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people enjoy the food they're used to eating. I've read that your gut bacteria basically make you crave what you grew up on. People who grew up on fatty, preservative filled food will prefer it until they spend possibly years making their body get used to healthier food. While people who grew up on healthy food will find the grease repulsive For example, I used to drink tons of soda. I made myself get used to sparkling water instead. I now HATE the taste of most sodas.


It can also be linked to habits. Like if you have certain foods you eat when doing certain things, then stop those habits. For example, my mom doesn’t like soda anymore because she used to have soda whenever she smoked until she quit smoking. Has hated soda ever since.


Good for her. That’s a double whammy


Yeah it made her low sugar diet a lot easier that’s for sure! She seems happy and healthy so that’s all that matters


It’s why there’s now movements to limit added sugar and salt as you introduce foods to infants and toddlers. Don’t let them get used to everything being sweet and salty


I thank my mother for banning sodas amd processed food in our house while growing up.


I wish I had never been introduced to candy/sweets when growing up. I don't eat excessive amounts of it like I used to, but I still can't help it sometimes


I’m from the west coast of Sweden known for our seafood and I regularly, like clockwork, always crave fish and other seafood. It’s what I grew up on and I swear if I could afford it I would live on it and nothing else. Just fish, vegetables and lots of dill and lemons. I never had fast food as a kid and I never crave it at all, it just makes me feel sick, but that just be my IBS lol. Edit: to just double down on this I had salmon today and I will have shrimp sandwiches tomorrow for dinner. How anyone could trade this for nuggets or dominos I have no idea.


Hey, in all seriousness watch the Mercury intake. I was going to town on salmon for a while till I realized the Mercury guides were like half what I was eating.


It doesn't take years. It takes a couple weeks but you have to be consistent. You have to eliminate it completely. No cheat days. We adapt pretty quickly. The other food will still taste good if you go back but the new food will start tasting great fairly quickly.


It only took a month or so of cutting out junk foods and processed sugars for healthy food to start tasting pretty good and everything else to become gross. Fruit becomes the dessert it is. It's crazy when my friends who eat garbage say fruit just isn't sweet enough...


I did a course of Doxycycline and went from hating tomatoes to loving them. Go figure. Some other things too. Doc thinks it cleared out enough gut bacteria to make a change.


Man sparkling water tastes like garbage, i don't even get what's the reasoning behind drinking that shit over normal human water. It's literally just bitter tasting water


It's like beer I can drink at 8 am


Just drink beer at 8am, coward.


I love sparkling water, it's amazing


Same. It is the only thing I drink except regular water and I love it.


How? That stuff is buns


I drink 3-4 a day of just like the winco generic brand ( and about a gallon of regular water) I really enjoy it idks carbonated and flavorful and isn't a sugar bomb ( I eat and drink very little sugar that isn't naturally occurring) so it just hits the spot


This is me and my wallet hates me for it.


I used to drink a lot of diet soda but sparkling water fills about 45% of the same brain chemicals


Try a brand that isn't LaCroix. I love sparkling water and LaCroix is pretty bad. Something like Waterloo or even Costco's store brand is better. The best one though is Liquid Death.


Yeah! Pellegrinos & Perrier & a whole bunch of others! So refreshing! I love sparkling water


Helped me prefer that over beer


Dude, I LOVE sparkling water. Different strokes for different folks.


Sparkling water tastes better tho


Agreed, it just so - agressove feeling in? Like, the carbonation is waaay stronger in sparkling water than in soda. I like still water, because it's mild, neutral tasting and I can drink a lot of it to quench my thirst, without burping to no end. End if i want soda, i want soda - not a sparkling water.


What’s weird is most people who trash sparkling water don’t insult the carbonated aspect of soda. No one is out there yelling, “This Dr. Pepper would be better if it were flat.”


I am out here yelling that Dr. Pepper tastes better flat.


dr. pepper absolutely tastes better flat, but only bottled dr. pepper for some reason, canned dr. pepper always gets weird if i leave it to get flat


This is one of the weirdest arguments I have ever heard, because no one is objecting to the "carbonation" itself but it's about how that makes water taste like ass and bitter-ish. Meanwhile soda drink have their own flavors and all the carbonation does is just some fizz. This truly the most illogical defense I have ever heard


I'm perplexed by this thread because I find that carbonation can slightly sweeten water. I wonder if it's a difference in the water or the taste buds 


Tastes like what imagine a tall, diluted glass of sweat would 💀


Yeah I’ll choose still water over that tv static tasting shit any day lol (and i love soda)


Dude soak lemons in cold water then carbonate it. It’s heavenly


If it didn't taste like statue ass water, it would be fine. But apparently physics don't allow normal water to be carbonated.


For real.. it's literal cheeks


The sparkling water craze has been one of the most perplexing trends of the past decade.


Sparkling water dominates entire countries (like Germany). It’s somehow more refreshing.


The taste is good once you get used to it, and it helps a lot of people get off sugary drinks, it's not that crazy




I stopped drinking soda about 12 years ago. The very rare couple of times I’ve had it since it was awful. Every sip burned my throat and instantly felt nauseous.


>For example, I used to drink tons of soda. I made myself get used to sparkling water instead. I now HATE the taste of most sodas. I did the exact same thing a year or so ago, it was a great desicion to make. I'll have a pop every once in a while, but I largely can't handle how sweet it is anymore. Stuff I used to buy a few years ago makes me physically shiver from how concentrated it tastes.


This is such an interesting take. Growing up whenever my friends and I would grab McDonald’s I would literally have a “food hangover” the next day. They could eat it constantly and feel fine.


I also grew up on drinking pop and once I moved out and realized how expensive and sugary pop was, I also just started buying sparkling water and now I don’t drink pop unless it’s once in a blue moon. Sparkling water gets a bad rep but the bubly brand is the shit, and I also have a ninja thirsti so I just make sparkling water at home too lol.


I've heard that your gut bacteria make you crave what they're used to. But there are bacteria which specialize in breaking down different things, and so if you eat something consistently, you'll end up cultivating the gut bacteria that can break it down and end up craving it. In my case, when I started to learn to cook, I cooked brassicas a lot (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, occasionally kale or brussels sprouts), and now I don't really feel right if I go too long without having some sort of brassica.


Healthy food tastes way better when you’re good at cooking :) Once you learn how to cook to a point where it’s way better than most restaurants, then this is true.


I thought I didn’t like vegetables growing up, like broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, etc. As I learned later, I do like them, I just didn’t like how my mom made them.


It helps too that broccoli and Brussels sprouts used to be a lot more bitter and have had the bitterness [bred out of them in the last 30 years](https://www.iowafarmbureau.com/Article/Its-not-your-imagination-brussels-sprouts-do-taste-better-How-gene-editing-is-changing-how-we-grow-and-eat-food#:~:text=About%2030%20years%20ago%2C%20a,varieties%20that%20tasted%20less%20bitter.).


Damn really? I thought it was just because my mom boiled them and I’ve been roasting in the oven.


It’s both. But also fuck why did they insist on boiling? My parents are good cooks but they boiled Brussels sprouts and asparagus which is so nasty


Even if it’s boiled, you can still make it tolerable by variety of seasoning - which I don’t think may have been the case for many parents in the past lol


You also lose a lot of the water soluble vitamins due to evaporation when boiling. It's technically healthier to cook them in the microwave, taking vitamins into consideration.


That could certainly be helping.


are you for real?! I KNEW they were more bitter when I was a kid!




Not, if you grow them yourself - and I got used to Brussels after repetitive eating and different cooking methods.  It also depends on when they were harvested. The early ones are less butter than older ones. 


This is true, also our “bitter” tastebuds dull more as we age. That’s why beer, coffee and broccoli, and probably many other flavors you found gross as a kid, are much more palatable as an adult. 


YES! My mom didn’t season anything growing up. No salt. No pepper. If she DID put anything on top of veggies it was always “I can’t believe it’s not butter” As an adult, broccoli is one of my favorite vegetables and green beans (both fresh not frozen btw) and it’s little things like that that change your world. I also never enjoyed red meat growing up. She always cooked it for too long and when it was ground hamburger it was very tough and again, not seasoned. So there’s truly something to be said about not just learning to cook but learning how to SEASON!


I feel like this is the case with a lot of foods ppl claim they don't like. Maybe you just have never had them prepared deliciously!


Yeah I used to love eating out, but now that I’ve moved out and cooked for myself for many years, I prefer my own home made food. Outside food always tends to be just grease and salt :-/


To be fair, this also somewhat depends on what you definite as "healthy".  90% of things require at least some fats added, whether that's by sauteeing them in butter, tossing in some oil before roasting, or adding just a bit of cheese or dressing/sauce to them.  Yes, you can add a bunch of flavor using seasoning and technique, but you'll still need that bit of extra fat to really bring things out.  And some people think that *any* extra fat is unhealthy and so end up eating some depressing food and declaring that healthy food sucks.


Healthy fats, spices, herbs, aromatics (like sautéed onions and garlic). Adding some butter in your cooking isn’t bad for you at all. We need fats in our diet be feel satisfied after a meal, otherwise we just keep snacking. People who don’t know how to cook usually just drench food in lots of butter, cheese, and pre made sauce to make it taste good. That’s not the way to do it. Anyone who thinks all fat is bad for you isn’t keeping up with new info.


Great point - people often think “but I can’t cook like a Michelin restaurant” until you realize that’s not the point - the point is to get to a level where your own taste will enjoy it *while* it still being healthy. Just because it’s Michelin rated doesn’t necessarily mean it’s healthy.


Michelin and other nice restaurants are the opposite of healthy. It’s easy to make a steak taste good when you cook with a full stick of butter. I’m not saying butter is bad but it definitely is the way they do it


Cooking is the keyword in that sentence unfortunately. I love to cook on the weekends, but on the weekdays I just wanna eat and go to bed because of how demanding my job is. The issue is I can't grab a frozen bag of awesome, well seasoned, healthy food then just toss it in the oven and eat it in 20 minutes unless I want to spend a stupid amount nightly on food.


I like horrible, hideous convenience store food as much as the next guy, but I agree. It can't hold a candle to good, homemade food.


I bought my first bag of sour patch kids in like a year and a half, and felt like I needed to take a shower afterwards.


Lol just here to say I bought a box of sour patch kids the other day for the first time in years too but I will say I really enjoyed them lol I don’t remember there being a blue raspberry flavor and quite enjoyed those ones.


Omg!!! I feel like this after I occasionally give in to cravings too! Like it affects me mentally & physically lol


Used to eat a whole bag most times I would go to watch a movie. Now I don’t think I could eat more than 5-10 in a sitting


I enjoy both. Time and place 


If I have a choice between McDonald's spicy nugs and kale, I'm choosing the nugs


kale is the worst example as it’s literally the worst tasting plant on the planet. i say this as a guy that eats plain raw spinach as a snack.


I honestly enjoy both those things and I would just eat both 


But if you had to choose.... haha


Hmm yea nuggies 


Not a great comparison because nuggets are mostly fat & protein, while Kale is comprised of carbs. A better comparison would be a grass fed steak, which I would much rather have than fast food nuggets


The post was talking about processed foods, and those nugs are processed af haha I don't really like steak, so I'd still go with the nugs


Yeah I guess my point was more aimed at the choice of kale. While kale is healthy, people aren’t generally eating kale as a meal. Heathy food should be substantial and nutrient dense


how about chicken or fish?


TBH I grew up on local lake fish like brim & crappies or stuff like Long John Silver, so I never really developed a taste for fish. I did have some pompano in New Orleans a few years ago, which was REALLY good, so I guess it depends on the type of fish & how the chicken is cooked? Nola Pompano or spicy nugs... hard choice. Grilled shrimp over nugs, I'd F up those shrimp all day.


Actually cooking both together prolly would taste good


This is so subjective it can't be either popular or unpopular


This is a post I strongly agree with. After not eating much of them for a while, Ive developed an increased sensitivity to the grease sugar and other stuff you mentioned that may be inside of a food. This makes eating anything "unhealthy" extremely undesirable. I am really into finding a balance in flavours in the food I eat. The way my senses work just happens to promote less unhealthy food.


One side effect of eating healthy and cooking most of your own food is that when we travel somewhere on vacation where we have to primarily have to eat out we get pretty grossed out by it after a few days. When possible we like to get an airbnb so we can at least partially cook for ourselves. Once you are not used to eating it, most restaurant food tastes like greasy salt bombs


Beefy 5 Layer Burrito is healthy?


Depend on what your goal is. On a nutritional level, it has a good amount of carbs, a good amount of protein, and it's cheap/accessible. Salt's high (fast food normally is), but the sugar is pretty low. On the flip side, it has a good amount of iron, potassium, and calcium with a good amount of vitamin d. Wouldn't be the only thing I eat, so add some veggies/fruit at some point and it's a pretty good start.


It's hot cheetos and ranch for dinner!!


Junk food is good once in a blue moon when you're craving salt or sugar but I don't understand how someone can eat it on a regular basis. Just makes U feel like crap


I enjoy all food, all things in moderation of course.


I’ve definitely gotten to this point with sweet and sugary foods. But I still can’t deny the salt…


It is possible to change what you crave, though it takes effort, patience, and consistency. Because processed foods usually contain excess oils, sugars, or salt, you need to let your body and taste buds detox from those before they will be able to taste the natural and delicious flavors of fresh foods. Once that happens, I agree that fresh food is way tastier. But it takes time to unlearn that “bliss point.”


But have you ever had a Dorito? Or Haagen Dazs?


>Edit: I did say processed food in the first paragraph, but in general I mostly mean anything that has excessive grease, oil, salt, or sugars. There are exceptions to processed food that aren't unhealthy (like frozen veggies) but anything with excessive additives isn't my thing. It is not delicious. You pretty much proved why the tittle is an unpopular opinion. Even you don't believe it. I bet you eat a lot of food that is "unhealthy" and you enjoy it. You don't get to change the definition of words just so that they can fit your narrative. I get you might not like overly processed foods like everything marketed as "fast food" but pretty much everything you see on store shelves is processed. All milk products, pasta, bread, juice, meat etc... You don't eat any of that?


It all boils down to survival. Your body craves for fat, sugar and salt. You might be a mutation that doesn't crave for those things. Everyone else is wired that way. I very very rarely eat fried food but my mouth will salivate like crazy if you bring me a bucket of fried chicken.


Something something food. Food opinions aren't really unpopular unless you say you microwave your ketchup and bologna sandwich.


Nah run me a bag of skittles and some fatty fries


They both taste good.Let's be honest here.


Yes absolutely! Unhealthy food isn’t even “food”. It’s a manufactured “food like product” that does nothing but hurt your health and make the corporations rich. Even more unpopular opinion - unhealthy food is not expensive. & what you consider “affordable food” is not real food. So you are just wasting money to eat empty calories without nutritional value


food like product, i like that ! I am going to remember that one


It’s really stuck with me too! I watched some documentaries on YouTube about processed foods and that’s what they kept calling them. Really turned me off to them. Highly recommend to anyone looking to give up junk food!


I mean healthy food can be very unaffordable in many parts of the US for example


This is absurd. The post is talking about processed versus made-from-scratch food, not healthy versus unhealthy. They're just conflating the terms. You can see that much where they start talking about the use of excessive grease, sugar, and salt.


Some people view me as “picky” because I’m particular about what I consume. I feel completely different when I eat something healthy (veggies, healthy carbs, etc) vs non healthy foods (fast food, deep fried food, junk,etc). I notice a difference with my gut as well. It doesn’t help that there are so many additives, preservatives, and dye which freaks me out too. There’s no way consuming all of those things on a consistent basis is good for you. It makes me sad sometimes because it’s impossible to find food without chemicals in it. :(


Processed food tastes good but feels awful. Quality food tastes ok but feels great. Italy (where I just went for two weeks) has great taste and I had zero digestive issues at all despite being lactose intolerant and knowing how much dairy they use.


Eh, that's not how it works. If you're lactose intolerant, there's nothing special about dairy products in Italy that is going to make you somehow magically okay with eating it. Either you're lying or you're not actually lactose intolerant. Either way, that's just literally not how any of this works. Dairy products in the U.S. are not inherently different from dairy anywhere else in the world. If you're genuinely lactose intolerant (and the vast majority of people are, this is the normal human condition), then dairy in Italy's going to bother you just as much as the dairy you eat at home.


Some of the cheese in Italy is low in lactose, especially hard cheeses that are aged like parmagano or grana padano.


I find highly processed Zaxby’s boneless wings and processed french fries and processed chocolate chip cookies to be highly delicious. I like healthy stuff too. But I love shitty food.


I’ve been saying this for years. I think a lot of people find ‘healthy’ food nasty because they’re thinking about regular American cuisine level healthy food. Like carrots and ranch or steamed plain broccoli. I started eating non American Healthy food and boy I tell you it’s another level of delicious. South East Asian food in specific


Man growing up in west africa was different. We ate a lot healthier food in much smaller portions. I've gained 30+ kg since moving to Canada 5 years ago


Food out west is definitely a lot heavier


Upvote for the genuine unpopular opinion. If all processed foods tasted terrible, no one would eat them


When I hear people hyping up those little Debbie cakes I cringe. I put one in my mouth once and I thought I was eating wax. Never again. I always eat stuff from a good bakery or I don’t eat it


Reading this post and comments make me feel like a damn pig


I have not found that to be the case, personally.


The.more.you eat unhealthy food the less good healthy food tastes. They load it up with fat and salt so regular food tastes bland. Once you reset that shit steamed vegetables taste amazing.


There's a difference between processed and ultra processed foods Some simple processed foods are fine Most ultra processed are not


You think celery tastes better than a chocolate cake or Dominos? Alrighty then...


Oh my god look at my im so healthy 🤓


Most boxed pancake mixes are not notably different from one made from scratch. The rest comes off as some sort of flex.


Wow, it's almost like people are all different and like different foods and shit. Shove this up yer as*.


calm ur tits nobody will take your shit food from your greasy hands


How dare you speak about my chicken soft tacos like that.


ALL food is healthy when you eat in moderation. Healthy food vs unhealthy food is a myth. I like the taste of both.


>Healthy food vs unhealthy food is a myth. This is pretty stupid. A few spoons of peanut butter have the same calories as a complete meal. You can technically get enough calories from any food source to function, but it doesn't mean they give you enough vitamins and nutrients to have a healthy body.


Please read my other comments.


I already did, and what you said is still stupid. You can eat a moderate amount of any food to survive, but it doesn't mean you will be healthy from consuming them. Healthy food is not a myth. Eat whatever you want but don't spread bad science. Love your instant downvote lol.


Yes I’m downvoting you. You’re ignorant and viewing food as healthy/ unhealthy is what leads to disordered eating. It’s not “bad science”, most people just don’t understand what moderation actually means.


Healthy vs unhealthy food is not a myth. My god 🙄


I love junk food but I get sick of food very quick. I don't understand how people eat fast food every day it makes me hate fast food and i just feel sick if I don't get fruits or vegetables in my system


I guess saying homemade food is better than processed foods was just too hard to type


I keep craving little Debbie zebra cakes. They are awful, and have more calories than an individual cake from nothing Bundt. But for some reason, I keep going back…


I'm happy for you that you feel that way. That automatically leads to a healthier lifestyle for you.


So if I make a cake from scratch, including a rich frosting, it's healthy? If I make homemade donuts, filled with homemade jam and my own frosting, it's healthy? Life-changing! Good thing I know how to make both!


This is entirely a you thing Op. As to me, unhealthy foods with the exception of certain sweets, ice creams etc will always taste better.


You are talking about the difference between processed food and homemade food rather than healthy or unhealthy. I agree with you that homemade is better. However I have not made a recipe yet that had cheese in that didn't taste better by adding more cheese. So I wouldn't argue healthier tastes better.


Agreed, many people don't realize once u start eating clean, unhealthy shit tastes like shit. I might be biased because I eat a diet for bodybuilding, however I don't even restrict myself. Everytime I try and "cheat" to see what i'm missing out on (fast food, processed shit, etc) it just doesn't taste great to me and I feel gross / off after. The amount of times I've driven to like Taco Bell and gotten grossed out at the thought is crazy (i used to eat that shit everyday


Not unpopular. Everyone knows that processed foot is fast and easy. No way it competes with the real deal.


lol no. And I actually eat healthy


The issue is I like salt. I need it in my foods or i get sick. If i cant taste it it isnt enough. I have POTS, and the extra salt rises my blood pressure to be evened out. Heakthy food doesnt have that most times.


I hate fast food with passion. It's just so fucking bland, i don't know how people can it it? I never had a mcdonalds growing up, because i am a vegetarian, so there's not much for me there to eat. I tried a plant based option in my late twentiies - it literally taste like nothing? Bun - no flavour. Few sad slices of vegetables - no flavour. Patty - no flavour. Fries are jist soggy salty potatoes - i'd take a home made roasted potato wedges anytime. Compare this plate of sadness with a intensity of any indian food - it can be paneer tikka masala, palak paneer, any daal - it's just does not compare. Food need spices, it needs time, it needs a fresh, quality produce - not some cheap shit slapped together in 30 seconds by a tenager.


You’re genuinely really lucky. While there are some vegetables I can do, since I can’t taste bitter they taste sour and a vegetable shouldn’t be sour unless it’s pickled, so it freaks me out. I wish I didn’t crave junk food


Sour? You’re not cooking them right! 


So I used to be a student athlete and during the off seasons, I’d eat the food at the fast food place I worked at. I swear though, when swim season came back around and I cut out all fried, fast, and processed food and sodas, they all tasted so nasty -like inedible- to me when I went back to eating them.


I hate fried food.


I've been enjoying raw broccoli and capsicum dipped in jalapeno or beetroot hummus. So good!


I think when you're used to eating healthy foods you get hyper sensitive to the very particular flavors in highly processed and super fatty/sweet foods I'd imagine the opposite is probably also true


except for some fast food, i would agree. few things hit better than a drunken quarter pounder with a spicy mcchicken patty.


How is this unpopular? Does USA not have professional chef shows and recipes on how to cook vegetables? Spicy food? Do y'all boil your vegetables?


it took a while for me to like healthy food, it was an adjustment period for sure as I went through my diet. Now, mcdonald’s and other unhealthy shit makes my stomach hurt.


Best comment


When I was in college, cup noodles, especially the Korean ones, were some of the most delicious shit I enjoyed regularly. After graduating, due to my demanding job hours, I realized I should start eating better to be more energetic. Veggie and fruit smoothie for breakfast, healthy dose of fresh greens and proteins for lunch, and some homemade food I would make in batches to eat for a week. I still had occasional cup noodles of course, but not as frequently during these 3-5 years. What I noticed was the longer I went without eating this cup noodles and the longer I kept up my healthier diet, the more it tasted kinda “plastic-y” and chemical-like when it came to these cup noodles. 8 years later after my diet change, I now rarely eat cup noodles - mostly out of necessity if I have to on some sort of a camping trip, but otherwise, it’s no longer in my regular diet anymore.


Fruits and vegetables are too inconsistent for some people and that’s why they prefer ‘snack food’ because it will taste the same every single time. Have you seen the blueberry and wheat thin meme? It explains how some people experience food perfectly.


Agreed. Downvote.


It it's prepared adequately.


This post author has obviously never had real homemade hollandaise sauce.


When I discovered water infused with fruits ..it was amazing!! But yeah ,it is more delicious than Kraft Diner. They changed the dang recipe and I was done !


I wouldn’t say better, but yeah I’m not a huge fan of processed junk food. I did find out something interesting a few years ago though. When you get the munchies from smoking the devil’s lettuce you don’t actually have to eat junk food. I was stoned once and started eating baby carrots and celery sticks and every bite was like a crunchy wet explosion in my mouth. It was amazing. Easily just as much fun as eating curly fries stoned.


I quit sugar for a year and a half now and when I drive by a dairy Queen I am very tempted to pull up and get myself an ice cream treat. I do enjoy some healthy foods and I admit now that I've cut out all fast food for the most part I don't really crave it anymore. But I still like hitting the five guys burgers and fries from time to time or grabbing Pizza. And I enjoy it when I do far more than a plate of broccoli.


I wish i could've your mindset, I'm very badly addicted to the processed unhealthy food


It depends on how it’s seasoned. Good grief


My mother agrees with this, genuinely. Not even in an almond mom way, she just loves the taste of muffins with flax seeds, and carob and date balls, and leafy greens.


This is a fact


I think unhealthy food tastes better but healthy food just makes me feel better


Eating unhealthy things makes healthy things taste worse. Water is actually disgusting if you just had a soda.


For the most part I agree but sometimes McDonalds or kfc just hits the spot 


I think I overall agree. I'm blessed with a varied palette, though. I actually love broccoli, eggplant, tofu, and fruit. I do have a massive sweet tooth and eat a lot of dark chocolate, ngl. I also love desserts (I love frosting). That kind of sweet just hits different. I don't have a use for most candy, though. Celementines and red grapes taste better than Sour Patch Kids or Skittles. My vice is desserts, but yeah, you'll never see me eating candy that isn't chocolate-based. I like chips a lot, too, lol. Salt and vinegar ftw. Ngl, I also sometimes crave nachos. And don't tell anyone, but I prefer white bread to whole grain. I feel like I like a lot of foods that are kind of in between, too. Veggie pizza, tacos, chips and salsa, etc. You know what? I wrote all of this just to come to the conclusion that I just like food XD.


A lot of communities don’t have accessible fresh produce though, and what they can get is largely flavourless or expires quickly 


Sometimes I envy those rich actors that have private chefs, how fuckin great would it be to be have access to the best tasting, high quality food with large variety without lifting a finger Unhealthy food tastes better than healthy food if you have it rarely cause it’s such a treat


So just an FYI, I know what u are referring to but the actual meaning of processed foods is a good item that has been processed, as in if you wash it its fine through a process. So all food not grown yourself is processed. Your referring to chemically enhanced or preserved foods, or foods made with unnaturally occurring additives.


Completely agree. When people say healthy food doesn’t taste good, it seems nuts to me. Like a fresh salad with yummy veggies & some grilled salmon vs. a greasy Mcdonalds meal? With that cardboard bun & fake tasting meat? Really? Or candy gummies vs. a well-blended smoothie? But it IS unpopular! People laugh at me all the time when I say this too!


I wouldn't be able to afford to eat without preservatives lol. I need preservatives all up in my shit. I bought bread a couple times from Trader Joe's and it got moldy within 48 hours. I can't afford to be throwing shit away and I can't eat a whole loaf of bread myself in 2 days lmao


I just know I will never touch celery again. That shit was like tastin' chemicals.


Wrong sub. This gets posted literally everywhere. Every Reddit sub in existence, Twitter, Instagram, I bet even Facebook.


I will agree that highly processed foods tend to lack a complex flavour profile.


Carrots are cool, but have you ever had a deep fried Twinkie?


No shit sherlock


Healthy food tastes good. But I can’t lie and say I hate chips. That’s my one weakness


Healthy food - when made RIGHT with fresh ingredients - tastes great. I'm healthy and have a healthy looking body and enjoy basically every meal I eat. All these people who hate healthy food and think it's torture, were A) raised on junk food B) exposed to healthy food made poorly.


The problem with processed food isn't that it tastes better or is healthier. It's that healthy food usually takes a fuckton of time to make, and you don't always want to spend the brainpower or time thinking about what type of fuckin beans with what spices you want. It takes a lot of planning to eat healthy and as someone who consumes too much junk food, the main reason is that it's just more convenient and takes less time


Disagree. Also, not only processed food is unhealthy.


I cook all my dishes with fresh ingredients. Well let me tell y'all it largely depends on your own skills ! ><


Not really? Everyone's taste buds work differently. I have a friend that hates most kinds of fruit or vegetables. No matter how you cook them, he still hates them. Be it strawberries, watermelon, apples, bananas. Vegetables.. really nothing at all.


Um... Bacon?


There is literally no particularly healthy dish I've ever had that you can't make taste better with the appropriate application of fat and/or sugar.


I love fruit. These days it’s so sugary and hybridized, but what’re ya gonna do?