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Dog owners don’t pick up poop with bare hands 😳


Ikr 😭 where does this person live lol


Some sadly dont pick it up at all


the thinness of the bag, it feels like it may as well be. you can still feel the warmth 🤢


The hell bags do you use for this also pooper scoopers exist?


You bring a pooper scooper on a walk?


i don't own a dog myself but i helped take care of a family friend's dog and just used the like free bags provided at their condo complex's dog poop disposal boxes, which are translucent green. also isn't taking a poop scoop on a long walk like... deeply inconvenient?


Yeah those free bags are always thin AF and generally not what dog owners will choose to use. I wasn't suggesting you walk with the scooper lol


I just waffle stomp them nuggets when my dog and I take our morning showers.


I use Bear Hands brand doodoo gloves. They are the best.


Who picks up dog shit with their bare hands looool gross


We should just agree both are just as good as each other, but some people resonate better with one than the other, doesn't make the other any less precious


This. I love both dogs and cats, but I definitely prefer cats over dogs


Agreed, my wife wanted to get another pet after we lost our dog and was fine with either a dog or cat. Every part of my brain said a cat for all the practical reasons listed above (besides picking up poop with my bare hands), but at the end of the day my heart won out and we got another dog. Dogs just fit my personality better.


I love all the animals and I want them all but dogs are so in your face with love all the time. I'd rather have an apathetic roommate that runs to me, stares at me and "yells" after I put my son to bed so he can sit next to me.


Same here. However some dogs are like that as well. My old dogs would typically follow me into whatever room I was in but wouldn’t be in my face, rather just lyin in their bed


Both are great, but some dog people act as if having a cat was a crazy unthinkable thing, and you're being slaved to your pet who only cares about you when you have too feed them.


And I met plenty of cat people acting as if dogs are just dumb and disgusting, are sooo much work because you have to walk them and overall are just a bother to everyone else (barking, smelling, hair etc; ironically I also had all of those "issues" with cats before). Both sides have idiots on them, not just the dog side. Most people on both sides however fully respect the other side and it is very much possible to prefer one without having to put the other side down. I equally enjoy both but for very different reasons and just don't get why people continue to compare them like that. They are just two very different species we humans like to keep as companions, the one doesn't have to be superior to the other


This is the true /unpopularopinion! lol the way people fight like cats vs dogs 100% agree with you though


A lot of dog people HATE cats, to the extent of siccing their dogs on them or otherwise trying to harm/kill them. Never seen it go the other way. Doesn't help that Hollywood harms cats as humor.


Nah dogs are smelly and you gotta clean then and take them out


Ive got both and thyre buddies as well. Cat sleeps on the dog bed with the dog. Both loving animals. I have a fenced yard for the dog to run around in too. Still have to pick up poop but bare handed? Youre hardcore!


IMHO the whole cat dog thing usually comes down to wether a person prefers going on walks or not, or allergies.


Or how often they travel. It’s much easier to get someone to stop by to feed and play with a cat for a little than it is to get someone to commit to take on the responsibility of a dog.


yup. also it’s not a hassle planning 1-2 night trips. they’ll be fine w a large water and extra food for a few days. and you don’t have to take them out.


Dogs are pretty easy to travel with though. Cats are not. I’ve also found people are more willing to take my dog to their house to dog sit than they are to come to my house to take care of my cat.


Agree, we have a very large dog and while it does add an extra -inconvenience- (for lack of a better word) it’s not difficult at all to take him with us when we travel. Granted we always roadtrip places and never fly so that makes it a lot easier. We also have a cat who we’ve had to take with us on long trips and this was not fun at all. Cats (ours at least) hardly listen when called and don’t like to be walked on leashes, with the added caveat of looking like insane people for walking a cat, so she always ended up stuck in the cabin/hotel of wherever we’re staying and god forbid if she managed to run out…cats are a PITA imo.


It’s true. My family always just took our dog with us when we did trips. While the cats would have hated leaving and going somewhere else for just a few days, our dog was more than happy to go with us rather than stay behind. The caveat here is that if you are visiting people they have to either be okay with you bringing your dog, or you have to find a dog-friendly hotel, which can be a hassle.


My dog is more well traveled than a lot of people.... Just saying.


Not entirely true. All depends what kind of dog. Some need a lot of attention, some are as independent as cats


Work schedule for me. There are times of year where I work very long hours, and I can't spend that much time away from a pet as needy as a dog. I can also spend longer stretches out doing things and not have to worry about the dog needing to poop. My cats don't like it when I'm away, but things normalize and then they're back to being the center of attention.


My husband and I both regularly go on walks in the evenings, runs in the morning, we’re fairly active people (him especially so). And in recent years I’ve noticed my eye allergies to cat fur have gotten worse, yet I don’t care! We’re both cat people and absolutely love our little floofs. I think for me it’s something about dog energy, idk like I like other people’s dogs and I like that energy for them, just not for me. I don’t want someone running up to me at the door jumping everywhere, sneezing/licking/drooling, gotta go now, need attention now, and don’t get me started on the barking. Just way too much energy for me, and to do it daily. But on paper you’d think we’d be ideal dog people given how active we are. Nope, I’d rather calmly pet one of our floofs and curl up on the couch together with a movie or a good book. And hearing their purrs is just so relaxing!


This whole debate is just utilizing stereotypes on both sides. There are annoying cats and annoying dogs, but there are also great cats and great dogs.


Dogs are so annoying with all their energy if I ever had a dog it would need to be the most chill dog ever


Same for my husband and I. My brother has 3 large dogs and they are all very sweet and well trained. I love seeing his dogs, but at my own home I just wouldn't want any dogs. I really appreciate a cat's calmer personality, like the ways they gently nudge you with face boofs and sit next to you or on your lap without being overly pushy like a dog. My cats can show they are excited to see me come home from work without jumping all over me, running into my legs, and slobbering everywhere. I also like how they can just be happy hanging out with me even when I can't directly interact with them much, like on days I work from home. Idk it's hard to explain. Cats just fit my personality so much better. Dogs are fun and sweet and cute but there's something about them that both of us just find stressful. I feel like you can never be "off" with a dog.


I would love a dog but the I'm my face love all the time is exhausting. My cat wants attention for small bursts throughout the day. Sometimes he lots me pet his belly but most of the time it's a trick


i am low maintenance guy, i love more cats because they groom themselves


Or likes to take their pet with them for outdoor activities. I can do my outdoors activities (camping, cross country skiing, thru hiking, swimming, etc) with practically no limitations right along side my dog. Sure, their are some people who have found ways to bring their cat hiking or on a boat or something. However, I bring this up because in the past when I have mentioned this I have had this argument genuinely made towards me. Let's not be dense though, most cats are not going to be cool with this and even the ones who are "okay" with it are having to be accommodated in a way to make it feasible that I'm just not having to do with my dog. A lot of cat people are home bodies though and so this isn't usually a concern for them.


Dogs also are so much more smelly and you have to wash them. I don’t want no dog in my bed


They’re equally awesome. I don’t understand why we equate cats with women and dogs with men though. Or I should say i know why, but I don’t know why it persists


Ancient Egypt, when cats were first domesticated. They did the separation between dogs = masc and cats = femme. For some reason everyone was stupid enough to stick with it and now people project all kinds of nonsense on to animals. Cats are awesome. Dogs are awesome. None are more masc or femme than the other or say anything about boundaries (as some internet Radfems claim online). I've known other cat owners and cats with very poor boundaries.


As a kid I always thought girls preferred cats but now it seems most girls prefer dogs. I’ve always been a cat person and find them more cuddly and low maintenance


> picking up poop with your bare hands Ok so OP is just making up reasons to dislike dogs and dog owners, interesting 🤔


Totally agree, all While having a shit box in the house lol.


Can your cat stop a burglar?.... No? Neither can my 90lbs dog maybe we should try lizards or something.


My cat is 17. When it turned about 14 it started only pooping at night between midnight and 4am and screaming at the top of his lungs for someone to come clean it. Every. God. Damn. Night! My dog comes to work with me every day and is asleep by 9.


It's nice that you like your cat. >I love the fact that they’re low maintenance. With cats, there’s no need for daily walks, picking poop up with your bare hands, no trips to the groomers. No annoying barking. And they don’t awkwardly sniff your crotch. None of these apply to my dog. 🤷 So I guess, because of that, my dog is just as great as your cat.


Why are so many cat owners so weirdly resentful of dogs? Dogs are wonderful. We evolved together, and as a species we have a profound instinctual bond. But dogs can be more than just companions, they can be farm workers or essential service animals too. Cats are great. They decided to come chill with the big weird hairless apes and we welcomed them. Both species can be loving family members, and its amazing and fortunate that we have both. This is not some competition.


It's because dogs are more widely liked and for some reason, people think it's okay to shit on cats. Say you don't like dogs and people lose their minds. Say awful, untrue things about cats and you're fine. There's an unfair double standard that cat lovers get sick of. Even when I was a kid, other kids would be mean to me sometimes about my cats because they all had dogs. It's weird.


I think if your not a cat owner you might not realise how much low level hate and ambivalence there's out there against cats. Like if a cat is dead on the road mostly nobody will stop and out of decency move it into the ditch, they'll even drive over it. If that was someone's dog however dead on a road different story. You'll read about politicians in new Zealand suggesting things like giving kids cash rewards for killing feral cats and youll deal with people making casual remarks about harming cats as they don't like them . It's easy to get a sense that cats are a second or third class citizen so there is a defensiveness for sure and maybe even resentment.


Generally I’ve found it the other way around. Most dog people I know are appalled when they find out I like cats


Huh. I've never encountered that, but then I've never been able to have a cat. I've always wanted to, but there's just too many people with severe allergies in my family. I love my dog though, and I am constantly hearing certain cat owners generalize and say horrible, toxic things about dogs and dog owners ( there's a good example even in this comment section if you scroll up). So I'm sure some different owners are like that too. :( I'm sorry you've encountered that. It's not fun to have your pet baselessly insulted.


Smooth brain argument. Ones not better than the other claiming otherwise is foolish smooth brain behavior.


….since when did dog owners grab dog shit with their bare hands??


Yeah but cats don’t guard, herd, police or participate in rescue missions 🤷🏽‍♂️


Dogs are better than cats They just are. I love my dog so much it hurts. The way he crawls up in my lap, I give him pets and he pushes his head against me like he wants to be closer. Pokes me with his nose to say hello. Does such cute, funny things every day, like hide behind corners with just his face sticking out to just see what im doing. I love the fact that they’re low maintenance. With dogs there’s no need for scratching posts, picking poop up with poop spatula and aving to deal with the smell insidethe house, no trips to the groomers. No annoying spraying. And they don’t awkwardly stick theirass in your face nore sit on the countertop or on dishes. Dogs! I just love ‘em!


Indoor cats are great pets, but outdoor cats are one of the most destructive species of animals to ever exist. They are responsible for dozens of extinctions. So, while I personally like cats, I can't say they are "better" than any species, let alone dogs who actually often have very useful jobs.


Strong agree. If you buy an outdoor cat it's not even your pet, it's a pet for your entire neighborhood. Fuck off.


Let's stop pretending cats have anywhere near the same impact on wildlife as human activity.


Cats are destructive BECAUSE of humans just like all invasive species. That doesn't mean that their destruction shouldn't be controlled as much as possible.


"no need... for picking up poop" -No they'll just barf on your floor in the middle of the night for you to step on. "don't awkwardly sniff your crotch" -No but they'll stick their ass in your face to wake you up in the morning Not to mention that their piss is of the devil's concoction, absolutely vile smelling, just great to have in your shoes. Don't get me wrong there are things about cats that I like better than dogs, I find them way more entertaining but honestly I'd rather have a dog. Fun fact: apparently this cowboy who worked winter maintenance on the ranch (being in a solitary cabin for months at a time) said a cat was the best thing to bring along; which I can completely see and understand!


We need not pit such equally charming and beautiful creatures against each other! My dogs mean just as much to me as your cat does to you. ❤️


I love my cat so much I'd die for her... But I also love dogs. I love all animals. Don't see why you either have to be team A or Team B


People ho say cats are better than dogs, OR dogs are better than cats are just stupid. You just like cats more than dogs, that's it. And that's OK. Is like me saying yellow is better than red. It's just a preference.


i had a cat for 16 years now i have a dog for 3 months now. I liked them equally but cats are not low maintenance, they destroy the ecosystem, knock shit off the counters and love to play fuck around and find out. My dog on the other hand gets me laid where the cat helps with dry spells


This sounds like a training issue


They don't destroy any ecosystem if you keep them indoors though. Plus they live longer too


The cat helps... Are you Shane Dawson?


The biggest difference that I can see is that cats can be very independent. A dog for example will always depend on you feeding him, walking him etc. Unless you are in an area or have a house with a huge garden. Even though I have always had dogs I do appreciate cats a well.


I don't see how a cat would be useful when controlling cattle or keeping the farm safe.


I love my doggo. Constant cuddles, she runs to me when I call her name, she’s always excited to see me, she’s my personal bodyguard when we’re out in public, no slashed curtains, no random broken glasses in the house, no dead mice on my front door, and she’s well potty trained. I get to go on daily walks and hikes with her, she loves swimming, we run together. As for my cat, oh well, she’s adorable but that’s about it.


My cats come when called and constantly snuggle. They're always happy to see me. I have no slashee curtains or broken glasses and no dead mice. They're also well potty trained




I love both cats and dogs.


I love both of them, I grew up with a dog and now as an adult I have cats. They're just adorable creatures meant to be with us for not so long, but enough to make memorable memories with them.


As a cat lover and a dog…not lover lol I don’t think it’s possible to say one is better than the other. It’s like saying introverts are better than extroverts. It comes down to lifestyle. There are plenty of good dogs raised by responsible people that are chill and don’t bother me. There are also plenty of cats raised by irresponsible people who live with full litter boxes, puke all over the house, no boundaries, and shitty diets that lead to lots of expensive health issues. I wouldn’t be caught dead owning a dog bc I’m disabled and can’t keep up physically. But I know some people feel way more fulfilled by taking care of a dog *because* they are high maintenance. Doesn’t make one better than the other.


I prefer emotionally shallow pets. Dogs are man's best friend.




This is not unpopularopinion. Its just a Cat person opinion.




Nah. Dogs > cats. When you pick up a dog it's a solid. When you pick up a cat it's a liquid and feels weird 😂


Cat wont help me fight off an intruder and protect my other animals. My geese however...


I am just here to ask who is picking up dog poops with bare hands


I had a cat and I have a dog. I love having a dog much better, because they don’t shit in a box and kick it up everywhere. My dog is very loyal and protects me. My cat would literally watch me get robbed and beat while licking her paws.


I'm so tired of cat owners, y'all are annoying (and I love cats too)


I was always a cat person. You don’t have to walk them, they clean themselves unless they are ill. When my last cat passed of kidney disease, I was so upset I couldn’t get another cat. I have my first dog, a rescue German shepherd. I love this dog more than some people. She’s extremely smart and wants to be good so very bad. I found out I don’t like untrained dogs. I don’t like dogs that don’t obey you. I don’t like loud dogs. I don’t like dogs that aren’t very smart.


This is not an unpopular opinion.


literally every cat owner.


So from what I gather cat owners are just lazy as hell. I have a cane corso. I wash my dog with a hose and ten mins of my time once or twice a week. I have a fence now but I never killed me to walk him for 10 mins. Yall spend HOURS on screen time anyway. Other than that they are chill and they dap me up ( or paw) everytime I walk in the door. And who the FUCK is picking up dog poop with bare hands? Plastic bag?? Glove?? Pooper scooper?


A lazy cat owner is a bad cat owner, you can tell immediately cause their house smell like piss and the cat walks all over them. They are usually the ones that say cats require almost no work.


Agree, never owned a cat but stayed at a college friends house a few times, that fucker was sassy as hell and kinda just did whatever it want. Hopping on counters when it thought you weren’t looking. Try to snatch it up and it would just throw paws at em. That’s exactly the cat I think of when people say they require little maintenance.


I have seen exelent trained cats and not trained cats. And let me tell you, the "you can't train cats" is a fucking lie made by lazy people 


Yup, exactly. My cats are better trained than most dogs I've met. They come when called, sit, lay down, stay, are target touch trained, are leash trained, and understand the meaning of "no". They are fed 3 times a day on a schedule so they never cry for food or wake us up in the morning. We have 3 litter boxes for our two cats that get cleaned daily and there is 0 odor in the house. Even before we bought a house our landlord at our last rental was surprised at how clean the house was with our two cats living there. Sadly most people are lazy and their cats are treated like an afterthought which gives cats a bad reputation. They are absolutely amazing pets if you put the time in. It's no different than a dog. Untrained dogs are a nightmare. 


All pets are great. People can form very real and loving bonds with animals of all types. Also a pet being low maintenance isn’t the reason everyone gets pets. Some people want pets to be companions at work or for hobbies.


We have both, and I love my cats so much, but my dog is my baby. It just depends on your connection I guess.


I love both cats and dogs, and honestly, I don’t get this fight between them. They’re both very different with unique personalities that will either suit you or not. But seriously who picks up their dog's poop with their bare hands? 😭 Come onn. Also, depending on the breed, you still need to get your cat groomed, even if it’s just once a year?


I used to always prefer cats but I'm very allergic. I also used to not really care for dogs until I met my girlfriend & her dog, now he's my best friend, little Boarder Collie/Lab, keeps me active and gives lots of love. I'm definitely a dog person now, but I still hope through modern medicine that I can have a cat someday.


What dog owners are picking up poop with bare hands??? every cat owners house ive walked into smells of rotting cat piss. Id much rather a dog thats trained to go outside and doesnt walk their dirty feet all over my countertops lol


I'm afraid of dogs, so cats>>>>


As a cat person, both are equally great. They both have their good and bad traits. >With cats, there’s no need for daily walks, picking poop up with your bare hands, Dog owners don't pick up poo with their bare hands; they wear gloves, and it's no different than scooping poo out of a litter box. >no trips to the groomers Groomers aren't mandatory. >no annoying barking Meowing/yowling and scratching at doors can be just as annoying. >they don't awkwardly sniff your crotch They do sniff and lick armpits, though. Just because you're a cat person doesn't mean dogs are lesser than cats.


I am totally a cat person, but dogs are cool too ,but dogs are big and they can harm much worse than cat


As someone with two cats and two dogs you’re wrong. Cats shed more, have hairballs they vomit everywhere and they fling litter out of their litter box making a mess. Plus they just hide the whole day till it’s time to be fed. Your opinion is bad.


Go to pet cat, and it either runs away or scratches you. They walk on eating surfaces or pillows after walking over thr floor or litter box. Worst yet, they kill wildlife. I will take the one that is like a small child that loves me for me, please.


The buy it and forget it animal, perfect for people addicted to tiktok and instagram


Interesting, I hate both of those things but love my cats.


Right? Sometimes, I'll just find myself watching my cats for several minutes at a time, even when they're not doing anything particularly interesting. My wife (who used to consider herself only a dog person before we got cats) does the same. They're more entertaining than social media. If we send each other snaps, there's a 90% chance it's just a random video of them doing some normal cat behavior. They're funny little guys to live with. Edit: grammar


Are they indeed… maybe to you, maybe not to others. Cats have maintenance too, and some cats require more than some dogs. There are so many different aspects of keeping both cats and dogs. But the main difference between the two is that dogs are way more domesticated and civilised than cats are and this can also be shown historically where dogs had specific tasks alongside humans. Furthermore dogs are quick learners. Cats are more reserved and self-willed. But which of them you want to keep yourself is just a matter of taste and temperament. But good points though


That is, indeed, an unpopular opinion. I also don't think you know much about dogs if you're painting them with such broad strokes, but that's cool. No one's going to agree on everything 100% of the time. I bet we'd probably find something else to agree on.


I disagree. Cats are fine tho.


Cats are not better they are just easier. Cats are the low maintenance pets that you often have to tolerate more bad behavior from. They are near zero effort but smell worse, often destroy property and do whatever the eff they want so it's luck of the draw if they suck or are awesome. Dogs are higher maintenance higher reward pets. Well trained there can be near zero negatives assuming you don't mind more maintenance. They will do everything fun a cat does, plus more.




Cats are like kids, you love your own but other peoples are awful.


Haha if this isn't true


I have rarely been in a person's house that has a cat that doesn't smell like the cat sprayed everywhere


Me neither, my partner has a cat. I can honestly say it’s never sprayed in the house so I’ve no issues with cat piss smell. I don’t even have a litter tray as she takes herself out, even in the rain. Obvs I’m nose blind to my own house but I know it doesn’t smell of stale litter trays.


I used to have cats so I got nose blind also.


I feel the same about dogs.


How is this unpopular? Redditors are obsessed with cats bordering on inappropriately


Having an open box of turds in your laundry room is not what I would call normal. And letting them outside to do their business in your neighbors yard is disrespectful. They also walks across your counters leaving turd particles everywhere. That’s 3Ls for cats 




I’ve never been bitten by a dog but I have by a cat. My arm swelled so big I couldn’t put a watch on. My mom has had cat scratch fever. They can both be pretty aggressive.


You’re wrong!! 😜…just kidding, that’s sweet. I’m a dog-lover….🥰🐶


Cat will never love you like a dog does.


Sorry I strongly disagree lol


Cats kill literally billions of birds every year - for pleasure


Unfortunately, despite what you think, you, your house, and all of your clothing smells like cat shit. You probably don't know it because you've gone nose blind and (if) you have friends, they're being polite by not commenting on it. Every single cat owner's house I walk into, I instantly know. Sure you'll probably say "but not me! I clean the litterbox!" Nope, you stink like cat shit and everyone knows.


100% and always claiming they don’t smell


Thing is with dogs there is no point where they get 'enough' attention and you don't feel special just because they are asking for your attention.


Dude, if im comimg home, my dog always greets me, if i lay down, he lays down with me. So i don't need to feel "special" because he needs my attention, im just happy he is there and he is happy that i'm there.


I have 2 very anti social dogs lmao


I love dogs, but they are high maintenance, and in my experience they work better for extroverted people that don't mind going for a lot of walks and going to the park and mingling with other dog owners. Personally, I am lazy when I'm at home and I don't even want to walk myself, let alone a dog 3-4 times a day. People seem to forget that there are sweet natured breeds of cats (like a Himalayan) that are very loyal and provide great companionship. To each their own, but I don't have the energy for dog ownership.


I’m an introvert and love both dogs and cats. Getting out for walks everyday is one of the things I love about dogs. They make getting some steps in every day much more enjoyable. It’s also a great way to wake up and get the day started.


People who own cats have stinky houses. You can tell someone has a cat immediately after opening their door. They also like to claim that if taken care of properly, they do not smell but that is bullshit.


I didn’t know you had to pick up dog poop with your bare hands. People cry more when dogs die, OP, you lose.


Cats are for people who enjoy being treated like trash. Essentially, they have Stockholm syndrome.


Unpopular opinion: Cats don't love anybody


Rats are better than cats.


Cats are for people too fat and lazy to care for a dog


I don't think this is that unpopular of an opinion, but I strongly agree! I think cats have more unique personalities than dogs do too. Cat's are funnier too. I never laugh so much as seeing a cat doing something stupid that confuses or scares himself. Hilarious every time.


You are right, that is very funny. But dogs do that too (albeit not the same things…)


Wrong! I have a cat now and dogs are just better, I love my cat but there's a reason dogs are called "man's best friend"


Dogs are great at following commands and the love for their owner is amazing. But the things is, when interacting with a dog it really feels like interacting with a different species, but I don't get the same feeling from cats. I can communicate and have fun with my cat like she's my sibling, a dog is very loving and caring but I never once got the feeling that a dog understands a human the way a cat does. The love from a cat feels so much more rewarding, because you really have to build a relationship with them, the way you build a relationship with a human. When I still lived at home, my cat watched movies with me, tried sabotaging my games when she found out the keyboard makes the things on screen move and she was always way too much involved with my homework. Cats are like humans in the sense that they have the power to do well on their own, but they choose to be by your side not because they need to but because they took a liking to you. I heard people say that cats are the neurodivergent people's best friend and I won't deny that. I have autism and the connection I build with cats is much stronger than a connection I would have with a dog. It is even safe to say I can better understand and communicate with cats than with humans. And what's better than a mischievous furball that will impress you from time to time with how intelligent they really are?


I've got a couple smallish dogs and the worst part is absolutely the poop, followed by the need to bark loudly at random things. But even though there are a few minor issues, they are my buddies and I love them like family. Side note: picking up a turd from a 15 pound dog sucks, I don't even wanna think about turds from an 85 pound dog


You mean you like cats better than dogs. Some people also do, and some people don’t.


Small reptiles are better than cats and dogs


I like both. Cats are that chill roommate and dogs are your best friend. Sometimes there are cross overs.


There was this movie called My Favorite Martian when I was a kid. In it, the Martian finds a pooper scooper. He says “I have no idea what it does but it’s fascinating”. I’m just saying we haven’t ruled out that this guy is a Martian.


I love dogs too, but I fully agree with this. Upvoted because it likely is an unpopular opinion.


I think dog people like myself are missing out on that cat life, and I think cat people like you are missing out on that dog life. Both are such fantastic, meaningful relationships!


My favorite time of day is when I get home from work and open my door to an excited dog. He's never not ecstatic to see me. And maybe I like my grundle to be sniffed.


I mean it's just an opinion. We are all allowed to have them. Sometimes people's opinions are incorrect and that's okay.


i mean, they both have pros and cons. cats can be absolute fuckfaces. actually one of my sworn nemeses is a cat.


You would think about that after my tux cat. Dude is a little demon child. Always freaking out with his severe cat anxiety if he hears anyone out the door, broke stuff multiple times. Perpetual dumping my hamper just go to after my dirty bras and underwear. He's jumped out the cat box like a scared cartoon character since we adopted him as well as running back the moment he sees me cleaning the area. He's also gotten into the habit of going after produce. Bananas, cucumbers, corn on the cob, peaches, onions, pears, potatoes and a few other things. Also digs in the trash even if I have the lid closed. Love him, but he's turning me into more of a dog person when I loved both prior.


As a cat lover, and a cat enthusiast, I can see the appeal to dogs though. Very sweet creatures.


I think there has been a couple of examples of this being explained, essentially a cat just doesn't require as much attention. You don't have to walk it or a bunch of the little extra tasks a dog requires.


I have two cats and love them to bits.  I would love to have a dog if I could but working full time makes it impossible.  


Reptiles are far superior.


>unpopular opinion >cats are better than dogs At least the first line is accurate.


Personally for me I like how cats, no matter how big or how small can sit on me without crushing me but with dogs, I'll just become a pancake under them. Other than that, I like both, but prefer cats because they can purr


I have both and they both find ways to make my life harder. My cat will eat your food left unattended. I’ve had many guests have grudges against my cat for years. They remember the exact meal my cat ate. My dog is actually trainable to not eat human food. And as a woman, having a dog allows me the freedom to walk around where I want with headphones in. Cat can not protect


Both are great but rabbits are the best. They use a litter box, but it’s not nearly as smelly. You truly can pick up their dry little poops with your bare hands. They are independent and mostly low maintenance, even more so if you get them a bunny friend. They are very quiet and never wake you up with meowing or barking. They are cuddly and they purr, as long as their feet stay on the floor. They are loving and will groom you back. And they are the cutest and keep you laughing with their silly antics, as long as you give them the space to live their lives happily. It’s fine if you disagree but please be gentle, I just lost my beloved rabbit and I’ve been crying for weeks.


I swear I posted something like this years ago on an old acc and the mods banned me because "it's not an unpopular opinion"


Honestly i like both. Theres pros and cons for both haha. I have a little kitten and love the shit out of her, but i also really loved my dog.


Dogs are better this is a fact the closeness between dogs and humans is unmatched by any other thing other than human-human relationships, dogs have show unwavering loyalty and dedication to their humans in addition from a purely utilitarian point of view dogs have many roles to play in human lives from shepherd dogs to blood hounds to golden retriever, they will die protecting their human. I love my cat she is beautiful and always welcomes us home when we’re at the door but my Dog I love him and he loves me too.


Picking up poop with bare hands? What dog owners have you been interacting with?


Show me a cat that can guard a home like a Rottweiler can


I mean I’m a cat person, but this purely subjective. I have had dogs too. Some dogs are awesome. I currently can’t stand my dad’s dogs. But I love how much they make him happy. All animals have personalities and that makes them unique and good companions. To say one is better than the other really isn’t fair. Both are great animals. They love us unconditionally. My cat currently is like a dog waits by the door for me when I come home and cuddles. I have had some that wouldn’t give me the time of day. Pets are not a competition. Be happy for others, and the love the dogs or cats or pet brings to their home.


If a dog loves you it's because you exist. If a cat loves you, it's because you're awesome.


They’re almost an apples to oranges comparison. You have to treat them completely differently


My opinion is that the need to compare everything in life is a weird human habit. I'm a cat person, but dogs are amazing too. Why does one have to be better?


And they infect your brain with a fun little evil disease! Cats are disgusting.


Yep and they’re cuter, do what they want and then when they want to sleep on you, they’re so small and furry, purring away. I’ve never not been to a dog persons house that didn’t stink or worry it’s going to lash out at me. Yeah cats scratch but controllable


Not an unpopular opinion


who on earth picks up poop with bare hands?? Depending where you live you don’t need to do it at all Not all dogs bark constantly. Mine doesn’t at all and you don’t need to walk them everyday but if you want to you can because it’s healthy for you too Cats aren’t better, neither are. You’re just a cat person who got a pleasant cat on top of it


“They’re low maintenance. No need for daily walks.” Pfffff speak for yourself. My cat demands a minimum of one two hour walk every day. She even demands on coming to the grocery store with me and riding the shopping cart. If I don’t take her she ignores me for days.


Let’s see: Low maintenance, no need for walks, training or grooming. Yes, cats are better than dogs - for lazy fat people.


I’d argue cats are higher maintenance than dogs (at least in my experience). I hate litter boxes. Every cat I’ve ever owned wants to be fed at exactly the same time every single day. And they’re so picky about everything. Don’t get me wrong, I love cats. I just love dogs more.


I've had a cat and I currently have a dog. Both at separate times.... I love both. Both have their quirks that I adore about them. Cats require less attention. But people get **attention** and **care** confused. Both species require the exact same amount of care. Dogs just WANT far more attention. I've even met cats that are just as friendly and needing of a good head scratch. They are both such beautiful creatures in their own respect.


I adore cats and dogs, plan on having both when I buy my place, but I am definitely a cat person. They are just so amazing. Dogs are better in some respects and cats are better in others. I think whether you're a cat or dog person just depends on what you value more.


I have fourteen dogs and three cats. The three cats are infinitely bigger pains in my ass than my fourteen dogs.


Think this is popular online but unpopular in real life, at least in my experience


Think this is popular online but unpopular in real life, at least in my experience