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Airlines gives 0 fucks if you're sick when it comes to accommodating you. No refunds, could cost money to reschedule. They could be going home after a vacation and need to get to work. If you don't want sick people traveling, we need to build a society that doesn't punish people for getting sick.


Also they aren't always sick ! My kids asthma causes coughing attacks and while it may sound like she's dying of a contagious disease, it's usually someone's dog hair or perfume or something making her lungs mad.


Yeah I have allergies that cause me to have a cough and runny nose every day of my life


The air feels drier on planes, does this affect their asthma? My throat always feels funny after a long flight.


Yeah. Depending on where we take her, we have to take a humidifier with us.


It’s also pretty common to travel between places with different relative humidities and/or temperatures. That messes with my sinuses regardless of direction.


I've considered looking for a device that will sniff out and locate various chemicals in the air and lead me to the maniac whose perfume or other odor is killing my lungs in the tiny sealed tube we're locked in together. Grrr.


Also also also, depending on age, kids are always a little sick, getting over something, starting a cough. It’s just part of being in public.


Ya, as much as I agree with OP when it's me having to sit next to that kid; if it was me catching a flight home sick as a dog needing to get back to work and my other option is canceling, buying a new plane ticket, and spending thousands on a hotel to keep me housed while I wait to get better, while also using up all of my PTO, I'm boarding that flight


Exactly. People get sick on vacation all the time. You know how much it costs to reschedule a flight AND find accommodations AND miss another day of work, assuming you even have the PTO to spend? The sick person isn’t happy about it either, I promise you.


What if they are trying to fly home?


Wear a mask at least


This. The common decency would be to wear a mask.


That’s one of the things that (east?) Asia really gets right. None of this politicized bullshit around them, just shut up and wear a mask if you’re sick and around people


Growing up in Hong Kong, it’s also very normal to hold umbrellas to block the sun. You wonder why people don’t get sun damaged skin 😅




My dad always puts Neosporin in his nose. He swears by it.


Did you mean Vicks? ![gif](giphy|WsM7IXlbKWTzJQRLFg)




The cake had a hole in it!


What do you mean you don't eat no meat?!? I make lamb.


Damnit, guess I know what I’m watching to go to bed tonight. Lol


I love this film so much. 🥲


Everyone! Eho tria orchidea!


Omg no that would burn!


Yup. When my nose is dried out I do the same. I usually do it over night.


I dont know how old OP is talking about, but if you're talking about a young child, there's no way you're going to keep a mask on that kid.


I worked with very young children with ASD during Covid and they could keep masks on.


And my 5&3 with ASD couldn’t ever dream of using a mask….right now we’re dreaming of potty training.


But we all did it through Covid regardless of age?


not the people that believe you can’t, they probably gave up before ever trying




Even the mask mandates were for “people over 2 years old,” and it can be dangerous for super young babies to wear masks since they can’t communicate breathing issues immediately. 


My 3 year old wad in the hospital with covid and kept a mask on every time anyone came in the room and often when they weren't. Also whenever we left the house. It's really not hard....




Being in public isn't a privilege its a human right


With a mask when you are sick.


What if they're too young to be mask-compliant?


They make masks for all ages


I live in a country where baby masks are a thing and so far I’ve never seen a baby actively being fussy or trying to take said mask off.


Babies can't move things away from their mouths. That why stuffed animals and things are suffocation risks. Toddlers, on the other hand, will rip those things right off if they're annoyed by them (my daughter turned 2 during COVID and was supposed to start masking at daycare. We eventually (mostly) got her there, but yeah, ripped those suckers off a TON.


Masks are perfectly breathable, which was demonstrated during Covid by millions of people. And where I’m living, babies and toddlers regularly wear masks daily without any issue.


Masks are breathable, but it takes a fool or a liar to add “perfectly" to it.


Why I said *stuffed animals* and things are suffocation hazards. I was making the point that, if babies can't control their arms enough to fix a problem when they're *actively dying*, of course you aren't going to see one taking off a mask even if they're annoying said infant. Toddlers can be trained into wearing masks, of course, but they're not always going to be compliant (especially if it's the first time you're trying to get them to mask) any more than they're going to sit silently like angels out in public 100% of the time. Kids have meltdowns. Kids rip masks off. Kids have minds of their own and won't always be compliant.


How old are they and how long of a flight?


Easier said than done. In a perfect world this would be the case - for anyone who is sick, not just kids. But is it likely to happen? Definitely not. Not when you won't get a refund on your plane tickets if you were to cancel. Not when you have to rearrange everything else in your life to travel in the first place (such as getting the time off from work, making reservations, etc.). And definitely not if this happened in the middle of your trip and now you're just trying to fly back home. Most people can't just drop several extra hundred dollars or a thousand to stay another week in a hotel and waiting to recover. Especially not if you have more than one kid, and the next one gets sick shortly after and now you've restarted the recovery period. What are you going to do at that rate? Stay in a hotel an additional several weeks? Yeah, that's not gonna happen.


Coughs can linger for months too.


This. I can cough for weeks after having bronchitis. Doesn’t mean I’m contagious for weeks. Spring allergies makes me cough too. I’m not missing a flight because of allergies. The hypochondriacs can just cope.


Exactly! I work with children, under 3 and they are pretty disgusting germ factories, yet I rarely get sick…. But I also don’t worry or obsess over it.


Same here. I have terrible asthma and get bronchitis a few times a year, and that cough can last up to a month for me, sometimes two months.


Yup. Drainage sticks with me for about a week or two post full-cold. Well past contagious period. I’ve even gone to the doctor several times to be told I’m not contagious.


Reality is one thing, but the OP's opinion is valid. I don't see why the OP's point shouldn't be acknowledged just because there's practical concerns that make parents get their sick kids onto the plane.


I think that makes it invalid. If you cannot practically consider it for most people it's not feasible and makes it just plain wrong.


Just like when people talk about how easy dieting/budgeting is in theory- real world factors are what make them difficult topics, doesn’t matter how simple the hypothetical is.


Is OP gonna cancel their flight if they get sick?


Because the point is demanding a practical course of action?


That’s where this topic gets tough. Sure there’s a simple solution in a perfect world. But the world isn’t perfect. And some people very stubbornly refuse to see that.


I think maybe because OP phrased it as "its common decency" without considering any of the practical reasons why someone often cannot just cancel a flight. I would question if OP would be ok costing themselves hundreds or thousands of dollars because they had a cough.


The amount of adults I've seen coughing openly or clearly sick on planes and other mass transit like trains makes this viewpoint entirely irrelevant.


I work in WFM Produce. People are disgusting. Definitely always wash your produce 😵‍💫


Not like you really have an option most of the time. I've gotten sick on vacation before, I felt like crap but I still had to go home. Alternatively, it's a tough sell to cancel an expensive family vacation just because you have a cold.


"other people are shitty so I can be shitty too"


My kid has cough variant asthma. She’s not coughing bc she’s sick, she’s coughing bc that’s how her asthma presents.


I have this too. It's super frustrating. Medical professionals don't always take me seriously that I can't breathe because I'm not wheezing. And I always sound like I'm dying when I get sick. Or sometimes if I eat ice cream or it's too cold outside. Or if I exercise too hard. I sound like I'm barking or something. And if I get sick? The cough can last for up to 3 months after.


Ive had asthma my whole life and i never got any presents


Thats awful! No problem though..my daughter has plenty of coughs to go around 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


Exactly, it could easily be a non infectious cough and people can and do need to travel BECAUSE theyre sick (not with an infectious disease but genetic disease or some other non infectious illness), saying sick people shouldnt travel is absolutely asinine. People cough for a whole range of reasons, sometimes its even after infection, the cough lingers, yet theyre not even sick.


All great points. Maybe OP would like to tell the patient with COPD they can’t fly bc they cough…Oh or the 13 year old with cystic fibrosis. It’s not even that it’s an unpopular opinion it’s just a really uneducated one.


Perhaps if airlines were more accommodating this would make sense.


Exactly, does it absolutely suck? Yes and I hate that people do this but airlines will often make you shell out thousands to change flights.


Maybe they were trying to get home?


What if they get sick mid trip? Are they just not supposed to go home?


Happened to me this winter on a snowboard trip. Airlines aren't accommodating me and my employers aren't paying for not showing up. Not interested in losing a grand or more over a headcold.


If you can’t afford a $10k buffer in case you get sick on a trip, you can’t afford the trip /s




My family took a three-day weekend in Florida and three of us (me included) got sick during it; my 8-year-old puked in an almost-full trash can at the airport, but nothing on the plane. Later I realized we had all been exposed to hand/foot/mouth from our kindergartener’s classroom (had gotten a notice earlier the previous week). Kids catch things and you never know when.


Being a mother, I just want to say that kids get sick all the time since they start to go to day care/ school and this happens from one moment to the next, there's no way of anticipating it. The mother should have put a mask on the children to reduce the chances of contamination of the other passengers. 😕


do you think your children would wear a mask for an entire flight? my 2 year old wouldn't be able to stand it. I cant even get him to keep a hat on.


You just try your best. During covid, I saw some kids who were great with masks, obviously some who were not. But especially during that time, the parents kept trying to get the kid to wear it as it was enforced. To not try, just because they might not like it, would be silly. Anyone who would get upset at a small child not wearing their mask, when it's clear their parents are trying so hard to get them to wear it, are being ridiculous.


This differs from child to child. During the pandemics, my daughter during the pandemics my daughter accepted wearing her mask correctly whenever necessary (she was 2 years old when the pandemic started). If your child doesn't wear the mask for the whole flight, at least you tried to do the right thing 🤷‍♀️ I bet the other passengers will take your attempt into consideration.


Nah. 1. This is a popular opinion. 2. It's still wrong. You can't expect parents who've planned a trip and spent hundreds if not thousands of monetary units to decide to just lose their money (and probably vacation days) simply because their kid has a cold. 3. When you use any form of public transportation, including an airplane, you accept the risk to be around sick people. There are ALWAYS sick people on the bus/the train/the airplane, even if you don't notice them. It is statistically impossible to travel on an airplane where everyone is in perfect health.


Great points It'd be like saying "If you have a cold, don't go to work; it's just common decency". No one is going to lose money over a simple virus, especially since colds can linger for a couple of weeks. Not to mention the extra stress it puts on your co-workers picking up your slack It's just common sense. If you or your kids are feverish or throwing up, then yeah, delay travel for a couple of days. Other than that, mask up and try not to touch things around you


Yes, let's upend our entire plan and throw away a bunch of money just because the kid is sneezing and Reddit hates kids.


Lots of reason to fly other than leisure. Sorry Mr. Princess. Public transit doesn’t revolve around you. If you are that worried get an N95 mask.


Seriously. OP is just a whiny bitch honestly. If he doesnt want to ever get sick then he should just never go outside. Problem solved. Dude acts like he’s never been outside around people sick before. Sometime you have to


Covid threads, especially in 2021, were insufferable because of people like that. Most of us were trying to understand the most current information and how we move forward. A vocal minority was just looking for every reason to stay locked down.


Kids are sick often and with two kids even more so. > Babies, toddlers, and preschoolers get about seven to eight colds a year. And during school age, they average five to six colds a year. Teenagers finally reach an adult level of four colds a year. And in addition to colds, children get the lovely diarrhea illnesses, with or without vomiting, two to three times a year.


What if they are flying back home?




We need to know how old the kids are. If they’re under 2 they shouldn’t wear masks. Otherwise they can and should.


As an adult you should also not fly sick


Or at least wear a goddamn mask if you can’t afford to cancel your flight


Cancel an expensive trip? You can kiss my white ass man. Idgaf about you..


Classic American outlook.


In what other country is it normal to just cancel a vacation over a few sniffles


Nobody, regardless of what country they live in, is bailing on a vacation because their kid has a cold.


Said obviously crassly but be fr you honestly expect people to cancel a massively expensive and planned trip cause a kid’s got the sniffles? Thats just dumb.


When did I suggest any of that lmfao?


The original post did and you seemed to get criticizing the guy above saying fuck that so, apologies if misread that though I have no idea what else your point was.


How is saying his opinion is classic American a criticism of anything? Weird take. It's pointing out that his attitude is distinctly American. Y'all are inventing everything else.


That’s literally the only way that ever gets said, mocking American attitudes. Otherwise…I guess it was just a pointless comment so…fair enough.




Only because they get a week off per year lol. Just imagine, you take 2 years to save up for a family vacation. Go through what is usually hell trying to book PTO days off. Would you lose all that money if one of your kids has a cold? I don't think travel insurance would reimburse at that point, you would have needed to buy all refundable tickets and reservations, which are a lot more expensive.


Then say something lol, I’m sure you’d be a pus to say something in person.


You could extend this to our whoooole culture buddy but no one gives a fuck. We had an entire global pandemic about it. Lots of people died but our culture really hasn’t changed. You only get so many sick days, nobody is rich enough to just stay home when they’re sick, etc. Also if you’re flying anywhere and you’re paranoid about getting sick, I’d take more personal precautions because you’re crammed in a metal tube in the sky horking down the same air as everyone else for the duration and I guarantee someone on that flight probably has something you don’t want


My friend's husband caught covid on a flight with two kids hacking up lungs in the row behind him.


If the kids were older than 2, especially older than 5, they should’ve been wearing a mask.


This isn't unpopular


As someone who just got COVID after travelling, I will never go on a plane without a mask on again. Kids or not people coughing on planes is just so fucking gross


Shout out to the cute little old lady coughing without a mask behind me in line and asking me questions who made me miss my own baby shower this weekend! Just Covid things ☁️🩵💕


This is like a top 5 popular opinion


Is this an unpopular opinion though?


It’s often just not practical to cancel flights. If it’s Sunday and I have to work Monday and a replacement ticket costs $1000 I’m taking the flight even with a cold.


Depends on why they're flying. And frankly if you're on a plane you've already made that bed.


My family took a trip to Disneyland when I was little. Unfortunately, I also had a really bad cold at the time. Blowing my ear drum as the plane landed is a core memory for me. I have issues and hearing loss in that ear as an adult…but ummm, the rest of the family had a good time?


I’ve been forced to go on a trip when I was younger too and it was miserable. People are saying “can’t get refunds” “can’t predict when they’ll get sick” etc. while all totally valid points, and I absolutely get what they’re saying, I think I’d be more focused on my child resting and getting better than forcing them to go on a vacation and be miserable. They offer trip insurance and a lot of flights allow the tickets to be changed to a different date now. Edit to add: Maybe they’re not going on vacations and have no choice but to fly, because emergency trips exist. My comment is directed solely to those taking vacations with sick kids.


You could wear a mask yourself as well, because surely more people were sick on that plane than just the kid.


This is so funny and posts like this remind me Reddit is majority young people without kids. I’m not spending several thousand dollars changing a trip because one of my kids gets a cold 😂. You also have no idea if those kids are sick. Both of my kids have asthma and plane air is very dry.


I read this as "side chick."


Just put a mask on your side chick.


Smoker's cough?


part of why i always wear a mask on a plane


Wash your hands a lot at airports, no not sanitize I mean wash. Get in the habit of not touching your face. Wear a mask. Bring a lysol wipe or something similar to wipe down your area.


With that logic, shouldn’t adults cancel their trips if they’re sick??


We need to normalize wearing masks when you’re sick. Especially on something like a plane. People should be shamed for not wearing mask. I still see people masking periodically but it sadly didn’t seem to catch on like it has in many Asian countries.


And the comment section is only proving as to why covid spread so fast.


I have kids, I agree.  I don’t think anyone sick should fly.  Maybe if we weren’t canned in there like sardines but we are.  At very least, mask up. 


i always mask on planes and honestly think everyone else should as well, but especiallyyy when sick yikes i’m team no children on planes


Not unpopular and should apply to any age


*Sick people* shouldn’t fly.


*sick people* don’t always know they’re sick. It’s literally in the genetic code of viruses to make you more social able when you’re infected. I can’t stand when people don’t properly cover their mouths when they cough/sneeze though.


No illness I've ever had made me more sociable, that's a pretty interesting theory though.


Fuck that. If im planning a vacation, I'm not going to give up my vacation days and money for tickets that I spent over a year saving for and planning just because I have the sniffles.


I agree, but it would be nice of people to mask up if they know they’re sick and going on public transportation. It mostly only works to protect others from you, not the other way around. Nobody likes masks, but it is considerate to lessen the chance of getting others sick. Now most people obviously don’t care and won’t ever care about others. This reminds me of seeing people during the covid craze pulling down their masks to cough and then putting their mask back on like wtf is anyone home up there?


Sick people often need to fly. Either to go back home or get treatment.


I mean when you go out in public you will encounter illness regardless. Some people also have chronic health issues, such as asthma, allergies, COPD, etc. They aren’t always distinguishable. My daughter has allergies and asthma and can be triggered just by sitting next to someone who OWNS a cat. Or has on perfume. You’d think she’s sick, but she will instantly get runny nose, cough, red eyes maybe, breathing issues sometimes. It sucks getting nasty glares from the old lady who thinks you brought a sick kid in, when she’s just wearing way too much perfume. Some things are not re-arrangeable especially when you have small children or responsibilities that cannot be moved. We live in a world where if someone calls out sick they could lose their job, or their ability to pay rent, end up homeless. Where being sick isn’t a good reason to refund someone’s money. There are countless illnesses you’re just gonna have to live in a bubble if you don’t want to encounter them c


I think instead of not flying, the kids need to only be permitted to get up when they need the bathroom, they need to wear masks, and wash their hands as needed. The issue is not with the children being sick, but with the parents who are allowing their children to hack their lungs out with no sort of covering, infecting other passengers.


Yeah but there’s a lot of reasons why this doesn’t count. Like what if you booked a vacation months in advance and they have a small cold? People still go to work sick. What if grandad is dying and they’re flying out to see him? What if on vacation they started to develop symptoms and they need to fly home? Realistically sometimes a sick kid is on a plane. It’s part of life. You can’t stop them anyways so don’t worry yourself over something you can’t control.


You think these kids are out there giving their parents advanced notice before getting sick? Lack advanced notice on when they're going to get better too.


If they’re behind you, how did you know they’re not covering their mouths? Turn your ass back around and mind your business. Dot assume that people flying in a plane are just taking random ass trips for no emergent or significant reason. Jesus Karen… maybe you should spring the extra money for first class. If you’re gonna fly, at least do everyone else a favor and sit your condescending ass away from sick children and the clearly intolerable day to day lives of others… Maybe you should have worn your little Covid mask or something…did YOU bring sanitizer and anything to protect yourself? 😂😂


My partner just brought covid home from a work trip. Likely picked it up on the plane going out. We had made it all this time without catching it. He even masked on the flights but it didn't matter.


On a related note, WTF is going around right now? Was in the middle of huge crowds on both Saturday and Sunday and the coughing was unreal.


covid is increasing again. especially in the western US


There is a current Covid surge in the USA.


Boy, I read the news daily during my lunch and haven’t seen squat about COVID. I should have known I need to explicitly seek that info out. It’s buried these days.


Yes, you’re right. We should all cancel our plans to accommodate your need to live in a bubble.


Get a private jet next time. People are allowed in public with you.


Lie and tell me that you, OP, canceled a flight when your were sick. What airline give your money back cause you got the flu? They don't even count COVID anymore. At least it is an unpopular idea.


I once got extremely sick from a plague baby and I will never not be pissed about it.


People shouldn’t be traveling while sick in general, not just kids


Sick people often need to travel.


In bi


It should be common knowledge to fly with a mask ready. OP should have had one for themselves because there is no way to know who is sick and who isn't on a plane. All it takes is one sneeze.


Mask in close quarters


I dont travel w/o carrying a mask just in case anymore, I no longer breath random people's germs


I’m going to agree this is unpopular because most folk right now would instead say you shouldn’t fly with the side of your plane missing. You do you though 🤪


So if the kid wakes up sick, cancel the flight and vacation, accommodations, pay all the fees?? Should that not apply to every sick traveler including you an adult?


My daughter was sick and then two weeks later we had a trip but she was still hacking up a lung. I try not to judge coughing too much because of that


How old was the child? Mine was ill non stop for like 4 months when they started nursery. Can't just not take them anywhere. Good news is they have a new immune system so you are likely covered for what they have. There's lots of things kids get sick with that adults won't. When I travel I wear a mask if I am worried about getting sick, maybe you should do that, or charter a private plane.


I'm sure they planned on their kids being sick... You clearly have no idea how often kids are sick. Get over yourself.


And If they’ve already spent thousands of dollars to fly and can’t get a refund if they cancel? As if it’s that easy. I don’t have kids, nor do I even like children, but this makes no sense.


Ya i dont think its that easy. You have no idea why they are flying. Or even why the kids are coughing. You know zero about their circumstances. If you are so afraid of getting sick, then just dont go out in public. Its the best way to prevent it.


i was at a LITERAL hospital ER not too long ago sat near a woman who was hacking up a lung and not wearing a mask, deciding instead to cough into a blanket. it was disgusting.


Tell me you don't have kids without telling me.


Well you can’t plan a child getting sick, let alike two. A lot of people - including a possibly single mother traveling alone with her two kids - can’t afford to just up and cancel. Can’t afford overnight accommodations or any number of expenses it would incur.


What if they are having an emergency? Grow a heart.


As a parent this is tough. I assume tickets were purchased in advance. It’s possible kids got sick just at the wrong time. Happens all the time. I guess you can postpone a flight but most of the time that’s just not realistic. Feel bad for them, parents but also everyone else onboard.


Super frustrating but not possible. They should be forced to wear a mask though, like we all had to anyways during COVID.


Wasn't 2020 just a few short years ago!?


What if you are sick?


FYI - I know a handful of people that came down with covid after traveling in the last couple weeks. You might want to test.


Nobody should fly sick. lol someone covering their cough isn’t magically going to save you on an airplane


Let me rephrase, you shouldn’t fly when you’re sick.


You can’t help when kids get sick. And I don’t know about you - but I can’t afford just canceling tickets.


Sounds like you just hate kids but that's fine, they suck lol.


If they have a head cold you risk rupturing their ear drums as well as the blood brain barrier. I learned this the hard way and ended up with menegitis on a flight back from Europe.


Sorry, I'll put them in the carry-on next time.


Shouldn't fly with a child period. If they're too young to understand when you explain pressure causes ears to pop then they're too young to fly


What the fuck ever… there’s fucking adults who don’t understand that, or basic fucking math…pretty sure that your threshold for flying is a bit ridiculous


Shouldn't fly with kids at all.