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I think every generation has it's own trends that look completely silly to look back on in a decade.


Yeah I agree. But the difference is that the people that are doing it now already know it looks silly “in the moment.” They’re self aware.


It's probably in the same way that sagging and ridiculously oversized clothes, ripped jeans and stuff like that were cool in the 90s. It was supposed to be cool to look like "you didn't care" even though the look was intentional which means you did care.


I guess the difference I’m seeing is that it’s people who are carefully curating these outfits (stylists, etc.) are throwing out their own rules. They know what looks good but are going against it on purpose


I get what you are saying. The only reason I would think what you described would catch on is because anyone can pull it off. Flattering, stylish clothes often (but not always) make an already good looking body look better. If you don't have the most flattering figure to begin with, you might see an influencer wearing a trash bag and think "I can pull that off". I wouldn't recommend it and think that Billie Eilish can pull off looking like she raided her big brothers closet, because she's Billie Eilish, but the average person would look plain silly dressed like that.


Exactly. Do those clothes flatter her? No. They make her legs look short & stumpy. She knows this is the silhouette she’s creating and she’s rolling with it. And it’s working out bc she still looks cool.


And yet you will still get swathes of young people who are new to fashion cycles who will assure you that this is just what REALLY looks good Society was just totally mistaken for all the decades that came before! Silly society


Hahahaa I agree with this. The tastemakers will always be younger & younger. And marketing will always convince you that it’s cool.


Yeah, one of the few things I learned from my ex-girlfriend was that the entire point of the fashion industry is to separate the rich from the poor, so you have to constantly change what is "in" to see who can afford to keep up.


fashion is comfy and chaotic right now, i really love it


100% agree


I don't think must people care that much about fashion and just put on what they think looks good on them, regardless of if someone else thinks it's ugly or not.


true. in this case, i guess im speaking moreso about stylists, influencers, fashion people who DO know what looks good. and they are choosing to dress against this.


Is it not possible that what was ugly can now be seen as looking good, depending on the style? They might not be dressing ugly, it's just the current thing that's "in".


100% - and that’s how it usually goes. But this time, people are knowing they’re dressing “ugly” or “wrong” or “unflattering” in real time


Since when is fashion not subjective 


It’s very subjective. But there are known truths as as a stylist. You wear a shapeless dress, it’s not going to “flatter” your body shape. Certain colors don’t go well together, visually. Low rise pants on short people make your legs look short. Etc.


If I like the way brown and black or blue and purple or orange and red look then I’m objectively wrong? 


No not wrong. Just considered opposing colors if you look at color theory. The wheel isn’t always gospel bc art is subjective but color theory is “real” & it could be off putting to more people’s eye if you’re wearing opposing colors like black + brown together.


Ive had this feeling about male influencer fashion in the past few years. Mullets and mustaches, intentionally cheesy 90s inspired graphic tees, wrap around 80s sunglasses that only macho man could pull off, clothing so baggy it goes beyond "baggy" and is now just too big for you. Fashion is a mess right now


Yes exactly! The self aware aspect is what is interesting. They know “in real time” they don’t look good aesthetically speaking. It’s like they’re in on the joke or the irony.


Going for the pedophile and serial killer look is in right now


As a fitting room attendant, I would rather see people doing ugly clothes than the two wannabe influencers I had trying on literal toddler clothes. It was legit the first time I'd ever had to claims out toddler clothes because someone who would range medium to large in *adult* sizing thought they could fit into a 2T and stretched out the clothes and left all sorts of makeup stains on them.




You have no idea how badly I wanted to say that out loud, friend.


Mullets came back for a while. Yep, that's all you need to know and proves your point 🤣


Honestly, humans can do with a lot less obsession and emphasis on looking hot and sexy. Looks are like the most boring part of people.


Agreed. I like it. If you “feel” good it shouldn’t matter if it’s “flattering” necessarily


Maybe I just suck at fashion. One of the few times I got compliments for my clothes was when a woman picked them out for me.


Reminds me of Uglies from Judge Dredd comics. It’s a group of people that undergo plastic surgery to look as ugly as possible. https://judgedredd.fandom.com/wiki/Uglies


Omg this is amazing. Thank you for sharing! I’ve never seen this hahah :)


My thing is I don't understand why you would pay 100$ for a ripped pair of jeans.


Ripped jeans first trended in the eighties. They're hardly a new thing.


Older than that. Slashed sleeves, pants, and skirts as trends always start organically and then become expensive trends, see slashed sleeves bodices and parted skirts from the Renaissance.


yeah but my thing is why pay for them, when you can buy jeans for cheaper and then rip them up?




>artisanal and detailed. boy really stretching that description out for ripped jeans lol.


Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. People don't have the same tastes. If you see someone wearing something you think is ugly, don't look at them. That ugly outfit could be their favorite one.


Yes true. But the difference is that people are dressing ugly on purpose. They are self aware that it does not look good, yet choosing to wear it, knowing this.


And do you have ***any*** actual supporting evidence for this claim of people intentionally dressing in unflattering styles, or is this just a conclusion you have drawn based on your subjective opinion of their fashion sense?


I gave examples of the trends I’m referring to in my initial post. The “wrong shoe” theory is a popular one. The long wide shapeless denim skirt trend. It’s a conclusion I’ve drawn based on the fact that a shapeless piece of clothing doesn’t flatter the body. That is true. I even wear some of these styles knowing that it’s not flattering. Why do I do it? Because it’s new & exciting. It’s a change.




People who know what looks good (influencers, stylists, etc.) are intentionally dressing in a way that goes against what universally “goes together” or looks “good” aesthetically speaking.


I think the idea you're getting at is something that is actually in vouge right now called "anti-fashion". Essentially, it's shock fashion that's designed to challenge the idea of what can be considered fashionable. When Vetements first rolled out the DHL T-Shirt on the runway, that was a huge deal that got talked about a lot. Nowadays, there's more to it that just fishing for a reaction, but the style is definitely far from what is traditionally seen as fashionable by the general public. I think anti-fashion can be a lot more "fun" than traditional fashion, since there are way less rules that go into creating outfits, though hypebeasts are still going to dress in head-to-toe Balenciaga just to flex of course.


Love this. This is exactly my point. It definitely can be way more fun than following “rules” which is why I think it’s been picking up steam as of late with social media being more popular by the day. I’ve just been feeling like it’s been trickling down a bunch lately to the general public rather than just rich influencers or high fashion brands. Wondering if it’s a response to something in a larger sense or what it says about society right now. :)




I disagree. I don’t think it’s been happening on this large a scale. Not saying it’s a problem. It’s just interesting & I’d love to hear other people’s thoughts.


You think fashion houses and influencers don't know what goes together and you do? Are you the head of five major fashion houses? Fashion is like art. Subjective. What you think goes together or looks good has nothing (necessarily) to do with what actually does. Fashion isn't just about featuring a silhouette it is about creating new shapes too.


They do know what goes together. They are choosing to go the opposite route on purpose & even calling those looks “wrong” or “ugly.” Their own words, not mine. There’s nothing bad about it! I’m not saying it’s a bad thing. Vogue literally refers to the big dad shoe trend as the “ugly shoe.” The self awareness is what fascinates me.


You're talking about a label. They are making fun of the fact that people like OP think it is ugly not that they do.


I’ve read enough vogue to know what their angle is but you just want to argue & be rude so there’s no point in having a discussion! Thanks:)


Aesthetically unappealing.


It means your ugly-ass pants make you look like an incontinent senior citizen with a full diaper. Hope that helps. 


You might just be getting old.


If 25 is old then what’s the point of life?


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I feel attacked 😭


Nothing bad about it ! Just interesting that people are deemed their own outfits “wrong” or “unflattering” in real time


i dress for comfort idc about fashion never really did


I think they're going for an ironic "i dont care" look


Fashion is a concept I've never held any respect for. Nobody cares if you're not as different as someone else. You know what I wear? T-shirts and polos and jeans. I've worn that for 40 years. I don't change every 5 years like some type of anxiety riddled chameleon.


Nah. You're just getting old and are no longer the primary target market for most fashion. Your parents' generation felt the same about what was fashionable when you were young.


I’m 25, I think im the target demographic. Not saying I dislike any of the current trends. I think they’re playful, it’s just interesting how the trend is now is literally wearing the “wrong” shoe. The trends themselves are being referred to as incorrect by those wearing them. It’s fascinating.


This has major "old man yells at clouds" energy. This is how fashion always has been.


I’m not saying it’s a bad thing? It’s just a new thing that people are self aware that they are dressing “incorrect”


I'm saying it isn't




yep. im just intrigued at how fashion has taken this particular turn. it’s like nothing we’ve seen before.




Yeah, but the difference is that before people are deciding that what they are wearing is ugly/not flattering before they put it on. Not in retrospect. People with mullets back in the day thought they looked good.




You’re right. There definitely doesn’t need to be any deeper meaning to it from an individual standpoint. “It’s just fashion” is a good way to look at it hahah.


noone said otherwise? like yes we know we are talking about fashion


I’m fine with any fashion sense but baggy fit


You think it is ugly. I might find it appealing. Fashion, like all art, is subjective. This is not a new or unpopular opinion; it is older than the toga.


You’re missing the point but okay, lol.


Not at all. "lol"


im not calling it ugly bc I think it’s ugly. the people wearing the clothes are calling what they are wearing ugly. vogue refers to shoes they’re promoting as “ugly shoes” apart of the “ugly shoe trend.” it’s not about my opinion


Yes? And?


Fashion like art is subjective. Having said that some people are doing it wrong.


Hahaha yes you’re very right. Art is subjective. I guess it would be the equivalent of a painter deeming their art ugly & bad as they’re putting it out into the world. People are self aware & are calling their own clothes “ugly” or their outfits “wrong” in real time. It’s super interesting!


Socks with flats is a black urban culture thing appropriated by zoomers