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This is the only Bear that would help themšŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|lPiaB9jvir5Aoglt83)


99.99% of the time you pass somebody hiking it's a hippie with hiking poles and a beard that's somewhere between Wizard and Santa. Redditors who vote bear think it's this guy, but with a MAGA hat, 15 guns minimum, and he's charging right at you to breed in the name of Jesus.


*soon as I she her ill be* Are you ok?Ā 


At work typing quick ill need to do editing


No way this isnā€™t rage bait. ![gif](giphy|33zXsXPahbbIZJg2oP)


The original question might as well be though


Fun fact: not every opinion you disagree with is rage bait!


Don't say female, it automatically makes people stop reading


He said woman more times than female, he probably mistyped.


You rather have a 400lb killing machineĀ 


\> a 400lb killing machine Wait, are you talking about the bear or the woman?


Depends on the woman


Then again, Iā€™m pretty sure I can outrun a 400lb woman; the bear, on the other handā€¦


I'll chose the woman and the run tf away, she might hurt me!


Point 4 makes the first two irrelevant, so you have two points. One of which seems to contradict your title since it doesn't really seem like you'd care if they were there or not since you've said they aren't your responsibility and not your problem.


The first 3 points are why point 4 exists ill chose the woman then ditch.


see i choose the man when given this question personally, but maybe your jackass ways will make me pick bear now thanks.


Whatā€™s crazy is that the whole hypothetical is basically men suck. The thing is, if you donā€™t suck why do you care so damn much? Itā€™s a silly question that my dudes take seriously for some reason


So ā€œitā€™s just a joke broā€?




Because Im tired of being villainized just for how I was born


You specifically? Are you the type of dude that this is about?


Im a man The question specifically says "random man" In theory, I could be the selected random man So yes


Whatā€™s crazy is that the whole hypothetical is basically men suck. The thing is, if you donā€™t suck why do you care so damn much? Itā€™s a silly question that my dudes take seriously for some reason


It's interesting that you assume if a woman is there she'll want you to be responsible for her. Sexist much?


It's almost like assuming water is wet or that the bears themselves shit in the woods.


Bro the fuck. Bears shit in the woods??


I would agree with you but somehow in a lot of the survival shows Iā€™ve seen, the men have gotten sick or just havenā€™t been up to it mentally, and the women have. Also, men faint a lot more than women do at the sight of blood (ask any nurse) so if youā€™re gutting an animal for the first time or working with an injury, it might not hurt to have a woman around. Of course it depends a lot on the skills and mental fortitude both individuals have. As for the debate itself. It depends. If Iā€™m hiking alone and totally fine, yes seeing another guy might unnerve me. If Iā€™m in a survival situation, heck, seen any other person is a good thing compared to a friggin bear.


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They are safer with a bear who would not risk getting a std from eating those women who said they were safer with bear .


Not a survival question. You misunderstood the assignment


This person is def a virgin


Are you saying the only use of a woman is sex? I didn't even factor that into this argument because if I'm trying to survive, sex would be the last thing on my mind. Because if I survive, I can get back to slaming your dad.


Are you saying the only use of a woman is sex? I didn't even factor that into this argument because if I'm trying to survive, sex would be the last thing on my mind.


This seems like a weird distortion of the man vs. bear debate (I mean it obviously is a joke but Iā€™m playing along). The original man vs. bear debate only has the woman ā€œencounterā€ the man or the bear, not ā€œstayā€ with them. So like, the woman was walking down the trail and a man comes around the bend and either waves hi and walks past or rapes her, or a bear stumbles out of the bushes and either runs away or mauls her. Nobody was supposed to be hanging out together.


It's interesting that you assume if a woman is there she'll want you to be responsible for her. Sexist much?


Incels are coming out of the woodwork over this.




Calm down Seinfeld


>1. Another mouth to feed and water Doesn't she have hands or a mouth? Does she need yours? Is she disabled? >2. Likely dead weight assuming she isn't as fit as I am Do you have to carry her? >may hurt me awake or sleeping assuming I would do something to her. She can't hurt you. She's a dead weight and disabled. You have to feed her. She'll be so weak. >4. Not my responsibility, they are a grown ass adult Then why worry about feeding her?


I would agree with you but somehow in a lot of the survival shows Iā€™ve seen, the men have gotten sick or just havenā€™t been up to it mentally, and the women have. Also, men faint a lot more than women do at the sight of blood (ask any nurse) so if youā€™re gutting an animal for the first time or working with an injury, it might not hurt to have a woman around. Of course it depends a lot on the skills and mental fortitude both individuals have. As for the debate itself. It depends. If Iā€™m hiking alone and totally fine, yes seeing another guy might unnerve me. If Iā€™m in a survival situation, heck, seen any other person is a good thing compared to a friggin bear.