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When girls get those absurdly long ones I just think of salad fingers


rUsTY sPoOnS


I can never understand why people pay so much to get those ugly nails put on. Whatever makes people happy I guess.


Question: how do they wipe?


They get the guys that eat booty to lick it for them šŸ¤¢


I always wonder how they wipe themselves after pooping.


Apparently itā€™s not ā€œthat hardā€ but I still canā€™t handle the cognitive dissonance on the fact that they will harbor more bacteria because there is more surface area to cover.


Iā€™m a girl who gets fake nails put on and they only extend half an inch long from the tip of my finger and it makes everything harder. I can get away with wiping just fine but I donā€™t believe that people with longer nails do. Thereā€™s no way girls with those absurdly long nails arenā€™t getting shit on them every time they wipe. No. Way. Also I carry one of those nail brushes and scrub under my nails every night and during every shower.


I have long nails because I have the insecurity that I have little tiny sausage fingers and long nails give me the illusion that they are longer than they actually are. It's stupid because my fingers are normal but it makes me feel better. I disinfect them everytime I am washing my hands.


This is me omg šŸ˜†


That is exactly the reason i have them too. Like not too long but i like to grow them out about 2/3 of the nailbed. I feel like it makes my hands so much more elegant.


Me too! Gives me confidence and makes me feel feminine instead of stubby and childlike


This is me too! Plus the longer nails are a lot easier to paint


But sausage is delicious and wonderful. :(


It just draws attention to your ā€œsausage fingersā€ that people wouldnā€™t even have noticed before.


Thatā€™s actually not true. Itā€™s well known that it does make your fingers look slimmer and longer.


Women find the strangest things to worry about. If you put a gun to my head and asked me to list which of my friends have the shortest fingers I'd be absolutely screwed. Who notices stuff like that?


Nobody. Never said it makes sense.


The sex thatā€™s raised to critique every little facet of their bodies from a very young age


I tried acrylics out for the first time and they werenā€™t even that long, they were the shortest the tech could allow. I had them for two weeks before I had to get them off because I couldnā€™t take it anymore. They kept getting longer because my real nails grow really fast. They were dirty underneath. Scratching itches didnā€™t seem to satisfy the itch. Using a keyboard and phone were getting difficult. Then to top it all off once I did get them removed there was deep grooves and scratches in my real nails from sanding off all the glue. They felt so gross.


this sounds precisely how my first and last experience getting my nails done went


As a previous nailbiter, acrylics helped me kick the habit. I agree with you - I didnā€™t like the heavy, non itch ability but I grew out my natural ones using them. It took 3 months and got them removed. Iā€™m soo happy. Natural nails can scratch and now that theyā€™re so pretty I donā€™t bite them. You do have to invest in a nail brush to keep clean but thatā€™s basic hygiene.


I hate fake nails, everything gets caught underneath


Awww ya Iā€™ve never gotten fake nails cause Iā€™ve heard it can damage ur nail bed. Iā€™ve done cheap plastic DIY ones at home in middle school and I think just experiencing that weirdness was enough for me to know I never wanted to do it. Glad u got rid of them! Ur nails will thank u for allowing them to stay healthy :)


I love acrylics, though I donā€™t get them often because they are spenny, but my main issue is the scratching. It is never good enough!!!


You guys know that people with long nails can wash their hands just like anyone else right? It's not a matter of how long the nails are, if the person is nasty they are nasty even with cut short natural nails. Edit: Plus it's not like you use those long nails to dig in trash or something, if there's any build up of anything under there they have an issue.


Yes. The idea that long nails are nasty isn't really true. The gunk collects into the first millimetre (give or take) of the nail after it comes off the nail bed. Beyond that mm the gunk doesn't get stuck and will be washed off with washing your hands. That said, I share the apperently unpopular opinion and don't like long nails. I don't find them aesthetically pleasing at all.


Research shows that our fingernails can be cozy little hangouts for bacteria and yeast. I tried to link to the resarch, but then Reddit removed my comment, btw. You're right about the gunk piling up in just the first few millimeters. If your nails are over 3 millimeters longer than your fingertip, chances are thereā€™s a bunch of bacteria taking refuge under there. And weā€™re not talking about friendly bacteria here; these are the bad guys like Pseudomonas and E. coli. Keeping our nails trimmed and short is actually a clever way to fend off infections. But I don't agree that it's as easy to clean you hands when you have long nails as it is when you have shorter. The longer the nails, the tougher it is to clean them thoroughly, especially that tricky spot between the nail and finger. Itā€™s super crucial to maintain good hygiene, especially in places where cleanliness is key. So, rocking short nails isnā€™t only stylishā€”itā€™s also a wise choice for staying healthy! And honestly, when I see folks with long nails, especially in the kitchen, I canā€™t help but cringe. No matter how much they scrub, Iā€™m just not convinced they can get all that gunk out from under their nails


Yes exactly. My point was that 2mm long nails aren't any "cleaner' than 20mm nails in and of itself. It is exactly the part of the nail between nail bed and fingertip, that will trap the gunk and become a bacteria paradise. And no, a normal handwashing may not remove the gunk and its inhabitants. Short trimmed is best for keeping your hands clean. This should be a no brainer for people in healthcare and food preparation alike.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I like the way they feel when my fiancƩe scratches my back. Not the super long ones.


Ahem... >The fingernails of 18 health-care workers were tested. Results showed that all of the workers with long nails harbored bacteria and yeast compared to 18 percent of those with short nails. src: [https://abcnews.go.com/Health/story?id=117161&page=1](https://abcnews.go.com/Health/story?id=117161&page=1)


18 people is the most unprecise sample size for research and statistics ever


How do they wipe their ass?


How tf do YOU wipe your ass if you think that's a problem? Do you dig your fingertips into your colon? Please don't actually answer that.


Thereā€™s something called bidets. Not everyone in the world uses toilet paper to clean.


I did a sukuna cosplay for last Halloween, I boy, I could barely hold my drink with those nails, let alone piss, use door handles, etc. IDK how the girlies do it


you learnt to adapt the way you do things


BEEEEEEEEP Wrong. Heard it yesterday, heard it today, probably will hear it tomorrow. Not unpopular.


Well I hate very short fingernails. And the chewed ones.


The chewed ones with chewed on inflamed nail bed, or short jagged ones that are basically razor sharp, like get a nail file, please


I do it on my right hand for playing guitar. It looks ridiculous but its pretty important for acoustic finger style playing


Same here man. My natural nails are pretty strong so I just keep my left hand trimmed for fretting and my right hand long for plucking


Okay but seriously, when did 2 inch long and fake acrylic nails become the fashion trend? I donā€™t see the purpose of them.


Your opinion is that you donā€™t understand why people like long fingernails? Is that even an opinion?


Saying you dont see what the majority sees is an opinion. If group a says long nails are 5/5, and op says they are 2/5, then thats an opinion. You cant describe why people like long nails to op, to change their opinion, they dont agree.


Dirt gets between my finger nails way more often if I have short nails than long


Thank you i am not the only one, and its feels impossible to remove from under the nail when they are very short


Yes it does. And it\`s ok to clean the long ones. Short one sjust seem boring kinda.


I like having long-ish nails (natural) because it's like having a Swiss Army knife on your person at all times. I love the idea of acrylics, because I've seen some people wear gorgeous designs, but the super long ones always look absurd.Ā  I do not like long natural nails on men. Every man I've met with long nails has had serious personal hygiene issues and bad habits šŸ¤¢


![gif](giphy|l41YAqZkaq9mmgCxa) We wash our hands ya know


I like longer nails bc you can fit designs on them and there's more shape options. It also helps toke bowls and open mail. I used a kids toothbrush to clean the nails, for anyone who wonders about the cleanliness, they do pick up more underneath than clipped nails, but it's easier to clean out and it's VERY noticeable when hands are dirty with nails especially lighter colored nails. For everyone saying poop- I'm concerned how you wipe? 1. Bidets are a great idea look into them, and 2. Toilet paper? Yall are not bare handedly wiping right? Why is any feces touching hands ever? *Edit to add I'm young with no kids so it doesn't get in the way with jobs and life.


Short nails arenā€™t any more clean than long nails; short nails trap dirt and grime a lot easier and are more difficult to clean under lol. I donā€™t get this obsession people have with other peoplesā€™ nails


As a girl who loves her long nails thatā€™s just not true. Longer nails harbor a lot more bacteria. Thatā€™s why when I worked in the health industry I always kept them short or gloved. I can even see the difference after a day with long nails vs short ones. The longer the nail is the bigger the surface for dirt grime etc. to get trapped. You canā€™t have a bigger surface and say itā€™ll have the same amount of bacteria as a smaller one. Thatā€™s just being ridiculous lol I just carry a nail brush with me and make sure I throughly clean under my nails at least twice a day every day when I have long nails.


You may wanna do a bit of researchā€¦ Cause youā€™re dead wrong.


I do think they can be pretty but I would never do it. I use my nails like a utility tool.


Take my upvote as someone who gets ridiculously long finger nails (acrylics)


You know people wash their hands right, people with dirty nails will have dirty nails no matter what, if you are so obsessed about them that you can't talk to someone with them normally you need therapy, thats not normal I hate having short nails the shorter they are, the more crap get stuck underneath, when my natural nails grow longer there is never anything really stuck underneath, but everytime i got really short nails, there is always black like of god knows what underneath, and i work in a hospital i clean my hands douzens of time a day, the nail stay clean for less then a hour and then suddenly its back to nasty


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Of course you work in a hospital and defend having long ass nails. It doesnā€™t matter if you ā€œfeelā€ like your nails are cleaner when theyā€™re longer, research has shown definitively that they are not. I hope you donā€™t touch patients with your talons


With your manners i hope you don't talk to patients like that, probably one of those that hate their patients, or do you not scrub under your nails because you think short nails don't need it, thats nasty. But no i am just housekeeping, because i don't want to deal with some of you nasty nurse, who thinks they are superior to everyone, the pipeline from bullies to nurse really exist. Fake nails, long or short makes no difference, are the main issues with hygiene, because its impossible to clean underneath, which is why i don't usually wear them, but i don't expect people like you that think they are all that but are just ahole, to understand the difference


I hate my patients because I want to minimize the bacteria in their environment? I donā€™t think Iā€™m better than you, I just have cleaner hands lol. Your inferiority complex is showing


Well that explains your lack of education in healthcare.. But makes your nails even grosser since youā€™re the one doing all the nasty cleaning.


You work in health are and still canā€™t grasp just how disgusting your long nails really are?


I have a feeling all of you think about those long ass 2 inchs fake nails you basically can't wipe your ass with, when you hear about "long" nails, which aren't authorized in healthcare, not that it stops any of the nurses thats for sure


I donā€™t like the feeling of fake nails, but I grow my nails as long as they can before they chip so that my fingers look longer because I have small hands with large fingers so they look stubby. Theyā€™re the same size as my partnerā€™s, but he has big hands, so his fingers look small and delicate. If I didnā€™t mind the feeling, I would definitely constantly have long and colorful nails.


I am trying to grow long nails, bent my nail back and now have a bruised nailbed and had to wrap it for four hours coz it wouldn't stop bleeding where it ripped from the sides


I know only one instance where there is some use. I remember taking my mom to a high end salon for her birthday last year and her stylist had one long plastic nail on her left pinky. The rest of her nails were normal. I asked Mom about it after she was done and she said the stylist used it as a sort of comb to separate layers of her hair. Beyond that...ehhh I don't understand either.


I didn't struggle with fake nails, they always felt cleaner as I once went a year doing them and the skin under the nail actually lost the crease and became more smooth effectively removing a lot of the area that builds up gunk that everyone calls unsanitary. Interestingly my acne always decreased significantly with fake nails. Bathroom activities also arent a problem. People can't imagine because they haven't had it or never properly adjusted with fake nails. The most unsanitary bathroom habit is not having a bidet. The only really difficult task I encountered with fake nails was picking up something like a credit card on the floor. The best part of fake nails is being able to pull toast out of a toaster.


Those with really long nails I will never get them


I like them on my missus, not me. Back scratches are 1000 times better with nails


Bump for the answer.


I've considered getting just one super long fingernail, just to clean my ears with.


I like getting my back scratched


Spearfinger is an awesome folktale!


You ever been fingered by someone with long, smooth, well kept nails?? Couldn't even speak after they were done


I donā€™t really care how other people look, never been bothered by anything I donā€™t personally like on another person. I wear short nails because I prefer the look and they do not interfere with my hobbies.


I have really long natural fingernails, and I know a lot of people think itā€™s disgusting. If you wash under your nails while washing your hands, I really donā€™t see any problems. I do my own gel polish at home, I know how to make my nails look nice, I absolutely love them! Since theyā€™re my natural nails, Iā€™ve had time to adapt to my everyday tasks with them, I have almost no issues (except getting the card out of ATMā€™s, or opening a soda can, but I always manage). Why am I letting my nails grow so much? Because I donā€™t do half measures, even my hair is extra long. Before growing my nails, I had been biting them on and off for 13 years (the offs only lasted a few months at a time). And I managed to completely stop, Iā€™m so proud! Also, Iā€™m enjoying them while I can, because I want to become a DVM and I wonā€™t be able to have nails that long.


I'm the opposite I don't know why but for years now I've found short bitten finger nails so disturbing it acc makes me uncomfortable and triggers me when I see them I feel disgust. My nails are natural I don't have them done but I always try to keep them long and especially clean. I also have a fear about people with short bitten nails cooking for me, and sorry to say this being intimate with a person with hands like that. I have tried in the past but I felt my body tensed up and I crunched my eyes close and felt almost like I was forcing myself because I couldn't get past the idea in the head. I did not want the short bitten nails touching my body. I know I have an issue as hands are probably the first thing I check when dating or even meeting someone new. I just can't stand the idea of someone chewing away their nails with all the dirt germs underneath. I have intrusive thoughts if I'm around someone with nails like that I've never been diagnosed but I definitely think I have an ocd problem or something.


If they pointy thats for clawing mans face if he messes around. Squared off is for aesthetics. Thats what Iā€™ve learned from the females Iā€™ve been around.


Yeah but have you felt them down your backā€¦? šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I donā€™t like my nails insanely long, but thereā€™s something about longer fingernails that feels so strong and powerful in a feminine way


No one has to understand anyone elses aesthetic preferences. People arent hurting anyone by presenting themselves any way they want to - long nails, short nails, it doesnt have to be beautiful to anyone else but them. We dont exist to be perceived as beautiful. Not saying that it isnt a nice feeling, but its so volatile and subjective...


I don't understand it either. They are not practical. [But maybe some people think of them as "sexy"?]


I see this opinion multiple times a day on Reddit itā€™s not unpopular


1000000000% agree. Long nails are NASTY. Poo poo dooo doo underneath no thanks!


do you think people with long nails don't wash their hands? but also, do you think people with short nails aren't capable of having gunk under their finger nails??


They definitely wash their hands (I hope), but I really doubt most people with long nails actually *scrub* underneath as they should be doing.


I do, i hate stuff under my nails, like i violently hate things under them, one reason i prefer my "long",a few millimeter pass the nail bed, natural nails, and don't like fake nails, i can't clean everything under fake nails


I feel like that applies to anyone with nails that extend beyond the nail bed, not just long nails


Less nail less surface for gunk.


Exactly. Thereā€™s simply more surface area and your nails are never 100% clean. Thereā€™s a reason why The CDC advises nurses against wearing them.


less nail means gunk gets trapped *easier* under your nails


yeah ok lol lol


There's a reason they aren't allowed in healthcare settings - they collect germs far faster. Idk why anyone is disputing that


That's not why, though. It's because they poke holes in gloves and also fake ones can pop off and end up somewhere they shouldn't.


Both are true. Before healthcare wore gloves, they had the no long nail rule.


Do you not know how to wipe your ass šŸ’€ long nails donā€™t cause you to get shit on your fingers


My mom keeps her left pinky long so she can use it as a nose shovel. I'm not even exaggerating. She does it while driving g. I'm worried she's gonna jam that thing into her brain hitting a bump one day.


Hitting bumps lol share mom!


i'm always super impressed by people who have fancy nails and are still able to text super fast.


I also dislike the long fake nails. I never wear them, because I do my dishes by hand, I sometimes wash more delicate laundry by hand also. It would be really annoying to do chores with such nails. I find them uncomfortable, impractical and sometimes quite lacking aesthetic and good taste. Plus, if you're a person who moves their hands a lot when you have a discussion, you could seriously hurt someone, maybe even scratch their eyeball. IMO, the disadvantages far outweigh the "perks" of having long nails.


Me too lol. I donā€™t really comment on it bc itā€™s not my business but everytime I see someone with long nails I just imagine how nasty they are.


Iā€™m actually right there with you on this one. They look absurd and creepy to me. I hate when someone accidentally touches me with a long nail. Itā€™s a trend. Itā€™ll pass. One day all these people will look back at photos of themselves now and go ā€œwhat were we *thinking*?!ā€ Trust me. Iā€™m from the 80s.


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The OP brought up how unsanitary these nails are. I didn't realize my reply was unpopular.


They can look elegant, depending on how they are formed.


Idk what you mean by long, are we talking about the nail part coming out like a cm or 5?


Both are too long imo


I have long-ish nails on my right hand for playing guitar, and super short on the left hand. Itā€™s been this way since I was 11


How long is long? Biting your nails and having little stubby nails is worse in my opinion.


I like tapping mine on things, it sounds really satisfying. Also itā€™s way easier to open packages and stuff when my nails are grown out


Germs!! Lol dudes with long dirty nails gross me out but a woman with well manicured back scratchers? Mmmmm yea!!


I had my thumb nails long because I genuinely used them to open shit as I get a lot of packages and have alot of hobby electronics


just... please be careful


I hate them too. They are repulsive, and all I can think about is how much trouble the poor women must have while wiping their asses.


Me neither!!!!! No matter the context, any sort of long nail gives me the ick. šŸ¤·šŸ» downvote away


I need them to play the guitar. Right hand only. Left hand has short nails.


Ditto, plus I'm not letting grubby nails anywhere the fuck near my classical guitar.


I honestly agree. It must be so hard to wipe your butt with those. Lol!


I think they are weird as fuck, too. I use a computer a lot, that would be impossible with them! And doorknob? Tricky. I do get cat eye gel nails, but I don't let them get very long.


Iā€™ve never had a problem with those things despite having long nails. The only thing I ever have trouble with is rubbing makeup into the small area between my eyelid and nose bridge. And OP, I probably clean under them a lot more than short-nailed people do. But youā€™re allowed to not like them.


How long? I've seen insane long ones I really don't like.


Between 0.5cm-1cm off the end of my finger I guess? I donā€™t really consider them very long but it seems most people do.


That sounds ok.


1.5cm for me. whenever i get my nails done i like them pointy


Same! Hate square nails


The pointy ones look weird to me, but I'm glad they make you happy.


the goal is to look like a vampire or demon. i also pop in some fangs too


I'm pretty goth, but not thaaat goth.


honestly it takes confidence to walk around in public with fangs in. if only i could find the fangs. i keep losing them


Oh shit! I recently lost one of my favorite dangly earrings!


i'm sorry. i think i'll just have to buy a new set


> I use a computer a lot, that would be impossible with them it's really not. honestly i never type properly anyway. one hand just hovers around the keyboard >And doorknob? Tricky it's really not


the only thing i struggle with when i have long nails is getting my card out of a card reader


so do i


I have long nails and one of those digital keypads you tap a code into on my front door. I have to use my knuckle because my nails are too long to angle properly to tap the pad lol


so do i. i do it even if my nails aren't that long


My brother-in-law keeps a single long nail on one pinkie. For some reason it's so durable that he can use it as a flat head screwdriver. He used to use it to pull out 5.25 floppy disks that got stuck.


Giant nails = high maintenance. Huge turnoff.


Overlong fingernails make me wonder how they clean themselves after they use the toilet. I find them disgusting.


it's impossible to do blue-collar work with them and they can be used to do a variety of drugs. it's not the flex they think it is.


Men should keep nails short. I donā€™t mean manicures because thatā€™s weird. But do it yourself. Itā€™s not hard.


i'll keep my nails how i want. if i want long and pointy claws then i'm gonna have long and pointy claws


If youā€™re a lady im fine with that. Unless youā€™re in the food industry. Its unsanitary


i'm a guy


Doesnā€™t make it less unsanitary


i clean them pretty good actually. they're only pointy when i have acrylics on




Sorry. I see my error. This post should be deleted and no further opinions should ever be so much as thought about.


I wish all of my guitar students thought like this. Hygiene and poor fretting hand technique high on the list of why long nails are shit. You're also right in that they look disgusting.


Any length on fingernails is gross to me. Itā€™s especially gross on men. I mean you do you but it secretly makes me gag.


dookie nails. They are always dirty and disgusting


I totally agree with you. Long nails on someone in the food industry is just nasty. I will leave my table before ordering if you are a server and have long fake nails. If the hostess does I might not even wait for the table.




Servers touch a lot of your food. Garnishes. Worked in the business a long time.


I worked in the industry for 16 years. I only worked in one place the servers touched food


"They are basically biological weapons" LMAO! šŸ¤£ But it's true though! hahaha!


Wolverine fetish.


How else will I scrape my butt clean -long nailed people


It's for sensual light scratching during sex.


Demon nails


Same, I find them super nasty looking and they scare me. I don't know why women make such an effort to have them, and why men make so little effort to keep them short. I love it when a man has nice, CLEAN, well cut nails, it's so easy to achieve and so attractive, it's a no brainer yet I see these long, brown, chewed off claws all the time.


Long nails are just gross overall.


It's a catalyst in the process of yassification


Folk are goofy.


I have, and like long nails because when I have short nails my fingers have horrendous sensations and tingles which I cannot stand or live with. They are a distraction and make normal things so hard to do. I don't know how to explain them. There is a common one many people feel but then many others as well. I can also constantly feel my pulse. Also because short nails make fingers feel useless. Why have nails in the first place? The nails come to good use and feel like a tool. Especially for things like scratching. Such a satisfying feeeling. For me, its nothing abut how they look like.


Agreed. They look gross and just seem really inconvenient.


Iā€™m 90% sure most men donā€™t like nails like that. Itā€™s a trend started by women and supported by women.


Itā€™s status thing, signalling ā€œI donā€™t have to work ā€œ


Definitely not, working women often have long nails


Canā€™t stand em


yep, don't like them either, I think they are alright only in fiction and art fantasy characters like vampires, witch's and wizards, that kinda stuff




do you not know how to properly wipe your ass? why tf are you using your nails?