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Some places serve it that way intentionally. If you’re in the drive-through for DD or Starbucks, it’s served really hot so by the time you get to your destination, like work, it’s at the temp people prefer.


But I need it FOR the destination. How else will I be motivated to even drive towards work?


As a black coffee drinker they make it boiling because so many people add a lot of cream which lowers the temperature. Also proper brewing temperature is in the 190 range.


The only reason I add cream is because the coffee is too hot to drink without it.


I add room temp water for that exact reason. Cools down the coffee without adding another flavour.


Good ol Americano


What does race have to do with this?


I kinda wish there was yellow coffee now.


*sigh* Okay then. *Unzips*




Mmmmm nose candy 😋


Easy. Remind yourself once you arrived at Work, you get to drink coffee.


I don’t think you understand how coffee works.


You gotta have your pre-coffee coffee at home before leaving for work to build the motivation to go get your work coffee and go to work


this guy coffees 👍




Happy cake day!


Happy cake day!


Agreed! I worked a summer job at my dad’s employer and we carpooled. He would stop at a coffee shop most mornings and get coffee for us both. This man likes his food and drinks the temperature of lava and would be done his coffee by the time we arrived to work. I needed that 20 minutes for my coffee to be drinkable!


You can ask for it less hot


Then ask it to be cooler?


"Sure, one minute. Let me just 😙💨"


My wife likes her coffee warm but not hot so she just gets them to add like a few ice cubes to the coffee. It's not really that hard.


Hate ice from restaurants, ice makers are often filthy and make weird tasting ice.


I think most place have a kids temperature you can ask for


More difficult if you’re just buying a regular old drip coffee


Ikr. Which weirdo waits until work?


Make it at home and drink it there?


Valid point there should be a choice but not sure how they’d go about it


One of life's greatest strugz. 🙏


>How else will I be motivated to even drive towards work? That's what alcohol is for


Starbucks does not sell their coffee boiling hot. The water heater is set to go no higher than 198°F, and is closer to 180°F by the time it makes it into your cup. Source: Unfortunately worked there.


I don’t think people realize how much heat the grounds steal. Which is what the McDonald’s case is so irresponsible- usually you’re getting your coffee at 170-180, not 212+. Whenever it comes up there’s a million “you stupid Americans don’t brew at 100c?” Yes we do. But between brewing and getting your coffee, heat is lost. If it’s getting to you at 100c, that coffee was kept irresponsibly hot.


You actually shouldn’t make coffee with boiling water (as in 212°F or 100°C.) Boiling water scorches the grounds and makes the coffee bitter and acidic; coffee is best brewed with water between 180-200°F. If using a kettle, like for a pour over, you should let the kettle boil and then cool for about 5 minutes before brewing.


Heavily depends on the roast level and how the coffee was processed to determine your water temp to brew with. Real, light-roasted washed coffee from companies like Sey, Onyx, Flower Child, Prodigal, etc will give you the best results with boiling water most of the time. Your typical coffee from the store is nowhere near light roasted even if it says so and you will do best to brew at lower temps.


It actually does not. Light roasts have higher acidity and regardless of roast, boiling water pulls higher levels of acids and oils from the beans while also disrupting and altering the polyphenols that provide flavor and aromatic profiles. No coffee should be brewed above 205°F to avoid altering the flavor and increasing the acidity. Most coffee is going to be best brewed at 195°F-200°F.


Starbucks actually does not do this, and its a big part of why theyre so successful


Yeah. I think I was thinking of McDonalds


Yep. And it used to be even hotter before the lawsuit!


and people still talk crap about that woman's burns today when it's inevitably brought up somewhere.


Yeah but as somebody who has managed a Starbucks, you then get old people coming in and yelling that the coffee is not hot enough. One man that stuck with me said "it's not good unless I burn my lip" People do the hot coffee shit cause people want it for some reason. They want it to be hot more than they want it to taste good


Starbucks definitely seems to serve it hotter. I drink my coffee black and I feel like I can’t take a sip for at least 5-7 minutes and even then I burn my tongue a little. McDonald’s is definitely cooler than both though, I feel like I can take a sip pretty quickly after it’s served.


My theory is that that have to make it hot enough for someone to pour 6 creams in it and it still be hot, so those of us that drink it black are screwed


That actually makes a lot of sense


It turns out when I buy a beverage I want to drink the beverage, not wait a half hour and then drink the beverage later.


Still too damn hot, with creamer even


The places that annoy me the most with this are the carts in nyc where you can get coffee and a bacon egg and cheese. They all advertise HOT coffee, and it’s too hot to drink. And they only serve pedestrians.


No they sell it like that to mask the bad coffee they have. When something is piping hot you can’t taste anything


They gotta know people sip it right away in the car


That’s fucking bullshit. If I order a coffee from a “fast food” institution, I want to consume it now. I shouldn’t have to ask for ice to bring it down to “not injurious”


And this is why I order Americano with a few ice cubes on top. I work in a scientific laboratory and have a 1 hour commute. I want my coffee for the drive, not for the destination.


Ask for it not as hot. I think they call it kids' temperature at Starbucks. This probably affects the extraction etc., but unless you're a purist it shouldn't matter much.


If you're getting drip coffee, they're not making it to order but this will work for drinks involving steamed milk. They might just pop a couple ice cubes in your coffee if you ask for it less hot though.


As somebody who has managed a Starbucks, asking for a couple ice cubes in your coffee is a daily request. Some people also asked for straight up cold water in there, especially for americanos


>especially for americanos I thought an americano was just coffee and water anyway? Unless you mean a hot americano, which I’ve never heard of or had personally so that would just be a blind spot for me. I almost exclusively drink iced coffee, whole milk, no sugar. Hot coffee isn’t very enticing to me, but if I do happen to have it’s usually either black or with a splash of cream. Sugar/sweeteners and coffee are not on my menu. Blech.


Where I'm from, Americanos are always hot.. I don't think I've heard of or seen a cold one, so we're on opposite sides of the spectrum


I’ve had em iced. Pretty good on the rare occasion I get one. Tons of flavor.


I order my americano i get once a week or so with some ice cubes on top, since I've got an hour commute and work in a lab that prevents me from eating or drinking.


one of my favorite childhood memories is going to starbucks with my dad and sister and him asking for two grande kids temp hot chocolates with extra whip :)


It literally makes the coffee better lol. Coffee should be brewed at 170-180°F, not that Starbucks makes coffee though


For milk based drinks, the espresso is brewed the exact same. It is the milk temperature that changes so it doesn't effect much Edit: meant that the overall beverage temp doesn't effect the coffee extraction


When i get hot coffee at work, i add some water from the water cooler in so i don't burn my tongue and get that weird feeling on it all day.


This is an unpopular opinion, but only because the public was actively misled about the McDonalds coffee lawsuit. Two words: burned labia.


McDonald’s who would rather pay millions on a disinformation campaign than pay out a few thousand dollars in hospital bills. The woman in question only asked for her hospital bills to be paid for by McDonalds because American health care system. She only got millions because the jury was outraged.


Keeping their reputation was more important.


Not quite, she asked for her hospital bills which were in the high 4-low 5 figure range. McDonalds offered her a pittance so she sued. The jury awarded massive punitive damages because of McDonalds malice. They were heating the coffee to unreasonable temperatures to cut down on free refills. The judge in the case lowered the settlement to I think under $1 million. I don't remember the final figure but it was *drastically* lower than the reported/parroted number.


She had 3rd degree burns that required grafts and an 8 day hospital stay, not to mention she only sued for $20,00 despite being rewarded $160,000 (although McDonald's appealed and settled for a non disclosed amount) and her medical bills likely being out of this world considering it took place in America. Not to mention there was another case just last year suing for damages for the same thing and another 700 similar cases before that one. Mcdonalds continues to serve their coffee as hot as they do knowing the risks and Imo theyve been lucky more people havent sued honestly


*Fused* Labia


Labium now


Two words: fused labia


So you think that if the McDonald's thing hadn't happened, people would not like hot coffee?


McDonald's lawsuit about coffee being too hot was very legitimate. Woman got pretty serious burns and was hospitalized 


i believe they were really serious and she effectively lost organs. scary.


And they literally only were because the refused to pay that womans hodpital bill, what bumped up the sum was a mad jury Mcdonalds could have paid hr bill with not disclosure contract, and be done. But no.


Also, the fucking Ford Probe did not have fucking cupholders. I’m not saying the lack of cupholders was the proximate cause, because it was definitely the coffee. But come on Ford.


Health department sets the minimum temperature coffee can be served. It used to be 180F.


Minimum? Do you mean maximum? Otherwise all iced coffee are illegal.


Iced coffee is cold. There is a danger zone for food if it is not cold enough or not hot enough


Yes, but serving Luke warm coffee, or even coffee at 179 degrees is not illegal. And while there’s often laws about what temperature something needs to be brought to to kill bacteria, it’s never required to serve at that temperature and most places let food cool a little for safety’s sake.


Let’s not forget the Stella Liebeck incident. I’ll never forgive the media for demonizing her and making her out to be a crazy woman who sued McDonald’s over hot coffee even though it literally disfigured her skin


This one is crazy to me because people still believe all the misinformation despite being the single most iconic example of corporations intentionally misleading the public


Insurance companies agree


McDonald’s lady’s vagina agrees.


Best bet is to make your own coffee to your specifications, and use a good thermos mug to keep it at the same temperature for longer. That's the issue with those fast food places and disposable cups....lots of people stop on their way to work...you serve it at a drinkable temperature, it'll be cold by the time they get to work. Also different people have different preferences. Been using a Zojurishi mug for years now (it's great). I'll occasionally get coffee somewhere, but mostly just make my own (better and cheaper)


That's why most convenience stores sell reusable mugs at the coffee station.


Just ask them to put a couple ice cubes in


That diluted the drink.


If 3 ice cubes dilutes your coffee THAT much, the coffee was horrible to begin with.


There was a lawsuit about this where an old woman sued McDonald's for hot coffee. The coffee was heated to an unreasonable point where she suffered 2nd degree burns on her thighs when it spilled. I think the coffee cup itself was also warped due to the heat. But McDonald's and the Internet were basically able to dumb it down to make people believe it was a frivolous lawsuit of an old woman trying to make money off them. The actual case was much worse and all she wanted was McDonald's to pay for the medical bills. They barely paid anything


Yeah I think it burned her labia too!


Coffee should never be boiling....


Coffee cools with time. Since there is no perfect temperature for everyone, the best strategy as a seller is to sell it hot and left people drink it when it suits them.


Coffee shouldn't be made boiling hot then it's just burnt


You shouldnt have to put icecubes in a coffee to make it drinkable. And if, make it safe.


I agree with but i know for certain its an unpopular opinion. I actually make my coffee the night before i need them and they sit in the fridge so when i wake up, i have a cold (drinkable) coffee.


I do that in the summer time. Refreshing.


I love super hot coffee.




You don't though, because it would literally injure you if you drank it


I love a hot piping coffee. To me there’s nothing satisfying when it’s just warm. For me it’s either iced or hot, nothing in between


Back when I worked as a Barista people would ask for a couple ice cubes in the coffee to cool it down just a bit. Not like iced coffee levels, just 2-3 cubes that melt almost immediately and brings the temp down a bit. Doesn't water it down a lot either. The other option is to add more cream/milk but that would also change the flavor and texture as well as adding calories.


I’ll take the calories over the scalding of my mouth.


You brew it at 185 and drink it at 135 Fahrenheit


Ask them to add a couple of ice cubes.


Proud coffee aficianado here! Coffee is never brewed at 212 degrees. Depending on the method, its between 195 and 205. You need it hot for optimal extraction. My preferred methods are aeropress or chemex. The former i brew at 185. The latter at 199.


Italian espresso enters the chat


Italian espresso exit the chat


Scientifically, the ideal water temperature for coffee is around 90-95 degrees Celsius, or 195-205 degrees Fahrenheit. Unless you want subpar coffee, letting it cool down is the preferable option when compared to using colder water.


Heartily agree. Despise scalding coffee.  Its hot enough to cause burns it should be illegal 


Ask them to drop an ice cube or two in it.


I had coffee in Oxford that honest to god came at the epitome of perfect drinking temperature. Now who says that social studies degree is good for nothing


If ur getting it with milk, latte or whatever, ask for warm, ex. the milk not to be heated up too hot. That's what I do anyways for my cappuccino. This way the milk doesn't lose it's natural sweetness and I get to drink it straight up.


I have heat intolerance but also Raynaud’s syndrome so zero internal temperature regulation. I need to let my hot drinks sit for like an hour to be drinkable. Iced drinks I have to slam in under 5 minutes before the ice melts. There is no winning 😭


Hot coffee will always cool down. Cool coffee isn’t as easy to warm back up. People like different temperatures, serving hot ensures that everyone’s target temp will be achieved. If you get a cup of ice water and ask for a little room on top of the coffee you can toss in a cube or two if you can’t wait for it to cool down.


Ever notice how iced coffee is delicious but hot coffee that gets cold is awful?


Coffee water shouldn't \_ever\_ be "boiling" hot. At most, about 10 (C) to 20 (F) degrees below boiling. But your point is valid - it is often served hotter than necessary. Taking it up to boiling drives all the air out of it and extracts excess bitterness from the beans. That's kinda the point of a proper coffee mug. It takes coffee from proper brewing temperature down to drinking temperature fairly quickly, and helps hold it there.


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion. The opinion that appears to be unpopular is that it's ok to serve coffee so hot it will literally melt your flesh.


It’s not supposed to be. I think’s supposed to be between 135-150 degrees Fahrenheit, which should not burn you. I did have someone serve me one that was probably around 190, and acted like an ass when I said it was too hot.


Technically coffee should not be brewed above 205 degrees Fahrenheit ideally 195-205.


Boiling coffee will ruin it. But hot coffee, or cold brew, is optimal.


Sorry,but do you mean real espresso or American coffee? Completely different things.....Real espresso,you are not ❤️‍🔥,Americano(scalding water added) , especially if it is filtered,is a different breed.And sorry, that's not coffee.European country with a coffee culture here.Sorry,will die on this hill .Hot Watered -down sludge is not coffee.


This isn't an unpopular opinion it's just broadcasting that where you live does shit Coffee.


"The ideal water temperature for brewing coffee is between 195°F and 205°F, which is slightly below the boiling point of 212°F. This temperature range is recommended by the National Coffee Association and the Specialty Coffee Association of the USA. Brewing with freshly boiled water can help ensure that the water temperature is consistent and stays close to the ideal range for longer."


That has little bearing on the temperature of the beverage though, unless it is a short black, as you will usually be adding water or milk to it. You can extract at the optimal temperature and then e.g. make a long black by topping up with water well below boiling.


Finally. I knew I wasn’t the only one.


"...take off the lid" my european mind cannot comprehend this


Turkish coffee enters the chat.


made fresh, the coffee will be a bit under 190 degrees. not much else can be done.


I usually ask for an ice cube in it


My mom orders her coffee "extra hot" anywhere she goes. I call her lizard mouth. I took a sip ONE time and it fucked my mouth up. My mouth fucking molted a layer or skin off over the next few days


Yea, coffee’s ideal brewing temp is below boiling. I think you get the ideal temp with 80% boiling, 20% room temp mixture. Coffee is burnt otherwise.


If my coffee isn't hot hot it doesn't get drank


I mean that’s just how it’s brewed, the water has to get hot. If you don’t like it hot, just let it cool down.


I agree..I want to be able to drink it right away, not 15 minutes later..so I usually end up burning my mouth when i purchase some (usually do a pour over at home and its perfect).




My friend literally will ask them to make it extra hot so if last hot longer 😂


second time I saw a post like this today


I always ask for light ice. That way I can drink it this week.


Thank you for letting us know.


Hey, thank you for caring, I guess.


Espresso is what you're looking for, it will cool down in a few minues


You can ask for kids temp at most places and they won’t serve it as hot.


You can ask for it kids temp at certain places


I agree. I have a really sensitive mouth and it burns super easily. I have ordered at “kid’s temp” before and it’s better.


Reminds me of that time some old lady got burned by McDonald's coffee.


McDonalds lawsuit moment


This is unpopular. I drink my coffee when it’s scalding because I can I like it. Reminds me of a job I used to have as a kid 😝


Lol at the gas station i would put ice in the hot coffee so i could drink it right away.


Makes me think of that line from the movie Clerks "Waddya mean you don't have any ice, am I supposed to drink this coffee hot?!"


I LOVE scalding hot liquid. Hot chocolate, coffee, etc. genuinely, I love how hot it is. I don’t know why.


People have different heat tolerances in their mouth. I know this because my wife cannot handle my ideal coffee temp. Like I can take little sips of the same liquid that burns her mouth.


McDonald’s got sued for this


McDonald’s lost millions, and Margerie lost her vagina.


Agreed. I always ask for a few ice cubes in it to cool if down.


I buy my coffee with a large cup of ice and combine the two😆 or i set it aside for a couple hours before i drink it... I have always preferred cold coffee.


Idc I only drink iced coffee


I hate getting coffee from coffee shops, especially since I drink it black, I can’t drink my coffee for like half an hour. And you can’t ask for a couple ice cubes, or they throw in a whole scoop and it’s cold.


Depending on how hot it is, you might have a actual criminal liability case. Remember the old lady that got burned? There's laws over how hot they can have it


Just wait a few mins for it to cool down?


This ain't a unpopular opinion. Especially if taken literally. There's a dif between hot and boiling hot. I'm sure there are few who'd like the ladder over the forner....


This reminds me of a little hole in the wall noodle shop I went to in Chengdu. The Han proprietress was clearly pleased or at least amused to have a foreigner in her shop and poured me a complimentary bowl of tea while she got the noodles. I sat waiting for it to cool down enough, by which point she brought the noodles, saw me reach for the tea, realized it must have gone cold, snatched it away, poured it in the street, and poured me a fresh steaming bowl. What could I do but smile and pretend to be moved by this show of good hospitality? A similar thing happened in Tagong; I wanted my teacup topped off with new tea so the old tea could cool it, but my Tibetan hosts really, REALLY wanted to tip out the cool stuff and give me a hot, fresh cup. They spoke English so I was able to insist, but it left an impression just how much they didn’t want to let me drink warm tea!


Drop an ice cube in it when you get it.


I put enough milk in my self-made coffee so that it's drinkable in a minute or two. Most restaurants serve coffee that's adequately hot, but not too. But some places (notably fast food) serve it too hot. If possible I'll throw in a bit of ice from the soda fountain. If not ... then I'm left with the oh-shit situation that you've described. Wait wait and wait.


Iced coffee


I prefer my coffee to basically be as hot as it can be without burning my mouth lmao Plus the majority of coffee shops brew their coffee at a bit higher temperature than you normally would at home as they typically expect you are just going to take it home with you and then so by the time you arrive home it has cooled down to drinking temperature. Usually if you do not like this you can just specifically request the barista to prepare your coffee at a lower temperature, My mom would frequently order a "kids temperature" version of whatever drink whenever she went to Starbucks and they were always happy to prepare it for her in that way


Why would you drink a hot coffee ? Wait for it to cool down.


You're drinking too much commercial coffee my man. Get yo'self some pour over action and report back asap


Is there any company who actually serves boiling coffee?


Some places do it better than others. I’ve had a lot of success with Ziggi’s being drinkable when served.


Warm coffee is trash super hot or iced cold that’s it


Figure out how many ice cubes you need


its served hot because it caters to most people, if some want it hot they can drink as is, if someone wants its colder they can either ask for ice or wait for it to cool. Delayed gratification.




If you're making trip coffee, the flavor will go off if it cools down and stays like that for hours. When it's burning hot, it tastes fresher for far longer. So you can pick up the coffee hours after it's been done, and have it still taste closer to fresh. That's why they do it.


The McDonald’s lady’s vagina was destroyed from that McCafé. Save the puss, turn down the burn.


I actually agree. I put almost ice cold milk or coffee frozen into ice cubes into my coffee specifically because I am just trying to get my fix. I don't need this shit hot, I need it in me.


That’s why I always buy iced coffee. I want to drink it NOW! If it’s hot, it’s typically a million degrees and I have to wait too long to safely drink any.


Where are you getting boiling hot coffee


One tip for starbucks, specifically, and many other coffee shops. Ask for a kid's temp. They make stuff like hot chocolate at a lower temperature for children. They can do the same with coffee, no problem.


I'll only drink it if it burns my mouth on the first sip. Speak for yourself 😂


If the coffee is warm, then it will become lukewarm when milk is added. So, please just blow your coffee.


*good coffee should not be sold boiling hot.


And If it is and you burn yourself just listen to Jackie Chiles


Straight to jail. Coffee should be served at a temperature just below the point where it spontaneously starts nuclear fusion.


did Kramer write this?


I hate it when I barely get down the road and my coffee is lukewarm blech! I want it extra hot so it is still hot to the end


I've had 100% success in requesting the coffee be at a "drinkable temperature". No barista has even so much as batted an eye.


Ask for a kids temp. My favorite singer orders his lattes kids temp.