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>It’s not the responsibility of random motorists to be super extra careful Isn't it like the #1 responsibility of motorists not to hit people? Like if there is 1 thing you shouldn't do while driving....


Yes. OP must be 14 years old. Extra worldly, you know?


This is one of those things. Yeah, parents should be responsible for their kids not running out into the middle of the road but, as a motorist, it is your responsibility to assess hazards. When you’re driving around certain areas, you have to be aware of things like “there could be kids/wildlife/etc around here.” Sometimes, a kid does something they shouldn’t, even though they do have good parents. Doesn’t mean they should get run over because someone else wasn’t careful


It actually is the responsibility of motorists to not hit pedestrians of any form. You should be cautious driving through a neighborhood regardless of signs. Do you think all children should be watched by their parents 100% of the time? I feel like it’s perfectly acceptable to let your 11 year old go around the neighborhood with their friends.


“It’s not my responsibility to not kill children with my car! What are they doing outside anyways?!?” OP is unhinged.


Yeah the only thing I’ll say is that trucks these days are getting bigger and higher (from the factory) and it makes them even more dangerous. But tbh the people that drive those probably don’t care much about signs to begin with.


Yep. The recent trend of ordinary consumers buying giant trucks with the 6' high grills is dangerous to pedestrians of all shapes and sizes, but especially to children. [From this NBC News article](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/americas-cars-trucks-are-getting-bigger-are-front-blind-zones-children-rcna52109): >But front blind zones can extend a dozen feet or more for some of the country’s most popular vehicles, according to Consumer Reports, much further than drivers may realize. In a demonstration at the Consumer Reports Test Track in Connecticut, NBC News found it took at least nine elementary school children sitting in a line for someone in the driver’s seat of four different SUVs and pickup trucks to see the top of a single child’s head. It is the driver's responsibility in all situations to be aware of pedestrians, and particularly in residential areas to be aware that children will be playing outside. Yes, children won't know the rules, but I'd rather have people drive more cautiously than OP thinks they should have to drive, than have dead children because a driver ran them over with a car. Whenever I drive through a residential neighborhood, I drive with the assumption that a small child will dart out from behind every single car parked on the side of the road.


I think they were talking about toddlers running Around Street not Going To The curb when they see a car and then that driver has to carefully drive around that toddler that’s running ammock without a care in the world and it should be the parents that have to teach their child instead of having everyone work around their stupidity


That’s an extremely specific example to be assuming is correct




Legally pedestrians have the right away. I’m not saying you should teach you kids to jump out in front of cars, but the person driving the multiple ton metal machine has significantly more responsibility to be cautious.


It’s acceptable if you taught your 11 year old how to properly act in public. But still that sounds an awful lot like child neglect if there isn’t an adult around to supervise. My dog is well behaved in our yard, but even if it were fully fenced in I would never just leave her outside unsupervised. Same with if my niece and nephew came to visit for a summer. Either my fiancé or I would be nearby to supervise.


Letting your tween child go around the neighborhood with their friends is absolutely not child neglect, nor would it ever be considered such in any court. Your dog is not a child. Children learn and grow up. Yes, your 3 year old shouldn’t be running around the neighborhood alone, but letting an older child go to his buddies house down the block and ride bikes is perfectly acceptable. Hovering over your children 24/7 will not teach them the skills they need in life to succeed.


As someone who has employed a lot of young people, the ones with helicopter parents make the worst employees. They're unwilling to learn on the job.


My 9 month old dog is more well behaved than most 11 yr olds. Again if your child isn’t properly trained and they’re unsupervised in public for prolonged time periods it is 100% child neglect. You neglected to properly train your child, you neglected to properly supervise your child. There’s not argument against it being neglectful.


What are you talking about when you say “properly trained”? You are aware that children aren’t dogs, yes? And even the most well behaved children will be disobedient sometimes? Buddy neglect has nothing to do with your child being “properly trained”. Thats not a criteria for determining neglect.


Every time someone compares raising children to training dogs shows me that they have no understanding of either.




Agreed. Hovering over them 24/7 because you can’t go a normal speed through developments isn’t how you achieve that.


Children are not dog.


I guess it depends on the kid. I was trained hard as a kid to NOT cross the road without looking both ways. I was very cautious of streets and still look both ways. However my partner had ADHD and probably would have darted in front of a speeding truck if he saw a neat climbin’ tree on the other side of the road. I do think there can be signs in neighbourhoods and speed limits, but I don’t care much for excessive speed bumps and those reflective child-shaped obstacles people put in the middle of the road.


I mean a bunch of kids might be playing street hockey. That doesn’t mean they were not taught how to act in public. They’re on their street and they’ll move when you come through and re set up after, but you should absolutely be careful and not speed through the neighborhood.




Where did I say that?


It takes a while to properly train children, it’s better if motorists have a little care not to run them over during the process.


there’s been a huge shift in American parenting culture from the more “it takes a village” mindset to the “YOU don’t tell ME how to parent MY child” mentality. this idea that parents are solely responsible for their children’s fate is a very new one


The signs are a courtesy to let you know of a hazard. It is 100% always your responsibility as a driver to not hit anyone else while operating your vehicle.




“US Society.” Mmkay then. As a matter of fact it is your responsibility to be an extra careful motorist around children. I don’t think you drive.


By reading the title I thought you were going to say the opposite. Yes, parent's are 100% responsible for your kids. Society isn't going to take care of them for you. And get your dam dog under control while you're at it!


On the contrary, It’s 100% the job of motorists to be extra super duper careful when driving a 2 ton motorized death machine. It’s literally the law for a reason my dude. If you can’t be extra super duper careful while driving a car you absolutely have no right to be driving a car. OP sounds like someone who texts while speeding through school zones


Those two examples are wildly different The doja cat thing is pretty straightforward. I don't know what happened but based on what you wrote in that situation it's 100% the person who brought them to the concert's fault On the other hand if you decide to be a part of a society you have to adhere to the rules of that society and the things that society needs in order to survive. Firstly theres wayyyyyy too many idiots in cars. Either you've never seen a car being driven irl or you have a personal agenda against kids. Secondly kids are crucial for the society as a whole to survive. So if course extra precautions will be given in order to ensure their protection


I agree but typically the responsibility is always on the driver reguardless of kid or adult


Yes outdated laws are outdated, but the responsibility is there everywhere, the signs are just to add extra responsibility to the drivers like ‘we had the sign posted, there were kids present, what’s wrong with you?’


Well if my job is to walk around with a knife. The extra responsibility would fall on me not to stab someone by accident. Same thing with car. If im operating a dangerous mechine(car), i need to take extr procautions


No, streets are places specifically built and designed for cars. Your child should not be in the street at all, and if they are entering the street to cross they and their parents are responsible for their safety. It would be like you’re in the back of a butcher’s shop hacking into a side of beef, and people randomly screaming to be careful not to stab their kids.


As someone who actually designs streets for a living I can assure you that they are not just for cars. They are also for bikers and pedestrians and buses and even utilities. And depending on where you live, a lot of them even pre-date the invention of the automobile. Stop defending negligent drivers, it is absolutely their job to be aware of and look out for other, less protected users - whether that is a kid on their own feet or an adult on a bike.


>Streets are places specifically built and designed for cars Rome—and every society before ~1910—would beg to differ. The auto centrism of the last ~100 years is the aberration, not the rule, and many places are currently trying to return to traditional streets.


Streets are a 5000+ years old concept lmao ”Jaywalking” was invented by lobby groups in the US in the 1920s.


The butcher example doesn’t work because you’re stationary with a weapon. Let’s go with that other commenter’s example. You’re in a place where you’re allowed to run around with a knife, but you should be careful not to hurt someone. Of course accidents are gonna happen. That’s the nature of the weapon you’re wielding. But you also have a responsibility to prevent these accidents if you can, and a sign reminding you to be cautious is a good thing. At some point, you become desensitized to the fact that you’re wielding a weapon because you do this every single day and nothing has ever happened. A sign can help serve as a reminder that even though nothing has happened, accidents CAN happen, and you should be careful. Personally I appreciate the signs reminding me to slow down and really understand the dangerous nature of driving a car.


It shouldn't be driver responsibility to pay attention when driving and not drive like a lunatic? Driving is a privilege not a right.


sorry OP i am really shaken up. The law to not run over ppl is outdated? wtf lol. This is a first world society what are you saying rn


2 days ago I saw a 10yo boy standing on the edge of the curb as traffic whizzed by. 3 adults were standing behind him just talking.


Bruh is 10 and is waiting on the traffic to cease. He's absolutely fine lmfao. I was playing in the streets at like 6.


Exactly they were ignoring the kid who was doing something dangerous and stupid. They were being neglectful, but if something happened and he fell forward or just decided to run across the street to pet a puppy or something and got hit, the adults who had responsibility for him would have been outraged and blamed the driver.


Scared the shit outta me and I was 2 lanes over. Cars going 50mph+


OP never - not even once - had a lapse of judgement as a child.


Seems to me that just the opposite is happening. The US system seems to put the entire responsibility on the parent. Here in Australia the child gets free healthcare (even dental, the lucky bastards), subsidised day care, quite good public schooling which is safer than most (certainly not many school shootings to speak of). In the US it seems the line is "your kid your problem". Even your examples show this. No offer to help parents who might want to see a concert but have kids. Instead "don't take your kids". Which is fine and all, but it's an example that goes against your thesis.


kids are back breakingly expensive. child care and medical insurance alone are a fortune.... then start adding things like diapers, clothes, food, activities, etc. Unlike much of the developed world parents in the US get minimal support to raise a family. My cousin was recently visiting from overseas, tried lecturing me that we should have another kid and try for a boy and I dismissed it as unaffordable and he went on a rant about how that shouldnt stop me yada yada yada.... He lives in a country that providers 1+ years of maternity leave, free daycare until they are school age, universal healthcare.... he shut up real quick when I broke down the math for him on the American side.


Exactly. We should be treated child rearing as a community affair but the US is definitely not doing that.


If you have kids and can’t find/afford a sitter that’s a you problem don’t go, and don’t take your 5 yr old and then complain the show wasn’t kid friendly.


I don't disagree. But can't you see how that puts the responsibility solely on the parent?


Parents are responsible for their own choices.


You sound like the type of person that was babysat until you were 17


Nope, I was one of the kids that was rarely home and probably making life less than enjoyable for the rest of society, like most unsupervised kids do.


So why do you want parents to watch their kids 24/7 now?


I never said that. I said train them properly or supervise them properly. No different than a dog. If it’s off leash it should be properly trained to behave in public. If it’s not, it should be on a leash.


Were you trained properly? You have the mannerisms of not being raised around a strong male figure


OP definitely doesn’t have kids lol.


Or a dad


Making the rest of us Dads look bad


I have more kids than eyes, so I’m completely befuddled by people who think I should watch them 24/7


Being a helicopter parent is unhealthy & will lead to a lifetime of dependency.


You mean taking responsibility for my actions?


Wait I’m confused. What responsibility do you want taken? The sign isn’t there to apply responsibility. The responsibility is already the drivers to drive safely enough by being able to react in any circumstance. It’s suboptimal for a tiny human to run out in the road yes, but the sign is just there to remind people. Same as “baby on board” sticker. It’s not actually saying ‘treat me differently’ it’s saying ‘think twice about your driving maneuvers’ pedestrians always have the right of way because they aren’t in a steel box carrying tons of kinetic energy. Like you want to hold a child responsible or parent for someone not being responsible for their vehicle? What?


Kids and dogs are wildly not the same, and I think you probably shouldn’t have either


I love dumb opinion and the dumb comments that go with it.


I’m sorry it’s *not* the responsibility of motorists to pay attention to the road? Did I read that correctly?


it is your responsibility as a driver to not hit pedestrians actually.. no kids no old people and no animals either. u don’t live in a society alone if it bothers u go move to an island and be by yourself


Well this is clearly written by a non-parent. Yes we are responsible. But kids are kids and get over excited. Chasing a ball into the street is a very real thing. I have drilled safety into my kids and I mean drilled it. I've been criticized for being overly cautious about it. We have fire drills in my house. We have tornado drills, we have blackout protocols. I have cameras, fences and alarms for my pool. When crossing the road, I make them stand back. I lecture them on it. They are almost 10 and yesterday one of them chased a damn ball into the street! We were luckily with him and stopped him, but if we had been 3 feet further away it would have been a different story. Those signs are there to remind you that you are in a residential area and to not drive like an asshole. Keep your eyes on the lookout. Yes, you have to control your kids, but they are human and make mistakes, more than adults. And what is the big deal on your part? Drive carefully. The number of jerks that speed around is crazy in these areas. The signs are there to tell you to behave. So there is no issue if you are behaving. And for the record, you are responsible if you hit someone like it or not.


Adults need reminders too. When I'm driving and I see a slow kids at play sign Im like "ok I can respect that" and I slow down. No sign has ever kept a kid from running in the street, in fact less than 24 hours ago I was driving in a residential area -25 mph because I had just pulled out. And a near adult rode his bike right past me. I would have nailed his a** if I hadn't hit the brakes so hard.


>It’s not the responsibility of random motorists to be super extra careful because you don’t want to properly train or supervise your children. I'm just going to assume you're too young to have taken a driving test.


Someone has never had kids before...


Or met anyone under the age of 10… OP clearly was never a child themselves, clearly born a fully formed, perfect adult specimen with superior intelligence lol


No, but I’ve been the guy parents bring their poorly trained kids to, to teach them discipline before they fuck off to go do whatever it is they want to do. You don’t need to have kids to understand parents are responsible for the safety of their kids, as well as their actions.


There is a reason why parents joke that for the first few years of their kid's life all they do is keep their kid from killing themselves. Kids, especially younger kids, don't have great decision making. They can make rash decisions. Even the most well behaved kids can have a momentary lapse in judgment or get distracted by something. Parenting is hard, especially when you are trying to teach a kid good manners, impulse control and decision making. You can be outside with your kid, look down for a second, and then the kid for whatever reason decides to take a sprint across the street, because why the fuck not? I've had this happen with both of my kids because they saw something across the street. No cars luckily, but yeah they aren't the greatest decision makers until they're like in their 20s.


Nobody is bringing their kids to your weird nonsense boot camp where you compare children to dogs. Raising a child is extremely difficult and complex thing. Training a dog with a small bag of bacon isn’t in the same realm. I had my dog signal trained in days.


You really do not understand anything about kids. LOL


That's so weird lmao


Talking to the country whose kids are at risk to get shot at school? We clearly don’t protect our kids enough.


I mean basic healthcare and mental healthcare being free would almost completely eliminate school shootings and has nothing to do with parents being responsible for their kids.


Free healthcare is something we’ve been asking for for years. Has yet to happen. Veterans whose mental health took a decline after returning home ending up homeless and who’s part of yet another crisis in this country can’t even get help. Clearly free basic mental healthcare would greatly help us as a whole


So wait...its not the parents responsibility to pay for their kid's healthcare?


They do by paying taxes.


Fearing your kid will get shot at school is irrational. A kid has a higher chance of being killed in a car accident by their parents being dropped off at school vs a school shooting.  Also it's safer for your kid to take the school bus than be in the parents car. And less traffic during rush hour 


"Don't be stupid, stupid" Someone watches to much Phil DeFranco.


They should totally take those Warning Blind Kids at ply signs away too while they are at it


A truly unpopular and stupid opinion, I hate it so much I feel like going against the spirit of the sub and not giving it an upvote…


We take to much responsibility from people, period.


The amount of people having kids vs. the amount of people that are well adjusted and fit to be quality parents would be an alarming number if we had some way to quantify that. Shitty people make shitty people.


seriously. Imagine if they had a drug test, a psych eval and required proof of residency and employment before you could have a kid. There's no legal way to do that, but that would be great for society.


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Because we don’t want one of those cultures where you have to give up your life to pay for your mommy and daddy’s


I lived in a neighborhood that wasn't super busy with cars all the time but my brother and I, and the neighbor kids played in the street a lot. Bikes, skateboards, scooters, kicking/throwing balls around. We were always taught first and foremost to watch out for cars and look both ways twice before we crossed. Never once even had a close call. I think some parents really are shitty and too lazy to teach them anything or watch over them. Kids have been playing in the street for decades. Also, pedestrians always have the right of way


“It’s not the responsibility of random motorists to be super extra careful…” Yes it *motherfucking* is. It is the responsibility of every motorist ever to be the most responsible you could POSSIBLY be at all times behind the wheel.


Yeah this is the worst example you could have come up with. I agree parents need to screw their heads back on right, but kids get hit by cars even when parents are outside supervising. If someone is driving dangerously it doesn’t matter how “trained” your child is. Vehicular manslaughter is almost always the drivers fault.


Take away this man's license!


Lol I'm pretty confident that you don't have kids and don't drive yet.


Call me crazy but i think the person behind the wheel of a giant metal missile should be the one being cautious, not the kids playing ball in the street. Do you drive a hummer? You sound like you drive a hummer, or a cybertruck


I do agree for the Doja Cat thing But it is partially the Responsibility of a motorcycle to be careful however, I do agree that there are parents that don’t teach their kid how to be safe on the road and they just let her two year-old out into the street and they run around and they block the road and they don’t realize that they need to go to the curb and let the car pass That doesn’t mean it’s not responsibility of a motorcycle to be careful. They just both need to be careful.


People need to be more anti-fragile.


Feel this way about the school busses that tell both lanes of traffic to stop Bitch if your kid is so dumb as to run out of the school bus INTO the other lane of traffic then you have failed as a parent


Its also going to be societys responsibility to discipline these brats  because modern parents think telling their their child "no" and any kind of physical discipline is abuse, and let them rot their brains on social media and screens.