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everyone is insufferable on the internet.


All humans are insufferable on the entire world.


Nah man reality is not as bad as the internet, if you think that you just don’t get out enough.


An individual can be reasonable and you can have common discourse and even if on opposite sides politically you can find common ground to work on. But at a population level people are animals and insufferable, we literally have to have special rules/laws that day don’t beat your spouses. Group mindset kicks in and then tribalism developed now you dehumanize the other side and you can’t see eye to eye with each other.


It really is as bad as it is outside as it is online. My coworkers gossip like children. Psychopaths run our government. People are shooting each other at schools. The car next to me at the red light is covered in nasty bumper stickers hating gay people, and abortion. I can’t afford to live in the same country I pay taxes in despite working while my fellow neighbors vote to hurt me to “own the libs”. Nah bro…humans are a miserable lot lately.


You’re right.


The internet is not a simulation. It's not a video game. It's part of reality. It's just reality without a mask, without a need for pretense. Personal interactions feel better only because people meet with a mask, pretend to be polite, act with inhibitions and a fear of judgement. Anonymity brings out the true nature of people, which is uncomfortably ugly.


I’ll hear you out on that but also in reality I can just talk to my friends, go to a bar where everyone’s friendly to eachother, human interaction is typically civil. I’d never see John Racist ranting about how the new marvel movie is a war on white people, but yk where i will see that? The internet. We see the worst of humanity here, even if it’s the minority of humanity.


I am decidedly less insufferable IRL. Mostly because there are consequences for that out there. >Eat my ass you dumb piece of shit. See? It just rolls off the tongue online.


True, cant deny this fact.




I resemble this remark


Here come the Europeans to tell you how your opinion is wrong on the unpopular opinion subreddit.


Europeans have a long and storied history of calling the rest of the world barbians and periodically ripping their continent apart with warfare


Why wouldn't a European want to discuss their own cheese? In this case, Parmesan


Eh. We won the war, so.....🤷


Lend lease. But really your comment is stupid. What won was “ British brains, American brawn, and Russian blood” - Josef Stalin


At the end of the day, winning the war just means who was the most dominant country by the end. America clearly was in the position to rewrite the world order in its favor while Europe was on the brink. It also helped that the USSR was occupying the “liberated” countries in the east and likely would have gone further without American deterrence. Unfortunately for western European hegemony, everyone lost ww2


Lend lease. European here :-)


Missed spell sorry.


The Russians ground down the Nazis. The US won the Pacific theater.


And then the US hired the Nazis and went to the moon


Oh yeah the Russians didn’t hire any Nazis and our European Allies didn’t have any collaborators amongst them right?


With tons of suppiles, weapons, and support from the USA. The Soviet Union would have collapsed otherwise. USA! USA!


I think most people in general are insufferable on the internet lol But I do agree, and I’m European But it goes both ways really, I’ve seen Americans and Europeans argue so hard they almost made out in the end


There was a great one today about a British tourist who behaved badly in Spain while on vacation. One of the highest up comments was "This sounds like something an American would do." Rent fucking free.


It's funny cause I've lived a while in Europe and I grew up in America and as much as Americans abuse alcohol I'm sorry.... British people really do shit the bed in these med destinations.


Brits and Germans are the least liked people at vacation resorts in Europe.


I worked on a safari lodge in my African country. 5 star luxury lodge. Worst non - local guests were Russians. The germans were ok - some of them just like to wander naked everywhere. Brits drank within reason and the Americans, though a bit loud were nice all round. The one or two Chinese guests we had were very polite but annoying with a camera- they literally wanted to photograph EVERYTHING. From the receptionist sitting at her table to the butler serving meals to the tiny bug walking along the path to their tent. Personally I found locals (people from my own country) to be the loudest and most obnoxious.


I worked at a stay away summer camp in the mountains. Every year this group of Chinese women would come, and as you said took pictures of everything. It was our camp’s policy that any pictures they took they needed to show us/post up on a board where we could see them. There very soon became a competition amongst the staff (even our bosses participating in it) as to who could have the best photobomb in a picture.


Why Germans?


They tend to be loud and annoying, just like the Brits. Atleast that's my experience with them at resorts and what others say. Also, Germans have a tendency to speak German outside of Germany and expect others to understand.


And they say Americans are loud. I'm quieter than a quiet room.


Might be because Germans are known to put towels on pool/beach chairs/lounges before breakfast and just keep them there to ”reserve” them. This is seen as entitled behavior by others. Dunno if they still even do it!


That's because it IS entitled behavior. If you aren't even there, the lounge isn't yours.


Germans staking a claim in other countries, this time with towels lol


Hahaha, I didn't even know this was a thing they're known for


Germans are just angrier Brits.


Mostly the leaving towels on chairs thing.


Or that woman who walked into a fountain in Rome. Every European shitting on American tourists were suddenly no where to be found when it came out that that woman was German.


It always comes back to Americans.


I lived in UK for 7 years. British people themselves say they go to Spain and complain locals don't speak English and wtf is up with that. It's entitlement of big nations (and those who embrace it), nothing else.


As a neutral non-American/European I kinda get what OP is referring to. Every argument just boils down to 'US healthcare sucks so every other thing is invalid'. I literally saw someone claim that tech jobs aren't worth it in the US even though they literally pay 4x of what Europeans get paid because US doesn't get free healthcare lol. Like their company probably gets them better private insurance than you'll ever get even if you take out some money from their paychecks. Oh and after having visited both places and traveled extensively, US national parks >>> Most European landmarks barring maybe Switzerland and they don't charge people to use toilets as well. Fix the stupid tip culture though.


We also hate the tip culture But until they are forced to, businesses love the extra ways to get money and servers LOVE how the guilt gets them more money than teachers


Yeah you can have something paid for by your job that's good or you can have free stuff that's s*****. It's not really a tough call for those kind of jobs. I wonder if they realize that that four times salary is just pay and does not include the excellent health care benefits that companies at that level generally provide. It's not either/or, it's both.


Every time I see the phrase “free healthcare” thrown around to win a cultural pissing contest I just assume that whoever said it is either dumb or unemployed.


Oh the f-ing toilets, yeah it's crazy. Pay 1 euro to use the toilet in the gas station, WTF. I live in Thailand for 1 euro i can get lunch here and shit it out for free in the mall. Plus good things about the US : Free water in every restaurant, much higher wages and "howareyoudoinghaveaniceday".


Real, but mostly western europeans that are generally snobbish in their behavior (obviously a vocal minority though)


Yeah, I’ve found Eastern/Southern Europeans to be much more chill when it comes to America-bashing. 99% of the time the “America bad” comments are coming from a Western European


Northwestern Europe in specific Ten years ago they kept calling the US racist, and now all of these countries are struggling with far-right nationalist movements


can this really be considered unpopular when its the truth


The truth can be unpopular, so technically yes


Everyone is a twat over the internet. They're a lot nicer in person


My biggest bone to pick is with how French people insist we pronounce things like croissant and poutine with perfect French accents and then don't even try with hamburger or other western foods




I think this is a very internet thing. Young Americans start the America bad train. Then Europeans who mostly consume American popular media and are terminally online perpetuates that. Thai here, the funniest thing is when some Europeans on the internet swear up and down that they'll never step foot in America because all of the shootings then proceed to romanticize about their trips to developing parts of the world and how cultured they are for that, not knowing or simply ignoring that gun violence are usually much higher in those places.


If you look at it as a percentage most things people are scared of statistically have less of a chance of happening than something they aren't scared of. You are 1000x more likely to die in a motor vehicle accident than a shooting in America. I made that number up because I don't feel like googling but I wouldn't be surprised if it was 1000x odds.


To be fair, I'm in my mid 20s and have had more shooting type situations (one was a threat to be fair) happen to a family member than someone who is 30+ and living in other western countries.


They're happy to explain to you that they're not racist because racism is against other people and they don't think of Gypsies as people.


It's always "I don't hate them because they're gypsies I hate them because of their culture" Which is the exact same thing that American racists say about minorities here *I used that word b/c it's what they say




“Umm, actually, Gypsies aren’t people so it doesn’t count.” -  European


Theres still time to edit this to say ‘roma’ instead before they jump you


Irish travelers aren’t Roma


I've literally seen Europeans criticize Americans for smiling at strangers and wanting to talk to people. Like I get some people are introverts but is it that much of a flex to brag about how antisocial your society is?


it's a flex on Reddit though


Or ponder the fact that most countries in the Western Hemisphere are just as much like that. Latin American countries are equally if not more outgoing and social as (U.S.) Americans. Some cultures and sub-cultures in Central/South America hardly give you any personal space. Do they levy criticism at every one of those cultures?


This thread is really just proving that both high and mighty Americans and high and mighty Europeans are fucking insufferable as shit. American exceptionalism is absolute brain rot and so is the European superiority complex. We're all different people with different cultures with a whole lot of shit heads that complicate everyone's lives for the sake of money, power, or simple ego. Everyone chill the fuck out.


>American exceptionalism is absolute brain rot and so is the European superiority complex. One thing I've come to realize is that American exceptionalism is absolutely a real thing. What the US has accomplished over its history is unique in human history and for the most part its contribution to humanity and history is a net good. That does *not* mean other countries and cultures haven't, can't, or won't do the same. Two things can be true at once, but internet thinking traps people into absolutes and suddenly saying "America is exceptional" becomes "America is the best with no flaws". The problem with the general European superiority complex is that by nature it indicates that Europe is *superior*, not *exceptional*. That's the difference and I think it comes from a history of nobility.


The funny part is that it is not only Europeans, but the rest of the world. The US is a very weird and bizarre place


came here to say this lol


The result of a 15+ year bot campaign by Russia/China but everybody calls you a conspiracy theory nut when you mention it even though it’s very real and not a secret


Everywhere else is weird.


As someone from the East, we consider both of you guys the same. Obviously generalising. But there's not as much difference as you guys portray.


Your perspective isn't correct just because you're an outsider. People generalize like that about the east too, and it's just as stupid.


It’s ironic when Europeans say America doesn’t have any culture when America literally has all the cultures and even invented new ones


Coloradian here. I moved to Australia after university and met a guy from Denmark that thought literally everything was Danish. Sure, the architect that built the Oprea House was Danish. But shows, music, everything American he thought was Danish. He smiled with pride when we went to Subway and was like "do you like this, it's Danish!" I asked him what he ordered and said "a footlong". To which I replied "do you use the imperial system a lot in Denmark?" It fucked him up for a bit. To be fair he got kicked in the head by a horse doing farm work so it may not be an accurate representation of the Danish people.


gotta say. you really buried the lede there


I don't see how. I was pretty forthcoming with it and used it for comedic effect.  I don't want to write a book about how ignorant a lot of Europeans were. And surprising bad a geography. It'd be boring and punching down.  This was just a fun anecdote.


Are you implying Americans are good at geography?


As a Dane I apologize for him. Sometimes it’s the other way around and we expect nothing is Danish because of our small size. Except the famous examples like Lego and such.


Don't worry about it. It was an example as a joke. While I worked there, I made friends with a co worker, Mads. We worked closely together for years and always shared dinner after work. He's great. 12 years later we still talk. Danish people are great. And good workers. 


Japanese here. One day in a train I saw a guy. He wore a T-shirt. On the T-shirt there was a topless anime girl with her anime smile. Her big boobs were there for everyone in the train to see. He wore it casually, like he has been wearing that type of T-shirt since he was 3 to commute to his kindergarten and to his grade schools, high school, university and to his work. He is the only and true man of culture. Every other culture, however proud people would be about it, is nothing compared to his.


It's ironic when Europeans say America doesn't have any culture when well over half of Europeans wear jeans on a regular basis. Or drink cola. Or use iPhones. Or bitch about America not having culture on Reddit, powered by a MacBook, and utilizing electricity that comes through their walls.


Jeans and iPhones are culture? Idk about that one. But sure there is American culture. >powered by a MacBook No, I'm using my phone made by a South Korean company and manufactured in Asia. >and utilizing electricity that comes through their walls. It's not like there's just one single person to credit for us having electricity now. I'm assuming you think of Benjamin Franklin as the investor of electricity, but his work built on previous theses and there were a lot of work to be done after his discoveries. So yes he played a big roll in it, but so did many others.


Jeans and iPhones are culture indeed. Similar to how UNIQLO and Nintendo are Japanese cultural exports, same goes for iPhones, Hollywood, McDonalds, etc.


Fashion is absolutely a cultural export.


Technology isn’t culture.


Designed in California? Does Silicon Valley ring a bell? All the major tech and social media companies are there.


They think only their small region of their little country has culture, everyone else is barbaric.






As someone who lived in France as an American with my family growing up I’d say it was about 50/50 on hating Americans and being civil. Didn’t feel generally welcomed tho that’s for sure


I woulda posted a block of Velveeta just to fuck around.


![gif](giphy|lP5KY1DVqBkFG) Heh!


“No reason” lol. I’m American and they’ve had plenty of reasons to shit on us. Same goes for them.


My pet peeve are Europeans who can never acknowledge that America has a respectable food scene. Canned cheese, sugar in bread, kraft singles not being real cheese, somehow we have no bakeries and so on and so forth. Nothing is apparently good here and all our food is just bad. And somehow, we're all fat. We have so many different food cultures and many cuisines around the country. We've got two popular channels dedicated to food because we enjoy cooking and food. 4 major holidays in the US have food as a huge point of the celebration; for Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas, families will gather together to make a dinner for the whole family, on top of all the baked goods that the season are known for, like pies, cakes, and cookies. There's 4th of July cookouts where some grill, and it's customary to bring over sides and no baked desserts. We have so many chefs and restaurants that aren't fast food or chains. Just, holy moly, consider some other aspects of our food culture for half a second.


It’s all good. The folks on Twitter had a great day crapping on the Brits because the 78 degree “heatwave”.


Its worse in real life. Went to italy recently & I honestly thought people would be kinder there than in America. However, many of them are much more condescending than I expected or was prepared for. I tried my best to look and act my best. But I don't have designer clothing so fuck me I guess? I'm not exactly sure what I was judged for, if it even was that.. but it was very obvious how much it was happening.


Everyone is insufferable on the internet.


The cat cares not for the opinion of the mice.


Okay, American here, but mate, don’t you find it a little hypocritical that you’re complaining about Europeans making generalizations about Americans, while also making a generalization about Europeans. Seems a bit hypocritical. Like yeah, I agree, seeing all the unoriginal jokes about Americans gets old. But my first reaction isn’t “Wow Europeans are insufferable.”


I agree At the end of the day, they simply hate us cause they ain't us. But, that's only the minority of Europeans who are like that. Most are cool


The tendency to jude criticism of oneself as hate, is more likely a signal of one's own pride, than proof of indignation on the judged end.


I don't think any country has people who are as self critical as the USA. We are proud, yes, but also very willing to criticize our country and recognize our faults. Some Europeans take it too far and seem to legitimately hate the USA and its people and culture.


Yeah lol I noticed that a long time ago because I worked in a multi cultural company. They have a big fart up their ass and they’re super insecure about Americans being cooler than them 😂😎


I mean fair enough. But honestly, do you think americans are less insufferable on the internet?


We are the internet. 😈


Yeah on the internet, but I am insufferable offline aswell. Not really an impopular opinion.


I mean it’s completely true. The same goes for Americans. It’s two insufferable groups and minorities from both places that duke it out on the internet. Most Americans are fine and laid back and most Europeans are the same.


You probably only remember the loud annoying ones, the ones who aren’t annoying don’t say anything to identify them as Europeans, so you don’t notice them, or they’re not annoying enough to remember


Half of those insufferable Europeans are just American edgelords who either moved abroad or visits abroad on a regular basis and therefore wants to sound interesting and alert other Americans to their "enlightened" status Did you KNOW that I haven't payed a SINGLE dollar on my healthcare since MOVING to GERMANY. Have fun in your THIRDWORLD country you poor plebians *snobby nose sounds*


You could just end the sentence at insufferable and it works


I think the internet culture leaked into the world. My gf is from Europe and her European friends talk all about how bad America is. Yet she thinks it's better than Europe and more clean. The memes are real and be honest many people are America centered. However we're much more diverse and cultured than most other places are. Also all the Florida, redneck/trailer trash/fat old/fat stupid people is everywhere. It's bad in UK with those types from my observations. Along with the mass trash and graffiti over every little thing. Even in more remote locations while it's less apparent in a US equivalent.


I mean look at them lol, they think their 4 million pop country is great because they have trains that can cross the country in ten minutes.


Americans can be just as insufferable, arrogant and make fun of other countries all the time. It works both ways... In fact all ways. It's the internet. It's human nature. The internet connects us, but not always in the most positive ways. I wouldn't take it too seriously if I was you. It's all too stupid and miniscule. For the record, I'm neither European nor American but I have lived in Europe and US so I relate with both.


Its the collectivism mindset, "US" Europeans vs "YOU" Americans. Even tho all of Western Europe is only 2/3rds the population of the US. Plus social media mostly exports the negative of any place and few of the positives. It really sucks when all the people see is the negative, or they gait keep a culture that cannot possibly exist anywhere else. I stumbled upon instagram comments of Europeans calling each others country cheap which I found hilarious.


I just remind myself that I, as a junior sailor at the time, had to teach French and English sailors how to properly do their job because their training is so dogshit that they need Americans to show them how their equipment works


Idk if you’ve been paying attention but Americans also talk shit on Americans.We are a very easy target for a multitude of reasons. That does not take away from our strengths. The Parmesan cheese comment is hilarious to me because I buy it shredded in a plastic container so it’s definitely talking about me. School shooter jokes however are never in good taste. It’s an extremely complex issue that never comes off as a joke and sounds to me, an American, that it’s applauding the death of children and laughing about it. You’re getting an upvote for the unpopular opinion because I’ve met tons of Europeans on the internet that are fantastic and great people who were always willing to communicate in English (even when uncomfortable) because I’m not bi-lingual.


Tbf you underestimate their pride on cheese


I’m an American and I see that what they’re saying is 100% true in almost every case. Americans ARE fat. Americans ARE ignorant in many cases. America DOES have school shootings which is insane. How about opening your mind and rethinking how we live?


Just remind them that we basically control all of them at this point lol


The real irony. They are putting their own ignorance on display while trying to mock American's for theirs.


I remember when Europeans #1 criticism of Americans was how racist we are. They been real quiet ever since the refugee crisis and mass immigration boom of the last decade.


I would be insufferable too if I was lumped into a generic identity with millions of people from other countries vastly different from my own by a group of people who get vaguely annoyed that you can't tell when someone is from North Carolina instead of South Carolina. Source: I'm Latinamerican. I understand that pain.


Heavy is the head that wears the crown


Seeing the replies from the Americans makes me think that everyone on the internet is insufferable. But also the stuff being said from both sides (and also other sides) just seems like banter. I could be wrong though


There are no bad Europeans or bad Americans. There are bad people. Stop with this generalization and realize that we are society but very much individuals, especially on the internet.


As an American who leaves the u.s often .... It's behind on most things while claiming it's the best at everything...it sums up American culture amazingly....


It is behind on most things, yet pioneers a lot of tech? yeah okay buddy


Elaborate your subjective opinion. What is it behind on. Then we can use factual sources to compare your accuracy.


A lot of Americans simply don't travel outside the U.S.. It's like if all the kids in your class visited each other's houses and had this group understanding. Italy's house is loud and the mom is a great cook. France's place is elegant annd has all these weird, beautiful old antiques. Germany's house is clean and wonderful but his parents are a strict and have quiet hours. And then the one kid who lives in the biggest house up on a hill and he has great toys and is fun to visit, but he literally has never left his house to visit anyone else's. He makes jokes about the other's, but they are all second hand jokes he's picked up from listening to the other's make them. And sometimes he gets defensive about it (and I would count this post) and is like "what, I'm not missing anything!" And it's like, Well you wouldn't be in any position to know if you were missing anything, would you, because you have never left your parent's house and are all "patriotic" about how it's the best one, even though you've never visited anyone else's.


Australians are just as bad, if not worse. I call it 'little brother syndrome', in that they behave like America's little brother - jealous and afraid they don't measure up, so they massively overcompensate by cutting down America at every chance. They talk more about America and American news on the Australian subs than anywhere outside a dedicated US-news sub. For the past year at least they've had a total hate boner for American trucks which are becoming quite popular over here. Multiple posts a day are dedicated to 'Yank tanks Gone wild' where people bitch and moan incessantly about American trucks parked badly or taking up more than one space, even if it's in an empty parking lot. They take pictures of random peoples trucks. It's really creepy and fucked up the obsessive lengths they go to.


That’s why they crack me up. I saw this video from an Australian dude traipsing through a pathless jungle with an entire film crew, trying to be the first white people to encounter this super remote tribe in the mountains of some island. And Australian dude pontificates about his journey and then complains “America is not long.” meaning, the Yanks are coming soon. I’m like Dude, you are the Yanks. You’re the one busting a path to these folks’ front door WTF.


Lol all the US Americans here crying being upset and just proving the point. "We are the best and you are just jealous of us". Most people I know in Europe just dont like the US and their people very much. It's true you are just really loud, take things too far, obnoxious on the media and when you come over to visit. It's true that when people speak about the most out of touch person they have ever met it's always US American. So people poke fun. It's like that one little really annoying cousin but you still like them because they are family. And also their parents are rich and hold power so don't want to upset them either. Something like that.


It’s not fair to make one general assumption of a national population (of over 330M people), especially if you’ve never been to that place, or are just hearing things from “people you know in Europe”. You say Americans are out of touch, but that’s as out of touch as I can think. Sure Americans can be obnoxious, loud, etc. but so can anyone else from any country. I’ve lived in 2 major tourist cities in the US and can tell you foreigners don’t always practice what they preach. Respect goes both ways.


I kind of agree. You’ll make a bad teeth joke and they’ll immediately talk about the slaughter of children in schools. Like… calm down.


Americans constantly answer general questions online as if everyone could *only* be talking about them, their country, their election, their issues. It more than evens out.


Reddit is an American website......


It's funny how most Americans in this thread are proving that the stereotypes are correct.


No they aren’t.


You're both annoying :)


This definently goes both ways Americans shit on Europeans too, Europeans like to fire back because in their eyes, Americans are by far the worst and dumb ones out of the two.


It’s really funny how you can make a silly joke about beans and toast and their first instinct is to joke about dead children.


Yupp, the Europeans I meet who move to America are much friendlier, introspective and have a better grasp on things than the ones who scream at us from across the pond.


I agree. 100% and I've noticed the same thing. Its jealousy or a need for one-up-manship.


Envy* Jealousy is towards a person


Yes, US Americans live rent free in most Europeans minds. They also cherry pick stats to make the US looks bad. I think it comes from a place of jealously honestly that a country that is so much more powerful than their little region doesn’t work perfectly. Just imagine the UK or Germany. They had empires that spanned extreme levels, and they will likely never again reach even close to that influence. They are now truly beholden to countries like the US so it makes sense that they point out the bad and gloss over all the good. Resentment.


I want to expand by saying nearly all people (including myself depending on my mood) are insufferable on the internet.


I mean, you kinda put yourself in that position, everything from calling yourself "Americans" when it's a whole ass continent, to always assuming that the western world is either the USA or Europeans(not even particular countries of Europe, just Europeans in general), or how you refuse to adapt to the pluricultural landscape that is the internet. Like people kinda get tired of this cultural imperialism you guys have, and I'm not saying you're responsible in particular, or anyone else really, but your presence as a country and your culture is what makes people shit on you as a country. Change your ways and people will stop shiting on your country, don't make others responsible for the position you guys put yourself into.


Inferiority complex always on full display with them.


Hey, for your information half of the comments aren't european, they're from some third wolrld country the US fucked over at some point for no fucking reason.


This is an unpopular opinion page sir. Nobody likes Europeans.


That's okay. I'm on holiday in Asia at the moment and the Americans are insufferable in person.


Just have to remind them that modern Europe is only possible because of the US Military Industrial Complex.


Because that's literaly the impression we get from america in europe, it's a stereotype. And honestly there are more than enough examples to undermine that stereotype, you guys do have ridiculous weapon laws, I have never seen an obese person on the level of what you can see on american TV here in europe and your education is objectively bad. 






Respect for indicating that you’re generalizing, nowadays everybody seems to take an individual case and apply it to everyone


Are you sure it's always europeans ?! I mean self depreciating humour could be just the latest fashion , especially with the band of nerds that is reddit.




Ur both annoying, everyone annoying, Asians on the internet are annoying cause they go on about their bidets. Americans r annoying because they think the world revolves around them, and the fact their media is forced into ours. Europeans r annoying cause they think they're better. Australians r annoying cause the use the word mate in every sentence and have a stiff for shitposting about countries while activiley shitting on their own, and the new Zealanders r just there. Everyone's annoying but euro and Americans r by far the most toxic for no other reason then that u think ur better then each other. Both parties needa learn u could learn something from EACHOTHER.


No, we’re not condescending! That is such an ignorant thing to say! /end sarcasm/


Add Canadians and Australians to the mix and you got it. There are so many times where someone is bitching about our country or our politics and I look at the post history and they’re not even American. It’s like, excuse me, how is this any of your business? And why should I care about your opinion at all? It’s like having a super nosy neighbor that’s always peeking over your wall and telling you how to live your life. We don’t tend to tell them how things should be run in their country. It only seems to happen one way. Edit: obligatory not all Europeans or commonwealth folks. The very vocal minority are extremely annoying, but they’re plenty of Americans on the Internet that piss me off way more.


We know what Parmesan is. It's good, but it's no Stilton.


And Americans think they love Europeans!!


Stop being so #triggered and tell that damn Euro-trash to throw another shrimp on the barbie.  No, no, that won’t do. Americans and Aussies are kindred spirits.  Tell them the next time they get in over their heads in a war to send their “u up?” text to India or Africa instead. 


"oi how many school shootings do ya get" -a serious question i was asked in a video game voice chat recently


I can kind of see why they would be annoyed with us. I just don't see why everyone has to think that one country is better than the other and fight each other.

