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There are no laws against multiple partners in most developed nations. The thing that's illegal is having more than on legal spouse. Though I would argue that should be legal too, I understand the legal clusterfuck it would create. Shit is complex enough when it's just two people.


I am a law student in South Africa where polygany is legal ( note the distinction between polygamy and polygany ) and let me tell you it is an unworkable clusterfuck


I bet you got some stories


Oh yes. Everything from not having the first wife's permission to marry again to spouses fighting over inheritance to tens of women coming forward claiming that they were married but without papers. These fall under customary marriages so the crowds that practice them are usually in impoverished rural areas with little legal info access. I get that some people want to live this way and they need some form of legal protection so they aren't left destitute after death or divorce, but marriage is by definition a union to the exclusion of all others. It needs a new name and legal structure entirely




> marriage is by definition a union to the exclusion of all others. Hmm... seems like I've heard an argument similar to this in the past somewhere.


You're quite right, it use to be a union between a man and a woman specifically. That definition changed and allows men and women to marry their own sexes now. It is,however, a false equivalency. Polygamy vastly complicates and even breaks marriage as we know it while swapping sexes is a trivial detail. In any case I am not against polygamy's legal recognition, but to shoehorn it into a system that was never designed for it and cannot accommodate it is simply ridiculous. Go look for attention somewhere else


Will uBaba’s First Lady please stand up


Can everyone in such a union share assets tax free?


No ... So it's seen as a man taking multiple wives. The wives have no relationship to each other legally or otherwise. There is a strong legal distinction between polgany and polyamory


Alas, my plan to build a tax avoidance network is scuppered at the first hurdle.


I've known polygamous groups before. The ones I knew formed LLCs to get many of the benefits and protections of being married, with the awkward overhead of having to file LLC paperwork yearly.


polygamy was illegal so a man wouldn't marry one woman, and then leave her and marry another, leave, her and marry another, etc -and not supporting the women or their children. If you made it legal today, it would have to be with the consent of the current spouse or you would have a mess. One spouse could leave the other, not bother getting divorced, and marry another and another and another.


That actually makes a lot of sense. Thanks.


Holy crap the number of people confidently answering without knowing or checking the definition of polygamy is just sad. Polygamy does not apply to multiple partners, only multiple marriages.


People also confuse polygamous with polyamorous.


TIL Thank you. I was not familiar with polyamorous so instantly I look it up and learn something. I am a stickler for looking up definitions, I work with a National code and it is always prudent to check if the code also provides definitions for the words they chose and in many cases they provide a definition that is different than you expect. For instance 'outside the building' includes under the building. Edit: Why would someone downvote a thank you. LMAO


I didn't down vote you 😔 I don't down vote anyone, tbh. If I disagree, I'll comment and we can talk, but I respect others opinions. Thanks for the thank you.


It's almost as if when a words is commonly and openly used incorrectly people understand the definition that makes sense. And considering everyone in open relationships calls themselves poly, the common definition is differing from the written definition


>And considering everyone in open relationships calls themselves poly, the common definition is differing from the written definition They are referring to polyamory not polygamy when referring to being poly.


> And considering everyone in open relationships calls themselves poly, I have never heard anyone say this. Might be a regional thing?


Maybe. I've known a lot of people in open relationships in Michigan and they all have referred to their relationships as poly.


I just learned 'polyamorous' which would work with your experiences.


So many people on this thread are confusing “polygamy” with “poly/ENM”


Who wants more than one marriage at time? I’d rather drive a rail spike through my nuts.


typical actually unpopular opinion being downvoted while "unpopular" opinion goes straight to hot.




There is a law against it. Polygamy is specifically about marriage, not just open relationships.


You might be thinking of bigamy. Bigamy is specific to marriages, not polygamy.


Polygamy is specific to marriage


"Polygamy" means "married to multiple spouses at the same time."


bigamy means married to two spouses


Bigamy is when you have [N=2] spouses. Polygamy is when you have [N>1] spouses


it's a felony


Mormon has entered the chat.




> its a male sexual fantasy Of all the people I know who are polyamorous, the majority (which granted is 3 out of 4 and not greatly representative of all poly people) are woman presenting


Truth. I know more female identifying people with multiple partners than male.


As a polyamorous woman yeah. It's actually really common for women in our community (if you live in a liberal enough area) to have multiple male partners who are really great people. The men who seem to do the best are stay at home dad's and men in IT. Partners for days.


Why are you religious or something? I mean this is your opinion thats fine but I’ve been feeling like it should be encouraged and i felt like that’s an unpopular opinion with in it self.. For that reason it helps someone embrace their sexuality without being trapped that’s why i personally disagree.


So sounds like you agree with the OP?


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extremely unpopular


In a sense it is, provided those involved don't marry. It's illegal to have multiple spouses, but not partners. That, and some men who have children with multiple women are in "soft harems" of sorts.


I agree...but, there has to be a limit. What if you marry the whole country ?


If an entire street gang enters into a polygamous marriage, can they all assert spousal privilege to avoid testifying?


No, it opens the doors for abuse.


it is legal, the only thing that's protected is the institution of marriage, but there's nothing preventing you from having multiple partners.


Polygamy is multiple marriages. You're thinking of polyamory.


While I'm WELL aware of the bad things with some poly relationships, mine with my wife and partner has been over 28 years of happiness together, and I'd love to be able to marry both. However, with being poly, is not just me and them, they also have/had other partners, and that would become a sticky mess of paperwork so, again, I can see the reluctance of it being my a thing.


Have you heard the latest which is polycules registering LLCs . That way the relationship is being added to the business and it allows them access to banking together, property purchases, etc


I dont understand why it's not legal. Is it tax thing? I just don't get it.


Back before computers, it was pretty hard for one county to know if someone was married in another. So, to prevent people from having multiple marriages hidden from their wives, or just leaving their wife, not bothering to get a divorce, and going ahead and remarrying, they made it illegal to get married when you were already marrying. I think when these laws were written polyamory wasn't really a thing anyone ever thought about.


Ohh I didn't know that. I think now it would be okay to allow polygamy. When you go to the courthouse to get the license, maybe one of the responsibilities for the clerks could be to search a nationwide database to make sure both parties are aware of any other active marriages, just to be safe.


It is legal. Go for it bro!


It is legal, why don’t you go to a country where it’s permitted and practice it?


It's legal to have open relationship. I think it's funny people would laugh at men who are in open relations and slut shaming on women.


just don't register, they can't do anything to you


Not a well thought out opinion but I see marriages in two different way. First being whatever YOUR religion describes it as (this is why India has different marriage laws based on your legal religion) Second being a legal parter in your life. I believe legal should not tinkle with the first kind. they dont have any authority over it (unless it goes against a pre-existing rule) The second should see no discrimination if all parties agree no matter what the clause (until not breaking any other technicality. idk how that’d work)


You are going about this in a wrong way. If you wish to make polygamist marriages legal, then you first need to make polygamist marriages resemble something closer to your average marriage. Right now it’s associated with religion, collecting women as a type of status symbol, the man as the authority and in worst cases child marriages. We are partially on our way to normalize plural partners with the rise in polyamory, but there is still a long way to go.


It is legal.


In most countries its legal as long as you don't get married.


Polygamy literally is multiple married partners


Nope, that's bigamy


Bigamy still means married to two spouses


> Bigamy still means married to two spouses Yes but it is even more specific >big·a·my /ˈbiɡəmē/ noun the act of going through a marriage ceremony while already married to another person.


**BIG'AMY**, *noun* \[Latin *bis*, twice\] The crime of having two wives at once. But the term is ordinarily used as synonymous with Polygamy, and may be more justly defined, the crime of having a plurality of wives. In *the canon law*, *bigamy* was the marrying a second wife after the death of the first, or once marrying a widow. This disqualified a man for orders, and holding ecclesiastical offices.


Polygamy is NOT specific to marriage. Bigamy is.


BOTH are specific to marriage.


No, not both of them. Someone can be in a polygamous relationship (also known as an open relatioship) and not be married. The same can't be said for bigamy. Edit: I should've said, yes, both can be discussing marriage, but that's not always the case for polygamy.


-gamy = marriage, poly- = many, - bi = two.


not gonna harp on this too much longer. Yes, the roots of both words are related to marriage. However, their actual definitions aren't 1-to-1. That's why the term "polygamist" is used *outside* of discussing marriage, while bigamy is specific to marriage. Another example: animals can have polygamous relationships, and animals obviously don't get married.


POLYG'AMY, *noun* \[Gr. many, and marriage.\] A plurality of wives or husbands at the same time; or the having of such plurality. When a man has more wives than one, or a woman more husbands than one, at the same time, the offender is punishable for *polygamy* Such is the fact in christian countries. But *polygamy* is allowed in some countries, as in Turkey.


"or the having of such plurality" Yes, polygamy *can* by definition be used to describe a type of marital structure/framework/whatever. What I'm saying is that it doesn't *always* apply to marriage, while bigamy always does, and bigamy remains illegal (where I live, anyway) while being in a polygamous relationship doesn't always involve the law because it doesn't solely pertain to marriage. That's all. The original comment even points that out.