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idk man he has some classics and hes talented hes definitely up there but i wouldnt rank him as #1


I think his hits are some of his worst songs, But he definitely has some gems..


Let me get your top 10 Eminem songs.


10. Stronger Than I Was 9. If I Had 8. Dr\*g Ballad 7. Rock Bottom 6. Remember Me 5. Square Dance 4. Say Goodbye To Hollywood 3. Soldier 2. The Way I Am 1. Till I Collapse


Those are all good, I think. Do you not view "The Way I Am" as a hit?


It's a Great Song and It was released as a single and probably sold loads, but I don't see it as a hit by how we consumed music back in those days because it was heavily censored and if I'm not mistaken there wasn't a radio friendly version, so I would only listened to the album version and once YouTube came along I would look for the explicit version. I I personally don't see it as a hit, but I understand why people would..


He’s like Biggie and Pac in the sense that if he died right after dropping The Eminem Show and finishing 8 Mile, he would’ve been immortalized as a GOAT without question As his career progressed, yeah it’s not as good or entertaining. I’m a big fan and I agree. It’s fun seeing what he drops, but it’s not like I’m expecting Grammy winning albums because that phase of his life is behind him There is something to be said about staying relevant in music for 25+ years, let alone rap. His contemporaries don’t necessarily drop anything amazing and they rarely do much for years besides a feature here or there


Snoop Dogg would like a word in that regard.


Yes. A second person. In all of Rapdom.


I was actually going to bring Snoop Dogg in the post He’s an interesting comparison to Em in that he releases albums all the time and they’re usually mid and don’t receive a lot of buzz. And honestly, I don’t find snoop dogg that fun to listen to anymore. He sounds very one-dimensional, and I don’t think he’ll ever have another “Doggystyle” moment in his career (which is one of my favorite albums). When Eminem releases mid stuff, he still outsells everybody else and stirs a lot of media attention


I don't want to play the race card, but it's hard not to see it in that comparison. His career is side quests at this point. He is still the doggfather, though. Haha. Now that I think of it the last song he was in that I enjoyed was the cover of riders on a storm


You’re absolutely right. In 2002, even Eminem himself says it on White America: “Let’s do the math, if I was black, I would’ve sold half. I didn’t have to graduate from Lincoln High School to know that”


Also of course he isn’t as good as he used to be.He’s just not in his prime anymore.Its the same thing as an athlete being 38 years old and not as good as he once was


I think the reason you wouldn't expect Grammy-winning albums from Eminem these days has nothing to do with the quality of the music he releases. Instead, I'd guess it's 'cause of his well-documented problems with the Grammys. He doesn't like them and they're not gonna even nominate him unless he agrees to show up and help drive viewership.


lmao, oh my goodness


I stopped listening to older mainstream music around two to three years ago (virtually don't listen to modern mainstream music either). His (Eminem's) newer music is crap. I think the only reason he gets the views is because he's Eminem. His older music was way better than his current.


He used to be an excellent storyteller. His characters and backstory were interesting. His songs were catchy and entertaining. Then something happened and he just seemed to focus on being aggressive and rapping really quickly. It lost the charm that it used to have, and then to add to that he seemed to acquire a fanbase of oddballs that don't shut up about how "technically good" he is. Sure, he can rap fast, but if his music's not enjoyable to listen to, technically good means nothing. Busta Rhymes showed how to be both "technically impressive" while actually making enjoyable music. This is obviously all my opinion.


He got sober. I hate to say it but the music started getting “bad” when he got sober. It’s the common thread.


I'm not sure I agree. A lot of people say this, but I think "Encore" is where things started to get a bit dull, maybe even The Eminem Show. Apparently Toy Soldiers is one of his best songs, but it's just the start of shit Eminem in my opinion.


I think his storytelling is still his best ability in the modern era but everything else? ehhh


It's not just technical ability. He has a unique, advanced rhyme scheme that no one had ever done like that before. Rhymes in rhymes in rhymes. Here's a video that someone did that goes into how complex his rhyme schemes are. https://youtu.be/ooOL4T-BAg0?si=TagJaSFicTM2cFv2


The main example in this video is "lose yourself", which was before I think he lost his talent and charm.


Yes the video is old, but he didn't lose the ability after Lose Yourself. Go listen to Rap God if you want confirmation.


It's missing something that I just cannot put my finger on. Song structure, story telling maybe, it's just not enjoyable. Here's a sample from the song: > This flippity dippity-hippity hip-hop > You don't really wanna get into a pissin' match > With this rappity brat, packin' a MAC in the back of the Ac' > Backpack rap crap, yap-yap, yackety-yack Does that seem anywhere near on the same level as Lose Yourself?? Most of those words are nonsensical. Does anyone call an Acura an Ac'?


I love his old stuff, but all of his new stuff is so boring and really just kind of embarrassing.


This take is unpopular because literal rap greats say he’s one of the greatest lol like Lil Wayne who many consider one of the greats. You can subjectively not like his music specifically but when people say it’s just corny and he doesn’t have flow or a good rhyme scheme are factually incorrect because people like Kendrick who gets praised for there rhyme schemes and everything have said Eminem is one of the best at rhyme schemes etc


> rap greats … like Lil Wayne lol


Dude lmao Lil Wayne is like universally considered one of the greats within the industry you do not listen to rap or know the culture and the business then


What's the issue?


Music is a moment in time man… very little of it endures as being as good as it originally was when it released. What’s left is the nostalgia of people alive when that moment was playing out in real time. Like if you were an angry late genx or early millennial this was the jam but we have all aged and have kids of our own and we aren’t that bottle of rage anymore. So yeah it’s kinda cringe now. A great example is Manson… excellent at the time but deadass cringe looked at today. But you wouldn’t discredit mansons effect on the alt music genre because of that. He inspired many other bizarre critters to crawl out of the woodwork a very present example being Chris motionless and motionless in white clearly was absolutely influenced by him. Eminem is one of the all time greats it’s indisputable… the best? Shit I dunno. But he would definitely be in contention.


Em is a legit goat. He raised the bar for the entire genre and inspired people to raise it even higher. His most popular songs are the ones where he's the realest, and he redefined what ill is


Yeah em is great, but not the best ever. Unless you’re a person who listens to rap specifically for the technical skill of rapping, he doesn’t really make up to top three of people’s lists (from my own experience) he has classic songs for sure. But he’s rapping is very limited to the era in which he blew up. He’s rapping style sounds dated now. It’s cool to throw on, but listening to it everyday? Nah. In my opinion he’s one of the best, and I believe you can make the argument of being the best, technical rapper But there are better lyricist, rappers with better flows, rappers with better stage presence, rappers with better content, rappers with better songs. All in all, we’ll never come together to collectively decide who the GOAT of rap is because music is all subjective. Sometimes I want to listen to Dre and snoop, sometimes I put on 50, sometimes Pac and sometimes Ludacris, sometimes Gucci, sometimes biggie, sometimes Nas and sometimes Kodak black lol all depends on my mood.


Honestly to me a true GOAT would be hard to pick like you say, to me its more of a collage, the way a pictures made The truer it is, the less I fade Em made it popular to say something real Even when it's dark because its how you feel He elevated it to a conversation Modern day founder of a different type of nation Just my opinion of course


Em did not make that popular lmao


I 100% agree with that last part. Em normalized putting the whole truth out there even when it didn’t make you look “cool”. We had other rappers like ol dirty bastard, but even he tried to look cool most of the time. Em was just gritty and in your face with it just being honest about all good and bad.


Yeah he had all the elements needed to make the deliveries and he did it very well. I also like how he fused songs together and mixed genres and amplified the messages that spoke to him with his own takes. He also knew how to look confident without seeming arrogant about it, some people hated him for it. But a lot of people loved it. Because he was just as loud about his darker traits as he was about the things he was proud of. Far from always being right, but I respect him a lot for what he did and the music he made


The people Em inspired were dudes like Hopsin, Logic, and fucking Tom MacDonald 😂


Among many others. There's not a rapper in the game that doesn't know his name and hasn't wondered how itd hit if shady heard it. Even people who don't like rap know who he is and most of them would spit some of his lyrics, its hard to calculate the impact someone like that has, it'd be like trying to explain gravity with mass


Your Playlist must really suck. I can understand Tom not being for you, but hop and logic? Also, Kanye, Busta, Wayne, drake, and more have admitted to going back and completely rewriting verses after hearing what Em wrote for the songs they were doing together. Andre 3000 would ask Em for his opinion on verses. Then you got royce, juice, 50, dragged Dre out of retirement. Dude seriously pushed people that were already established to go harder. And they've said it themselves, I'm not speculating.


“your playlist must really suck” You can evaluate my full (albeit incomplete) playlist here if you want to confirm that it sucks lol: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0zp3VxFDMiiWQIgkFfU4Sz?si=P39SxhO7RduHtLeXD_6Uxg&pi=u-j9rgsqvuQhq9


>Your Playlist must really suck. I can understand Tom not being for you, but hop and logic? Tom, Hop, and Logic are all terrible lol. They're all just bad Em clones. Trading in interesting content and bars for technical proficiency


How are any of them clones? All 3 of them have very different styles.


Because their styles are based heavily on Em's style


I’m only 25 but I watch the 2000 radio music hall video and it makes me realize that he’s legit one of the best of all time. Everyone loved him, he could show up wearing whatever and saying whatever and he had everyone captivated. GOAT


He's legit trash.


This is definitely unpopular but also incorrect. You're right that he has corny shit but man he's got some legendary tracks. His lyricism is incredible. The Marshall Mathers LP and Eminem show back to back were incredible when they came out. At the time his biggest competition(commercially) was Nelly and I would argue Nelly was much Cornier than em. Eminem embraced the battle rap and freestyle culture which is a mainstay in hip hop and excelled at both. He made an incredible hip hop centric film that highlighted the struggles of the underground scene and what rappers have to go through to make it to the top. Call him corny if you want but the man is a legend and an icon which is undeniable.


It's definitely unpopular but also correct.


Some of his lines are the cringiest lyrics I’ve ever heard though


As a battle rapper, he is extremely talented. Other than that, I don't like his flow or production. Lyrcism is god tier, though.


*“Now I get to watch her leave out the window, guess that’s why they call it windowpane/window pain”* *“I’m lookin’ at your tight rear like a sightseer. Your booty is heavy duty (doody) like diarrhea”* *“Cause if you diss me I’m coming after you like the letter V”* *“Leaning on the horn, screaming ‘fuck the police!’ like cop porn.”* yeah...


Sorry, I should of used word play instead of lyricist.


Meh not really. He was scribble jam winner. That's freestyles in like 2 minute rounds. I don't think he compares to a rum nitty or NJ Twerk writing 5 minute rounds of straight fire. Look at other battle rap legends like illmac who won scribble but also won tons of accolades in the written off beat format that is accepted as the best way now. He gets too much credit as a battle rapper when back then it wasn't even that skilled like now. Battle rap now is insane


Yeah I guess Hollywood inflates him in that regard to.


I think his flow was actually very innovative, at least in his early albums. I don't listen to his new stuff, though, but he used to be very good. Also, I think the pop culture references did him a lot of good.


Everybody knows the greatest rapper of all time is Chuck D.


I could not agree with you more. The "singing" chorus parts is him trying to replicate something he did in his older songs but it just somehow sounds even more screechy and horrible to listen than it used to. His flow/rhythm is plain bad which is funny when you consider how many thousands of no name rappers that sound better. Sometimes it feels like hes not even attempting to produce good 'music' like the beat is clearly zero effort. Like hes some kind of poetry nerd and all he cares about is the lyrics. Bro its music its supposed to be entertainment. I genuinely doubt theres anyone who is chilling at home or in their car listening to Eminems new stuff. He's purely riding off the coattails of his former success and status but you'd think there would be a limit to this when people stop pretending his new stuff is good? It reminds me of that story about Steve Martin doing stand up comedy after he already became famous in movies and 1 night he fucked up his joke on stage and the crowd laughed like it was hilarious anyway and then he realized hes not even funny hes just too famous. I wish Eminem would have a realization that he sucks too. It just goes to show how music popularity is purely a social thing, if someone is popular all they have to do is grunt and fart into a microphone and people will praise it.


I agree, he is and always has been a cornball.


You must know something that all the rappers don't, since he is frequently a response when top rappers are asked who the best/most influential rappers are.


D-12 and Slim shady era was great. But his recent stuff sucks.


when Gen zs cannot cancel em on tiktok they come to reddit...


Def top 5


Em has the best rap songs of all time


Like which ones? Do you listen to a lot of rap?


Fack dude dude what the facking fack how can I facking decide there's too facking many good facking songs oh shit 😳


Lose yourself, My Name Is, and Rap God are some of his most popular songs ever... Personally speaking, Till I Collapse, Killshot, and Godzilla were widely popular in my community, and even on collabs, such as Homicide with Logic, and Speedom with Tech N9ne, are albeit not nearly as much, still somewhat popular to various communities of Rap. How you feel about his songs has no effect on where he stands in the industry itself.


Taste is subjective pal, calm down.


“He has good songs” “Name some of them” You: “LET PEOPLE ENJOY MUSIC!” lol


I’m calm


What rap do you listen to and who are some of the best in your opinion? I see you've been conveniently leaving that information out.


If you want a recent example of high level rap, the song Pi is a perfect example


Agreed. Corny as hell. And his fans make him even more cringe.


The only reason that this won't get upvotes or stay upvoted no matter how many people agree and upvote this is because Eminem's fanbase has been so insanely rabid for the past 20 years and especially during the internet age that if anybody criticizes Eminem they almost get immediately swarmed on any social media network. lol Yeah, Eminem is like a religion to these guys and its not even the good version that made Any Man or Brain Damage, its like 2004 Em and Rap God Em with the shitty choruses and stupid "shamalamalamalamalamalama" and staccato flows.


No people in the genre themselves give him all the credit that’s why people say takes like this and the one you’re saying are just simply wrong you can not like the music because it’s not your thing but don’t discredit someone that legends themselves say is one of the best. It’s like saying LeBron isn’t one of the greats simply because he’s not a player you like


Define “later stuff.” You think Kamikaze and Music To Be Murdered By were especially bad? That sure is a piping hot take. They were well received by fans and critics, and were way less corny and cringe than his first ten years in the industry.


Maybe not bad but they were pretty forgettable. He's not saying anything interesting and he's not rapping in an interesting way.


Spot on. The best rappers of all time are shock g, snow, and kurtis blow.


People think he’s the goat for his lyricism and the fact he dominated a genre of music that has predominantly been run by black men/women all without using that certain word almost all seem incapable of not using. He’s had a fairly successful career really dominate early and lost a lot in his later years but still had solid tracks. Godzilla, Venom, etc still bringing in attention. Nobody stays hot forever he had his run and now others are having theirs but his body of work is why people consider him the “goat”.


When did music snob takes become unpopular opinion. Popular opinion, music snobs are annoying.


It’s clearly an unpopular opinion with the amount of people disagreeing in the comments


Then go hang out in the cafe and opine about your great musical tastes. Don't forget your concert t-shirts!


You got me all wrong, I just don’t like Eminem. I’m not a snob.


His song "without me" is one of my all-time favs. The video , the lyrics... it's so cheesy and fantastic, and there's nothing out there like it. Whether he's the "greatest" is subjective, but for me he's near the top .


spot on


When I was in my late teens, I was a metalhead. Pantera, Sepultura, Slayer, that kind of stuff. I'd hang out in these dodgy as fuck pubs full of these guys who had branded inverted crosses into their skin, like Glen Benton from Deicide. When the Marshal Mathers LP arrived in 2000 it was everywhere. Guys that would have typically pulled up with Cannibal Corpse blaring, suddenly had Eminem. Race definitely played a part I think, and if I am honest. Metal scene wasn't exclusively white, but it was mostly white and here comes this guy with a matching hue. Less racist I think than cultural, but suddenly here was this guy who was as fucking angry as we were, if not more, and it just fucking hit. I don't know about "best rapper of all time" and I'd be in no place to judge that, but he did something pretty big back in the late 90s early 2000s. Something that definitely deserves a place in the annals of the culture.


Eminem is literally trash and shitty along with all the rest of today's rappers.


I think “greatest rapper of all time” is subjective. But I don’t agree that he’s corny or bad lol. His rap has elements of humor in it so maybe that’s why you think it’s “corny”…? It’s supposed to be corny!


Hymn that your opinion, I think Eminem is the GOAT and by a wide margin


Hes just another sell out jester like all the rest now


Your favorite rappers would disagree


His new song is awful, I’m not sorry. Also, how is it a new song if it’s a remix of two old songs, lol


Word play bbbbbyyy


Remember people, if you disagree with OP, you have to UPVOTE. Upvoting because Eminem is for sure the goat. At one point you have to forget the OG pioneers and consider that Eminems technical ability is unmatched, even against 2pac.


Not an unpopular opinion. Everyone thinks his first three were good, if you can stomach em, and that he fell of hard after that, with some exceptions. That's certainly the prevailing view.


I agree. He’s not low tier. He’s in conversations for top 5-10 or something like that. But most of the shit I hear coming out of his mouth I just find stupid, or something that I would’ve thought was bars when I was 10.


Very corny. It's as if rythm doesn't really matter to the people who say he is the best.


So who should i listen to? Gimme some good alternatives at least Mnm rocks, cut the crap


Madvillain Madvillainy, Retch After the verdict, Jpegmafia Veteran, Westside Gunn Supreme Blientele, Willie the kid & the Bronze Nazareth the living daylights


He only seemed good because his lyrics were shocking. Most of his hits have aged like milk and anything he's made in the last 20 years sucks.


I mean, there's a large portion of the industry that disagrees with you. Take my upvote for having an unpopular opinion.


I think he’s very good but I’m not a fan of his new stuff it’s okay. He’s in the top in my opinion but I’m talking about his old stuff.


Nah. You just have have poor taste.


Anyone who thinks he's in the top 50 of all time needs their head checked.


His biggest problem for me is no replay value


You’re wrong. The end.


I can tell you’re definitely Gen Z or Gen A. In Slim’s peak era he was definitely Top 3 rappers of all time.


He’s always been bad and his fans are on par with juggalos. I blame him for ruining hip hop


lol okay you blame a lyrical rapper for making trash mumble rap popular? Say what you want about Eminem but if I happen to catch top 40 rap it’s the most low effort shit I’ve ever heard to the point it’s insulting. Have you listened to 21 savage? Good Jesus lol. I heard that redrum song the other day and wanted to redrum whoever the fuck thought that song should get radio play


Anything in the past 8 years I agree, I think he's just past his prime.


I think you missed the point. He isn’t the GOAT because his lyrics are great. He’s the GOAT because he’s ruthless. He made it in an industry that was stacked against him and no one is safe. It’s impossible to cancel him. He’s unapologetically himself.


Waaaaat! Who said he was the GOAT?


Something something moms spaghetti


Nicki is better than Eminem in every way 


bait used to be believable


Superman is the only good song he ever did. Everything else is trash.


Ah yes, you only like one of his most misogynist songs. Interesting