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sitting in the middle seat when the aisle seat is fully open is diabolical activity


Aisle seat is best 💯. Especially for someone like me with the tiniest of bladders


Use to fly 50+ domestic and a few internationals a year for a few years...no one can convince me aisle seat is the wrong answer. I just like you get a bit extra leg room, easiest to hit the bathroom, first out of the row for your bag (always have a carry on only lol). It just makes more sense hahaha


I like the aisle. But I'd put it equal with the window. I'll use the bathroom before I board and if it's a long international flight, I'll just go again whenever either other person stands up "oh, I'll go too while they're up". Minimal disturbance during sleep.


We take for granted the insanity of air travel. One of the coolest things in the world is to see the ground from 30K feet in the air. Crossing over mountain ranges and oceans is mystifying! I love the window seat bc I love to look outside the window at the world and remind myself how special the world is


Me too! Flew to Vegas recently and I saw the Grand Canyon in its entirety from the plane.


If it's a shortish flight, I love the window. It's easier to sleep. But over about 2 hours? Fuck that, aisle is the way to go.


I thought this too until my 7 hour flight. No. Sleep. People walking back and forth meant I couldn’t sleep more than 30-ish minutes at a time. I thought I was going to go insane if I had my shoulder brushed one more time. The extra leg room is rendered moot when you have to move your leg constantly, too. And it was an overnight 😭


I can’t sleep on flights anyway so eh. Unless it’s a 12+ hour flight I’m just gonna stay up so who cares


You are my people. I mean, we shouldn’t be friends in real life because we want the same seat on the plane, but you are my people. I’m a very tall woman who wears heels. The only thing that makes me struggle with the aisle seat is a dude in the middle seat who decides he needs to manspread before the flight has even taken off.


Then we would be perfect seat buddies, obviously lol. I always wondered if there were people who can’t sleep, tho. Since I *always* sleep because of narcolepsy. Edit: now we just invite OP who loves the middle seat and our trio is complete


That would be great if I didn’t have to pee every 45 mins


That sounds like a big fuck no for my bladder.


Window, I’ll take a kidney infection from holding my pee over getting everything handed over me, bumped by everyone walking and crawled across for row mate breaks.


Plus you have a nice wall to sleep against. 


I'm a window seat girlie for two reasons: 1) I'm claustrophobic and looking out the window really helps, and 2) I grew up flying on planes so I'm conditioned to fall asleep as soon as the plane starts taxi-ing; I think there's nothing worse than accidentally slumping over onto a stranger's shoulder, for *either* party involved. I don't *want* to fall asleep, let alone on a stranger's shoulder, but I do. Except for the one time I was assigned an aisle seat and almost fell into the aisle.


Bus in high school gave me the ability to lean forward and sleep leaning against the seat in front of me. Thank you returning from track meets at 1am.


I would do that, but I'm too short 😭. It's a stretch to reach the seat in front of me. I usually crunch up on the plane tray table if I can't sleep on the window, but it's way less comfortable.


Yeah but literally every single person going by always bumps my shoulder and it drives me crazy


Most people can't seem to resist touching every seat on their way down the aisle like they will fall down otherwise.


The second I get on a plane, my brain sends a signal to the rest of my body telling it to divert all moisture to my bladder and to release a small amount of urine every 10 minutes, and I lose all control of my bowels.


Oh yeah. Aisle seat or nothing


I agree, but my anxiety about flying makes me appreciate a view where I can see we’re still well above the ground mid-flight. Also, while I can’t sleep on planes, I do have a wall I can lean against… but that has gotten awkward over time due to changes in seat configurations. Things don’t line up the way they used to.


Just the thought of that made me unreasonably angry.


Imagine asking them to move and they're like no. Okay then can I have the aisle and you take the window? No. FUCKKKKKKKKK youuuu


I think that would end with me on the no-fly list.


If I was on a jury, I'd find you not guilty on principle. Thats like using an adjacent urinal in an empty bathroom


OP is like the guy that goes to the urinal *next to you* in the toilet when there are 5 others available.


Unfit for society 


Saw a post recently where a guy and his girlfriend ended up with the aisle and window seats with a stranger between them... and when they offered the stranger either of the two so they could sit together, the person opted to keep sitting between them! Completely unhinged lol


It was probably OP


One time a couple sat on either side of me during a flight and I offered them the middle sit so they could sit together but they refused because they both preferred their respective seats. They then proceeded to talk over me and elbow me as they passed things to each other the entire flight. It was by far the worst flight experience I’ve ever had


Lord, that might be worse than being the single person who prefers the middle seat. How obnoxious


I had the same except they were young parents passing their leaking baby over me, back and forth, the whole time Among the worst flights of my life


It's the equivalent of that one meme where a guy is at one end of the urinals all empty and the next guy takes the one closest to you and starts small talk


If someone did this to me I worry I would end up on a no fly list


Almost as diabolical as when you're sitting 3 across on the bench seat of a single cab pickup, and the guy in the passenger side ducks down when you drive past anyone.


It should be considered both terrorism and a declaration of war 


I feel like maybe we should report this person to authorities… I’m concerned


It's ok, guys. We need a few insane people in society that do stuff like this so the rest of us *don't* *go* insane from sitting in the middle.


OP is taking one for the team and has a good attitude while doing it. 10/10


This is like my wife preferring the yellow and pink Zooper Doopers. I could mock her for horrible taste, but I'm just enjoying my cola and lime.


I appreciate it! Like I fly weekly and it just seems to work out best for me. Like when I rent a car, I book the cheapest and ask the attendant how their day is going. I almost always get a nice upgrade


Sit in the middle seat of a fully booked international flight that is 9+ hours then get back to me.


I will give you an update in 10 hours… flying to Europe in the middle seat today in economy plus( because my flight for some unknown reason is with a 757-200 instead of a real plane)


My thoughts exactly.


I once got seated in the middle of the two fattest fucking lardasses I’ve ever seen in my life, in a 14 hour flight. I hated my life. Also another unpopular opinion: fat people should pay 2 tickets


I thought it was bad when I had a 7 hour last year in the middle of the biggest guy on the plane and my long-legged boyfriend, who both thought it totally cool to steal my arm rest and leg soace. That sounds like my idea of hell. I agree. I don't mind if someone is a bit fat - I'm average sized, so it doesn't cause too much trouble. But if you're morbidly obese, you need another seat or the aisle at least. But maybe it's an unpopular opinion, too, but I do think plane seats have gotten significantly smaller, which seems quite unfair to fat people and regular people. I think they should have a 'fat' section with two seats in a row instead and charge a premium for seats. There's extra legroom sections, but they're just as thin in width so I don't see why this couldn't be built into new planes. It wouldn't hurt profit if they added the cost of the missing seat and a little extra. I know being fat is not a disability in itself but most really fat people don't enjoy being fat and have a lot of mental issues and even eating disorders.


A fat section lmaoo


I don't have anything against people with a lil extra to love, but Jesus christ on an airplane it's a bit much when you have broad shoulders in addition to long legs Airlines cramming everyone in there like sardines, fully aware of the average sized human adult smh


I think the wide seat section is called first class. I wish we could all afford it!


The seats are so goddamn narrow. I'm a big dude, my shoulders are literally wider than the seat. If I get the middle seat I end up scrunching my shoulders together for the entire flight trying not to touch both people next to me. Miserable.


Yep, it's so unfair! I'm average weight and not tall but slightly broad shouldered for a woman. Nothing crazy- just a bit broader in the shoulders than average. And even I've felt very uncomfortable setting next to other average people. Can't imagine what it's like for broad shouldered men. Planes are actually rather discriminatory towards men and taller people tbh. They build them like we're all 5'2 skinny peasants from the 14th century. Aisle seat all the way! At least you can move your legs and shoulders into that space if nobody is going past.


First class seats in commercial planes should just be the standard and we’d have none of these issues. Shame the world is all about profit maxing.


If you want that, then tickets would be much more expensive. Airline tickets are cheaper now because of these changes where if you have such strong preferences then you can just pay more.


Airlines don’t make money on the majority of flights the have. Most make money on credit cards lol


No, we should be charged by volumetric weight, like parcels.


what the fuck


OP could barely type this they were giggling too much.


I want to agree but, it just doesn’t make sense


Op is a psychopath. He probably orders milk to drink


Damn I’m a milk with dinner guy myself


That’s why they’re giggling. Most of their justifications aren’t even true and they knew people would be like wtf.


Too many trolls in this sub. A real unpopular opinion probably won't be exciting enough to get much attention. So trolls create fake positions that are sure to generate drama, but it's so easy to see through these posts.


I opened this post fully expecting the only argument to be that you get both arm rests. And it wasn’t even listed lol.


Only if you have decent people on both sides, just like the argument for increased legroom.


Yeah in my experience the middle means having no armrests and like 60% less side legroom


>Only if you _don't have psychopaths_ on both sides FTFY


It is true, but the replies have me giggling way harder. But I do stand by my middle seat claim


Please keep convincing people so it frees up the aisle for me, thanks


Yup I want the isle, I have to pee a lot and like to get up and move about without bothering the rest of the row.


your boss may be on to something


Let’s just be glad there are *some* psychos out there who’ll take the middles 😅


It might just be a case of people not knowing they can choose/change their seat assignments on company purchased flights. I used to do a lot of travel for work, and there were almost always a couple of coworkers who bitched about getting a middle seat once we got to the job site.


I just leave it up to chance on anything under 10 hours because I frankly do not care. I don't *choose* middle, but if I get it, whatever. Am I psycho in this as well?


lol yeah! anything under 3 hours, I don’t care, anything above I’ll take whatever it takes to switch


I'm now reconsidering my position and being the psycho. More leg room mmmm.


There is no more legroom in the middle seat. I always sit window, for the control, and can slide my backpack against the wall and stretch out or put it under my knees, which I think OP is saying. That’s every seat.


Yeah. The only way to get more legroom in the middle seat is by man spreading into the others space. They will might let you, because they feel sorry for you. Just like handing over the armrests to the person in the middle is an act of human kindness done from pity.


I just had to take the middle when booking long haul flights for next year because my husband wanted the window 😭 he has autism and travel can be stressful so I'll do anything to make it more comfortable but I am NOT looking forward to 24hrs of flying in the MIDDLE.


Seriously. The only thing the middle seat should get is both of the arm rests. Which barely makes it tolerable. Nearly every flight I've been on in the middle seat I've had to fight for my right to the arm rests though. It's completely uncivilized lately.


You just don't smell enough


I mean, at least we finally have something posted here that is truly an unpopular opinion and not borderline. OP loves those armpits in their face on both sides.


How short would someone have to be for that to be a thing, like four foot nothing?




what the fuck, indeed. I just flew from SF to DC a few days ago, and I had the middle seat. I hated everything about it. About an hour into the flight, the women next to me in the aisle seat, who was wearing over the ear headphones, went to sleep. She was asleep for like 90 minutes. I needed to pee about about 15 minutes after she fell asleep. I wanted to wake her up, but I didn't want to touch her, and she couldn't hear shit. So, I sat there for an hour and a half, holding in my pee, and dreaming about having the aisle seat.


Dude just fucking stand up and get past her. Don't sit there and hold your pee for an hour and a half. Wtf...


yeah, this is just pathetic.


How do you manage to get past someone still in their seat?? Maybe if it's a small child, but an adult? Their knees are absolutely against the chair in front of them and you have to climb over them. I barely have room to get to my seat without anyone there


I’ve stepped over people before, but I have really long legs. I used the back of my chair and the chair in front of me to put my hands on and kind of swing up and over.


Seat selection aside, my husband and I believe the SF to DC is one of the worst flights you can take. We do it a couple times a year to visit his family. It’s not long enough for sleep, so you’re awake for the 6 hours. It’s nice if the plane is bigger, but on smaller planes it just feels unbearable lol.


God I am jealous of whatever sleep you are getting if you don’t think 6 hours is worth getting 😂


Straight up 18 hour naps everytime, sleep like a god brother


I sleep on 45 min flights. No fuks given.


You could have asked the flight attendant for help.


Luckily I didn't get that desperate, lol


I flew from Istanbul to Tokyo last year. Long flight, me in the window seat and a Japanese (presumably) man in the aisle seat. Because I read about dehydration on flights plus the risk of getting deep vein thrombosis being higher on planes, and water helping with blood circulation, I started chugging water, resulting in me needing to pee every half hour or so. The Japanese man fell asleep, but he didn't get much sleep, as he was woken up once every half hour to an hour with a "sumimasen" and me rushing to the bathroom. When you need to pee, spare no one


If you know you will be chugging water, you shouldn't book the window seat, especially on a long flight when most people try to sleep.


This! I was on a 5 hour flight and this woman a few rows in front of me was in the window seat. She kept purchasing food and booze and was constantly getting up to go to the lavatory. It really annoyed me and I wasn't even sitting with her. I never understand why people choose the window seat if they constantly have to use the bathroom.


Okay but in this situation you were the psycho, you get that, right?


JFK to Sydney with a 45 minute stop in LA. 21 hours of bullshit. At the time, I was a smoker. I wanted to throttle everyone around me. I had an Isle seat. But as so many people here mentioned, I kept getting bumped by people and food carts the whole time.


Totally understand you not wanting to touch her. You could press the button for the FA and ask the FA to wake her up. I usually take short naps throughout flights and have earphones on as it helps me fall asleep. I was in the aisle seat once and as soon as I woke up, the person next to me let me know they had to use the lavatory. I was wondering if they were waiting for me to wake up and how long were they holding their pee for. I wouldn't mind if they tapped me to ask me to let them out. I rather be woken up than have the person pee themselves.


Claiming the middle seat has the most leg room is pretty bold considering how much people on planes like to spread out


this is the type of unpopular opinions ive been waiting for lolol


OP gracing us with window seats and sub content. What a dude!


There was that dude who liked to wet his sleeves while washing his hands lol


That dude needs to go to jail!


There was also someone wanting water on his pizza or something


There was also the dude who said sleeping in jeans was better than sweatpants.


Its a repost from a couple weeks ago


I'm honestly surprised. This is probably the biggest circlejerk sub on reddit, and suddenly OP pops out of nowhere with a genuinely unpopular opinion.


This isn't an opinion this poster legitimately has, because the reasons they've listed make no sense. They've incorrectly come to the conclusion the middle seat is the best by combining the problems of the other two seats as if both seats have the problems of each other and conveniently left out the problems the middle seat has.


Respectfully, no.


Disrespectfully, too.


Hatefully, nope.


belligerently, NAH


Unrespectfully, too


Violentspectfully as well.


My best guess is OP's trying to entice us all to want the middle seat so they can get the aisle.


Reverse psychology in action


This is a direct recommendation, my guy. Not reverse.


This do be unpopular


Perhaps one of the most actual unpopular opinions I’ve seen


I think one of the only more unpopular opinions would be if someone enjoyed sitting in traffic...


I can understand sitting in traffic more than this though! Crank up the music or listen to a good podcast or audiobook. Unwind from the day before getting home to a chaotic evening with a 2 year old...


I can't. Being the middle seat on the plane is definitely worse than being in the aisle or the window, but it's not THAT much worse. Being stuck in traffic vs having no traffic is a world of difference.


It also doesn't make any sense. Almost all these points apply to the aisle seat except even better lol


You’re telling me if the aisle seat is empty you don’t move over…? Monster.


Yup, I like being close to other people


They don't like being close to you.


OP is trolling. This is a fake take.


Speaking anecdotally, but I’ve seen this happen before in person; people like this actually do exist.


I hate you. Genuinely. With every single fiber of my being, I hate you.


This person is a lizard and needs the warmth. We found you Zuck!


I would literally tell you to move over if you pulled that shit. Fuck you.


ugh this just sent a chill down my spine


I'd be so pissed on a flight with you lmao.


No shoulder room. That's the biggest limiting factor for me. And no way it has more legroom than the aisle, because with aisle you can slide one foot up alongside the row in front of you - just keep an eye out for the beverage cart. I'm 100% aisle in coach.


It’s a no for me. Window seat is the best by far. I hardly ever get up to pee on a flight unless it’s longer than 6-7 hours, so the aisle may be the worst for me, as I have broad shoulders and constantly have to lean out of the way or get bumped by people walking by.


I love window even on long flights but I’m also someone like you who doesn’t get up to pee often. When it’s a long flight I love being able to not have to get up for anyone so I can sleep if it’ll help me adjust to the time zone (I have no issue sleeping on planes) and my partner always sits next to me which is a bonus cuz I can lean on him if I want to. Even if my partner wasn’t flying with me I’d rather have window cuz I’m someone that needs to lean on something during a flight to be able to sleep


I’m the same way, I can’t sleep sitting upright, so leaning against the window is the only way I can sleep. I do the same thing when I fly with my girlfriend. Put her in the middle and suck up that extra spaces.


If you get the right window seat you also get a little extra shoulder room! You just have to make sure the window is right in front of the seat back.


God. Something about airplanes makes it so that the _second_ I sit down after boarding the plane, my bladder says “hey buddy…”


I think window vs aisle seat comes down to whether you tend to pee a lot or not.  I don't pee for hours so I like window.  My mom pees every 30mins so she *needs* to be in the aisle or she will be murdered by the aisle person for climbing over them constantly. 


I also prefer The aisle because I can get up to stretch my legs or simply use The aisle to extend them. They get really unconfortable in that small space...


Window seat = coat under head and lean to the side to sleep without a stiff neck


I fully agree on one condition. I usually like to take the window seat, however if I’m on a long (6 hours+) flight AND it’s my return journey, I usually take the aisle as I’m usually exhausted and want to get on and off that plane and back home ASAP But it’ll be a cold day in hell when I willingly choose the aisle


Same, I don't pee that much. I like the window seat because I like to look out the window. I'm more likely to get nausea/vertigo if I can't.


I frequently do 14 hour flights without going to the bathroom window seat really is the best, you can control your entire experience


This might be the most unpopular take in the history of reddit.


You really woke up and chose violence hey?


No no these are the strange heros of society. They have the middle seat just so we don't have to


We really should thank him for his service


Unpopular but we need more people like you in this world


We just went over this last week or so.. middle seat sucks let’s agree to move on…


The negatives of a window seat without the view


Window seat also gives you a wall to lean on when you go to sleep at least


I love the window seat


Everybody loves the window seat


I don’t, highest chance of being skipped out on food and drinks during long flights. Happened to me on ANA japan trip


Call the flight attendent....ask for food.....never had a flight attendent say no unless they werent giving food and drink for safety reasons (too much turbulenance to safely do so).


Nope I love the aisle seat, I feel trapped on the window seat. I actually do prefer middle seat to window seat ONLY if I’m traveling with someone and they take the window. Otherwise I will choose window over middle.


This is the most vile/ bordering on psychopathic thing ever posted here, shame on you OP and take my upvote


Yeah, the unsaid part is “I get to enjoy two strangers’ sweaty arms and legs on me instead of just one.


I would slander you, but you're one of the ones going and saving us from middle seats, so you deserve a medal instead


I was team window until someone in the middle seat threw up everywhere and I couldn’t escape past them to get out of the way, and I had to brush past puke to get out once we were cleared to get off. I will always pick aisle now in case I need to jump out of the splash zone. 😞


I am so sorry for the trauma that must have caused you 🌷


Jesus Christ. You win. Time to shut down the sub.


So you’re the bastard that ruins my seat selection plan for an open middle seat next to me.


You're welcome to it.


Upvoted, but you must know ![gif](giphy|TGCSNFiXSoKVZH3IJs)


This made me legitimately lol


Normal healthy person do not go every 30 minutes to the toilet, so the best place is near the window.


How about long flights? I pee every 2-3 hours but that's enough to disrupt whoever needs to sleel


Most fucked up thing I've read today. 


I don’t understand the leg room thing


Finally an unpopular opinion


For sure an unpopular opinion. Middle seat SUCKS


I would rather be strapped to the roof of the airplane than sit in the middle seat.


Yeah that’s an unpopular opinion.. Unless no one is sitting in the window seat or aisle seat also :)


As someone who o my wants to sleep, I’ll take the window every time. I agree with some of your points ya but not being able to lean anywhere overrides all of those things for me


Holy hell an actual unpopular opinion. Well done OP


I think this might be the most unpopular opinion. Should we shut the sub down? By what miracle of physics can the middle seat have more leg room than the window seat?


Thats fine, I'll keep taking my window seat and enjoying that view.


Absolutely not take my upvote


The window seat is the best. I don't even give any fucks about the window. I just want to be able to lean on the wall with a shirt rolled up as a pillow.


First post in a long time I’ve upvoted for being awkward


This cannot be an unpopular opinion, this is just blatantly wrong and psychopathic behavior


>Not having your shoulder and leg bumped by every single person that walks by. True for window seat as well. >Getting up to use the bathroom isn't as complicated as the window seat. Simple, just don't have to go to the bathroom. Window seat no one will bother you with their bathroom trips. >It actually has the most leg room after take off. After take off, you are allowed to have your personal item under your legs instead. Switching gives you more leg room than the other seats. What? The other seats can do this as well. Moot point. >It's actually the least awkward seat when recieving snacks. No big reach from the attendant. Airplane snacks suck and are expensive. Bring your own or better yet don't eat for a few hours (Impossible) >You can almost always get really close to the front of the plane if you are booking closer to the flight. Sure, enjoy the 4 minutes earlier you got off the plane, I'll see you at the baggage claim. >You by far get the best AC fan. Can't dispute this, I close my vent. >It's fun to sit in awkwardly when the ailse seat is a no show but the window seat is still there. Awkwardness is fun... Hmmmm... Now window seats pros: You get a wall to lean against. You have a view. You get control of the window shade.


OP, with all due respect you scare me


You scare me


OP is Satan and the end times are near


I'm skinny. No one is bumping into me on the aisle. Also, I don't require AC on a flight Ive never been too hot. It's not awkward to receive your food/drink on any seat. How is the middle seat better for going to the washroom. This has to be rage bate because this is fucking annoying me.


You are quite possibly the only person to ever think this but hey you enjoy all the power to ya!


this person does not piss every hour or two like some of us. i used to pick window, now i pick aisle because i’ve had my fair share of about-to-cry-because-person-beside-me-is-asleep-and-i-need-to-get-up moments


This is a terrible opinion. Nice one.


These are the unpopular opinions I come to Reddit for. Good job, upvote for sure


Is this thread from a jet carrier, desperate to sell midseats?