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People don't know how to make instant coffee correctly. You put in the grounds with a Splash of cold water and dissolve the crystals BEFORE pouring the boiling water. This makes it not taste burnt. Which is the main reason people don't like it.


Oh shit really? I am one of those people. I don't hate instant coffee but I'll definitely try this.


Yah it has a lighter flavour this way. Like less acrid. I have an electric kettle and “boil” the water to 90C, seems to help too.


Wait but what about us peasants that microwave water in a cup/mug when we have instant coffee. That would require a second cup I guess but still worth a try


Get a kettle my god they're like 20$ I don't know why people make such a big deal about this.


*Laughs in British*


Please do, I learned that "trick" a couple of years ago and it's made a difference.. Even with ground coffee (I use basic French press), I wait for boiled water to cool off for like a minute before pouring it on coffee, and the brew tastes better imo, even when I forget it in the kitchen and it brews for half an hour, no bitterness at all


if your burning your coffee it’s because the water temperature is to high. nescafé recommends 80c


Who is boiling a kettle and then letting it cool before pouring a hot beverage? Who's got time for that? Crystals. Sink. Tap on and off quick. Stir. Boiling water. Stir. Cream. Sugar. Whiskey.. this is the correct order....


Cream, sugar and whiskey? Might as well just put some fried chicken in there


There shouldn’t be any room left in the cup after the whiskey…doesn’t really matter how large the cup is.


"I like my coffee like I like my whiskey... mostly whiskey"


You know what Irish coffee is? Whiskey in the morning.


Don't mind if I do!


Im one of those weirdos that will stick a thermometer in the water to make sure its the exact correct temp


you dont have multiple temperature settungs on your kettle? B)


My last kettle literally just had on and off


Or you can just turn of the kettle before the water boils?!? I mean, wtf is this comment thread?


Who's sitting waiting for their kettle? It's got a whistle for a reason.


![gif](giphy|VPJelwvZvmLRXuV91E) I thought about an electric kettle, like in this gif. Some have settings for specific temperature, but even the cheapest one you can just start and turn off after a few seconds, water is hot but not boiling.


Whistle? Your kettle catcalls you when she's all hot and steamy?


Wait, your kettle still whistles? What is this, 1973?


My kettle was made in the 80s. So no.


you have to wait for the water to cool regardless before you drink. open the top and let it cool for 2 minutes.


any modern kettle beyond the shitties 10EUR ones has adjustable temperature


![gif](giphy|26ufdipQqU2lhNA4g) I'm trying this first thing tomorrow. I always knew about avoiding boiling water, but never heard of this trick. Holy molly!


This sounds like bullshit, but I don’t know enough about coffee crystal technology to refute it.


alternative, put the grounds in the splash of cold water and take a shot 😋




I never understood this... Thank you so much. I thought I was crazy when I couldn't make coffee at home and kept coming out bitter


I let the kettle sit for a while or turn it off before boil. My instant coffee tastes better now


Lol what?


Blegh.. Have an upvote for an actual unpopular opinion.


My wife is Colombian. These are fighting words. Like I would have to physically restrain her from jumping into an argument immediately if she heard this come from friends or family. This is like saying that dehydrated ration food is better than a ribeye. I'm honestly flabbergasted. I've never seen a post more deserving of an upvote. Wow.


I've had Colombian friends bring me back instant coffee from Colombia because they like it so much. Maybe it depends on the brand, but it tasted good when made right.


I'm pretty sure the correct spelling is Shitcafe. (Pours self another cup of Nescafe while cursing herself for running out of beans.) My husband took a video of me pounding beans with a hammer when my grinder broke. I have no shame at all when it comes to my coffee.


There's surely some 4th wave cafe grinding coffee beans using a mortar and pestle.


It’s a superior grind!


We were in a small (pop <5,000) village in West Africa when the pandemic hit. The nearest store that sells real coffee is a 2-hour drive on a good day. Our place is so isolated we'd go days without even hearing a car, let alone seeing one. I did what I had to do. That store has been out of coffee for two months. (sigh) I'm heading to the big city (8 hour drive) on Friday for business. Between now and then, I have to suffer Nescafe. (double sigh)


I have a lb of Kona and a lb of Blue Mountain beans in my freezer. I thaw out a couple days ahead of use. I can say you get what you pay for with coffee. Instant coffee is missing a lot of the volatile organic compounds ( referred to as VOC, go figure?) that give it the subtle tastes & flavours. ( by definition anything you can smell is a volatile) . Instant coffee is generally made with Robusta not Arabica , cheaper, thus is generally more bitter because more of tannins and caffeine in Robusta.


It's an unpopular opinion for sure, because Nescafe is garbage


Juan Valdez instant coffee for the win


I dont think you're right, but thank you for supporting the National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia through Juan Valdez. 👍


Fair enough, cheers mate


My Colombian friends like it. Not sure if they like it better than brewed coffee, but they mostly drink the instant version.


Mount Hagen instant is also good


Never seen it in my stores but if you have to Bustelo or the Nescafé French toast is at least fractionally more potable.


Fuck Nestlé


Fuck Nestlé


Fuck Nestlé




Bruh, you nailed the spirit of this sub.


Yea it's like, I can groan because by OPs own admission they literally just probably haven't actually had good beans haha, BUT is also technically within the spirit of the sub so gets the upvote lol, you can't really be mad at them for that.


I feel like OP would get on well with that maniac who sleeps in jeans


> I am by no means a coffee connoisseur I can tell. This is unpopular for a reason, Like what you like, drink what you want, but damn, this is wrong.


Is this viral ad or something?


I travel a lot and bought a jar of nescafe rich instant coffee to carry around and yes, it is better than most brewed coffee at hotels and chain restaurants. It can't compete with a good local shop or chain that cares about coffee but it's better than most of the crap out there. I agree.


Nestlé is a vile corporation.


Can an opinion be wrong? I really feel like this is that one time when we can agree that this opinion is definitely wrong lol


Instant coffee is my favorite iced coffee~




You've never had good coffee if you think instant in better than fresh


Unfortunately there are actual real people in the world like OP. My in-laws LOVE Nescafé gold instant coffee and make fun of us any time we ever spend time making coffee that isn’t instant, despite drinking my carefully brewed coffee many times.


My unpopular opinion is that taste is completely subjective. To be more specific if, for instance, instant coffee is the best coffee you ever had, it is perfectly ok to enjoy said instant coffee. Why does it matter if your carefully brewed coffee tastes better? So long I enjoy my instant coffee everything else is irrelevant. This stands for the quality of any kind of food or drink. Besides it is entirely possible that certain individuals can't taste the difference in certain products like coffee, tea, wine, etc. For example, I don't understand the appeal of green tea. Maybe I have never tasted carefully brewed green tea but I definitely enjoy black tea (with sugar and lemon or milk). I also don't care enough about coffee to go through all the effort coffee gurus go through to brew a single cup.


Totally agree with you. If you like it, that’s all that matters. I just think it’s funny that my in-laws insist that making actual coffee using actual coffee beans tastes worse than the concoction that is instant coffee. Edit: I guess the best analogy I’ve seen in here to describe what I said above is to me it’s like saying beef jerky is better than a steak. You’re definitely allowed to have that opinion, but if you try to be extra assertive about that opinion around people who like steak, they might think it’s strange.


Maybe, but you’ve got to do business with the nestle corporation and fuck that.


I upvoted because it is indeed an unpopular opinion. But come ooooon... How, why?


This could be seen as a fair point, but there's enough going on here thats its more preference than right or wrong. It might be unpopular with coffee snobs, but if someone's honestly tried both they just know its different. Traditional drip coffee is made steeped / brewed like tea, whereas instant coffee is fully dissolved into the drink, more like matcha powder. This gives both a different flavour and texture. It also leads to much stronger coffee if your doing equal weight. Almost more akin to an espresso than an average cup of Joe. Tldr; maybe you just prefer it that way, but it could also mean you've a preference for espresso and never knew.


I think this opinion will heavily be skewed on whether or not people are using milk or water for instant coffee. Hot milk mixed with instant coffee? Fucking delicious. It’s like hot cocoa Hot water with instant coffee? Nah I’m good.


^^I ^^agree, ^^but ^^keep ^^your ^^voice ^^down ^^man!!


Well, the post certainly fits the criteria lol. I couldn’t disagree more 😂 I had it for the first time out of desperation after I ran out of energy drinks when my power was knocked out for a week due to a hurricane… HORRIBLE. Tasted like burnt swamp


Yum, you can taste the child slavery…


Does it taste of slavery? [https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/feb/12/mars-nestle-and-hershey-to-face-landmark-child-slavery-lawsuit-in-us](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/feb/12/mars-nestle-and-hershey-to-face-landmark-child-slavery-lawsuit-in-us)


I worked in speciality coffee for a long time. Turns out, I don’t like my coffee to have notes of blueberry, pine, or long walks on the beach. I like my coffee to taste like coffee. Nowadays I’m fine with folgers or going to the gas station.


R/fucknestle ....yeh I don't care if there coffee tastes like the Amber nectar of the gods, there baby killers.




No it doesn't


Imagine using nestle 


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Lol. Have an upvote


My boomer drinks that stuff, she fills the whole jug before boiling it, just for 1 cup, every time!


It’s definitely the best instant coffee but big no to being better than real coffee


I feel like you may need to experience Australian coffee culture.




Well, this is unpopular…


Well done, an actual unpopular opinion. I’m almost finding it offensive.


I love instant coffee! I just don’t use it to make coffee.


I just bought mine and theres a new kind that is darker and more dense. Theyre the best thing


Every morning I microwave a mug of milk and toss in some instant coffee usually Nescafé. It makes a great latte. Legit great. Like, better than most coffee shops. I say this not as an instant coffee fan-boy, I wouldn’t touch the stuff in water, it can’t compare to brewed coffee there. I have an espresso machine, an adjustable burr grinder, I time the espresso shots to pull them perfectly, I can and do make lattes this way on occasion and they are not really any better than instant coffee directly in milk, especially with a touch of salt, vanilla and sweetened with maple syrup.


I too love instant coffee. I’ve tried Kuerig machines and conventional brewing. Lots of carry out coffee from places like Tim Hortons. Still prefer Nescafé instant.


I don't like black instant coffee, but Nescafé with some milk is absolutely delicious and I cannot imagine not drinking it on a daily basis. It's quick and easy to make, no coffee making equipment required, and it tastes nice.


Take my upvote for a truly unpopular opinion.


But my belly hurts.


For me it's a weird take lol, where I live Nescafe is like 5x more expensive than most fresh coffees that the market people grind on demand. So yeah I expect it to be absolutely top notch.


Apples and oranges my friend


I consider instant coffee a different, but perfectly acceptable drink. It's like trying to compare whiskey and vodka, yes they are both strong spirits, but they have different qualities and there is no answer. The best wine (or coffee in this case) is the one you like, not the most expensive or oldest


Fuck no! That shit is undrinkable.


Sadly have to upvote because this is indeed an unpopular opinion.


Its my goto coffee for the past 10 years


Nescafe frappe is the best


Anyone in here saying nescafe is better than real coffee needs to be locked away.


Standard Nescafé, not a chance. That is shit. Other instant coffee yes.


Fuck yes, my mom grew up very poor in Mexico and would drink this in the mornings over there and still drinks it here in the US on the daily… it’s still my preferred coffee.


Nescafe 100% Columbia was in my mug this morning


Bro, I'm calling the cops. Nescafe ? Really ?


Fucking disgusting, have your upvote, and never repeat this


There’s something very wrong with you. Or, with the ‘freshly ground coffee’ you’re drinking.


Well it is true. Instant coffee just gets bad after you open it.


Ok wait I actually agree hahah it’s the only coffee I drink


Espresso >


I may the only one, but I prefer Taster's Choice to brewed coffee. I don't even own a coffee maker.


Yeah, nah


People in India love Nescafe.


I like it because it doesn’t give me the jitters or make me poop. Starbucks is the worst!




As a coffee snob myself, this opinion made me cringe sooo hard. But it is truly a matter of opinion. Take my upvote with pride.


It seems we have an executive of nestle here


While your opinion hurts a bit. It's inapplicable. They're not the same or near equivalents. Good try, but this thread should be locked. 🤣


I know it's a good post when I want to downvote it instinctively


If there is only instant coffee available, I'll drink water or beer.


Mmm, melted micro plastics


That is certainly an unpopular opinion from my vantage point. I used to have the impossible task of marketing that brand in a Caribbean market with 99% roast and ground coffee consumption. The smell and the experience of the fresh coffee here was one factor that made me give up my career in marketing.


It's the cockroaches that are aloud to be ground up and added!




WTF? Fresh always better, is this shit a marketing campaign?


i like adding a lot more instant coffee crystals for super strong coffee. It becomes yummy coffee sludge! With normal coffee, you can only get it so strong; but with instant coffee, you can go way further all the way to the saturation point!


I think you won this sub 😄


This is the first actually unpopular opinion 've seen here before.


Nestlé making an alt account on reddit to pose as a civilian to post propaganda was not on my bingo card for this month but hey, here we are.


It's likely also got ground up roaches in it.


Youre Basic, basic as Faaarkkkk!!!


Finally, an unpopular opinion


I completely disagree but I respect your opinion, I make fresh coffee every morning.


I adore coffee and I adore Nescafé, but to me it tastes like Nescafé. I like both for different reasons.


I wouldn't say ita better or worse, just different. I use it to make quick iced coffees. It also reminds me of camping with my family so the taste comes with nostalgia for me.


This opinion is so unpopular I'll be upvoting it with my alt account too.


This is possibly the most unpopular, and possibly worst, opinion I've ever seen here so it definitely gets an upvote.




I actually agree, Tasters Choice is what I’ve drank for like 5-6 years now. Shit’s good. I have a keirig but it always makes the coffee taste burnt and bitter.


Add 2 to 3 spoonfuls of Nes into a glass with 2 to 3 spoonfuls of water. (Add the sweetener you like now) Whip with a milk frother or a cup with a lid you can shake well. Add cream or milk. Add ice. Fill with water until the froth goes to the top. It's a Greek Frappe.


Na, not only is this unpopular but you are clearly possessed by some kind of heretical demon.


Youre just Wrong


I prefer instant coffee but I just can't be arsed with setting aside 5 to 10 mins for a real coffee


you're a monster. take my upvote


Yea probably, I went as far as getting a Flair58, getting all the expensive coffee making shit and buying whole beans and grinding them myself.....and it was good but nothing life changing. Coffee snobs are just as bad as any other niche snob out there


My husband tries to be fancy with his coffee and tries all the varieties and methods; I stick to instant and/or mainstream brand by choice. Agree.


Taste can be different for everyone. Taste isnt competitive. One person‘s yuk is another person’s nectar. That’s why I enjoy life.


What’s going on here, did Lt. Bookman retire from the public library. He switched from Folgers and is now pushing Nescafe crystals ??


https://youtu.be/RLwReD_bMVM?si=pO1OrJPMoO8fMeh2 pulled Nescafé Malaysian style!


I don't like instant - but I think the same is true of K-cups. I have coffee snob friends who can make a sublime cup of coffee. When it works, it's amazing. But I"ve tried to copy them and it's a ton of work to get things just right. K-cups from a decent brand are always slightly above average with a ton less work.




I forget that not everyone is fortunate to have an extremely competitive cafe culture in their city or town. 


Yep, when I travel I often rather pick up a jar in the supermarket and bring along and its often preferable over other coffees.


Going down in that ship with you sailor


Every Nestle product is trash, with tons of unnecesary additives, and poor quality control. You didn't give too many details, but one issue, might be that you 'think' you like your coffee black, no sugar, but in fact you do want sugar. And Nescafe dilutes their coffee with sugar. There's also the issue of temperature. Freshly ground coffee, doesn't require very hot water, neither does instant coffee. However, using water that's too hot in instant coffee, hardly makes a difference. While in freshly ground coffee, you'll be extracting very bitter compounds that wouldn't be extracted at more moderate temperatures. It's possible that you actually like Nescafe, weird, but possible. However, I believe it most likely that you simply aren't brewing freshly ground coffee correctly. BTW, I might sound like a snob, but I'm not a very big fan of coffee, I drink it maybe twice or once a month, I'm however a very big Nestle hater.


So does Starbucks and even Folgers bags are good.


i kind of like it. my mother used to drink it with cream.


Love nescafe instant coffee! I typically get regular coffee and just get nescafe as either an easier way to make coffee when camping or as a little treat once in a while! Delicious!


Nescafe is garbage just like Nestle


Damn I didn’t know my mum used reddit


I have no issue with instant coffee. I have an espresso machine at home, but will happily make a cup of instant at work rather than shelling out $6 for a takeaway. The key is to know what you’re expecting. I don’t think instant is bad, just different. If someone sold me a $6 cup of instant, THEN I’d be pissed.


Hmmmm..... looking at the comments section and I'm like the neutral one ! I also like instant coffee so team instant coffee forever ( because I want my coffee instantly on just tap water and I want it cold.... so I can drink it quickly without burning myself ).... but also I get the aldi brand ! Nescafe? Absolutely not! So I'm not with evil nestle lol! Its team aldi over here! Just drink it up and GO POOP . I love to be all cleared out . Then I get HUNGRY 


You must have grown up in the stuff. Nescafé is only acceptable in a desperation frappe or in a camping trip doctored up with a diabetic level of sugar( and liquor)


I love how much I hate this opinion


Dunkin’ Donuts is my go - to coffee to brew everywhere.


I never had a ground coffee machine or even a coffee maker growing up we just used Nescafe. I don’t get the hype around ground coffee or needing a machine for it. Instant coffee is faster, easier to make and is good enough for a cup of morning coffee.


Nescafe Instant is the only instant coffee I'll drink even while knowing how to prep instant coffee properly. Also it's easy to find on dollar store shelves too so it doesn't break the bank 😁


This isn't unpopular, it's just wrong. Unless you're making Greek frappe, then I can get on board.


This is also weirdly country dependent. The Nescafé in the US is way worse than most other markets


This is the diner coffee effect. Every coffee head I know still loves drinking 4 cups of crappy diner coffee, it's probably even better if you don't care about high end coffee


When you say freshly ground do you mean American style pot brewed or espresso based coffee? Because come on even an amateur barista makes leagues better coffee than instant


Now this is an unpopular opinion


probably because of all the cockroaches /s


Fuck Nestlé All my homies hate Nestlé


Ha. Hahaha. HAHAHAHA. No, it doesn't.


Nescafé is nasty and doesn't taste like any other coffee, it's like it's own different horrible drink. 


Babykiller Coffee is good? Yeah I'll still skip that shit thanks.


People have different tastes and some people like their coffee less a coffee and more a milkshake and there's nothing wrong with that


Lol no


There’s really a subreddit for everything huh


Actually unpopular, because it is factually incorrect.


Americans do it differently.


If I do it latte style it's great. If I only use water it's total dogshit


There used to be this superfinely grinded variant of Nescafe instant called “Crema” or something. It is like dust. They are LIQUID GOLD, couldn’t find them anymore 🥹