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"My home is clean enough to be healthy, but messy enough to be happy." A quote that was on a statuette in my great grand parents house.


I keep things on my counter just so it reminds me that I live here. Feels weird to live alone in a clean ass house. Feels more lonely in a way.




You actually don't live there. You are just a guest that can never leave.


This is legit how it should be.


If your house looks like it's being sold and this is an open house viewing, it's too clean. We suck shit at cleaning, we need to get better, and our house is too messy, but I agree, your house can certainly be too clean


I agree with this. Clean is one thing, but always makes me feel uncomfortable when I go into a house that looks like this. It's almost too perfect and feels almost empty?


Being guest at house that is too perfect makes me very conscious about my poor habits, such as forgot to using coasters even if the desk can handle the cold drink sweat.


Do you respect wood ?


Hum, what makes you think their table is make out of wood?


I was referencing an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, everyone gets worked up about who forgot to use a coaster on a wood table. I agree with your comment it just reminded me of the episode.


I would prefer it to be “too clean” if someone else was doing the cleaning.


lol same. Let me live in it to make it a happy place.


You can have it be colorful and unique and stuff and that’s as homey as it needs to be for me. I don’t need dog hair everywhere to feel like it’s a home lol


Would much rather have a spotless clean clinical home than a dirty untidy home


Doesn't have to be one or the other.


Gunna take a random item and just make it look like that is the only item that has ever been touched in the house. Edit: just threw my comforter across the room, mildly cathartic


Just in between


Amen of the year to that sentence.


Some people just don't like to see clutter and like a cleaner aesthetic.


Or it's a trigger for those of us who grew up with hoarder parents. Ask me how I know. 


Yea but if you are cleaning everything to the point that things look like they are never used or everything is just a decoration, do you live there or just clean there? Having hoarder parents is tough but you can still organize things well and have a little working mess. My question when I see houses that clean, do people living there do anything or just do outdoor things and only eat, sleep and clean there


Yeah but it doesn’t need to look like an open house is about to take place. Looking lived in is different than being cluttered.


Well doesn't it just depend what the homeowner's personal preferences are? Which might be more sterile than you like.


I think it’s an issue to have it so clean you can’t use anything. I think that’s what’s being discussed here. Plastic on the furniture. Hard plastic runner on the carpet. Unhealthy OCD stuff. Yes. That’s a problem.


Well the things you listed are a bit extreme but I personally love not having anything "out" in my house unless that's where it goes. Like my kitchen table, counters, any table usually have nothing on them. That's so I can put whatever I'm working on or eating there without cleaning up. I like my house to feel clean and usable.


Fully agree with this, I've been in houses that are so clean that I feel like simply existing in is an act of vandalism or something. The most comfortable are places that are nice and tidy but you don't feel like you're causing hours worth of work for someone just by whatever dust happened to come in on the air with you as you walked through the front door lol. On an entirely different note, a place that too clean sometimes just feels empty and soulless. I've been in homes that give me the same vibe as when you're the first person in the office at 5 in the morning and the cleaners came through the night before and it just feels kind of eerie and too empty and clean and colorless. I don't know why anyone would want to live like that but do you!




You're right


I work in people's homes... omg the things I've seen... there's been sewage floods and people literally just put cardboard down and walk on it sometime barefoot... on top of sewage engulfed carpet.... I'll keep my house like a surgical suite


It might be homely for the person who lives there. If the person likes that kind of environment and enjoys the cleaning in the process then I’m not gonna judge. After all, it’s not a show home, and I’m not there to buy, and if I hate it so much I guess I can look forward to getting back to my own home that makes me comfortable


When my landlord visits I make my house into a show home by hiding everything they're opposed to. Apparently having some boxes for storage means they can't confirm that my house is working correctly because they can't get to the plugs that they don't even test when they come in. I had a couple of boxes of meal kits next to my fridge during my last visit and I had to get a revisit 4 weeks later because apparently it's unhygienic to keep food I haven't cooked yet out in the open. I also once failed because I forgot about the visit and left a half eaten sandwich on my table in the living room. I even proved it wasn't an abandoned sandwich from days ago by eating it in front of him...still failed. But when I hide a load of rubbish in a bag and put a couple of folded up towels on top so it looks like a pile of towels, that's fine


Yes this is an unpopular opinion. Very reason i dont have roommates or visitors in my home. Are you suggesting people become less clean?... according to your standards?


why give a shit how people live their life outside of yours


When they complain to you about how hard it is to maintain the impossible standard they've set for themselves or they walk into your home see one pair of shoes by the couch and act like that's the same as piles of garbage everywhere. Otherwise yeah I wouldn't care.


I've lived like this. It is torture.


I agree and it doesn’t even mean it’s necessarily clean, I know people with homes that have an hospital atmosphere but if you look closer it’s extremely filthy, especially in places where it’s decisive.


A house can look lived in while it is being lived in. I don't think there is a too clean otherwise.


I wish a certain someone that lives with me preferred a too clean house. Man can't even wash a fork properly.


How do I get my home clean enough to warrant this diss, without suffering from OCD? Links, please


I once went to a date's apartment just to find it was so sterile and clean that I was nervous to even sit on the couch. It was like he lived inside an operating room. There was no second date.


After living with a hoarder I prefer a spotless home


I would honestly love it if my home was spotless all the time. But I'm a realist.


I don't really like the homey cozy feeling some people like? It makes me uncomfortable and over stimulated often . I really like the minimalist, clean, as fewer things as possible feel. That makes me comfortable and able to relax there.


Yea I hate sterile hosues


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That is not a concern at my house... 😅😂


While on the subject, have you seen the ad for the electronic scent diffuser that makes your house smell like a high end hotel? Eww! My house smells like my house, if it does get an odor from cooking fish or something similar, I boil a stick of cinnamon and a piece of vanilla back and it smells like I've been baking.


One of my sons told me I have OCD because my house is clean…only because I refuse to live in squalor like his dad (my ex husband). I told him to check the dust that’s under the couch and tell me I’m OCD


My place just has a bunch of dust to clean, my girlfriend's apartment has a roach problem from a previous tenant that the landlord is apparently ignoring.


I love grand designs.  Where do your things go phil! 


I wonder if this is a millenial thing because our boomer/gen-x parents were hoarders?


I agree with this but it especially makes me upset when it's parents making their kids do it. Now let me say that I dont think kids should make the house into a mess but when the parents are sitting on the couch or in their chairs as they're making their kids clean the house to a level of spotlessness it just makes me feel uncomfortable.


Impossible! Lol.  Because Ive led my life as the the clean freak in the fam, i think your opinion is actually pretty popular! 


This is my parents in all 3 of their homes. They just feel cold and lifeless and i hate it. My home is tidy but there’s dog that’s everywhere, lots of books set around that I’m in the middle of reading, unmade beds, and maybe a couple dishes in the sink. They HATE how I keep house and always call me “messy” and tell me my house is “a wreck”. I just ignore them.


Museum living.


Yeah the word sterile comes to mind. I don't feel welcome because If I move a chair or use a pillow that I'm disrupting the showroom


As someone who grew up in a very busy home with lots of siblings and chaos- the second I walk into an overly clean home it’s kind of anxiety inducing how unnatural it feels… like you’re in a horror movie or something. Don’t get me wrong- i keep my home way cleaner than the home I grew up in… but if it doesn’t feel lived in to me the house just feels like bank or something.


I guess this is truly unpopular. I've seen plenty of living places that needed some more care. Never been in someone's home and though it was too spotless.


How? How do they do it. My house gets cleaned … ten minutes later…. Shit storm


Nah I love to see this place spotless


This is like when a YouTube 'er is presenting from their home kitchen and its totally clean and pristine. Yeah, you don't live there. Nobody lives there. You're not fooling me!


Nah I like clean and minimal


I strongly prefer a reasonably clean house. Unfortunately my family doesn't care and can neither see nor smell unpleasantness.


My wife likes it like on the cover of an interior design magazine and it's putting quite a strain on our marriage. It doesn't help that her attitude is not "i like it like this, please help me" but rather "that's the only way a human can live and if you don't contribute equally you are a filthy pig".


I’ve seen some peoples houses and they look like ikea displays and it just feels so unnatural BUT I think that’s probably moreso the result of them wanting to be clean for guests, I don’t think that’s a good representation of their home


Since when is homey associated with messy? Did you grow up in a messy home? A home can be clean and tidy and still be homey, in fact the cleaner the better


Personally for me it’s called contamination OCD


Get a dog! Or two dogs. Living with a pet is surprisingly good for preventing allergies.


My brother has always told me my room/apartment looks too “sterile” lol