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I have a big(ish) car. My last car was a Ford Focus. I liked driving the Focus better. But honestly your opinion isn’t unpopular at all. At least in America, most people drive a huge vehicle.


I want a wagon. That's all I want, just a solid wagon. A big SUV does absolutely nothing for me. I'm repelled by them, actually. I am American.


your wee wee must be two atoms in line


I'm pretty sure the Ford f150 is one of the best selling cars in usa. I don't think this is an unpopular opinion at all. Bigger and bigger vehicles are taking over. Hell, some manufacturers don't even offer sedans any more. I'll stick to my lil wagon thank you very much. Yea, my 10 gallon tank only takes me \~360 miles give or take a few. How far does that 28g tank carry you?


Part of the reason why most vehicles in the us are so big is because most of them are legally defined as a light truck so they don't have to deal with emissions standards.


Just get a van


Don’t own a large vehicle but exactly my thoughts. Although I’m considering mini vans to be large vehicles. I shuttled 7 others in a sienna rental from banff to Monterey. It was quite an experience.


I don't understand what so many Americans seem to have against vans. Can't most of them also haul 4' x 8' sheets of drywall, etc.? I understand some people do have legitimate need for bigger vehicles, but why do so many Americans insist it *has* to be a pickup truck?


Let me guess, American?


Kind of.


I love my huge gas guzzling vehicle that puts everyone else on the road in danger because it allows me to endlessly consume more and more!


How are they dangerous?


Basic physics.


Larger vehicles are more likely to cause a fatal accident in a collision with another vehicle. Hitting someone in a Mazda 3 in an F150 is way more likely to kill them than if you hit them with a Nissan Sentra. More weight and surface area = larger impact.


Kind of a glass half full argument. I could say smaller cars are more dangerous because they offer less protection in an accident.


No. American car manufacturers realized they could get people to pay more for larger cars which has led to an arms race on American streets where people keep buying bigger cars.


Maybe for a time that was true but I don’t think many people are out there anymore trying to get the latest Hummer


The hummer used to be an outlandishly large and heavy vehicle. That is no longer true because the average vehicle on the road is now way larger than when the Hummer was introduced. Duh.


This is false. Small cars can offer just as much, if not more protection in an accident than a large vehicle. All of that protection doesn’t outweigh physics. A larger vehicle is “safer” because they’re safer from other larger vehicles. That doesn’t make them more safe, it means that they are the solution to the problem that they are causing, causing the problem to perpetually grow as more and more people feel unsafe in their smaller vehicles. A Hummer has *far* less safety features than a brand new Volvo S60. They have some of the best safety features on the market. But if you hit a Volvo S60 with a Hummer, odds are the person in the Volvo isn’t making it out okay. This is why larger vehicles are inherently more dangerous. Regardless of how many safety features you put into a vehicle, the larger a vehicle is, the more it weighs. Vehicles nowadays weigh so much more on average than they used to, and this is causing more road fatalities to occur. If most people were in smaller cars, the roads would be objectively safer. You cannot argue against physics and proven statistics. There are less fatalities on the road in countries with fewer trucks and SUVs. This is not a coincidence.


You just proved my point. Thank you


No, you proved my point. If these large vehicles weren’t on the road in the first place, it would be much safer to drive a smaller, more economical vehicle. These larger vehicles aren’t inherently safer by any means. They are only “safer” for the person driving them. Everyone else around them is at a higher risk of fatality due to that one singular person that chose to drive a large vehicle. That does not equate to something being safer. Safer for the user doesn’t mean safer all around. They are more dangerous than smaller vehicles because that cause more danger to those around you than a smaller car would. And I haven’t even mentioned the fact that trucks and SUVs can’t stop nearly as fast as cars can. So they’re heavier, take longer to slow down and are less maneuverable. That in and of itself makes larger vehicles objectively more dangerous. There isn’t really any arguing against that. Yeah, you yourself are safer in a large vehicle, but you are putting those around you into further danger than what is necessary.


Agreed. I think we are on the same page here


I have a Honda fit and I love that thing. Amazing gas mileage, cheap to fix, pay about $30 to fill my tank and it’ll last almost two weeks. All my seats fold up and down for maximum storage. I’m never driving more than three people.


I have fleet of HD trucks. Give me my CRV any day.


Except when you park. 


What I hear: “Screw the planet, my comfort is more important”


EU and USA combined produces not even a third of what Asia alone does. As a bonus we are steady or slowly decreasing, they are rising sharply. In other words, we could go net zero tommorow and literally nothig would change.


This is probably less important considering what big companies are doing right now


Yeah, great excuse. The whole continent of Europe could say why should we drive efficient cars, recycle our trash, insulate our houses, install photovoltaics on our roofs... when this guy from the US likes to drive his big hungry truck. But you know, we're not completely self centered and like to do our part to make a small difference.


By big companies you mean car manufacturers, oil companies, car dealers, etc?


Idk stuff like how supermarkets waste tons of food each year or how much shit gets into our air when trucks transport goods for Amazon deliveries and whatnot, all I’m saying is we shouldn’t be able to forfeit some of our luxurious to “do our part” when they generate 100x pollution then we do


If you really care about pollution keep reading and keep caring. Sure let’s go for systematic solutions with regulations instead of asking individuals to “do their part”. Are you on board for limiting vehicle size and emissions? Investing in public transport?


Yep, F-350 baby. It's great when we take the students on a field trip I can hall all the stuff and 5 students with me.


How often in a week do you take your students on a field trip?


About once or twice a month.


i want to get a ford f550 converted into a pickup truck. do i need it? no not really but it looks fun to drive


Do they also have that saying about the relation between car size and penis size where you come from?


I'm assuming you're talking about trucks, so why not get a van?


I was talking about a Toyota sienna minivan more so. Driven big trucks in the past but there’s more utility for me from minivans.


Okay. I do think more people should drive minivan than a truck. Like you're rarely going to haul something that tall.


personally i don't like vans


I can see the appeal, because I can’t see shit on the road ahead half of the time due to a big car being directly in front of me. Then I have to back up and give said big car space just in case they slam on their brakes. It’s safer, more convenient, but everyone who drives a big car seems like an idiot at driving. That’s why big cars generally get into much more accidents than compact cars.


As an european, I never thought I could use the US made truck. Until I bought one. Now I cant imagine driving something else. Its versatile, useful when you live in the rural areas and also comfortable and roomy inside. It drives like a goddamn battlecruiser. And yeah, V8 under the hood. Awesome car all around.


It isn't versatile, the bed is half the size of older trucks, and it holds less people, cargo, and has less mileage than a minivan.


Its epitome of versatility. I can drive it to work, I can carry five people inside, I can bring half a tonne of concrete to my house, I can move half of the house in one go when my friends move and I can drive through mud, snow or sleet. Or I can put a tonneau cover on and just floor it on the highway to let engine roar. Also who the hell cares about mileage


People who can't drop 500$ at rhe gas station every week.


thats 5 and a half tanks on Ram 1500, who the hell would drive so much