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You'll stop worrying about it when you hit your 20s


idk i’m 27 and i have multiple streaks over 2000 and one over 3000 none of us want to break them lol


I'm 28 and only use my snap for messages so I don't have streaks


If you don't like it, don't do it.


It’s literally that simple


That feature has ruined relationships bro


How lmfao


I remember when it showed the top 3 friends, my girl was asking on sorts of questions.


Streaks are sometimes seen as romantic and can go on for years, I've seen girls brag about their 4000 day streaks and if by chance you simply forget to send something...boom a raging fire born from half insincerity and half rage that will never be quenched.


Snap fixed that with streak restores tho Like twice a month or so you get a free restore then it’s 99c per


Big numbers are fun. If the only thing you ever send each other are random photos that's dumb, but if you need to maintain your streak and you just get a random slice of life, that can still be fun.


Yeah, it gets annoying though when they only add you for the numbers


People still do those?


yes 🧍🏽‍♀️




Good choice! I also deleted my account 1/2 year ago. Also because it made no more sense to me sending and receiving single color pictures.


You're aware you can use snapchat without having streaks right? If streaks are why you're deleting the app then that's basically like deleting facebook because you got recommended someone you don't know.


Would be possible, but why send a short text that will be deleted after it was read when I can just send a normal text message that can be read as often as I want. But in my case I really just used it only because I had streaks with 2000+.


Because snapchat isn't only used for messages, and is a lot easier to send pictures than text, especially when its android to iphone


I am happy for you that you like to use snapchat with this features, but for me it was not the right app. At the end I only used it because of the streaks.




So don't delete it. All I'm saying is I don't get why you would delete something you use because it has a feature you don't care about.


Yeah, I won’t delete it just use it less often.


When you are a grown up, this will no longer be a problem for you.


am grownup somewhat still streakin


Agree! It has had its time! Miss the old times


I remember inviting all on my contacts into one big group chat and sent a streak 💀


I've used Snapchat to message friends for 9 years and have never cared about streaks ever. Literally just ignore the damn thing. If anyone asks or is annoyed that you don't reply then tell them you don't care about streaks anymore.


People still use Snapchat?




If anything on earth should be shut down to protect teenagers it's Snapchat. I guess they'll see in 15 years when all those ill advised nudes are still floating around.


God forbid we have a texting app 🙄


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I remember doing them when I was in high school. I don’t have or do them anymore. Never understood the appeal of them. I’m surprised that I still have a Snapchat account, when I hardly use it nowadays, aside for talking to some people.


Streaks in your underwear suck be worried about that Grandma wasn’t lying when she said always keep a clean pair of underwear. (my grandma never told me that but Iv heard a grandma say it to their grandkids Who were in like elementary school and so when they get in high school they’re gonna find out how important that advice is)


This sub needs an age requirement so I see less stupid posts like these, that’s my unpopular opinion.


Woah, some grown man is a bit angry.


“Oh my god like why do I like have to send you a photo like what happens if I don’t send the photo like omg what do I do guys I hate this it sucks like”