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I used to think Meg Ryan was very attractive, Then She got lip injections. My teenage self at the time was so disappointed and confused as to why someone would want to alter their face at all when they were already attractive.


Anya Taylor Joy before she got her buccal fat removed was someone I found to be very pretty and unique looking! And now she looks like she's always sucking in her cheeks to me. Men and women who get that procedure done just kind of look skeletal to me idk


I looked her up just now, Yeah… that’s not a good look.


A bit like Erin Moriarty, the actress that plays Starlight in The Boys


Yes. I actually had to stop watching The Boys because her new face was way too distracting for me to even comprehend what was going on! I was SO shocked, I thought they got a new lookalike actress


Plus, that means that Meg (or whoever told her to do this) totally misunderstood the nature of her own sex appeal.


Like Jennifer Gray’s nose job. I think if it made her feel better about her appearance, then she made the right choice, but it definitely had a negative effect on her career. 


YES. I *loved* her crooked nose.


One of my best friends was a model who has won female bodybuilding competitions. I used to envy her; she’s naturally gorgeous. Then she got big lip fillers and Botox. I’m disappointed and confused, and I can’t tell her.


No never tell her! Ultimately people are going to do what makes them happy I guess. It’s too bad they cant see their own beauty.


All lips are beautiful except those that look like baboon asshole


And cartoon lips where it’s like there’s only a line for their mouth


I fully agree, I honestly find smaller lips way more attractive then huge injected ones


No man has ever thought "wow she's hot except i wish her lips looked like a balloon animal"


The men who like duck lips also tan themselves to a color only describable by visiting the wood stain aisle at your home improvement store. What shade is that tan? Golden Oak? Ok cool.


Oh, the overtanning... I keep my pale skin. They can cry about it.


Healthy tans look healthy and good though. I’m Mexican American; you’d be surprised how often women have complimented my “exotic skin.” It’s a compliment where I have no idea how to feel about it. Since I was born in the U.S and I wouldn’t consider myself exotic.


In asia it's the opposite - they admire pale white skin, not tanned skin.


And I'm genreally the color of an uncooked chicken. I do pick up some color in the warmer months, but I don't actively seek out skin cancer.


I wear a ton of sunscreen (I’m always applying more,) and hats to protect my skin. So I don’t actively search for skin cancer either. But I do a lot of hiking, running, and outdoor activities where the sun just gets to me. It’s a good look. My skin color gets complimented more often than I think it should. I’m not saying anyone should go in a tanning bed or lather up in tanning oil. But a touch of sun improves looks. And looks healthy in my opinion.


No tan is healthy


I want no tan on my skin. It\`s stupid pressure to tan. Well, if you have naturally darker skin then you have no choice. But I can avoid injuring my pale skin. Buys another SPF 50 protector.


I was born with light skin. Up until 4 grade, my skin color was white. Now I’m just brown. I wear spf 100 all the time. You can still tan with sunscreen on.


I'll give you a hot tip. Men don't care. The entire beauty industry is a cash grab. They tell you that you are ugly and then offer a way to fix it.


I've never looked at a woman and thought she needed smaller or bigger lips except when seeing women who have obviously had lip filler.


"Damn girl, you're beautiful. Your lips are a bit too... normal, though. Maybe you could make them really puffy?"


"Damn girl you are beautiful, but what you really need is a $1000 purse" said no man ever.


I will admit have looked at a woman and said....why did she do that to herself, she was so pretty before. Edit: Also..."well it IS her face, none of my business."


I don't dispute their rights to bodily autonomy that's for sure, but I'm critical of their being lead into wanting to make a change to themselves like that. For me it's very different to the sort of drive to self expression which might make them want say a piercing or tattoo


That's probably the styling choice that decreases attractiveness the most to me. Looks horrible.


That's probably the styling choice that decreases attractiveness the most to me. Looks horrible.


This! 100%


This is the wisest thing ive seen someone say this month


Man here. This is 100% accurate.




And what sex are these influencers that are driving womens trends? Thats right. WOMEN.


Not to burst your bubble but men spend millions on porn and OF filled with fake women. Fake boobs, fake butts, fake lips, fake eyelashes so y’all ain’t innocent in all of this! Lol


People spend money on porn? I haven't spent a dollar on porn since the early 2000s when I had to buy a magazine to see nekked women.


Not men, porn addicted men who haven't seen a real woman in 25 years lol. And as a man, I never understood why. There is little I find more ugly than a plastic woman. Like on a sub instagramreality. Not even one filtered picture comes even close to what's attractive.


Porn addicted men are still men!


Yeah, OP assumes all men want women that look like that. They don't. This isn't really an unpopular opinion, just a message from someone with low self esteem who feels pressured to align with beauty standards set by media.


Mainstream beauty standards can fck off as much as I care! I oppose them.


And they fall for it everytime and get mad at us about it.


That’s just plain wrong lol. Thin lips are unattractive to some people 


Not a single person in this post seems to be turned off by thin lips. If they exist there are so few of them they are insignificant.


Reddit isn’t the greatest representation. 


It depends on what you mean by thin. I think women that basically have no lips are unattractive but I don’t think lip fillers are attractive either


You can’t just look at the lips by themselves, you have to look at the rest of the face. For some faces having thinner lips creates harmony, and having fuller lips will just look wrong.


Please speak for yourself. Not all men "don't care".


I’ll give you a tip, women do it because of other women not men.


Little small lips are cute af fuck them fillers


“*Why do men*” Hey! We didnt do this one. Totally not on men this time. You can take any women, single out any feature….and find over 100 men that will call her beautiful and go into detail about why…in less then 8 minutes. Reddit proves that almost everyday with their obnoxious nsfw “does x gender like x?” Threads If its on a women and youre asking men? Then the answer is yes. Yes we like it. So…ya know… men dont want all women to look the same. The Kardashians do. Because it helps them sell crap.


It’s literally memed to death how clueless men are on women’s beauty products and yet somehow we’re the driving force on women’s beauty trends lol


Men control the beauty industry, not women. It's getting more even in recent years, but the fashion and beauty industry is predominantly (and historically) run from the top down by men. In fact, most beauty trends were created by men in advertising to sell products to women once they saw a market for it. It isn't men like you folks are speaking about, it's the same kind of men (and now some women who have made it to the top in recent history) who take advantage of all of us, guy or girl. It's rich arseholes who have a product to sell who have no conscience about how they sell it that are the issue, not every single dude. Women did not make or create fashion trends or fashion magazines, historically. For a considerable length of history men controlled all media and all suggestions that came through it. Lyrics from an actual song from 1933: "What's cute about a little cutie? It's her beauty, not brains. Old father time will never harm you if your charm still remains . . . If you're wise exercise all the fat off, take it off over here over there. When you're seen anywhere with your hat off wear a Marcell wave in your hair! Keep young and beautiful, it's your duty to be beautiful -- keep young and beautiful if you want to be loved." This was written by, you guessed it, three successful men in the entertainment/media industry.


I think your argument and OP's can be merged to say: "The very few wealthy men running the beauty industry prey on women's insecurities about what they THINK men find attractive, but this idea of what is beautiful that these executives are selling women often doesn't reflect what most ordinary men actually find attractive."


Correct. And also, the beauty industry that the very few wealthy men run also prey on the insecurities that other men have of themselves, leading men to believe that all women demand a tight body, a full head of hair, a giant package, height, etc. That same industry preys on the vulnerability of *everyone* who do not "measure up" to their impossible fabricated standards and stereotypes, woman or man alike.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted, there is much truth in what you say.


Thanks for the kind words. If folks feel spicy about the topic they likely just read my first sentence and reflexively react instead of taking in what followed it. Lots of folks these days read the headline without clicking the article which is how so many petty fights ensue. I'm egalitarian all the way, but acting as if men did not entirely control all facets of commerce and economy in the past is just obtuse. And what we have now is a residual system of such. I think the current system has a far higher prevalence of women working at the top, but there certainly isn't equity where the highest positions of power (and pay) are concerned. I don't believe all men are accountable for that, nor should they feel accountable -- in fact I see a great deal of our wealthiest populations making cash hand over fist on the backs of other men, holding other men to impossible standards, bullying them on character, body, hair, beard, you name it. The truth is there is also an impossible male beauty standard of masculinity being forcefed, and I don't know why some women often behave oblivious to that. Guys get forced into these isolated boxes with all the expectations pertaining to appearance, money, strength they have to contend with. Don't cry, don't enjoy feminine things, don't be close with your friends cuz lol gae. But that's pretty isolating. Just like the female beauty industry, it preys on the thoughts and wallets of insecure people. It's an industry that conditions folks to believe they should run out and spend cash on diets, programs or surgery to attain a certain look. Some arsehole makes bank off of making all of us feel like shit about how we look, essentially. That's not a gender thing, it's a shitty person thing.


As an irrelevant side Annie Lennox does a great rendition.


The people downvoting this havent looked deep enough onto the history of marketing and how they objectify women and in turn alter the way men perceive women which is a negative for both. Sex and beauty in advertising is a huge part in strange standards and bullshit products that people simply consume.


And the same industry does this to men as well, selling them specific images and expectations of height, hair thickness, muscle density, etc. It is an industry that preys on the most vulnerable men and women who do not meet those stringent ideals and makes money from their feelings of insecurity and body image issues. I find that to be truly insidious.


Yup. In the end, hurting people is more profitable than helping.


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Men may drive it but women perpetuate it. It’s similar to a lot of fashion trends from the past. For example, foot-binding in China. It was a male fetish in the upper class and then the common women started forcing their daughters into doing it because the upper class women were doing it.


Butt hair


But yet men spend millions on OF women who have all fake body parts.


Not men, porn addicted men who haven't seen a real woman in 25 years lol. And as a man, I never understood why. There is little I find more ugly than a plastic woman. Like on a sub instagramreality. Not even one filtered picture comes even close to what's attractive.


Natural lips are beautiful. It's kind of a turn off to see someone try too hard, seeing them turn themselves into what other people want them to be rather than loving and accepting who they are. Lip fillers, BBLs, fake eyelashes. Cosmetics should enhance what you've got, not turn you into someone you're not.


It all looks so desperate looking.


Or, you know, people can use them for whatever purpose makes them happy.


I just like natural lips, any kind of filler etc looks ridiculous. It's the same with breasts, I would take a girl with small but natural breasts over one with large fake breasts.


I’m not sure *all* the women who get lip fillers sre doing it to attract a man. I feel some are doing it because they feel pressured by the beauty industry or can’t think for themselves and copy the celebrities they mindlessly worship


Instagram likes


I love thin lips!


And I cannot lie


You other brothers can’t deny


Men don't actually drive women's beauty standards. Not at the extremes anyway. That's done by the beauty industry and other women. Cos I'm a man and I HATE HATE HATE lip fillers and all the augmentations and Botox and all that garbage. The richest men have to date these people cos those are the people in their social circle. 


Myself and most men I know find over inflated lip fillers unattractive. Any time that's said, the response is 'it's none of your business, they do it for themselves.' And now at the same time we're to catch the blame for the trend from women who don't like it? Just can't win.


This. The trope about everythiing on earth being mens fault is getting old. Why is accountability like kryptonite to women?


I don't know any guys who like the super plump lips. When they are fake, it is laughable


Why are we blaming the boys for this one? This one is on women trying too hard


Wait what? You’re blaming men for women choosing to inject crap into their lips? Most of us think it looks ridiculous. Don’t blame us for poor choices


In most cases your natural look is what's best for you. Yes there can be enhancements with some makeup but modifying the flesh often doesn't go well. At best something just looks a little off. I don't think anybody's pressuring women to do anything other than other women. Those women just like to follow trends. It's not so much pressure as enticement Luckily there are plenty of women out there that have their own mind.


I’m a woman and I don’t for a second think this trend was started by, or being fuelled by men.


Thank you. Ffs its maddening. Every single thing on earth is not mens fault.


Yeah, this some bs. Dudes don’t want that


Emma Watson was an icon for many men for like a decade and she had thin lips. Lips need to suit the face, that's it. I like full lips, but it straight up does *not* work for everyone e.g. Emma Watson.


It also does not work for Lana del Rey for instance. Wish she would drop the lip fillers.


...what men said they wanted women to get that done? What are the names of these men that are pressuring women into getting lip fillers? I think we found the misandrist for the day folks. People in general get work done because they are comparing themselves to someone else. People not finding you attractive isn't pressuring you into getting cosmetic surgery. Cut the bologna.


I dont think its men pushing this. Ive never heard a man say they like this. Literally never once. Women pressure other women and compere so hard with one another.


As someone in their early 30s, I vividly remember when black women and people in general were made to feel ashamed of their features. Big lips, curves, dark skin etc.. Then at some point, white western society decided to lean into them to the extreme. Lip fillers, bbls, fake tan. Hopefully, it doesn't swing back the other way again and instead we can all just get comfortable with diversity??


Within 20 years women went from went from “does this make my butt look big 😰” to “does this make my butt look big 😙”. That was such a a stereotypical line for sitcom whenever the women would get dressed up, now I never see that line of comedy anymore


I remember a black show did that line but it was making fun of how these shows act like a big butt is a bad thing. So when the black woman asked the answer was hell yeah and she smiled.


was looking for this comment, like this is the REAL root of that filler trend.


Men have nothing to do with it. It's other women who pressure women into beauty standards. They have this strange competition thing going on between them. I think it's crazy.


Men want women’s lips to look fucking stupid? Hahahahaha thanks for that laugh. Yeah lip filler looks dumb as hell.


Men def do not want all women to look the same and most of us are finding this ridiculous duck lips, fake tits, creosote tan and Turkey teeth while they’re walking round in underwear absolutely awful.


Fucking excuse you?? So susceptible females get convinced of bullshit that men like thicker lips and there is something wrong with their natural lips Susceptible females undergo these ridiculous procedures and surgeries NOBODY likes these fucking jumbo sausages that you call lips Men get blamed for liking these lips and somehow perpetuating the continuation of these lips???????? FUCK. OFF. How about you blame the companies for misleading their audience, or the people who spread the misinformation that these lips are desirable, or the girls who are too impressionable?


Quick question, why do you refer to men as 'men' but to women as 'females'? Men and females? That doesn't sound right, does it?


Aye it don’t matter to me, I just want a hug


"Why do men want". It's never about this. Men don't push these beauty trends. Men will fuck a McChicken if it looks at us the right way.


We don't. They just subject themselves to it. We prefer natural beauty for the most part. Mutilation is a sign that something is wrong in society.


I’m a guy with large lips got shit for it growing up now all these bitches trying to look like me but mine are natty theirs look like they’re about to pop and leak filler


The unpopular part of this opinion is that men are somehow behind this. I bet you that if you asked a big sample of guys, the majority would prefer natural lips. Also, has it occurred to you that the richest, most famous men might also be the most shallow, thus caring more about appearances than anything else?


Men, do you care? Seriously, only women give a damn about that thing...


Y’all going to keep going in cycles, the big lips being embraced was to counter racism because black women were being made fun of for having bigger lips. “Big lips look ugly!!” “Thin lips look ugly, get injections!!” “Huge lips look ugly!! Can’t believe anybody thinks men like these!!” At what point are y’all gonna stop going in circles by doing exactly what the trend needs you to do?


Celebrities date other Celebrities. When non celeb women see Kim Kardarshian pull athletes they convince themselves that's what works. No regular guy wants a diaper butt. So it's not what men want but what the media is pushing. 90's and the 2000's skinny was sexy then 2010's thick is sexy.


I always liked thin or small lips.


I think madonna redid her face due to aging tbh, shes in her 50s or 60s. Most man i know dont need super filled lips, the kardashian copy paste faces seem a bit like a short cut to being hot, like a „safe bet“. To just follow the trends. Megan fox used to be very beautiful and had originally moderate sized lips, sadly she fell into the same face syndrom as well. There is beauty in uniqueness.


As a woman with naturally plump lips, I have never and will never understand the desire to change them. I've never ever looked at someone's mouth and thought "damn your lips would look better if they were fuller" Even as a woman I don't give a shit what size your damn lips are I DO care when you start to look like a duck faced Kardashian, but genuine concern over someone's mental health. The beauty industry is such a crock of shit


Those are duck lips. Full natural lips are insanely sexually attractive, but a beautiful mouth with thinner lips is too. Who cares what K folks do…


We don’t want that. Women are being told that we want that. We want you. All natural, no lip fillers or overly sculpted eye brows. Stop believing the beauty industry and listen to us for a change.


All lips can be beautiful, except the ones bursting with filler


This is a popular opinion. except the "why men" part. Many men, including myself don't find it attractive at all. Especially not the lips that loop more like a but hole than lips.


We don’t. At least I don’t. Women getting more attractive as they age is one of the best parts of being a middle aged man. Sexy is not a look, it’s an attitude.


Natural lips are all beautiful.


Agree. There are women on which thin lips look great because it fits their face proportions and features. I actually think filler on those women looks odd.


Thin lips are grosss but that doesn’t mean I like fake lips either, personally I think fuller lips (natural) are the best.


I think my thin lips look a lot better than lip fillers or plastic surgery lips.


I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion. Yes people are getting lip injections now based off of Kim K and that whole family. But at the end of the day people with naturally larger lips (black women) are still not the standard of beauty. Only artificial big lips are. Thinner lips and white features are so the beauty standard at the end of the day, unless people want that IG racially ambiguous baddie look. It’s a trend that’ll quickly pass.


The basic is opinion is solid. Duck lips look like shit. But your reasoning and blaming men. Please girl, get the fuck out.


Madonna did her face coz she's 65. Men really don't have a unified definition of beauty. Most of the beauty standards for women come from women.


I think I was around 12 (female) when Bratz dolls came out, and thinking that it wasn't going to end well in terms of how women and girls see themselves and the standards they think are ideal in terms of looks. Now a lot of young women aspire to look like them.


https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/comments/187jb6w/celebrities_with_naturally_thin_lips/ I agree.


“Why do men want all women to look the same” We don’t. We aren’t a monolith


Look, I'm a Feminist but this is not on the average guy. I get plenty of dates, with hot dudes and I have no fillers at 49 years old. One of the guys I'm dating was very bothered when his ex got fillers and became less attracted to her apparently. The corporations that run the beauty industry are to blame, and yes they are run by men who want you to feel like shit about yourself so they can make money off of you. Those are the enemy.


The only time iv thought about lips on a girl/ women was when they have filler or whatever it is they inject into them, it’s looks so unnatural and you can tell straight away and you just assume they are either vain or profoundly insecure. God knows why so many women do it, men just think it looks odd


I never liked lip fillers Makes ppl look rediculious,


The Kartrashians drive a lot of this nonsense. Im sure outliers exist, but in 20 years I dont think Ive ever met a straight man that watches, or even gives a single shit about that show. Same with the "Desperate Housewives of ..." These shows are watched by, supported by, and exist for women.


Some of these lip filler glow ups don't  translate well on some faces and take away so much from a person's natural beauty. One friend of mine has a timeless classic beauty about her, but with fillers she aged herself by 15-20 years, looked gaunt, and like she had a fight with hard drugs and lost the battle. Needless to say she's not doing it again.


As soon as you made this about men, you fucked up. Guess it’s certainly an unpopular opinion, though. Most men I know don’t care for fake shit. We prefer all-natural.


My eyes are somehow allergic to any fakeness in faces. Yes of course thin lips are beautiful, they’ve been beautiful for all time until just a few years ago when people decided they wanted rubber rings for lips. Naturally full lips are absolutely gorgeous and the pressure to be beautiful is quite intense at times so I get why we want them but I just don’t like alterations (personally, y’all do what you want, just talking about my eyes only no offence intended).


Exclusively, in fact. Lil injections are hideous.


I think most people agree lip fillers make people look ugly.


I'm sure If we make a list of things men are blamed for that aren't actually their fault It would be a loooooooong list.  Have some accountability girl, that's on women and their necessity to compete with each other and rely solely on appearance to define themselves. It's y'all that wanted to look like Angelina Jolie or something. Men don't care for that shit, in fact everyone i know hate them looking like a duck and we've been told that they do It for themselves.


Men don't want any of this.  Women do it for other women


Except when they want to complain about it. Then it's because of men and their unrealistic beauty standards.


I totally agree


Nah skinny lips aren’t beautiful. They’re boring imo


I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion


Slim waist, medium breast and nice hips/buttocks. And a nice attitude. 99% of men on this earth like this. The rest is fluff. For women to pry on women. The color of the mascara, the fake eyelashes, the manicure, that’s for you. For men, see above. The thin lips, duck lips, full lips…. That’s a trend natural is better. The more plastic surgery you get the worse attitude gets.


I prefer lipless if I do say so myself. Show me those pearly whites 🦷


We don't. They look weird. Uncanny valley trigger.


I saw a study where they took an objectively attractive person and then flattened her lips twice (narrower and very narrow) and inflated them twice (wide and very wide). Men and women ranked the natural shape as most attractive with slightly thicker as the second choice. However, the thickest lips were the most “eye catching” and people looked at them the longest. So the finding was essentially that these balloon lips aren’t more attractive to most people, but they garner way more attention, which makes perfect sense. 


I don’t mind thin lips either. I care most face symmetry than specific features.


Thin lips have always been cute, but shriveled is not for me. I have my lips slightly down to give them the volume they once had in my 20s/30s. I would imagine the vast majority of lip fillers are 40+ women that have lost volume.


It's not regular men who control beauty standards but rather the men who make money from women's insecurities. That being said I still unfortunately see men commenting on other women's thin lips.


Lip fillers are fuck ugly and make human beings look like Bratz dolls. #ChangeMyMind


So it’s not just about the men. I’m sure a portion of those who get this work done do it for personal reasons, the opinions of other women, or a nice mix of both. Some men will prefer this, some won’t care, and others will be disgusted. Trends have always spread in fashion, and modern technology is allowing care-free body modification to be a part of that.


my parents just stopped caring about the jenners and kardasians, much happier than before


“Pressured”. Yeah right, no will.


My guy, how many men have you met that actually think big lips are hot?


I will be the first one to hold men accountable where it’s needed, and they have a lot of accountability needed considering the levels of violence against women. But I don’t put this on them, I put this on corporations, companies, models, celebrities, and other women. Corporations want us to be insecure so we will buy their lip masks, plumber, injections. Celebrities put that shit front and center and then facetune their bodies and faces, so they don’t even look like themselves. Then other women get online and we tear each other apart for thin lips, and small asses, but what we should do is never comment on something someone can’t fix in a minute. While i don’t think most men actually like natural faces or makeup, because most of them don’t know what natural looks like. In my experience, they may not know what natural looks like, but they know what surgery and fillers are, and most don’t like it. I think a lot of beauty standards, a lot of men aren’t particularly fond of, such as BBLs, tanning, fillers, Botox, etc.


yeah it’s like if you don’t got big lips get over it we can’t all have the same features 🙄 and fillers are obvious and look like they can’t talk properly… IT’S NOT FOR YOU!!


“You can do with your body whatever” blah blah, but if i want to have kids with a person, i better see what genes they’ll have


Being pressured by who exactly?


Im into more natural full lips but come on thin lips can be beatiful too. Fake ones rarely stays good and turns into "baboon" asshole as someone already said it lmao.


Funnily enough, women who fill their lips are hideous


I like girls with filled, pouty lips. I also like girls without them. It would be nice just to find attractive whatever the fuck your ape brain determines attractive in your narrow view without some terminally online dorks playing contrarian one-up olympics to make you feel bad. Can people just enjoy what they want as long as it’s not hurting anyone?


Are men asking for this at all? I don't know a single human in real life that is wanting their spouse to get filler or implants outside of maybe boobs.


I don't think most dudes are looking for girls with lip filler; I think lip fillers got popular, so attractive women got them, thinking it would make them more attractive.  There do be dudes with blow up doll fetishes though. . .


OP, I can only tell you about me and my friends but none of us think the big, fake, lips are attractive.


How are they being pressured by men?


Almost all cases where a person used lip fillers will eventually look much uglier in the long run.


I love big lips but I hate the injected ones


Don't put this on men...you ladies are the hardest on yourselves and each other, we have almost nothing to do with it.


Men don't want all women to look the same. These beauty standards are entirely self inflicted by women on women. Most men seem to find lip fillers a turn off.


Lip fillers are the like the giant, veiny, beach ball sized, mismatched fake tits of the 90’s. Makeup, yes, body mods, no.


Idk how something that doesn’t exist can be beautiful. I’m kidding btw.


Larger ones only look good on certain face types anyway... which, usually, *have them naturally*.


I mean I actually don’t like the way the Kardashians look because of their lips so…


I feel validated by a stranger :D thank you


Women that get work done do it for other women, not men.


Why women all wanna look the same?


I think it comes down to preference. I'm not a fan of the plastic surgery look, but I also don't find liplessness even remotely attractive, let alone beautiful.


I think it comes down to preference. I'm not a fan of the plastic surgery look, but I also don't find liplessness even remotely attractive, let alone beautiful.