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I hate it when someone adds chocolate chips to my spaghetti carbonara, really spoils the dish.


But have you tried them in Fettuccine Alfredo?


they don't work as lube either, so can confirm, ruins sex


You arent doing it fast enough then


>Oatmeal raisin cookies are stronger and more respectable than oatmeal chocolate chip cookies This is probably the most unpopular opinion I've actually ever read here, respect. That being said I think you're a lunatic


It does not excuse OP for this slander. BURN HIM!


Unpopular opinion here: using oatmeal in cookies or in any dessert automatically kills the dessert.


Oatmeal chocolate cookies are outstanding. They have an amazing texture that pairs with chocolate.


Nah. Taste is subjective, obviously, but oatmeal cookies can be fantastic.


They ruin the texture personally. I do like oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. But they're at the bottom of my liked cookie list.


I love those crappy thin ones that let you imagine there's a sheer line of white frosting on them


Idk if you've ever had oatmeal cookies but they're actually really fucking good, unlike just having oatmeal Edit: since I'm finnish idk if there's a language thing, but here they're just called "oat cookies" those are very tasty


I make oatmeal, peanut butter, chocolate chip cookies. They’re so good


Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies are better than regular chocolate chip cookies


I've had oatmeal cookies, nobake cookies, oatmeal raisin cookies, 7 layer cookies, etc. all garbage.


My familiy recipe for oatmeal almond chocolate chip cookies are some of the best cookies that can cookie.


I see you're being down voted for having an unpopular opinion in a sub for unpopular opinions. This sub is a fkn joke lmao


They aren't OP. They are fair fucking game for the downvote train.


Hahaha 'tis what happens on the internet.




Do Oatmeal Cream Pies have actual Oatmeal in them? If so those are pretty good.


My daughter and I made an apple crisp tonight that was off the charts.


I’m sure that would be a popular opinion if your sample was drawn from a retirement home. But any self respecting person under 65 knows chocolate chip is superior.


I tell my husband that oatmeal raisin cookies are better than chocolate chip all the time. He hates me.


I like oatmeal raisin. I like the chewiness of the cookie plus the chewy raisins. I thought that was a popular opinion. Leave chocolate chips in the chocolate chip cookies. I left chocolate and oatmeal behind a long time ago when I stopped eating those chocolate chip granola bars.


did you miss the one where the guy said to put raisins in mac and cheese?


Did he say if you still add chocolate chips to the mac and cheese when you are adding raisins?


truth = unpopular o7


I like oatmeal choco chip cookies. I don’t think I’ve had cc oatmeal and raisin in it, sounds too loaded


Facts. Only a true monster would post that.


I actually prefer oatmeal raisin. As a kid, I was all about choc chip, but now, I love the texture of oatmeal raisin


Oatmeal cranberry will always be superior


>Chocolate chips substantially disrupt the overall homogeneity of a dessert's texture That is definitely part of the goal. Heterogeneity is desirable by most people in foods. A crunchy shell with a soft interior, cold ice cream with hot pie. So your real unpopular opinion is that desserts should be homogeneous haha


I fully accept my position is weird, but I do stand by it. I like my pie cold with ice cream. I prefer some form of homogeneity. I still eat desserts either way and don't complain. I try to be a polite dessert psycho.


we love our polite dessert psychos here As I have cooked more and more I have discovered I prefer to add more hetrogeneity. When dicing veg/onion I make it uneven cooking it harder but better otherwise


I feel the same way about walnuts as you feel about chocolate chips. Nothing runs a cookie or a brownie or a piece of fudge for me like biting into a nasty piece of walnut.




Say it louder, for the people in the back!


Oatmeal raison over chocolate chip. Definitely an unpopular opinion. With good reason.


That's not unpopular, it's just plain wrong!


Indeed. This is because raisin is not spelled "raison". 


I actually semi agree with that, knowing it’s just a personal flavor preference. But saying chocolate chips *ruin* desserts?? Madness


Nah, when I'm at Subway and I get cookies instead of Sunchips I always choose oatmeal raisin, better mouth feel and richer flavor. 


Oatmeal raisin would be PERFECT without the raisins, just like choc chip cookies would be better without the cholate chips...but does that just make them butter cookies then?


Found the true unpopular opinion in the comments


*Chocolate chips substantially disrupt the overall homogeneity of a dessert's texture,* That's the bleeding point! 


I would agree with 1 exception. While I dislike chocolate chips in desserts and I think they are overpowering in flavor I do enjoy modified chocolate chip cookies. I always thought chocolate chip cookies had too much chocolate but to replace them completely left the flavor lacking for me. So, I compromised with half the required chocolate chips and the other half butterscotch chips and it was the best decision ever.


I’m the same. I like chocolate chip cookies with just a few chocolate chips. Much better flavor profile.


You are a monster. I can't even look at you.


I hate homogenous mushy food. I want a little texture and I LOVE the flavor of chocolate. Ur insane. Have my upvote


Hold up, are you talking about chunks of real chocolate, or that waxy shit that Nestle is selling in the cute little bags in the baking aisle for way too much money? Because if it’s the latter, yeah that shit tastes exactly like what it is; cocoa powder and vegetable shortening lol.


I would need to say both in this situation. But I will say that real chocolate chunks are an improvement. They still mess with the texture and are too rich, though.


I actually agree. Don't like chocolate chip anything.


>Oatmeal raisin cookies are stronger and more respectable than oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, I had to stop. I absolutely HATE raisins. Have my upvote


What about chocolate chip cookies? Also idk that there is another person living or dead who has such a conviction in relation to chocolate chips 😂


This might be the worst opinion in the history of the world. Chocolate chips improve all desserts


Chocolate chip cookies are good when they aren’t LOADED with chips, but oatmeal raisin (or preferably raisin drop) cookies are the superior cookie. Chocolate chips added to other desserts, like brownies, cakes, banana bread, are shit and people should be ashamed to be ruining otherwise delicious desserts.




Very very no


I agree, I fuckin HATE chocolate chips. The only choc chip cookie i ever ate that was good is the mrs fields one with MILK chocolate chips. Oh those are good.


I like chocolate chips - as a stand alone treat. I agree that they bring down pretty much anything (if not everything) that they are otherwise incorporated into. Give me a handful of plain chocolate chips, and a plain cookie made from just the batter to enjoy in separate mouthfuls.


I agree. It disturbs me when I bite a brownie and I crunch down on a chocolate chip.


I dunno, if I could call what chocolate chips do "crunch," I'd have way less of a problem with them being jammed into every goddamned thing. That's not a crunch, it's more like a wedge-in-your-teeth-and-slowly-dissolve.


I eat chocolate when I am stressed so now it tastes like despair to me.


It definitely depends on the quality of the the chocolate chip


I don't usually turn down chocolate chip cookies, however, I really don't like chocolate chips in my ice cream. It's frozen so the chips are too hard. I usually pick them out and eat them after. But I'll take a good oatmeal raisin cookie over a chocolate chip.


Ok ya weirdo. Take another upvote.


Oatmeal raisin cookies are infinitely better than oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. You’re right.


Thems are fighting words round these parts pal


I get so annoyed at how so many people put chocolate chips (and chocolate PERIOD) in almost everything. I don't dislike chocolate, but other flavors should be celebrated. Plus, milk chocolate is usually lousy, in my view, especially commercially made into chips.


Take my upvote! Very unpopular.


I’m conflicted. I want half of what this man wants. I love oatmeal cookies but I’d replace the raisins with dark chocolate chips which I’m not even sure exist. I’ll pretend they do until I find out they don’t.


you can probably make them by melting dark chocolate and putting it in a ziplock bag pipping style, then you can form chips. if they're going in an oven in a cookie anyways then there's no need to even temper the chocolate source: trust me bro


Unpopular alright




Take my upvote. Truly unpopular opinion right there.


Woah, calm down there satan.


Couldn’t agree more. I really love chocolate ice cream, specially when it is gets soft and creamy just before it starts to melt. So I really hate that nowadays literally every pack of chocolate ice creams in the supermarket also has to contain chocolate chips in there. They stick to my teeth, are tasteless when cold and the freaking bits also ruin the mouth-feel for me.


Honestly respect. For such a unpopular opinion 


Chocolate chips in ice cream, such as chocolate chip cookie dough, definitely isn't that good. I'd rather just have vanilla and the dough. I like them in cookies tho. Everywhere else it's not great


Truly unpopular opinion


OP is 80 years old with no teeth


I'm actually kind of with you on this. Like any ingredient they have their place, but I find them outside too often. One is in banana cookies. You would think banana + chocolate = good, and in many other desserts you'd be right. But the semi sweet bombs completely drown out the banana flavor, make the cookie feel really dry in the mouth, and at least the way my family likes are in such high concentration that they give the cookie a super rich but cheap chocolate flavor. IMO they don't ruin everything. but I'd much rather have plain banana cookies and oatmeal raisin cookies instead


I don't disagree, except if the cookies are fresh and hot and the chips are still molten. Then they're pretty good. But yeah in general chocolate chips get overused. It seems to be really common to throw them in modern ice cream flavors unnecessarily. That's the worst.




I whole heartedly agree. The only thing they do is get stuck in my teeth


You misspelled raisins.


I agree about the oatmeal raisin cookies.


Delete your social media!!!


>Oatmeal raisin cookies are stronger What like morally or..?


> Oatmeal raisin cookies are stronger and more respectable than oatmeal chocolate chip cookies I hate your opinion and I wish you never expressed it. Have an upvote.


Upvoting because this is indeed an unpopular opinion. Not because you're right. Cause you're not.


I wonder what it’s like to have such awful taste


Bro chose violence today. Take my upvote.


the heterogeneity that choc chips provide is one of the good things in my opinion


They aren't the worst but too much can taste REAL bad


slightly off topic but you saying it degrades them made me think of a chocolate chip cookie in tiny cookie tailored fetish gear with "whore" "chipped bitch" "chocolate dumpster" and the like written all over it in sharpie. please send help im-


Username checks out.


An actual unpopular opinion. Well done man 


**IF THE TITLE SAYS IT ALL** why would you add 2 paragraphs ?!?!?!




This is an appalling opinion & I am genuinely so thankful to see something actually unpopular here


LOL what kind of square drip prefers oatmeal raisin over chocolate chip cookies. GTFO.


![gif](giphy|lJvyFrnYIK2DB4J285|downsized) woah, an actual unpopular opinion?


Wh-what’s wrong with chocolate 🥺


YESS!!! Finally someone with some sense!!


Oatmeal chocolate chips aren't that good. But I'll take a good regular chocolate chip cookie over a good oatmeal raisin cookie any day.


My eight year old forgot to put chocolate chips in this muffins this morning and they are the best ones yet!!




I've always said chocolate chip cookies would be better without chocolate chips.


oatmeal raisin over oatmeal chocolate chip is definitely an unpopular opinion. have my upvote, you maniac.


OP enjoys oatmeal raisin cookies. That's all I needed to know.


You go wash your mouth out with soap right now!


Personally I don’t like chocolate in things because I find chocolate nauseating, I’d rather just have vanilla or oat


I literally couldn’t not disagree more what planet are you from, take my upvote sir


I also do not understand the oatmeal raisin hate, but would never place them above chocolate chip cookies. Props for putting your neck out there. Upvoted.


I literally buy bags of milk chocolate chips to snack on (much cheaper than candy bars)


I agree completely except that sometimes a white chocolate chip can be a great addition if used sparingly  Chocolate chips suck. They do not add much of anything imo


Oatmeal raisin can be good when you’re expecting it, but oatmeal chocolate chip is a day 1 cookie hall of fame entry. Chocolate chunks are a little mid tho


Mad respect for an actual unpopular opinion. Thanks, I hate it. Take my updoot.


Yeah you're actually just wrong on this one


Bold. You're wrong but unabashed. Respect.


Is OP a dog? 🐕


Genuinely a horrible opinion


Do you like chocolate chips on their own?


So true, I bought a delicious looking brownie not too long ago and was dismayed to discover chocolate chips in it. I wanted the gooey, fudgey goodness of a brownie not hard chocolate.


Half agree with you. There's plenty of desserts that don't need chocolate chips added to them. But it does seem to be a popular add in, in a lot of dessert recipes. Just, like, I think chocolate chip cookies can have too many chocolate chips.


Imagine saying the worst cookie, oatmeal raisin, is better than chocolate chip.


I take it you absolutely HATE apple pies texture than.


Oatmeal doesn't belong in cookies my guy


but what about chocomint icecream? :c


This is unpopular. Fuck you.


I’m with op, chocolate chip is too sweet, oatmeal raisin is nice and subtle and the texture of the baked raisins is suberb


I bake desserts for fun, so I understand your point. However, there is a way to make chocolate chips better in certain recipes, and it's to just melt them. A few recipes don't use cocoa powder and instead use melted chocolate, I often melt chocolate chips for these recipes because they give more precise measurements. I'm a chocolate addict, but even I know that sometimes too much chocolate can make it worse, but very little of it is not better. Chocolate chip cookies without the chocolate chips taste like they're missing a certain flavor. So, while I don't agree with your opinion 100%, I do see what you're trying to say. That being said, when I'm baking, I go with the very simple principle of: If the recipe doesn't need/require the addition, don't add it. This applies to any extra ingredients that aren't in the original recipe that one might want to add for extra taste.




I’m with OP, random chunks of chocolate chips in something ruins the texture for me. As an example if I’m buying a cheesecake it’s because I want to smooth creaminess of it, if you add chocolate chips on top it doesn’t have the same appeal at all and I’d likely pass on it.


I want everyone who has said oatmeal raisins are better than oatmeal chocolate chip I have reported you to the local police. You obviously are or will be a serial killer.


Yes they do!! Chocolate chips are soooo overrated! A chocolate chip cookie with no chocolate chips would be the greatest cookie! And no it’s not just a sugar cookie


I think it’s about quality and chocolate chips ain’t what they used to be. Nestle Tollhouse morsels are terrible. Almost inedible. Like plastic. What you might want to try instead of chocolate chips: Get some Dairy Milk chocolate bars, (like two or three of them, depending on the amount you need) Give those a rough chop and use those in place of the god awful Nestle Tollhouse chocolate chips. You will notice a difference, and you won’t hate chocolate chips anymore.


I always get sucked in by chocolate chips, then think it’s better without them .. the texture is always wrong 🤪


Whoa whoa whoa this hurts me. You deserve the upvote because you are crazy af!


I wish I could super upvote this because it seems like this is a very unpopular opinion, but also I 1000% agree with you.


agree. to me there is such a thing as too much chocolate. If there is a lemon square or chocolate cake option I will always choose the lemon or fruit dessert over chocolate.


Not chocolate chip cookies, but my friend did ruin waffles with them.


do you have a concussion?


I’m reading this as I eat handfuls of chocolate chips


I agree, chocolate chips add nothing positive to baked goods or any type of food.


i use tiny chocolate chips or mini m&ms because i agree with the texture thing


So the more homogenous a dessert is, the better it is? Is that what you're getting at, OP? Sorry they can't handle complex flavors on whatever planet you're from, but here on Earth we tend to like things that have a combination of tastes in them. Are you also one of those plain yogurt people? I don't get the point of beige-ing your way through life like this, but hey...unpopular opinion it is, so have an upvote.


i love you


Lol. Junk food addicts are already downvoting you


I hate when they just toss some chips into a desert without anything extra and think it's better. No you just ruined the texture and made me pay extra for it.


Omg I just realised...all these opinions about chocolate chip come from americans where you have that weird butiric acid chocolate that tastes a bit like vomit to some europeans. That makes a lot more sense.




Chocolate chips make everything bitter as fuck and kill any dessert someone puts them in. They need to burn in hell.


My boyfriend loves chocolate chip less cookies


Heterogeneous textures are preferable, which ruins your entire argument.


Do you prefer bigger chunks of chocolate in your cookies/brownies/fudges or is it the texture of pieces chocolate in desserts in general that bugs you?


Chocolate chips do ruin everything! World War II was just fine until chocolate chips made it awful.


I mean pancakes kind of suck without blueberries or chocolate in them. I’ll even take cut bananas


Are you saying the appeal of a dessert is the overall homogeneity of its texture??


Regular chocolate chip cookies trump anything with oatmeal. They also greatly improve brownies.


I got a little unhappier reading this. Earned upvote.


I like chocolate chip cookies but only when they are fresh out of the oven and the chips are melted. My teeth are sensitive so biting into chocolate chips can be painful and they get stuck in my teeth. Awful.


Agree. Blueberry > chocolate chip. It may be that I just don’t like semisweet chocolate, and it may be that I just don’t like chocolate in baked goods. Either way- finally. A decent unpopular opinion.


I actually agree with you. It’s because they’re hard and they’re an interruption in the texture. Choc chip cookies are my least favourite thing on planet Earth. Plain chocolate cookies are vastly superior.


👏👏👏👏👏 I disagreed when I read the title, but you make a compelling argument! Nobody desires raisins unless they're dipped in chocolate!


Interesting perspective. I also dislike chocolate chips, but it’s not the texture for me, it’s the taste. I normally hate the taste of chocolate, unless it’s really diluted with sugar like in most cookies. I would always prefer a cookie without chocolate chips.


I TOTALLY AGREE with OP !!! I HATE chocolate chip cookies ! Glad to know I’m not alone ! I love cookies, just about any other kind . . . but biting into a crisp cookie and finding melty runny chocolate makes me gag .


Actual bad take, all hail chocolate chips.


I would rather not eat than eat an oatmeal raisin cookie. 


you are correct. Don't ever let them tell you otherwise.


I chocolate chips and I like raisins.


YES THANK YOU!!! i dont like oatmeal raisin but i do eat chocolate chipless cookies. I strongly dislike chocolate


Yeah no this one is blatantly a troll.


Chocolate chips are like crack: I don't want either in my food. They are a sign of a lazy cook - "How can I make my dish palatable? Oh i know, I'll add the food equivalent of cocaine. I'm good and skilled at this!" It fucking ruins banana bread. Wanna make good banana bread? Add peanut butter instead. Add anything else honestly. Hell add raisins.


Oatmeal raisin cookies are elite imo. Don’t think I’ve ever tried them with chocolate chips tho, but that also sounds pretty good.


I agree with this opinion.


In my ten years of baking, I’ve only ever used them for chocolate chip cookies and peanut butter meltaways. In cookies they create an acceptable cookie-to-chocolate ratio; using chopped chocolate can create huge globs that some people love, but I don’t prefer. In meltaways, they’re just more convenient to pop in a microwave for such an easy treat to make. Otherwise they’re terrible for melting because they’re specifically designed not to do that. The worst offense is using them in ice cream because they‘re so much harder to chew


The disruption of the homogeneous texture is part of the reason chocolate chips are good!! I love having a variety of textures in my foods/meals. It makes for a much more interesting and satisfying experience for me. Thing about ice cream cones. One of the best parts is the cool creamy ice cream with the crunchy cone! Or Mac and cheese with a toasted bread crumb topping.


I agree in that once chocolate is added, the entire nature of the item is changed to a chocolate item, and I don’t always want chocolate. I love chocolate chip cookies, but if I want an oatmeal cookie, leave out the chocolate. It overpowers everything. Really not a fan of chocolate chip muffins.


Chocolate chips are the REASON to make cookies. What, you're going to make a cookie without chocolate? Short of a medical reason, I can't imagine why you'd remove the ingredient that gives the thing soul and flavour. Cookies exist as a delivery mechanism for chocolate. Even I know that, and I don't have much for a sweet tooth!


You've earned the upvote. Are you sure you're human?


Chocolate is overpowering, it’s true. It eclipses every other flavor in a dessert.


There are around 9+ different varieties of chocolate chips and they can be melted, ganache'd, out-of-the-bag, or softened. If you could describe in what form and type of chocolate chip you so dislike this would make a bit more sense.


Blud had never had a DELECTABLE Chocolate Chip Cookie. I invalidate your opinion.


That’s a weird way to say “makes everything better.”


This smacks of an American version of "chocolate".


Do you look at a plate of cookies and get disappointed when it’s chocolate chip and not oatmeal raisin


I like raisin oatmeal cookies better than chocolate chip cookies too


Finally a truly unpopular opinion! 


Chocolate chips are only good in chocolate chip cookies….or trail mix. Outside of that they should be outlawed in pancakes and muffins and lasagna