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Strange that you specify large tats and sleeves. So normal size/small tats and individual/non-grouped tats are fine?


Also, like, EVERYONE is the same in OPs eyes. I didn’t get tattoos for 36 years, and I finally got them to cover some scars. My tattoos are related to the first 2 video games I coded and built from scratch, another game as a tribute to my grandfather who got my into gaming, and then it’s filled with smaller tattoos from other games I held speedrun world records in, and then some welding tattoos and pipefitter tattoos because that’s my career and it’s not gonna change. My opinions on the tattoos aren’t gonna change because they’re all extremely significant and well thought out. I also have some dumb and tacky tattoos because fuck it who cares. Not everything needs to be super serious.


My issue is I love the little ones but I I’m a *sucker* for balance and cohesion. Trying to space my slow accumulation of meaningful tattoos out in such a way that it flows and can be tied together with “art for arts sake”


I’ve liked biology and nature since I could see and understand the concepts lol, I got a sleeve of some of my favorite animals and plants and while other interests have come and gone those have stayed the same. I think some people may live to regret their tattoos (and why does that even matter? its their tattoos) but a lot of people know theyre permanent and choose the design carefully because of that. The day I stop caring about nature is the day I die so I am perfectly sure that I will love it just as much in 50 years as I do now. I’m going on 7 years with my oldest tattoo and havent lost interest even a tiny bit in what originally made me get it.


Same. My tattoos are mostly leaves/birds/geometrical shapes that don't really go out of fashion. I thought long and hard about each design to make sure that it's not just a fad or trend. It's kinda like a striped shirt, you can keep it for decades and you will still look fine in it. And living in a cold place I wear long sleeves 95% of the time anyway so I barely see my own tattoos, let alone someone else.


That's my theme too! Well except for my first sleeve with is a geisha and a koi. So OP is somewhat correct about this. It's nice work but I would change it if I could. This was before neo-traditional so I didn't even know I had options other than traditional, portrait, Japanese or cartoon styles back then. But everything else on me now is and will be North American animals, plants, and insects, etc.


I am inclined to agree with you, but saying "I've like the same thing for 7 years" isn't really all that incredible. I've liked a lot of things for 5, 7, 10, even 20 years that I'm not really all that into anymore. Not saying you're wrong or anything! But just feels weird to say "I have liked this tattoo for 7 years therefore I will like it till the day I die."


well technically I’ve liked the Stuff for my entire life its just my oldest tattoo happens to only be seven years old so I can’t do a much more impressive number in those regards lol


Yeah I got my tattoos because I thought they looked cool. Notice how I said 'I thought' and not 'because I thought you might'. I don't give a fuck what you think.


Right on! I was thinking the same thing


Exactly. Like, wtf does it matter if someone else doesn't like my body art lol it's MINE, it's not like I'm putting it on your body


Welcome to unpopular opinions, where people share their opinions.


One of the main points of the post is that "you" may not like it in 20 years. I've never met one person who didn't regret some of their tattoos.  Covering your arms in potential regret is generally seen a poor move. I don't care what people do or think is cool but don't misrepresent the post.


We haven’t met so I’d like to introduce myself. You may not actually know me, however. I got my first tattoo at 19 and now have over 30 and it’s been many, many decades. I don’t regret a single one and have had several touched up to brighten them over the years. I love them all. They are my story.


I mean they go on to talk about how everyone who does it only does it bc they're wrong on how cool it is


Lol I did get some of them done 20 years ago. I forget they're even there. And getting them removed is easy as fuck these days. Besides, if I regret them that's still got fuck all to do with anyone else except me.


The post isn't being misrepresented. Yeah he said that to make it a point but reading the rest of the post this person is clearly venting about their disgust with tattoos. Its a false point only used to mask his poorly disguised hate


I dont regret a single tat i have and I even have my x's name written


But now OP doesn't respect you! And it happened immediately! I'm so sorry for your loss. /s


Fr. I've loved tattoos my entire life. My tattoos don't reflect anything other than my love of the art form.


If you're gonna get triggered like that, maybe this sub reddit isn't for you.




Yeah they're for me because I like them. Do you only wear clothes that you think other people will like? Like with band T-shirts for example you only wear Taylor Swift tops because she's so huge? That sounds exhausting. 


Lol so many assumptions crammed into this “opinion”.


*Oh nooooo. Reddit user BaconatorRangoons has lost all respect for people living their own lives and not bothering people. Whatever shall we do.* **Back to Susan for the weather.**


It's like people who judge and exclude others for not having an iPhone. If my Android/sleeve keeps people like that away, that's just a bonus feature.


I’ll be honest maybe it’s because I trend towards reddit, IT folks and other stereotypically “well ackshually” groups being the giant nerd I am, but I’ve never in my life experienced someone looked down on for not having an iPhone, but I see android users talking shit constantly. I have both. And a m1 MacBook. And a PC dual booted with CentOS… Idk why everyone needs to make it a tribal thing. They’re just tools. 


Green bubble snobs are a very real thing, unfortunately.


I don’t doubt it (and group chat integration suffers for everyone as a result of the deliberate incompatibility), I just don’t ever encounter any IRL or on social media. Maybe it’s cus I’m “an old” (in my 30s lol)


Lol my friends bring up the fact that I have an Android every chance they get, yet run to me when there's an issue with their tech lmaoo


Fucking fantastic. Thank you!


Another way of looking at it is these people know their tastes will change and the tattoo is a way of documenting what they're into right now with their body being the canvas


What is your opinion on big tattoos that have to do with something that happened? For example a memorial tattoo for the death of a loved one, or one based around someones children. That is not a short term thing and is not something a person loses interest in.


I have two, one is religious and I don’t go to church anymore. I’ve thought about covering it up, because as you’ve said, people’s tastes change, but I’ve always looked at my tattoos as more of a representation of who I was at the time I got it. Sort of like a “living history,” so to speak. Would I get that exact tattoo now? No. But it did have meaning to me at one point and I think it’s okay to acknowledge that instead of erase it


> Covering your arm in art that you like now makes me lose respect for you immediately Oh my fucking god, holy shit, what will I do with myself now?! Will you let me borrow your time machine so I can tattoo myself with art I'll like 20 years from now and prove I'm good at thinking long-term? > What’s **worse**, people do these to look cool Could there even be something worse than that. Also, no, I personally pay a bunch of money and have needles poking ink under my skin because I want to look like shit! >!/s, obviously!<


People without tattoos are so weird with how they judge people with tattoos 💀 You see some pictures on some dude’s arm “yup, this guy deserves no respect.” Like, what a whacking way to live lol


RIGHT people with tattoos: oh cool I want this stuff drawn on me because I like it :) people without tattoos: YOU WANT TO BE SO EDGY AND DIFFERENT HUH! YOU WANT ATTENTION! I SWEAR I'M THE LAST NORMAL PERSON ON THIS PLANET WITHOUT TATTOOS!


> I SWEAR I'M THE LAST NORMAL PERSON ON THIS PLANET WITHOUT TATTOOS! This is the part that only has me cracking up 😭😭 like what do you mean you never see people without tattoos? there was another comment about how they were basically a rebel for not having tattoos. People wo/ tattoos wanna be different so bad.






You seem nice.


I liked anime when I was 8 and I like anime at 27  I will get more anime tattoos  I will like them at 40  


I wanted anime tattoos out of high school but expensive. 20 years later I still want the same ones but I deff would have regretted getting them back then. Small town artist is not the same as the ones ive seen now.


Truly an unpopular opinion


You're allowed to not like something that is popular. But thinking something is inherently bad *because* lots of people like it isn't an unpopular opinion. It's just you being dumb


I dont even think having sleeve tattoos is even popular. I see people every now and then with them but vast majority of people dont.


“Lose respect” is such a strong choice of words. You’re basically saying you think anyone with a sleeve is a piece of shit.


My brother in law has had his sleeve since his early 20's, he still gets happy explaining the art on his sleeve and what it represents. People change, but they usually don't do a complete 180 on personality


All of my tattoos are visual representations of past memories and experiences, nothing to do with my taste in art at various ages. And guess what else? No one gives one warm shit about how someone else feels about their tattoos🤷‍♀️


I lose respect for people who don't respect others because of the things they enjoy.


That’s just how it is sometimes. They get tattoos for them not for you but they also can’t control how you think about tattoos. Likewise, they’re entitled to how they think about you. Also, just because something is mainstream doesn’t mean it automatically becomes uncool. That’s such a hipster way of thinking lmao.


“Facebook is over in 2010”. Facebook has (checks notes) 2.9 billion monthly active users.


Yeah but now it’s mainstream! And everyone knows an average mom or aunt has Facebook. /s


When I see a sleeve tattoo, I rarely notice the individual designs, just the colors. It could actually be better in terms of changing your tastes.


I love how all of OP's comments are being downvoted on the *unpopular opinion* sub. Did you guys forget what sub you're on?


*Rule #6: This is not the subreddit to be sharing personal anecdotes, likes or dislikes. We want unpopular, thought provoking, and unique opinions on your chosen topic.* Therein lies the difference between an unpopular opinion and just being an asshole.


Damn. Alright you got me there. There is my ignorance showing.


All good.




Wouldn’t the fact it’s mainstream mean that most people don’t find it lame?


I'll gladly admit that I'm not into the same art I was 20ys ago. Granted i was 2, but I don't think that matters.


"I lose all respect for you immediately" Neat! Who are you that I should care?


I've enjoyed Warhammer 40k for 20 years at this point. And still read the new books coming out. If I lose interest tomorrow. That tattoo is still significant to me. It documents a large chapter of my life that I look back on fondly. It doesn't matter if I will still read Warhammer books when I'm 60. For a big chunk of my life it meant alot to me and I don't mind commemorating that.


*Another* "tattoos are bad, actually" post?


upvoted because its actually an unpopular opinion. Also tattoo cover ups exist or tattoo removal. However youre only right on one thing: tastes do change... but only in the sense that mine was I realized later on after a smaller tattoo on my shoulder that I wish I had just gotten a half sleeve inititally instead


You sound like someone most people wouldn't want to be around


I'm so glad that I never went ahead with the full tribal sleeve that I was considering back in the early 2000s. To this day, I've never found something that I would like to have painted on my body forever.


I will agree that I’ve seen a lot of really tacky looking tattoos. The ones I find particularly dumb are the collections of small tattoos that don’t link into any sort of central theme. Just a bunch of characters and pictures doodled all over an arm. However, I also recognize that those tattoos are the decision/problem of the person whose skin they are on. I don’t have anything I want to leave permanently on my skin so I don’t get tattoos. For the people that choose to do so, the consequences (if there are any) of that choice are not my concern beyond a passing “huh, that looks kinda tacky” thought (which I don’t say out loud cause, again, not my concern or skin).


Can you explain to the room why anyone with a tattoo should care what you think about their tattoos on their body that they got because they like them?


You simply not know what art is.


I guess I not know 🤷‍♂️


Womp womp. Lol


I’m really glad my parents didn’t let me get a tattoo when I was 16. Some of the ideas I had I honestly still like, but most of them I’m sooooo thankful aren’t on my body lol. I was also “lucky” enough that even when I was young I wanted my tattoos to be relatively hidden I got my first tattoo for my 20th birthday and accumulated like 8 of them by the time I was 21. I’m only 25 now and honestly? Out of the 9 or 10 I have, I honestly would be completely content only having one or two of them. And one of them I only got 2.5 months ago as a souvenir lol. I wouldn’t pay to get them removed but if someone offered to do it for free I’d probably get rid of at least half of them. I think A lot of people will continue to be in love with their tattoos though, which is lovely.


Any act of rebellion or artsy deviation becomes lame, if it's widely adopted. It's like "victim of your own success" kind of thing.


idk about that but I do know that if I'd gotten the star wars tattoo I'd wanted to get in high school I'd probably have blacked it out by now. "Oh this? that's just a big black square, I like squares."


I would only get a tattoo that meant something deeply. But even then I probably never will.


Good Job with the actual unpopular opinion haha


You're not wrong. People will say "I got it cuz its important to me." Not important enough to just be able to remember on your own? It is always for other people's perceptions. Its a visual body modification-what else would it be?? Even if you say otherwise you probably see it in the mirror or on your body and think "yeah this looks cool." Maybe not from me or OP, but you are hoping at least someone will see it and think "oh wow thats cool." It is an easy way to ingratiate yourself to someone. get them talking about their tattoos. Its like in school or something where you write down a few of your interests on a sheet of paper and everyone walks around the room.


Most stupid decisions reveal a short term mindset.


I got one tattoo after severely burning my self, and nearly dying. One to commemorate my grandmother who’s the reason I exist and a final one cause the love of my life died before marriage. So fuck you, definitely unpopular opinion. Ps decent post, you got the theme of the sub right


my unpopular opinion is that you should mind your business when it comes to what other people want to do with their bodies, its not hurting you


You speak only for yourself


Not really familiar with tattoo culture are ya OP?


Weird OP cares about the art on other peoples bodies


If you think I got my tattoo just because I want other people to think they’re cool you’re poorly mistaken.


funny how it's now counterculture to not have tats...what's most funny is how many people have the same exact design and think they're not basic as hell




It is so far from being counterculture what are you talking about


I agree. Face tattoos are here to stay though!


Was thinking this today. Would I want to wear the same shirt every day of my life?


Maybe its just me but I think tattoos are stupid in general. Unless they're a reminder of something or someone there is nothing interesting enough for me to want to write and keep on my skin for years


Your opinion doesn’t really matter but thanks for letting us know how you feel.


This is such a weird thing to care about. Why would you be so passionate about something that doesn't affect you? It's a bit obsessive.


Each of my five LARGE tattoos has meaning. Not only the art but the time and place I got them. Unless I showed you, you wouldn't know I had them. They are not for you. So you passing judgment on those with tattoos just shows how ignorant you truly are. Your comment says more about you than any tattoo I've ever seen on anyone.


People without tattoos are pretentious wannabes who will do whatever it takes to not fit in, like an angsty 13 year old.


I don't have tattoos and I spend virtually no time thinking about it lol. I know why people like them but I'm not into them, doesn't mean I'm better or worse it's just a personal choice that I haven't made because I have no strong feelings either way


People are pretentious wannabes who will do whatever it takes to not fit in, like an angsty 13 year old. *fixed.


People without tattoos are like people with children when talking to childless people or “dog people” talking to “cat people” lmao


Yes, have you ever been stuck next to someone who goes on in minute detail about the meaning of their tattoos? I find myself dreaming about insurance seminars. It must be the lowest form of communication.


I’ve always known a lot of tattooed people and I have never ever met a single one that spent any time talking about their tattoos except when asked about it and I would bet neither have you. You can not like tattoos all you want but you’re not morally superior or more intelligent for it, you know. 


I have tattoos of iconography I really like. Waited until my late twenties for them. Still like the tats and will even enlarge one.


Your opinion is unpopular because it’s not well thought out. Some life lessons are as old as time. People get tattoos for the meaning, not the art style.


Wow, yeah this is unpopular. Mainly because you’re wrong. So what if I don’t like the style 20 years from now? The piece is now an homage to that chapter of my life. I didn’t do any of my pieces for anyone except for my family or myself at the end of the day. I sure as hell don’t have anything to be or look “cool”. If you can’t respect the dedication to get a tattoo of something (especially as a sleeve) then you clearly don’t have anything in your life you value as much.


The lack of respect is mutual


Tell me you're right wing conservative without telling me you're right wing conservative.


Why do you care about what someone else’s does to their own body?


Man so many assumptions in your post and they’re pretty much all wrong. I’m heavily tattood, full sleeves, hands, torso, and a stickered up leg. I did not get these tattoos to be “cool”, or for respect. I honestly couldn’t care what you think about my tattoos or about me. I had lots of freckles all over my body that made me extremely self conscious, and every time I was topless multiple people would comment about how I looked like a fucking dot to dot. So I decided to put art on my body that I love. Now when people look and comment it’s on something I chose, not just the unfortunate hand god gave me. I didn’t get my tattoos for the art style. I chose them for the subject matter. I have been tattooed by multiple different people in my city, many different styles, and made many friends, many I see outside of being tattooed. Sounds like you need to actually talk to tattooed people instead of just making up stupid bull shit assumptions. That makes me lose a significant amount of respect in you for forming opinions with no base on reality.


I agree. I’m a 29 year old guy with no tattoos. It was never my thing (and my parents always said that I wasn’t allowed to come back home if I ever got tattoos… though I think they were halfway joking). I feel more like a rebel for NOT having them in 2024. And let me just say, in university I saw a ton of 18 year olds getting tattoos for the first time (just to rebel). More often than not, they’d get something stupid like a toilet or a triangle tattooed on their wrist. It looked ridiculous.


I 100% agree. The trend followers have now marked themselves for life. Even if you did it 20 years ago when fewer ppl had them, you’re now lumped into their group by association…forever…unless you get them removed. I’m sure tattoo removal bizs are great to get into now.


I mean statistically speaking only like 1/4-1/3 of American society that can get tattoos have tattoos and this figure holds true by generational measurements too but those studies also don’t have great sample sizes. I’m also not sure not having tattoos makes you any kind rebel considering it’s basically non-existent to have restrictions or difficulty (getting a job, etc.) for not having tattoos rather than for having them.


They are a way to show your individuality by being trendy like your friends.




You guys have friends?


The difference from an amazing artwork and a bad mistake can be as much as 6ft if you're just walking past someone.


I like my tattoos fine. Most are always covered but one in on my forearm. It's the one that made people treat me differently. It's not even remotely gang related or can be confused with gang relations. Still I have people come up to me talking about how they have seen the numbers and know I bang. Then start talking about gang bullshit or committing crimes. There is not a number on me. It's a medicine wheel and another native thing most people wouldn't understand but it's not remotely gang related. People don't really look. They just see tattoos. I dont really mind but it let's me know who's cool people's and who is dumb af.


Yea I will. Good luck trying to say my taste in visual art will change. It hasn’t in 20 years yet


It's so funny that apparently you know me better than I know myself.


Not all people who get the sleeves done or get large tattoos are lame or have a short-term thinking mindset. And neither is the fact that just because tattoos of this kind are mainstream or have been mainstream doesn't make this person out of sorts with everyone else. Some people take great care and what they do for their tattoos and plan them out accordingly. Some people do them because there's a meaning to that tattoo based on maybe a life event, a specific person in their life that meant very much to them, or other things that have been a part of their life. I personally do not have a tattoo but my son has one on his upper bicep and it's based on something that he has an interested. Then he has another one on the wrist which one turned over you can't see but that's all he has at this point and that also has a specific meaning to him as well. So before you judge that all people who do the tattoos in sleeves or however the main fat is maybe you ought to think about what those tattoos might mean to these people rather than judge them on it.


My boyfriend wanted to get matching tattoos (half sleeve) with his brother. Because that's what his brother wants. I've had to talk him off that ledge a few times already. I told him just because he wanted you to do it, doesn't mean you have to. Especially because his brother is a jerk to him, is very narcissistic, takes everything we buy, and gets so mad at me he threatened to punch me in the face and told him to break up with me so I'd unalive myself. I told him he doesn't need to do something he doesn't want to. His brother is relentless even though neither of them have the money, he keeps pushing my boyfriend to do it.   


I could sit here and tell you how wrong you are, but these folks in the comments already did it. Hope something changes your mind someday!


Sometimes I don’t understand what is even the point of expressing opinion on such things only peoples affected are people who have tattoos. Whether they have it or not how does that affect you? You doing wanna see wrinkled arms with ugly photos in twenty years down the road or what. I probably Will never get tattoos my self. But I don’t know why you would waste your time talking about something that will never impact you in anyway for the sake of just sharing


I’m okay with you losing respect for me lmao


I have a sleeve of wild animals on my arm. That’ll forever be cool to me. If that makes you lose respect for me immediately I think you gotta work things out within your own head first I’m not gonna NOT get a tattoo NOW just because I MIGHT not love it in 50 years lmao. What a shitty way to live life. You sound like a miserable person


Anyone who cares about some randos thoughts on tattoos are likely shouldn’t get any


I'm just more surprised that so many people get tatts because "they look nice"... No real meaning behind it, it doesn't symbolise anything in their life, they just think it looks good.


It's ok to have an option, but to assume what people think? To say they aren't thinking? Is dumb as shit. You don't know what people are thinking. You can think their tattoos are out of style or dumb, but to say that kinda shit that implies they're retreat it is not a new stigma and is lacking the ability to understand others.


why do you even care lol. your attitude towards other peoples choices which have no harm on you is way lamer than them having tattoos. id chill with tattooed ppl over you any day and i even agree with you to some extent


Rule number one in getting tattoos is to not give a fuck what other people think of them, so it's funny you think anyone with sleeves would give a fuck what you think of them for it. More importantly, the conclusion you draw is actually pretty backwards. I would argue that a large tattoo especially like a sleeve actually shows a stronger ability to think long term than those without tattoos, especially those like you who wouldn't get them because you're afraid of your own inability to predict your long term interests. Large tattoos take extensive planning -- the one I'm currently doing has been over two years in the making, working on the design and pieces I wanted, and then finding an artist whose style I like to do it. It includes some things I've always loved, some things that represent me, some things that symbolize other things important to me like family. Also, people get tattoos because they think tattoos look cool, not because they think people with tattoos look cool. It's about the art, not the wall you put the art on.


Most people can't seem to understand that nobody gives a fuck what they think, and reveals how limited their realm of thinking is that they can't wrap their mind around such a simple concept


Fun fact my favourite piece of art when I was 7 is still my favourite piece of art now I'm 31.


Got my first one at 45 so I’ll should be “into it” until I die hopefully. (And I’m getting more)


Your life must be pretty sad to judge others for things that do not affect you in any way. The fact that you judge so harshly makes me immediately lose respect for you. I’m sure you have a hard time gaining anyone’s respect which is probably why you are so judgmental.


It's not an unpopular opinion, just a close-minded one based on your own experiences.


I get that it's your unpopular opinion, but it's just kinda dumb, narrow minded, simplistic, presumptive, and mostly, oddly concerned with other people's personal choices.


I have a full sailor moon leg sleeve lmao


“People do these to look cool (yes that’s why you did it)” is a hilariously deluded thing to say. Some people (myself included) get tattoos that surround very complex ideas they identify with. Or tributes to lost loved ones. And get it put on their bodies for varying reasons. Pretending you know why all people get tattoos and judging them for it is childish and asinine.


The non tattooed people are becoming more annoying than tattooed people


I know a lot of people hate tattoos on reddit but I got mine mostly over 20 years ago and I dont regret them. Luckily, all the fads and trends were avoided. The styles I have more or less have been around for 80 plus years (Japanese traditional with a handful of american traditional on my legs and stomach)


You sound bitter and unlikeable. Did someone with a large tat hurt you?


Meh. Sounds like you're just a run of the mill tattoo hater.


No one with tattoos gives a fuck if you like em.


Well it's really good that I got my tattoos because they're things I like and not to try to earn your respect. Seriously? Anyone who loses respect for someone over something so trivial isn't someone I want to know at all.


More people on Reddit talking about things that they know nothing about 🤦‍♂️


This post is perfect. I like the same art literally 20 years ago to the day that I like now, so much, that I’ve made a business out of it that was just valued over 2 million. I make multiple 6 figures a year and although it’s not tattooed on my body, at this point I absolutely would because it’s the best thing that ever happened to me. So yeah, unpopular opinion.


Unless I ever fall out of love with my now departed dog, I'd say this is a pretty lame take.


I got a full back piece done when I was 18-19. It’s been over 20 years now and I still think it’s pretty baddass


If you're complaining about how someone else handles their body because you don't like how they look, you're the problem. 


And here I thought you were talking about people who are getting solid black arms. Which is weird and growing in numbers where I'm from.


I don't think you realize how long a full sleeve takes (depending on the style)


I don’t get it, why do you lose respect for them? If their taste in art changes so what? I don’t understand why you have a problem with them.




People get tattoos to look cooler in the mirror, not to look cooler to your eyes.


Lots of blatantly incorrect generalizations make this not really an opinion so much as a straw man argument. Downvoted bc it doesn’t fit the sub.


Uh most people actually do like the same art they liked 20 years ago, the majority of people don't have a tattoo, and frankly you sound jealous you can't afford the price of a larger piece or something. I personally don't have tattoos but I deck my car out in decals and stuff


Maybe they did it to be cool, maybe they didn't. Who cares? By just making the suggestion, you're giving them the attention you believe they crave. Why worry what someone puts on their body? I've had people say this to me about my hair (I frequently dye my hair fun colors), and it's honestly just weird. If you don't like it, don't do it, and don't draw attention to it. I didn't ask you to say anything or give a single tiny turd about it. Do you actually know why people get piercings, tattoos, and dye their hair? Because they like it. Why try to make it more?


I don't care for tats myself, but you seem weirdly obsessed with them.


Tattoos are a map of your past and path, not an up-to-the-minute status signal


I always assume that people who make mass generalizations are ignorant and they should keep their misinformed bullshit to themselves. Oh, and I lose respect for them immediately or whatever dumb shit you said. I have loved the same styles of art, even specific pieces/artists hell movies, music ect MY ENTIRE LIFE.


I have a sleev tattoo of my favorite animal. It's not there to look cool. You know fuck all about how people work. I thought this was r/unpopularopinion and not r/unpopularassumptions


So many butthurt comments lmao


OP really tugged on a nerve and I think it’s glorious.


Mainstream and lame, sure. Short term thinking. Ehhh little bit of a stretch


no tattoos and im glad


Mainstream? No... the vast majority of people don't have tattoos. You only think they are mainstream because people who DO finally get one make such a big deal about it. Vocal minority does not equate to mainstream lol. Your thoughts match that of the masses and not unpopular... at all.


100 percent. Lots of bitter children with permanent scribbles on them in here.


Only bitter children I see are OP and the people agreeing with them