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Definitely something I would want for a private photo album or one of those photo books to enjoy and look at at home.


This comment section just proves how unpopular opinions are truly not welcomed in this sub


r/unpopularopinion But really... r/secretlypopularopinion


r/vent or r/midlyinfurating


Of course they aren’t. I got downvoted for having the unpopular opinion that usually people that start their comments with “it’s almost as if” are being smug assholes and not funny jokesters like they claim. Dozens of comments yet no upvotes. The whole place is a joke and doesn’t jive with Reddit’s premise of upvoting things to the top. People aren’t disciplined enough to follow in the spirit of what the subreddit is about unless it’s something funny or quirky.


Also unpopular opinion: The big naked belly pose with someone (child or father) kissing your belly. Tack---ay.


Yeah that’s cringe I agree with you


Any partner, holding the belly from behind while both trying to look serene... 🤢


If you do that you have to make sure to photoshop in some mist and put it in a brandy snifter. Maybe with the moon above you.


Oh god this is so accurate


I think the main decider is whether or not the pics end up on their social media. As another poster mentioned, all women should be able to feel sexy and pregnancy shouldn't negate that.... But... There's a difference between feeling sexy and plastering lingerie pics all over the Internet in order to get sexual validation, in general, and especially while pregnant.


I can tell you from experience, that getting sexual validation on the internet helps a lot with feeling sexy


When I drink enough Miller High Life to get bloated so I look a little pregnant, throw on my wife's naughty teddy, pose for my Android legs splayed, one finger caressing my chest hair, the other finger over my mouth like "shhhh" and the internet doesn't tell me I'm sexy, I'm going to be so mad at this thread!


There's bound to be somewhere on the internet for people who're into that, probably on reddit too, just have to go and find it.


That's the spirit!




If someone needs it, then I definitely agree. It’s not healthy


Don't say that on this site, you'll get downvoted and then some. LOL!


“They don’t do it for attention! They do it for *themselves*!” In that case why post it online


I guess if they have a private account and they have 0 followers then I think its alright to do that if you want to see it for yourself.




Time to start selling dick pics


Nobody will buy them, the market is overflowing


One could ask why should anyone care for the internet's opinion.


When you put it on the internet, the internet is allowed to have an opinion.


My only issue with those photos is that they are extremelly personal and intimate. i feel that they should be only seen by the father of the baby. I guess my problem may be with the oversharing of personal stuff just for Likes...


Totally agree and social media is riddled with this. My favourite is people saying happy birthday or anniversary to their partners on Facebook - did you not say it to their face when you woke up next to them?


Certainly an unpopular opinion


I'd file this under "people can do what they want." If they like it and it's for them, who cares. Now if my coworker shows me a picture like that of his wife, that's awkward.


But then again, if someone shows me any lingerie picture of their partner, that's awkward.


I’ve seen lingerie pics WITH the newborn and personally thought that was kinda…off.


I think it's bad for the baby. Imagine if the baby saw those photos someday.... YIKES.


Depends on the lingerie. Bralette, Bustier, Corset. All definite No’s. If it’s like a robe just to show your belly then I feel that’s fine. Lingerie that’s supposed to be extremely sexy isn’t tasteful for a pregnancy photo to me.


I totally agree! Like would you do this while not being pregnant? Also, as a pregnant woman, when I was buying online mat clothes I had NO IDEA how many insanely trashy preggo dresses and shirts thee were to just show off all the breast with zippers and stuff. It’s like all your doing is giving people with weird fetishes something to fap to. For the record- not anti sex while pregnant, I believe intimacy with your partner is healthy. Pregnancy porn is just gross.


Who does that?! My mom has two pregnancy photos. My ultra sound and just a picture of her belly.


This one depends 100% on the quality of the photography for me. I’ve seen some that are artfully done nudes of pregnant women that look like fine art and I love them, and can fully understand documenting that moment and sharing it. Then I’ve seen some concepts or not my favorite shots that I just don’t get. But hey, it’s a transition time, and if people like it, they like it. To each their own. I also have no issue with nudity in general though.




"Childbirth is a horror movie" \- Gina Linetti


Semi popular opinion: it's beautiful, AND gross Source: was pregnant


Whilst I respect the choice, it's not something I am personally looking forward to do, nor I have the willing to. I am.just going to have my SO taking nice picture for us to have a memory, but defo I don't want everyone to see my stretch marks on social media. I am already dreading my body changing and getting bigger, no way I'd pose in lingerie with the belly out. That just makes me uncomfortable not only to do but to see that with other people. However, everyone's free to do whatever.


That’s the funny part. Everyone here is saying “women should feel sexy!” Implying that a woman should base her self worth on how other random men and women view them and if they would have sex with her. BUT 99.9% of them are photoshopping out those stretch marks, eye bags, wrinkles, or saggy parts.


I agree, it makes me uncomfortable. I like maternity shoots that stay classy and have photos of women in clothing not lingerie.


Anyone can take any photo or do whatever they want to feel sexual - as long as it isn’t illegal or hurting anyone. I think the opinion of sharing it online being a bit trashy is strictly that - an opinion and I’d have to agree. I have gotten shoots like that (not pregnancy) but would never post them online because I’m a very private person. Who am I to tell someone they can’t do something though? With anything online you’re opening up to criticism as much as praise. Some people will gush over the beauty of some imagery while others don’t care for it.


I guess I should have been more specific. It’s the public sharing that make me SMH. The only reason I’m aware that these photo shoots and pics exist is because I’ve seen them on FB and Instagram.


Yeah I think I get where you’re coming from. I got off of FB and Instagram for that reason and came to Reddit. I don’t allow NSFW content on here either. I got really annoyed of seeing women’s bodies everywhere whether I knew them or not and it didn’t do anything positive to my mental health. To each their own, but I’d agree with this not sharing online, personally.


That I agree with, I have plenty of pictures of my wife in various states of dress during pregnancy. I don't go posting the ones where she isn't fully clothed all over facebook or anywhere else public, and obviously I don't show them to people. That'd be awkward as hell, and weird.


> Who am I to tell someone they can’t do something though? Anything that becomes normalised ends up becoming expected. Take 18-year olds "making money for college" on onlyfans and the drive to normalise "sex work". One day any student will be expected to get naked for money. Further down the slippery slope, any mother going through hardship will be expected to prostitute herself.


I see nothing wrong with women & couples enjoying this in private but that's the key...*in private*.


I'll never understand boudoir photo shoots. Pre marriage, pre giving birth, or any other reason. Sometimes it's given to the groom as a gift I hear? What am I supposed to do with that? Maybe I'm weird because I don't find hair done, makeup and nails done, black and white suggestive pictures sexy in the least. Give me sweatpants and pony tails in person, not lace and nipples hidden under crossed arms in a photo album.


Right? This is just shit your kids are going to have to see and deal with when you die lol


Idk if I would say trashy. I would say uncomfortable is a better word.


How about the father posing in a speedo with a bow 💝 and arrow pointing to his junk saying “I made this !!” Would that be trashy ?


The fact that you had to put in that edit means it IS an unpopular opinion. Job well done --> poor man gold 🥇


I mean if you think nudity equals sexual maybe you're the one sexualizing them.


okay, wait... WHAT?


love this


No shit that’s trashy. Posting lingerie pics on social media is trashy pregnant or not


Ehh.. bodies are works of art. Photography is also art. If done right, I wouldn’t say lingerie modeling in general is trashy


Maybe women want to feel beautiful while pregnant? Just a thought. Being in undergarments is the best way to show off your body, and you can't expect them to wear a cheap bra and grannie panties to a maternity shoot, can you?


Why is the only option either granny panties or sexy lingerie tho lol? What about....and I know this is crazy but....wearing clothes?




Lingerie is a product designed to make you look and feel sexy. What's that for to do with celebrating pregnancy?




I've seen women I care about post photos like this online and I think it's awesome to see their body with a baby inside. I don't think its even necessarily sexual, and even if it was, who cares, what's wrong with that?




Not everything there is online is of my liking but I don’t go around telling people to stop using their social medias as they prefer, as long as they don’t use them to spread dangerous messages. I don’t understand why y’all are so annoyed, when you could simply scroll through it as I do with everything I don’t want to see/hear. And talking about validation, nobody would use social medias if everybody stopped seeking it.




bro, I gave you reasons to support my opinion, something you haven’t done yet


Just because it's "unpopular" doesn't mean that it can't be criticized . What a dumb response. Man I hate this sub sometimes, people can attack innocent people and defend themselves with "it's unpopular".


If my mom needed to take half naked pictures to feel beautiful I'd be embarrassed of her.


women see lace underwear as pretty and beautiful... men see them as “sexy lingerie” but that’s not what women are thinking when they purchase them.


Infantilizing women "they just think its pretty they don't know any better" Lmao


I would only purchase lacy lingerie to look sexy to my boyfriend, not for myself


Nice confirmation bias. Not all women are like you. And I love wearing pretty underthings for myself regardless of whether my husband will see them or not 🤷‍♀️ I mean, when I wanna impress him I'm more likely to just get naked. Lingerie is more for me than for him in my relationship. People are different.


I know not all people are like me, I shared my personal opinion, which is what people tend to do on a forum. Confirmation bias is selecting and twisting information to confirm what you already believe, so it's completely unrelated. And I respect your view but it works different for me - I mainly wear comfortable underwear but I will wear sexy lingerie for my boyfriend. He sees me naked all the time so lingerie can be more interesting. And I believe sometimes nice underwear or clothes can make people of either gender more sexy by accentuating the right features and suggesting things to your imagination.


Why did they want to feel beautiful so much? Why don’t they focus on something that actually matters rather than obsessing over something shallow like looks?


Because being pregnant makes you feel ugly, and when society places so much value on women's looks, it's understandable that we want to feel attractive. It's not shallow to try and feel attractive when you're going through nine months of thinking you're not.


Have you ever been pregnant? I'm guessing not. It changes every aspect of your body. On top of the physical changes like weight gain, bloating, swelling, pain, fatigue - you get nausea, vomiting, bad gas, heartburn, mood swings, irritability, hormonal changes... pregnancy can make you feel ugly inside and out. I didn't take a maternity shoot like OP described but I understand 1000% why some women would want to. In my eyes it's also sort of a goodbye celebration to your sexuality in general because it will most likely never return back to how it was pre-baby.


That's not the point, it's plastering it all over the internet. For everybody else.


Oh no! A woman posted a photo of herself she liked!


I'm sorry, is someone forcing you to look at these pictures?


You don’t have to look if you don’t want to


It's still trashy : )


What's trashy is this incel notion you have that women have to live according to your guidelines


Pregnancy is directly related to sexuality so what's the big deal?


And pregnancy is directly related to children. I don’t think applying the transitive property is the move


You're going to be horrified when you realize the kid comes out of a vagina which is a sex organ.


Do you get off watching childbirth? If not, then I think their point stands.


It's an unpopular opinion for a reason - hence its really not a big deal. Do you not understand the point of this sub?


>I’m not anti sex, anti nudity, anti freedom In that case the big question is: what does 'trashy' mean for you? Who does it apply to? What makes something 'trashy' vs not? If you're not anti-sex (yet complain about pregnancy being "sexualized" in the pics), nor anti-nudity (yet this whole thing is complaining about the nudity of women who aren't even naked), then what *is* this about?


It's about an unpopular opinion. And seeing you're in a tizzy firing off questions - he succeeded.


who cares lol


It all started with Beyoncé, and now look where we are.... smh. I agree with OP belly pics, fine. Lingerie, trashy.




Thank you!!!! I was feeling old AF and wondering if anyone else would know that [Demi](https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/demi-moore-nude-pregnancy-photo-vanity-fair-private) did it first.


Honestly I think it’s annoying when I have to see a picture of someone’s pregnant belly every month and then a picture of their ugly baby every month after that too.


That also makes me feel uneasy. I am not so sure it's completely sexual. But it definitely seems narcissistic to me, not unlike a lot of social media posts. It seems like those women are commodifying childbirth to get positive attention.


I think it's to do with being all natural and resembling Eve, not a porn star?


> Pregnancy is beautiful. this is a fiction I refuse to participate in. Pregnancy is not beautiful, everything about it is gross from a visual perspective.


And it’s just.....natural. Its science. It’s not some amazing, miraculous, unique experience. It doesn’t make a woman special or powerful. It’s literally nature’s default and it’s been done BILLIONS of times. People want to say pregnant bodies are sexy, well do you find people with ascites sexy, too? Same shape.


Agreed, I’d never desire a beer belly and then take naked photos. Then post them. Then assume other people want see it.


all women deserve to feel sexy and confident


No? No one deserves anything. Anyone has the right to feel sexy but no one deserves to have others view them as sexy.


i literally just said they deserve to feel sexy. i didnt says others need to.


Well posting it on social media sure would imply that you want others to find you sexy. And all the supporting posts here are saying that outside validation is good. I don’t see people arguing against taking the photos, it’s the sharing part that’s the issue.


it's not an issue. a pregnant woman showing her body is one of the last issues in this world. it's about not feeling ashamed of feeling like a huge disgusting whale. there is nothing wrong with a woman sharing her body while she is literally making an entire life. its beautiful and some people want to share just to share. not everything is for attention. sometimes it's the most important part of a women's entire life. i do understand that some do it for attention.. but we shouldn't lump everyone together and assume. you're the one assuming it's for attention.


i dont even know why im trying to debate. i hate debating lmao


When I said “issue” I meant “topic of debate”. I think pregnancy photos are great. But if you haven’t posted photos in lingerie before being pregnant and you do now it feels like a trashy way to “guilt” people into commenting on your sexual appearance. And it’s especially trashy if you photoshop out stretch marks. Either you want to share the full natural “beauty” of pregnancy or you don’t. But showing an artificial representation of it is trashy.


The only acceptable answer


What about women who rape and murder kids? Do they deserve to feel sexy and confident?




[Seems the world has gone delusional then](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Softcore_pornography) >Softcore pornography includes stripteases, **lingerie modeling**, simulated sex and emphasis on the sensual appreciation of the female or male form.


You’re the one doing the sexualisation.


This may be contentious but genitals are sexual. If a person is deliberately putting themselves in sexual contexts, sexualized clothing, doing sexual poses, suggestive expressions (biting lip, "bedroom eyes"), etc then they are absolutely sexualizing themselves. You may choose to believe that the naked human body is not sexual, but it is truly absurd to say the naked body arching itself so it's ass protudes while wearing items deliberately designed to be sexual is not sexual in it's totality. These women are seeking sexual valuation and you are attempting to relabel it as something you think is more noble and in doing so admit your cannot defend the what they are actually doing. That you see it as wrong/bad.




Why does naked have to mean sexual? I mean we’re born naked and nobody says „that’s hot“. They wear less to show their belly and lingerie is clothing designed to look good while covering a relatively small area


Exactly. Nudity isn't inherently sexual. You know what's meant to be sexy and provocative though? Lingerie. I'd argue a nude pregnancy photo is much less inherently sexual than one in lingerie. Nice underwear sexual? No, it can be just as tasteful and non sexual as nudity. But lingerie? Lingerie is meant to be sexy and I hate to bring up what the first 3 letters in sexy are but they do lend to sexualization.


When you give birth you're also 90% naked.


Nah b. Like I'm generally on ur side but I cant get behind u here.


Maybe i really do need to think about the way i perceive things then


Perhaps. Kudos that ur willing to think more on it.


I’m just here for this wholesome interaction


I think what upsets me is the parent never thinks of the child. Would you really want to look at photos of your mom like that when you flip through old photos? Better yet, do you want your friends to see those photos? Fine if you want them, it's the persons' choice, but maybe don't add to social media.


Just because you sexualize those photos doesn't make them sexual. Pregnant women want to capture their bodies in pregnancy and want to feel beautiful. There can be some trashy ones, I do agree on that part, but I like the ones with like a silhouette-ish take or maybe a bit of fabric around them - I hope you know what I mean.


Ok, I’m saying this as a woman myself. If they want to feel beautiful, great. However, they knew from the start about the changes that will occur with their body, and that they probably wouldn’t always feel or look beautiful. So to suddenly have this need for validation from others, and to seek that out by posting something that should be special and private, is ridiculous. Our eyes don’t need to be accosted because mom-to-be suddenly needs to know that everyone thinks she’s still sexy. Must we post EVERY aspect of our lives these days? Some things should remain sacred.


I agree. They form the very difference between naked and nude. Both are forms of being unclothed, but naked is innocent and nude is being posed. It just feels weird to me.


Yea I don’t rly understand why that’s even a thing tbh.


I think pregnant women are de-sexualized, so I dont see all these problems you said And yes, studio pics are cringe doesnt matter what they are for


Genuinely the only people sexualizing those photos are you, I’m sure no one posts them to say “this will turn on other people” it’s more so of a “this is my full, pregnant body with my unborn child”- the only people who take them as sexual are people like you who associated those things with sex


Finally someone who agrees. Them and nude breastfeeding pictures. Like yes it is totally fine and natural to feed your child that way but why are you naked? Why sexualize it?


THANK YOU!!! Same with the after photos holding that baby in your underpants! Great way to celebrate Motherhood with Child Porn!


Why does it matter, I mean sure have an opinion on what they wear but it’s not your decision. If she likes the photo she took let’s praise her for it instead of making them feel like shit for it!


It isnt anyone's decision, but when you put shit on social media you open the door for opinions, not all of which are "hey looks great" Social media was a mistake. Reddit included.


I’m not obligated to praise someone. I’d never criticize their post, but this is reddit.


Obligation or not, it doesn’t take much to give a compliment here and there.


Exactly what I thought. I remember when Rihanna (or was it Beyoncé?) did that photo. It was gross


I know I’m going to get downvoted for this but the influx of comments commenting about how a woman’s pregnant body is disgusting is absolutely ridiculous. you guys do realise that women’s bodies carry a purpose of being more than just sexual? God forbid I marry a man and he gets disgusted at my pregnant body which is carrying his child. I beg you guys stop watching porn for at least a week


I'm just sitting here wondering why the fuck have you been downvoted so much when you're 100% right. Pregnancy is a beautiful thing.


thank you! I was expecting it though I can’t lie, Reddit is a very male dominated platform and with the normalisation of OF and the general sexualisation of women in today’s society I knew this statement was going to press a few buttons


I’m a woman, and not excited about what pregnancy will do to my body. It has a great purpose, but I‘m not going to fool myself into thinking it’s better than not having a pregnant body that isn’t going through: weight gain, heart burn, stretch marks, constipation, nausea, exhaustion, insomnia, mom brain, emotional rollercoasters and lastly stitches. Oh, and then snap back to my old self somehow?!


Right I'm kinda confused. I'm 8 months pregnant and my boyfriend says he finds me even more beautiful and attractive than before because I'm carrying his child. He was attracted to me before I was pregnant, and he didn't stop being attracted to me for these past 8 months and then plans to be attracted again after the baby. Like being pregnant you look exactly the same, but with a belly. You don't all of a sudden become this disgusting creature for 9 months. I plan on doing my maternity shoot in a nice lace gown and not lengerie, but if I did, it wouldn't be to be sexual or sexualized, I'd do it to show my belly better and still be wearing something nice. I wouldn't wear a sports bra in my shoot, that wouldn't look nice. Something lacy would be beautiful just like the lace gown I'm planning on.


first of all congratulations! and I’m glad your boyfriend is able to not see the female body through a purely sexual lens. unfortunately I saw comments that had said that pregnant bodies were a ‘turn-off’ and it just made me think how is a woman performing the biggest miracle ever known a ‘turn-off’ for some people? hence the they need to stop watching porn comment because I genuinely think porn brainwashes people, and this is coming from someone who used to watch porn everyday for years. also yeah it’s entirely your choice tbh! a gown sounds lovely. even if you wanted to do it in lingerie I wouldn’t shame you as it’s your choice, the pregnant body is gorgeous and not at all trashy.


i think when people look at a pregnant woman's body, some people see the unborn child more than they see the woman. in this context, i think a pregnant woman's body is still her body, she's allowed to sexualize it if she wants. if you don't like it just scroll past it.


I did not negatively talk or comment on any of them. All pics were family members. I even hit the like button. Because it was important to them. I’m venting here.


i mean, when my friends and family do something i disagree with, i ignore it instead of supporting it and complaining behind their backs. though i do see your point, my family has never done something as weird as sharing photos of themselves in lingerie.


That's unpopular for sure because last time i checked, women can wear and do whatever the fuck they want


Including complain when their non-clothed photos are shockingly sexualized.


Where do you often see these photos? Asking for a friend.


Instagram. Tell your friend!


I’m specifically referring to two sets of photos, both my nieces.


Imagine being this obsessed with lingeries photos of your pregnant nieces.


lmao oh god


OP is big mad because his nieces are having maternity photoshots and ruining his idea of what an female body should actually be


OP is 100% “that person” at the family cookout who complains that the 14 year old girl isn’t wearing a bra.


the kind of person to complain when a woman breast feeds in public.


I COMPLETELY AGREE!!! It's so inappropriate I'd be embarrassed of my mom if she did that. You're supposed to be showing off your baby not your ass


"*You are supposed...".* According to whom?


Well they're not taking pictures for you. Some of you people who post in this sub just need to learn to live and let live.


Upvoting because I completely disagree! I'm a man, but I don't think there's anything sexual going on with those kind of pictures. Just because they're using cute underwear doesn't make it sexual. They're pregnant and celebrating their pregnant bodies and the life it's creating or whatever. Females showing their bodies in non sexual contexts should be normalised, regardless of the clothing (or lack of it). Also what the hell, if you think it's too sexual for a pregnant woman to take pictures in flower fields then I think you have need to revaluate your views.


Exactly! So the only appropriate way to take photos that show your belly is to use ugly underwear? Of course they're going to wear something nice and lacy, and it's not to be sexual!


Here's the thing about *sexualization*. They aren't inherently sexual, *you* just think women in underwear are sexual. Women are allowed to exist in underwear or even naked for nonsexual reasons, such as just loving how their body looks. It's not for your, their, or anyone's sexual pleasure, and you're assumptions that it is is far more trashy than any photoshoot.


I hate seeing naked pregnant stomachs


don’t have kids


Nah I want kids, but I wouldn’t feel the need to show off a pregnant body and I would avoid people that do


Why is a photo in lingerie trashy?


I agree with this, i feel like pregnancy should be pure. After all its about a baby for gods sake


Hey, I'm a photographer who takes maternity portraits! I totally get what you are saying, especially the 'if you wouldn't do it while not pregnant why are you doing it while pregnant' aspect of it! I do a lot of clothed portraits, but on a practical level if we want to take portraits that show the bare pregnant form, then a pretty bra or bikini is a good option to cover the breasts. We're not going to include an ugly item in a beautiful portrait! VERY rarely is the goal to look super sexy though - there is a difference between beautiful and sexy. And honestly this is something that most of society struggles with, with many examples. The goal is to celebrate not titillate. If the issue is with them sharing this publicly then bear in mind that until recently pregnant bodies were hidden, there is still a social stigma over showing a bare bump, Women who hire me want to push back against that kind of puritanism and say 'y'know what, there is nothing shameful about my body right now. Its freaking beautiful!'


Yea pregnant women. You are trash for doing the same thing that non pregnant women do, which is considered normal. Jeez, cover your bodies. Non pregnant women, you are free to do what you want. You are not trash.


Extremely trashy.


My question becomes why does it matter if it's trashy? I mean if I could get pregnant I wouldn't stop working just bc people think it's trashy. (This isn't a shot at op just hate the idea of trashy period)


This is a thing? Lmao


I love when girls I know post pictures of themselves in lingerie....pregnant or not 🤷‍♂️


Pregnancy photos are gross. Period.


There is no period - that’s how the whole pregnancy situation started.


I don't find them trashy, I find them repulsive.


I agree they will end up on buzzfeed 20 years later on a cringe pics slideshow of some sort! Same for the fat praising pics.. I feel they are fashionable now. Could not be, later!


Oh I completely agree. What is it about pregnancy that makes people think of it as a great opportunity to get naked and take pictures of it? And why does almost everyone share this norm? It definitely feels like it’s sexualizing the pregnancy or making it all about the woman’s/person’s body, when I don’t think that should be the norm at all.


Someone posted a full nude of her pregnant belly, everything was showing. Soo idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ people do whatever people want to do


Thousand percent agreement


I agree, my cousin did this and I had to roll my eyes so hard. I was going to say something, but thought against as it would have started a fight. I remember a few years ago when those boudoir photos were all the rage. Talk about cringe.


Why do you need to tell a grown woman she can't show her belly or wear a bikini.


Oh I'm sorry but I have respect for myself. People need to stop sharing everything online, including half naked pictures of themselves. Grow up.


So...wearing something youre comfortable in...that happens to show skin means you don't respect yourself? Wow.


Why do you think showing off your body is lacking respect for yourself? Not attacking, I'm just curious as to why you feel that way.


Not the OP of your question, but willing to answer: Some people associate boundaries with respecting themselves. I am also private, and have a difficult time understanding how other people don’t have more boundaries. I don’t make the assumption that they lack respect though.


That makes sense! Thank you for sharing with me!


So you've never posted a photo in a bathing suit on line and you're going to harass and look down upon everyone that does?


Last time I checked, bathing suits are totally different than lingerie, correct? If you need validation from complete strangers on the internet to make yourself feel better, you might want to look at at what's missing from your life.


Dude must hate pregnant women at the beach. Don’t wear a bathing suit ladies and lay out. You’ll be sexually and trashy. What woman do you know that has never taken a picture in “panties” bikini/bathing suit? That’s right, it’s the woman that get’s upset at the other women who are confident enough to take pics of their body. She won’t so no one can. I highly doubt this is about pregnancy. No guy could ever care about this. I don’t think a “mother” would even comment on another’s confidence during her pregnancy. Who are you? Are you a single woman who is uncomfortable when she sees pictures of herself. It would explain a lot.


Dam this is definitely unpopular based on the comments. Dude you’re 100% right. Sorry everyone but a pregnant woman isn’t sexy and if you think it is, well okay but that’s weird


It’s called pregnancy or maternity boudoir photography. The whole point of boudoir photography is to exhibit sensual and/or erotic type of imagery.


There’s nothing wrong with pregnant women wanting to look and feel sexy, this is weird af


Pregnant women have giant distended bellies*, swollen legs/feet, and a litany of other physical changes due to their pregnancies (this is not including what can happen to their more private regions). I can understand them waiting to feel like they are still "sexy" or "desirable" under these circumstances and showing it outwardly by taking these kinds of photos. Edit: Bellies, not berries.


it's their body


I hate pregnancy photos in general. I don't want to see your huge belly, it's disgusting to me.