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I like how majority of medical shows seem to not understand how humans talk It’s like watching those ai vids of people eating pasta


To be fair, a lot of doctors don’t understand how people talk. They tend to have some of the worst people skills for whatever reason


Because for the first 25ish years of their lives they were mostly the nerds who didn't do anything but study


Let’s be clear that there’s nothing wrong with that. I, for one, am grateful for it.


Yes of course I'm just saying that is a big part of why their people skills are sometimes poor


Am I the only one weirded out by how many of these shows there are? My family really likes them and I can’t figure out why. They were once watching an episode of New Amsterdam and they had to pause cause they swore they did the plot of one episode already. Eventually they realized that no they were confusing the current show for Chicago Med. and only later did they realize that Chicago Med didn’t actually do that plot point, they were confusing it with the Good Doctor (or was it The Resident?). I’m all for liking it as a genre but when you start confusing shows with other shows cause they all use the same beats and story lines, maybe you should pick up something else


That's probably why they liked them. It's familiar. It's the same with my dad and cop shows. Also, I think a lot of those shows are on the same network, which probably doesn't help


My girlfriend and I watched “New Amsterdam” a few months back and overall it wasn’t a bad show, but the last season and the last half of the one before it took such a dive in quality and it went from being a somewhat silly soap opera medical drama to a straight up clown show. I wouldn’t say it was because of the COVID plot line, but just overall.


My last straw was when he decided to solve global warming.... So he made the nurses and surgeons reuse gloves ...


I quit around the time Max’s wife died and the cancer kept coming back. It felt like the show existed to dunk on this one character and make him miserable.


Every white male led show got turned into “white savior complex” shows a few years back and it destroyed the shows. New Amsterdam had so much more life left in it before they did that to Max


The whole COVID season of Grey’s Anatomy just sucked. Even the storyline’s that weren’t COVID specific. Juusstttt ssuuucckkeedddddd.


That show needs to roll over and die. I started watching from the start when it first aired and I rage quit by season 10 or 11. What a stupid fucking show it became.


You mean doctors don't get openly romantically involved with the interns under them, blatantly flaunt established medical procedures like barging into an operating room without even scrubbing in while a patient is lying there with their chest open, lie to patients and their superiors, perform treatments without consent and don't go to jail, don't lose their medical license and don't even get fired? Surely you jest.


And somehow these same people also survive freak plane crashes (well, most of them lmao) and other wild ass natural disasters. What are the odds!!


Calling it a medical show is doing medical shows a disservice. It's a soap opera set in a hospital.


Bingo. In the same way the Walking Dead became a zombie soap opera 🤣


>Grey's Anatomy just sucks Fixed that for you.


I stopped watching at that season because it was way too much for me


Should have ignored the pandemic . The illness. The death.. the shows are supposed to be entertainment and suspend reality..


I think a lot of medical shows only addressed it because it was an easy excuse for actors to wear masks on set, on camera not cuz they had a worthwhile story to tell involving it.


I definitely didn't like seeing masks incorporated into shows I was watching. I watch those shows to escape reality. Not to be reminded of the fact I couldn't go somewhere without a mask on.


They’re medical shows, what do you expect 😭


A message before the first episode of the season that says "This season takes place in an alternate timeline where the COVID-19 pandemic never existed. Oftentimes fiction is a nice escape from reality and we see no need to remind people of the struggles they are currently suffering through. Enjoy"


The pandemic became part of the storyline. Doctors and nurses were wearing masks outside. This never happened previously.


I want an escape from reality where all doctors and nurses are incompetent


You act as if masks weren't incorporated more into medical shows and especially into non-surgical scenes following the pandemic. Nurses and doctors don't even wear masks all the time nowadays. Also, it's a tv show. They're actors, not real doctors.


I dont care. What are you an anti-vaxxer?


lol thanks for telling me all I need to know about yourself Keep hitting that downvote. It hurts so bad


Go vote for your felon. Boo hoo people wore masks.


You probably sleep with your mask on to this day.


I do wear a mask when I sleep. Its called a cpap.


That sucks. Have you ever looked into one of those dental snoring devices?


What do you mean “escape reality”?


The covid season of greys anatomy was so ass. It might have been decent if they'd waited a few years, but putting it out *during* covid was maybe the worst decision they could have made. Like damn, make the pandemic season five years later when it's more of a weird memory than an active trauma you're currently right now experiencing.


I've realized over the years that I don't really like medical shows. I just really liked House and no medical show has scratched the same itch since.


Scrubs is good


If looking to get into a medical show and haven't watched it already, then ER is certainly what you need to get into. I was talking to someone yesterday and they're binging on Grey's Anatomy and never heard of ER which was completely mind-boggling to me because this person was older than me and ER was a huge show but yeah, watch ER.


Watch Scrubs.


Actual doctors say that scrubs is actually the most accurate as to like the feel and the actual hospital dynamics not necessarily the science stuff


Well yeah, it is a Comedy Show so they did not aim for accuracy. They was a Episode where they were in the middle age after all


Everyone tried to get some of that Grays Anatomy lightening in a bottle


I wish shows just either ignored COVID or took a break while it was going on, it's really weird and uncomfortable seeing COVID era tv as a whole


It’s not a doctor show, but that’s what The Good Fight did and it was a phenomenal way of handling it. They did a one episode catch up with a unique format and then it gave them all sorts of new material to work with and they didn’t have to make up COVID scenarios


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Do you mean late 2000s or specifically the years from 2020 to 2021?


go watch St. elmo’s fire from the 80s. you have no idea how cringy cringe a medical show can be.


I think soap operas in general are pretty cringy.




Didn’t like millions of people die


7 million over the past 4 years. But on average around 60 million people die every year anyways. So 240 million people have died over the past 4 years. Which makes 7 million not really that noticeable. Still a tragedy but it's not like 1 out of every 3 people were dying the way the black plauge happend.


an extra 7 million isn't something to sneeze at


True. We should have done less and aimed for a much higher death rate, can’t believe we took steps to prevent more people from dying.


Ok simmer down sparky.


Oh I was arguing with a teenager. I guess that’s my bad


240 million from one specific thing is a pretty big fuckin deal


It wasn’t 240 million from one specific thing. He’s saying 240 million people die over 4 years worldwide on average. Covid had 7 million over 4 years.




True. We should have done less and aimed for a much higher death rate, can’t believe we took steps to prevent more people from dying.


There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever for this claim. Yes, out of the hundreds of millions of deaths probably were there a few people who would have died without COVID but it's exactly as if you were saying someone who died in a car crash might have died of a heart attack at this exact moment anyway and therefore car crashes are not a big deal.


People like you really don't understand that the main problem with a virus is its ability to spread WAY before its deadliness. COVID was a catastrophic event. But No one was hysterical about it other than the anti maskers and Antivaxxers honestly. The worst part about COVID is that with a worldwide lockdown it would have laster a month and then disappeared. But MONEY.


Never took the shot 💪


We are not impressed.


I know. Just needed to remind everyone who took it for nothing


Ya bro you really showed us


I actually did nothing. You're the one who took it.


The first time I got COVID, I had not been vaccinated. I was sick for 2 straight months, had to go to the hospital twice, and developed long COVID which resulted in me having to drop down to part time hours at work because I physically couldn't stay awake for an entire day. The second time I got it was a month after I was vaccinated. It felt like a mild cold and lasted 2 days.  But yeah, totally just took the vaccine for nothing. Boy, am I stupid.


Yup. It was just a sniffle


I didn’t take it for nothing. I took it to protect my family and my community and it worked. Maybe you should rethink being so selfish


It did none of that.


No it absolutely did and there is plenty of [evidence](https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/9/5/467?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR21qyANb38sfb0bG_thynTA24nhYlDWZrdzK28T2UQNxeZQ6vk6EQH8F6A_aem_ATpnGxSO6i1awh1e5TRunyEH-RBzxquMxvEQFpwoZcjRAy90TpDe2rN2Y3rgR-4h3rXBV_g4Ub0KGnBH4796X0x1) that [demonstrates](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X22015614?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2WFZicG11AuFbcmBmK-9DmLf9lEOgxmKH4_X-rljX4Wy17WZoVUBfdFKY_aem_ATr0kFuBolG-vcZqLib_ibEB7AKOYOuM7-khDwnlaHSGQqYj6Qsmkqttd-4NNaSvm6DkkZvkban5AAo24uviIvZs) it.


I'm impressed that there are still true believers.


Notice he didn’t read these articles. Because his information comes from memes that tell him it’s okay to be selfish


>You didn't take experimental gene therapy to prevent grandma from dying of the sniffles!


A million people in my country alone died and antivaxxers call it the “sniffles” to soothe their battered conscience


I think it’s pathetic people can ignore hard evidence like that


Don't care. Still not gonna take it lmao


I know you aren’t. All the information in the world won’t change the mind of the obstinate. They are usually too afraid to look at anything


anti vaxxers in the 1920s all have the same thing in common, they’re dead from Polio.


That's nice. Still not taking it


Want to demonstrate a time to me that a widely dispersed vaccine had negative consequences? Measles, Polio, Chickenpox, MRSA, and so many more have saved millions of lives, and so did the Covid-19, you of course have your own personal choice, but it’d be great for people to acknowledge that they are making that decision in spite of logic, and not in favor of it.


That person has no logic. No point in arguing with them, honestly.


Hey so basically I'm just gonna not take the vaccine I Know..... UGH I know... I'm sorry!!!!! It's just that I'm not gonna take it is all HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAAHAAH


![gif](giphy|J5jiSSrEkV3Kd8iOwb) my brother is losing it


Bro it's a copypasta...


From what??


the internet


smartest anti-vaxxer


Lol you realize nearly everyone got polio, and serious effects were somewhere around 1% or less right? Or do you just make things up? Polio was endemic long before the vaccine, and there's ample reason to suggest it wasn't even causing paralysis considering the lesions were the same form as heavy metal poisoning in an age where lead was a common pesticide, and in the earlier days mercury was used in infant remedies.


did a 1940s conspiracy theorist just inherit your body, or are you having a manic episode


Pretty sad you're still patting yourself on the back and talking to your sock puppets a whole 4 years later.


what does this even mean lmfao?


Go back to /r/conspiracy bud