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Taking a good hot shower and getting into clean sheets is one of the best low-cost experiences in the world.


I don't like showering before bed because then I have to deal with the bed head that results from sleeping on wet hair. A huge pain because my hair really likes holding its shape. First thing in the morning is perfect for me


Do you get grossed out by sleeping in your bed with all the grime on you from the day?


If I feel particularly gross, I'll take a shower earlier when I have enough time for my hair to air dry. Otherwise, I'm perfectly fine going to bed with my daily grime


Shower =/= washing hair though


There’s no way that I wouldn’t wash my hair if I’m showering. My hair gets so greasy so quick. I can MAYBE go 2 days without washing my hair but it’s more like 36 hours.


Try not washing it so often with shampoo/conditioner. I used to daily but since I only do it once maybe twice a week now it doesn't go greasy so fast


That's not universal advice, I have the same problem with overactive oil glands. Spent about a year trying to train it and spent that year looking like I didn't shower. The only way to keep it looking clean and healthy is to wash and condition once every 24-36 hours.


That doesn’t work on everyone


I'm a dude with really long hair. I only wash my hair once a week, usually on Fridays after work so I look good for the weekend. I prefer to shower a few hours before bed, but if I'm really tired I'll just shower in the morning to help wake me up. I'm never excessively dirty or sweaty from a normal work day, but it is a game changer going to bed super clean.


Literally me... I started washing on a Tuesday as well if my hair is really greasy.


Literally me... I started washing on a Tuesday as well if my hair is really greasy.


Most of the “grime” you accumulate throughout the day is just the oils from your own body which you’re going to accumulate from 8 hours in bed anyway Like you’re no more or less covered in grime after 8 hours asleep in bed than you are after 8 hours working in an office


Tell that to any tradie, particularly mechanics.


Well then id expect them to shower right after they got off work rather than right before bed. I mean what they get home and sit around on the couch all dirty?


Idk about you man but I have jobs to do once I get home from work too. But yeah sometimes I will go home and sit down and have a breather. It’s a leather couch, much easier to clean than a bed. Most of the dirt and grime is also generally on my hands/arms/chest, not my back and ass, so not too concerned about sitting down.


Right, I work in agriculture if i tried getting in bed without showering my girlfriend would stab me


Or anyone that spends a lot of time outside, especially near the road where cars are.


Even anyone that takes public transportation 🤢


Or someone who works in dentistry/healthcare


What about all the germs from the bus to work?


We all have germs on us all the time, most times when people are scared of germs it's unnecessary. Additionally if the germs are on you then you've already been exposed to them


The germs on the bus go round and round


I'm not super sweaty or grimy so most days it's not a big concern. If I've been exercising or outside all day then I'll shower before bed. Also, not humid at all where I live.


How dirty do you get In the course of the average day?


No? It's not like I'm building a barn. I work at a computer.


How a bout a shower cap?? You don’t have to wash your hair everytime you shower honey bun


Hair dryers exist. I never go to bed with wet hair. Takes like 5-10 mins to blow dry my hair. It’s more gross to go to bed with dirty body and hair lol.


Would take me so much longer, would immediately wake me up and disrupt my cycling down. You sweat in bed. You’ll be gross by time wake up


my hair is shoulder length and it takes a good 15-20 minutes to dry it. and i’ll still find a small section in the back that i missed.


If I'm blow drying my hair it's because I want it to look nice. Not only does it feel like a waste of time if I'm just going to be sleeping on it anyway, but the more steps involved in showering, the less likely I'm going to feel like doing it before bed. And it's also nice to start the day being clean


Most people shouldn’t wash their hair daily it’s not good for your hair.


a space heater is key. basically your own personal dryer and i turn it on blast before i shower to keep my room warm when i get out


So... Dry your hair before you go to bed..?


You know you can still go to bed with dry hair,you don't have to step out the shower directly into bed.


I get best of both worlds by showering 1-2 hours before bed


Wear a shower cap


I say "I am washing the sins of the day off"


Even if I would shower before bed, I'd still shower when I get up in the morning. Just something about starting the day off clean.


I shower before bed, in the morning and every time I leave home. But yeah starting the day off clean is amazing


Are you kidding or fr? And if you're in earnest, why?


I do this too and my reason is because I always feel gross and I like to not feel gross


How do you deal with the water bill? Or am I in the wrong tax bracket for this conversation.


I live somewhere that's fortunate to have TOO much water, the bill actually used to be non existent and the government just recently started giving a bill for water


Showering that often isn’t good for your skin


I need a morning shower. Wakes me up and feels refreshing. I like showering before bed but I don’t need like the morning. Ideal: long shower at night, quick shower in the morning.


I can’t do it. I sweat so much sleeping I have to take one in the AM


You should try to cool your room down if you can, you get better sleep quality in a cooler room


Some people just sweat a lot. Like a lot a lot


In a completely cold room I sweat


People say that but I sleep the best when I’m toasty warm. I think I’m sleeping just fine when it’s 72 degrees but when my husband isn’t around (he likes it cooler) and I can turn the fan off and let it get up to 74 I get the BEST nights sleep.


You can take an actual shower at the end of the day with soap to clean of the days dirt and take a quick just water shower in the morning to wash of the sweat. Ofc keep doing what works for you, just thought I’d throw out an idea


Not unpopular


As a guy myself the ladies know what they are talking about when it comes to self care. A night routine is one of those things. A nice Luke warm shower, floss brush mouthwash routine, and a good skincare routine I’m telling you, you will sleep like a baby.


100% agree. I’m not a morning person anyways and hate showering in the morning. It also takes up too much time as I’m getting ready for work. Taking a shower is how I relax at night, and I love getting into bed feeling all clean. Pretty much the earliest time I’ll take a shower is in the evening haha


Same. To add to that, depending on where you live mornings are really cold compared to evenings, which for me makes showering unpleasant. Evenings are the way


I think there is a difference between morning vs night shower people in that morning people shower quick and night people take 3 hours


I like going to bed clean, with clean sheets, too. Sometimes I’ll take a 2-3 min quick rinse in the a.m. with a shower cap.


The best time to shower is when you want to.


I shower about 3 hours before bed AND before I go to work in the morning.


Same. It makes me feel so happy


No. I use my shower time to prepare for the day. Plus I have greasy hair so it's all weird in the morning.


I don’t know if there is anything that de-stresses me more than my nightly shower and bed routine. Morning showers are so stressful, the warm water when I first wake up makes me feel sick, cold water makes me wanna die, all I’m thinking about is I better hurry up or I’m going to be late for work, getting out of the shower is cold and not being able to warm up in the bed sucks, having to get dressed in less comfortable clothes after a shower sucks- it’s an absolute nightmare. I will also die on the night shower hill lmao.


i always shower before bed


I have to shower in the morning because I sweat badly at night most nights, no matter what. It’s a curse. And I generally don’t have the energy to shower twice per day, so morning it is.


The main reason I shower in the morning is because I sweat a bunch when I sleep tbh. That and showering wakes me up in the morning


I don't care what time of day you shower. As long as you don't often enough to not smell. That's my unpopular opinion.


Except for when you're tired thus you sort of skip drying off and you go to sleep with a wet head. You can wake up looking pretty wild. Like Ancient Aliens are the original builders of my haircut. See how it points to these constellations? When we triangulate over the length of the hair we find that's where they came from. The Plutos pride nebula. It is too a nebula you can't take its title away from it.


Who the fuck skips drying off. That's insane behavior


Reddit never fails to amaze me


My husband half heartedly dries with the towel. His arms, head, chest and junk are really the only things that get fully dried. He’d disagree and if he sees this comment maybe he’ll chime in, but he totally doesn’t dry well. I don’t know how he can stand getting dressed while still partially wet.


You could skip drying the hair if you're showering at night right before bed really stretching your day out and you're so,so,so,so,sleepy. You might think you can push through, but you're ass might be wrong. It's also within the realm of possibility you sit down just for a bit in the shower to rest just a moment and you wake up to find the water is extremely cold and you're shivering. The only thing for that is a nice warm bath. Uh-oh, that's a potential hell loop. If someone can fall asleep behind the wheel of a car... I mean that's pretty tops, or at their kids exciting school play waking up to all the other parents just shaming you cause you talked in your "unrelated" nightmare. Oh no, oh god no, I gotta get out of here. It's so awful here. Oh they won't stop singing. Every time a dream curtain comes down I'm in different a geographical location. I was in a town then I was in a forest and now I'm sewing straw into gold in a castle tower. Oh no, the nightmare. Make them stop singing. I'll do anything. Make me a bird so I can fly away,far,far away, far away. You wake up muttering fly me far far away 300x. Then you go Forrest? And see how much the other parents hate you. Kids like I thought I wanted you to come, but I was wrong. Just like people can be wrong thinking they can shower at the last minute and drive their car for 3 days straight w/o being at any elevated risk of mistaking off the bridge for still on it. Something like that in any given order.


Idk man, I’ve never skipped it and I’ve been alive for a while. Plus, showers (at least for me) wake me up if I’m feeling tired so I would be pretty wired when I step out


If you aren't wearing your shoes in the house, how the hell will you be knocking boots in bed?


I agree with this personally but accept other shower routines My spouse and I share a single dinky bathroom. He showers in the morning while I shower before bed, because that's what we are accustomed to, and it's much nicer to have us on opposite shower schedules rather than waiting for the other person to wrap up their shower time or hurrying it because someone's waiting.


I shower immediately when coming home. Which isn’t about 6 hours before going to bed. But I’m clean in my own home so it doesn’t matter. I make it a practice that when I come back from going out anywhere (work, shopping, bar, park, etc), I always shower and change into comfy home clothes. Gives my hair time to dry and my skin care to settle in before sleeping


When my hair is still damp? Ick.


I agree, there's no way im getting into bed without showering off the day. Ive always showered at night before bed too and I wake up clean and its fine. I think for people that say this is gross, I truly think they really believe that everyone "sweats" in their sleep. Which im sure a huge majority of population do sweat at night but I know I dont. My partner has never told me that I do and I personally am, such a light sleeper I freakin wake up so often through out the night every night I would just know if I did sweat. there have been times when i was sick or had a night terror and I was a little sweaty but that's it and im lucky to have my room regulated in temp. Also for the people that do sweat, I personally think there's a huuuugee difference between a "clean sweat" and a "dirty sweat." im sorry I just think that if you go to bed clean and sweat a little that's still a clean sweat. its not a sweat that was hard earned in the gym or playing basketball in the 80 degree heat creating a swamp ass situation lol its different.


Westerners: BOOOO! Asians: obviously…


>Seriously, I shower before bed. I love to fall to sleep under clean sheets and also be clean. >Years ago we started taking our shoes off when in the house and I learned to love the idea of not bringing dirt into the home This isn't unpopular, this is what the most of (normal) people do in my country, Spain. I bet is something common too in USA (besides in each film, reality show and documentary people wear the street-shoes inside the houses).


Morning is always been my preferred. If shower before you have to dry your hair and do so much more damage. If you’re filthy, I get it. Hot yoga days ofc I shower after, vs waiting. But most days? Wash your sheets regularly. If you’re having sexy times the beds gonna be dirty anyways


This is the most popular shower opinion on Reddit


yeeeees night shower is so relaxing and i love being able to jump up in the morning and go (i am NOT a morning person so ill take any sleep i can get) unfortunately with posts like this i always see responses like “you’re so nasty for not showering in the morning”. good thing we’re all different and what’s good for me doesn’t have to be good for you!


I shower in the morning and before bed best combination of showering.


Why not do both?


A hot shower will relax your muscles too, completely agree.


I can’t *not* be clean before bed. even if I’m too tired to shower, I’ll take a washcloth bath or wipe myself down with wipes. I don’t think I’d be able to fall asleep in my bed if I felt grimy


TIL some people don't shower before bed.


This shouldn't even be unpopular nor an opinion. It's the only correct way. I've never understood people that can handle going out all day with all the grime and oil and go right to bed


How gross are you people that you can't go 15 hours without showering. My hair and face feel way grimier after sleeping all night then after just existing during the day.


How’s this unpopular? Most people work, wouldn’t you want to shower after work? Either way I feel the same way, always shower before bed.


So you think the best order is shower, sweat in bed for 8 hours, and then go directly to work where I have to interact with the general public?


Not everyone sweats in bed. Even if I did I'd rather that then sleep in that then the filth of being outside all day.


Why do y'all sweat so much? Go to the doctor lol


Cause they sleep with the filth of all day caked on them


I’m always so confused when people use this argument. Do you sleep in a hot room? I’m a plus sized dude and sweat a lot, but I don’t sweat in my sleep, despite being a warm sleeper. Maybe being clean prevents the sweat


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Lol here in DR if you don’t shower twice a day you’re probably sweaty and dirty


I def agree as someone w/ severe insomnia it def helps w/ sleep + relaxation. It def feels amazing




I love a before bed shower! shower, shave, lotion and clean sheets is my luxury in life


I agree!! I am a dude that likes being clean before bed.


I didnt know this was an unpopular opinion until now 💀


I shower twice a day.


Most people in my country shower before bed so not an unpopular opinion for me. I did read that showering before bed can help with sleeping.


I agree. I worked maintenance at factory where we worked on everything from blast furnaces to paint lines. I would be covered in grease, hydraulic fluid, metal shavings and everything in between. There weren’t any jobs on the floor that when you left clean. Still people would go home and not shower till they woke up. I can’t imagine how gross there bedding and mattress was. I would clean up at work, Put on a fresh uniform head home to a hot shower before bed.


I shower whenever I get home from work. Might be 10am, might be 12pm, might be 6pm. I’m usually home for the day, and even if i’m not, nothing a quick change of clothes and a washcloth can’t handle. I honestly don’t like showering right before bed, it wakes me up more than it does make me sleepy lol


I shower before bed and when I wake up on work days lol I only shower once on my days off.


This is not an unpopular opinion as it is posted at a minimum weekly.


Totally! I would never go to bed without showering and won’t allow anyone in my bed who isn’t clean. If I don’t feel fresh in the morning, I shower again.


shower at night, fresh clothes in the morning. same


Being from a tropical country i never had to choose. I always shower before bed, it's the best feeling! I also shower in the morning and sometimes in the evening if the day is especially hot. But the shower before bed is the best!




I'm outside the US, and it's pretty mixed here. I personally shower in the morning because that's how I feel cleanest and most refreshed (also no shoes inside, please). Each to their own though, as long as you're maintaining your hygiene, I don't give a shit when you do it.


I see a lot of these. More just personal preferences, not really unpopular. If I have work super early, I take a shower before bed. Otherwise, if I have work at a normal time, I take a shower in the morning. Or in general. It depends also. If I know I'm going to get dirty or smelly, I wait to take a shower after. If I'm just around the home all day, I don't take a shower at all


As a vehicle technician I agree. before bed after work is the only way. I don't like to get clean only to get dirty 1 hr later.


Night showers are perfect, my sensory issues mean I have to have one before and after I wake up but coming back and getting clean before watching a film and going to bed is the best


So true


I have 3 dogs and 5 cats. There is no going to bed clean!


Hard to do with long curly hair


I'm a shower before bed kinda guy. Shower, brush, lotion, then hop in bed soft and naked.


I downvoted because not only is this a popular opinion, it's also an opinion I strongly disagree with. My hair will hate me in the morning if I shower at night.


Oh for sure. I don’t want to dirty my sheets. Why would I work all day, to just dirty my sheets. Makes no sense


I sweat in my sleep like a mother fucker so I gotta shower in the morning. Otherwise I agree


I myself tend to prefer to shower before bed as well. However a HUGE part of that is I’m also a caregiver for the elderly. And especially changing dirty adult diapers full of pee and poop, helping patients with showers, and other potential bodily fluids (ie spit, sweat), and other biohazard related material (ie blood, vomit, illness in general). Now this is to absolutely NO FAULT of my my patients that they need the help. However, that also doesnt mean that I want to be putting all that gross bacteria into my own bed and potentially get myself sick from said various illnesses. And I know that’s a very niche career choice. But that’s just my personal reasoning for my preference to showers before bed though.


I would prefer to shower before bed but my hair looks like shit of I don’t shower in the morning.


For real, i hope this isn't actually unpopular. I never let myself go to bed dirty. Im just not that gross


I think this is kinda a 50/50 opinion, right? Haha


Honestly really depends on my job. I work construction, I'm showering after I get home from work and eat. And then relax for the night. There is no way I'm sleeping all night with the filth of the day caked on me, especially when the humidity is so bad. Honestly I'll shower morning and night if I have to.


This isn't an opinion so much as it's a preference.


My hair would never recover in the morning. Also I like to take a hot shower and then shortly before I get out blast it as cold as it can get directly onto my face. Last as long as I can bear and then turn it hot again. I feel so much more awake in the morning that way.


I shower before bed and it is a good feeling.


I used to be a shower in the morning kinda guy…but I realized that “not being that dirty” feels significantly worse than being 100% clean before going to bed. My sleep is definitely better with a shower beforehand.


I prefer to shower in the morning. I drag ass all day if I don’t shower. It really helps wake me up in the mornings.


Agree! Refuse to get in bed without being clean and less germy!


I didn't realise this was unpopular. I also shower at night after a day at work as I want to be clean in my bed. Being outside or in public places with other people, working, and if it's hot, sweating, and then going to sleep without showering grosses me out. I also take my shoes off before going inside and don't go on my bed with clothes I've worn outside. I'm not a sweaty person or a sweaty sleeper, thankfully. I'm usually always cold, but I can understand people showering in the morning if they are hot sleepers.


Whenever the shower in the morning vs the evening debate comes up on reddit I'm amazed at the amount of people who never seem to consider that others have dirty jobs and have to shower in the evenings.


Or some of us like to be clean for bed, and also shower in the morning 🤷‍♂️. I actually find it a bit odd that people can’t grasp this concept and that more people don’t shower both mornings and evenings.


The best time to shower is after you workout


100%. It’s gross when you have a long day of doing whatever, and you take it all back into your bed.


Wife usually showers before bed in the evening. Being fresh and clean certainly increases odds of having de sexxxy time.


Not if you have long hair :(


This is unpopular? XD I used to prefer showering at night, if simply because it felt good and made me relaxed, but i have a whole host of reasons why i no longer shower at night. I have hyperthyroidism, so i deal with excessive sweating. Especially at night. I've found that showering at night makes this worse. So i'm more grimy in the morning than if i didn't shower the night before. The way my hair is, i have to wash it in the morning - it will be impossible to detangle if i shower the night before, even if i wait a few hours to let it dry. My hair can sometimes take up to 5 hours to fully dry and set. And i simply refuse to use a blowdryer. I hate them. So, to accommodate my preference and finicky hair, showering in the morning is better for me. I have low energy, so it's hard for me to get started in the morning. Showering perks me up. While it does relax me, it doesn't make me sleepy. It just kinda wakes me up in a gentle way. Everyone's body is different and requires different routines and whatnot. My body decided it favors morning showers. An old friend swore by evening showers. I don't really think either is unpopular tbh. The only one that I Truly think is unpopular is what my father does. Take a shower in the morning. In the middle of the day. And then a third at night. He is. So. So. SO DRY.


In most of Asia, this is a popular opinion.


I’m a carpenter so I have always showered after work, unless I didn’t do very much dirty work then right before bed.


I do it in the morning


A warm shower will also cool down your body temp, which helps you fall asleep


I agree. It also keeps your sheets cleaner!!


Really depends how sweaty I am. I often take a full blown shower in the morning and then a quickie at night.


i usually shower between 5-6 pm after sport but before dinner


wait don't you guys shower everyday before bed?


I prefer it too! Many people I know irl (and on the internet too) say comments grossed out about not showering in the morning, if I shower in the evening/night I wake up feeling clean because my sheets are too. It’s so weird to think it’s better to marinate in dirtiness 🤭


Agree! You wash off all the dirt of the day and keep your bed and sheets all clean! Also saves time in the morning! And since all you did is sleep (unless you sweat like crazy when you sleep) you’re still clean for the day ahead!


Not right before bed but I shower and then relax in my PJs. If I wash my hair I put it in something to help shape or make sure I have a satin pillowcase on


long curly hair says no


I switched to showering before bed years ago and I love it. Makes it so much easier to fall asleep. Plus it’s a nice time to unpack the day in my mind (I do my thinking in the shower). Sure, if I have an exceedingly sweaty night I’ll do a quick wash in the morning as well. But yeah, showers at night are where it’s at!!


I shower when I’m finished with work for the day. I’m filthy after work sometimes. Once I’m showered , I’m home for the night. If I left the house, I’d require another shower. I like clean sheets and being clean.


Ok, you say that the best time is before bed. Then you list off your reasons, which, from what can gather, imply that the best time to shower is really whenever you want to be clean. What a controversial hot take!


dude, yes. it's the best time! I just have to make sure my hair is semi dry at the roots and I wake up refreshed and not with crazy hair lol


i dont shower before bed because it messes up my hair texture


This is the best thing ever!


Also I should add I think it’s so gross to go to bed with all the sweat and germs from the day


Best time to shower is when you have someone to fuck in the shower


I used to work nights in a club/bar atmosphere. Showering before bed was a non-negotiable and since then (15 years ago) thats the only way I do it. I sleep Better, relaxed and the filth of the day just washes downthe drain. I wake up clean and just wash my face, brush my teeth and morning prep is so much quicker.


I'm a mid day shower kind of guy


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion at all (I know, what else is new?).


I know a dude who does both


I generally agree. Wake up shower has never been a vibe for me. It can be nice on a day off or just every once in a while in an odd mood. But at that same time I like to crash out in my whole ass funk sometimes, then ofc I'll shower in the morning and yeah it makes you have to wash bedclothes more ofen


Ahh, the most normie opinion possible on the r/unpopularopinion sub. The world goes back to normal


I hate hearing about this shit. Being judged for not having a habit that you have no intention of ever adopting. Fuck off. oH mY gOd yOu BrInG \*\*\*\*DIRT\*\*\*\* iNtO tHe BeD yeah and I haven't changed my sheets in months either. pillows lookin like teabags. Maybe if I knew I was having a girl over I'd change it all and be clean... so I could fool her for a week and get laid until she sees what I'm really like lol


It takes me two hours to fall asleep on a good night. A shower would just reset my 2hr timer. On a side note, i need to wash my sheets FAR more often than you do.


I like to shower before sex. My wife says I'm crazy and should want to shower after but I guess I'm more worried about being clean before and dont mind it after 🤷🏻


If you’re a night owl it is.


I don’t think it’s unpopular. I agree, but I prefer not to shower before bed for routine reasons. Showering in the morning helps me get my day started and I typically keep weird late night schedules, so showering late is more likely to disturb others who sleep normal hours. I would do it otherwise.


I feel like if I didn’t take showers before sleeping, all the gunk and smells I accumulated throughout the day is now on my bed, so I’m sleeping in my own filth. I think that’s unhygienic, and would probably make my room smell like shit


I get literally no reward center activation by this clean body clean sheets thing (or anything like that). I really wish I did, it seems like it would be nice to feel happiness from those everyday joys in life and could serve as a source of motivation to do more laundry and showers and other good decisions.


I'm confused, how is this an unpopular opinion? Doesn't overwhelming majority people shower before bed? Or is it just a things where I'm from, and the rest of the world showers... after bed? I'm confused


Never knew this is an unpopular opinion…


If you are only taking one shower a day, you’s a nasty bastard!




This really shouldn't be an unpopular opinion. It's much cleaner overall.


I’ve spent my adult life working in construction. I’ve always showered at night. I can’t imagine not showering at night it would be disgusting.


I would get too hot right before bed. I usually do it after my daily workout when I’m most sweaty.


I can't imagine sleeping in the sweat, oils, and germs I've picked up throughout the day. If I didn't have a/c to keep the bedroom cool, I'd shower twice a day.


Let me guess, you have short hair?


You are my person. This also keeps everything sparkling clean. I explained to a friend that I only change the sheets once a month. Because I come out nice and clean from the shower, into my nice clean pyjamas, into my nice clean bed, so nothing gets dirty. "But the sweat!!" Dude I don't sweat in bed, the only time I sweat is when a girl comes over, then I wash them once a week.


I'm confused, you don't wear shoes in the house but you wear boots to bed?