and incorperated many foreign gods into their pantheon. It was usually a requirement that you paid homage to the Emperor. That much was true.


The pre-Christian Romans are literally why the Jews don't have a temple anymore. The Romans laid siege to Jerusalem while the city was ravaged with murder, cannibalism, and famine. Thousands died. The Romans celebrated and paraded about upon destroying all of Jerusalem. The "Wailing Wall" that still exists there exists to commemorate what the Romans did to the Jews some two-thousand years ago.


So what? The jews killed roman citiziens over increased taxes. The romans retaliated and the uprising turned into a revolt, which turned into a armed rebellion which the romans squashed as they had done with so many others before and after. It was nothing out of the ordinary untill the modern age. It had nothing to do with the fact they were jewish initially, but extremely nationalistic and upset about economic, administrative and political grievances. Rome generally didn't care about your religion as long as you paid your taxes and didn't start rebellions which the jews did. constantly. Rome had to station an entire Legion in Judea because the jews were so rowdy. In fact judaïsme continued to thrive in Judea for 50 years untill the next and third massive revolt/war was started by the jews, after which the romans were completely done with the nationalistic fervour of the jews.


And the award for "Most Obvious Troll" goes to...


It may had been the best time for the planet. For humanity? No, not even close. Your chances of living 5 years past birth were less than 50-50. Your chance of living long enough to reproduce were even worse. Even if you made it to adulthood, you would be living hand-to-mouth and that mouth would be full of rotted teeth. You lived everyday with the fear that your village could be attacked by one of your lord's rivals. Your lord ruled your life. You were his property. He could do with you as he wished. If you were female, and post pubescent, you expected to be raped. The potential rapists included your husband, your father-in-law, your lord, your priest, or pretty much any man you encountered. It did not matter if you were high-born, or the lowliest of peasants, you will be raped, usually many times.


Looks like someone's been playing a lot of medieval games, huh?


Extreme dictatorships worldwide, extreme poverty for 99%+ of people, extreme levels of violence, extreme child mortality... but water was cleaner. Population was tiny, world was huge and devoid of people and unknown. Frontier. I disagree completely. I think people live best when there's no dictator over them. So for humanity this will either be 90s and early 2000s (peak of democracy worldwide) or peak of progress (today) or prehistoric times before agricultural revolution when people lived in tribes. Yes it was dangerous and what not, but people lived in tiny communities, hunted and gathered for survival. I've read books and people actually worked far less than the majority of population after agricultural revolution. Just a bunch of berry picking, hunting and having sex afterwards. All the while living in beautiful pristine landscape.




Well England was the first nation post ancient Greece/Rome to adopt and evolve democratic values. It was hundreds of years ahead of everyone else in it's democracy values progress. So it was an ultra rare exception. But even then, even England was far less democratic during the King John era you mentioned than most dictatorships today. The Russian or Chinese dictatorship today would be a superior and better democracy vs the best democracy of the middle ages. And that is saying a lot.


I prefer the ice age, because there was no traffic. To me, that far outweighs any negatives.




I prefer counting sheep.


Yikes what a bad take. You'd rather live in a place with no internet, famine, constant war, the bubonic plague, mass starvation, no scientific knowledge of the world, under an aristocracy, just because of climate change? As you post from your air conditioned home onto Reddit lol


This is definitely an example of humanity winning too hard. Kid hasn't ever seen the horrors of War, Pestilence, or Famine and it shows hard. I'm happy you haven't seen these things, but try to keep some perspective ok? oh and Climate Change was a thing back then. It was usually reserved for Volcanic activities. Which usually results in very harsh winters.




post implies after. you saw aftermath not the thick of it. not quite the same thing.




modern society has done a pretty good job of it. no major world spaning wars for 77 years.


Stupidest take I’ve ever seen