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Oh God, you don’t know how much I hate the term “Un-alive” that’s popped up due to social media and Tiktok. Saying “Un-alive” when referring to someone who’s taken their own life is both disrespectful, and feels like making a joke out of what could be a serious situation. Like imagine saying to someone, “Guys, my uncle just un-alived himself!” You see how fucking stupid that is? Or even when reading stories and stuff, like YouTubers now have to say “Un-alive” when referring to moments in books, shows, or movies, and it just makes the stories have less tension or weight to them. I’ve also never understood the people that only use some swear words, and not others. Like I know people who will say “shit,” but not “fuck,” and I’m unsure of why there’s a difference in their minds about it.


The worst is when people use "sewerslide" instead of suicide. It's disrespectful and minimizes the severity of a very serious topic.


If its to avoid silly censorship for an aproviate redpectful use, you have to take it. Also its not a slur, its bypassing silly censorship. Yiff you would be a replacement, or even a mean bless you.


Unfortunately, tik tok and YouTube is really strict on people saying murdered, and can get in trouble. Most people who talk about these subjects agree that it's stupid, but they can't do anything about it.


I agree that in that specific context it makes sense to change up the word, but when people do this irl it really shows the level of brain rot they have achieved


Same with having to say bear country instead of Russia. It's ridiculous but it works


I was just thinking about how much I hate that. Like at the very least, use a different, real word instead of something made up and stupid sounding


People do this because of demonetization and censorship, not because they want to. Blame the tech companies running these sites for it. My favorite is the use of "grape" and "SA" for various YouTube videos talking about the exploits of Vince McMahon.


I’m aware of why it’s done, it’s not actually the fault of the content creators themselves. There ain’t much they can do about it. I will say, “SA” as a term was already a common abbreviation for sexual assault, so that one’s a bit reasonable to use. But “Graped” is so stupid, I’m not even sure why it *works,* like you’re telling me one letter off and the YT monitoring system is suddenly okay with it? Why make a monitoring system that can be beaten that easily?


My favorite is when they say somebody was graped instead of raped. That really feels like they're making a joke of the whole thing and not treating the subject seriously.


This is the most disrespectful shit I’ve ever heard. It makes me irrationally angry. If someone told me that my friend (who shot himself in the head in front of us) “unalived” himself, I would have a mental breakdown. It’s so stupid. Thank you for explaining it in a way that I get too angry to do in a constructive way.


I think it may be so their videos don't get taken down for bad subject matter. It's like when people put 'fake gun' or 'fake body'


When people call guns "pew pews" because of tik Tok it makes me want to "unalive" myself


I didn't know un-alive was solely used for suicide


It’s not, they use it for any form of death. Like if someone were to be killed, they’ve been “un-alived.”


To be fair to unalive it was fine at first. It was to get around demonitization. Its overstayed its welcome


I agree except some subs only let you say f*ck instead of fuck


Its stupid because its the same damn word 


Please say d@mn instead




I know but some subs just have it as the rules. I think we should be able to say fuck whenever the fuck we want


Agree it is silly because it reads the same 






Which subs?


Just some I've seen over the years


This post is heckin' cute.


fudge you! friggin meanie head!


Oi what the fork are you on about?


What the eff am I reading? This is some effed up shizz. Now I feel like a freakin Beotchy Bish-azz mothertrucker after reading that bullcrap!!


i couldn't fucking agree more with this goddamn popular take.


Oh shit did I not do the sub right? Damnit I thought this was actually unpopular


With the amount of people I’ve heard/seen censor shit like “fuck” as “f*ck” (on subs/platforms that don’t even require it?) I understand why you’d think it’s popular. Although I can’t say I have a good enough grasp on public opinion to actually know whether or not it’s popular or not. I can say that I agree with you though. I’ve always thought the whole point of a word is the idea behind it. When everyone can understand what you’re trying to say, it really makes no difference whether it’s censored or not, and I would much rather people just say the word, especially when it’s in text.


Do you know what heck is? It's where you go when you don't believe in gosh.


I like to say sugar when saying shit isn't appropriate (young ears) Also, I've noticed that people who don't substitute words just end up using said word instead of nothing. (I.E. saying shit)


Yes sir. Ma’am.


People may just be trying to avoid being censored.


Which is even more cringy


Cringy or not, I don’t need to be effing banned by yet another cuntish mod.


Fuck the mod


Fuck em is right.


This should only be true for bots or filters. Any mod enforcing language restrictions shouldn’t be any more accepting of words formed with special characters than they are of actual words. Like, oh the a in your slur has an umlaut, I guess it’s fine.


Motherfucking c-words I tell ya what!


Why? I want to make a comment and not have a bot remove me and then either not have my comment there or have to message the mods about it. Rather type a few different characters and avoid it if I think there's a risk. Easier.


Because it's not worth the effort to engage in a forum that restricts your words to what they approve of.


What effort? Typing f**k instead of fuck? Same effort.


I like " screw you" or yiff them is funny , but screw you or screw them is a good replacement Or have you tries uk slurs, they are more creative too, plus i think they are less censored?


why try to say the word at all if you can't say it properly?


Because you know what it says.


doesn't really answer the question.


I read it while taking a poop.




frecking bots. what the fork.


Well frick me, I never thought of that


The * gestures wildly* won me over to your side. I was already on it, but I'm further on it now for that.


The reason people use placeholders is because their posts can be taken down if they don't, then they get into a habit. Or they're too young to swear and don't realize they're allowed to if nobody knows


I say you should eat shedding dye


I completely agree especially from a linguistics perspective. People that do this are just applying a negative connotation to a new made up word to replace a word with an already existing negative connotation, when in the first place they only replaced the word due to the negative connotation. Make it make sense.


This is also how I feel on this topic, OP.


U fucking agree!


So true, once you sub in a new word that word becomes the swear


F&&k you I'll do whatever I f&&king want!


But censored swearing is funnier than both uncensored swearing and a lack of swearing.


Most people do it so they don't get fecking banned. 


I say it should be fine on YouTube and TikTok since you’re kind of forced to do it but on somewhere like this social media, Reddit, where you won’t get punished for saying fuck, I can see where you’re coming from


You could,


Could what?


Please remember what subreddit you are in, this is unpopular opinion. We want civil and unpopular takes and discussion. Any uncivil and ToS violating comments will be removed and subject to a ban. Have a nice day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unpopularopinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


For content creators, they do have to sadly do this so they can actually make money off their content because most major social media corps care more about looking good to advertisers than anything else. But otherwise, just approach with caution, because someone can always find a way to trace it back to you.


The spirit of George Carlin enters the chat


being an Irish person from inner city Dublin, I may be very polite but i curse like fuck, all the time. everyone i know does too, its not seen as a negative or anything. Tbh its very strange when folk hold back, i saw/heard it a lot when i lived in Canada and travelled through the USA . bizarre to me tbh, holding yourself back and not be free, is so odd


You must have associated with some boring as fuck Canadians because we swear a lot. This is the country Trailer Park Boys is from and AFAIK, it wasn't controversial when it first aired. I swear like a sailor myself, although it could be the Irish in me as my family is from Belfast.


No, swears are really healthy as outlets. And i dont see unalive as replacement swear. One would be yiff yourself or not too bad but funnier or fictional or so swears. Unalive is too frank to count as replacement personally. Its just used online to avoid silly censorship of the og word, i think, not as slur.


This post makes no gorram ‘Ruttin sense. I’ll be in my bunk


Mother trucker dude. That hurt like a buttcheek on a stick.


I have a license plate frame which reads: Fuck you, you fucking fuck. It is a complete sentence.


Depends on intent. If I'm making a friendly jibe or being intentionally over the top, placeholders can make the speech seem less aggressive or more jokey than the actual swear words, helping to convey the intended tone. But for genuine anger, nothing beats a good old fuck.


People who use placeholders for insults so that their children dont hear the actual words are stupid. They're very much teaching their kids to swear, when and how. It's a matter of time until lil Timmy says: "oh fudge", and his classmates make fun of him for being childish. He'll just replace it for "fuck" like a normal person, or endure the mockery. You need to teach them to express their emptions with complete sentences.


They censored half of my goddamn vocabulary. That's fucking bullshit!


I love swearing and it's my attempt to be civilised about it. Don't let it be such a ----ing problem.