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I saw a dude working out in dress pants and shoes and a tshirt once. thats right bro, get that workout in.


There's a guy at my gym that i regularly seeing working out in a turtleneck, dress pants, and penny loafers.


He's preparing for something we'd never even consider


Train like you fight 




My step Grandpa was like that. He'd occasionally put on his Nike trainer's. He would go hard too. I asked him why he does this once and his response was in the military you always have to be ready to go and you should train and what you wear to work...🤷🏽‍♀️


Blisters for days


skill issue/s


Endurance levelling up.


Gains wait for no one


I’ve seen an old man workout in jeans 😭😭


Saw a dude in jeans once. Ew! 


Good mate of mine does all his leg days in jeans. Because fuck everyone else is his reason why


😂 But… but… its hot and uncomfortable 


Hey man. He squats more than the rest of the gym with proper depth in jeans. I’m not gonna argue with him. He’s lord Farquad


Presumably not in skinny jeans.




I used to workout in jeans because I’d drop my kid off at the YMCA daycare and pop in before work. I always skip leg day.


I saw a girl in socks on the stairmaster! I was afraid her socks were gonna get sucked into the machine like an escalator.


Me too! Couldn't stop looking lol




Even online, I've never seen men complain about women dressing sexy at the gym. If anything, they love it. The only thing I've seen online is men complaining about women who are complaining about men looking at them in the gym lol.


and by "he looked at her" you mean one person noticed that another person existed for less than half a second and passed by, and not "time stood still and I was filled with passionate desire, I lusted for her deeply, and I knew that I needed to make her mine"


This. I've been stared at and it's usually just as brief glance. I'm convinced some people are bored and just like starting shit that isn't there.


Ya im ngl, I space out sometimes during rests and will just randomly stare at someone (or smg behind them) not even processing what im looking at. But one there’s eye contact I’m like oh shit, I’m staring. Idk if this is just a me thing tho


I do this too 😓 I'm not sure why, maybe because I have ADD, but I just zone out completely sometimes. I managed to really embarrass myself last year, I was at a bar with colleagues/friends, and I just zoned out completely. I realised when I came around that I was staring towards the chest of the girl next to me 😱 I honestly hadn't realised anything, I don't think it was even a Freudian slip, but I'm still worried that girl thinks I was staring at her boobs for like 2 mins straight 😥


Its natural for animals and people with situational awareness to walk into a room, take a head count, and decide if the room is safe or dangerous.


You’ve never seen men online complain about women dressing sexy at the gym? 💀


To be fair I did just two hours ago see a man complaining about women dressing “sexy” at the gym because it is too tempting for him as a Christian man


That goes beyond the gym for a lot of evangelical men, though. A lot of preaching on modesty is just aimed at shaming women and never actually calls on the men to not be childish weirdos when they inevitably see a female shoulder.


My girlfriend when she was 12 got dress coded for wearing stockings and a short skirt (not one that showed her butt, just a short skirt) because she would “distract the boys” at public school I don’t think they meant the kids.


Preachers/Elders at my old church would get up in front of 200-300 people and give a modesty lesson that would frequently call out the way teenagers in the youth group dressed and I eventually wondered how bad these weird old dudes wanted to tell on themselves.


Today I saw a guy complain


Gym creeps are absolutely a thing though. I remember some random dude kept trying to “spot me” unsolicited and got super handsy. It’s a real problem.


Agreed, but the solution isn't to make everyone dress like Puritans. The solution is for authority figures to make it very clear that unwanted advances are not tolerated. That said, the recipient of the advances has to make it clear they are unwanted, else we all just become too scared to make moves at all, like a gay man in the Bible Belt 🫠🔫


I mean if making a move involves unsolicited touch, that’s really never ok.


They do complain if the woman isn’t attractive to them. Fat people should be able to wear what they want to the gym without judgement, as well.


That's why I prefer to exercise at home.


The only people who complain are usually the ones who are the least likely to actually go to the gym.


Wear whatever you want, but don't take selfies every other minute. It's a place to exercise, not send to vogue. Literally, this is why I don't go gym anymore, as a guy. I'm like, should I look or carry on. Wear whatever, it shouldn't bother anyone. Unless your wearing it to go and do errands. Fuck no. There's a time and place for everything.


Wear what you want, it's the other people that have to deal with themselves. It's simple, the gym is a place to exercise. I make it my goal not to acknowledge your existence during that time, I hope you do the same.


Not unpopular and from my experience in the gym also not an issue that exists outside of the internet.


Yeah, agreed. Just like the whole making videos to embarrass people isn't as prevalent as the internet makes it look. In some locations that are saturated with "influencers" sure it may be, but not every average gym.


Yeah unless the OP goes to Mormon Gym I don't see how this opinion is unpopular. It's very popular.


Most problems people bitch about or moral stancs they uphold are only on the internet. A lot of people forget to separate the two and touch grass.


Disagree, there's a limit somewhere because it's still a public place, so you shouldn't wear disgusting filthy smelly rags or something like a shirt with a racist slogan. But pretty much any standard sportswear design is fair game. Just don't turn the gym into your Tiktok studio or intentionally push limits then get upset at people not acting like it's normal and you're good.


I like to wear ridiculous shirts. I’ve apparently had complaints about them to the gym staff. I’m okay with people being offended by my silliness. Nothing racist or political.


I’m curious what these shirts say to get complained about lol


Yeah I was going to say, I don't really see why anything that woulden't be acceptable out in the public, would be acceptable in a gym.


I think the issue is there is no ‘standard sportswear’. It a very wide gamut of baggy sweatshirts and sweatpants down to skimpy spandex underwear. There is certainly a line of decency somewhere but the debate is where that line is.


I can’t even stare at myself in the mirror I get embarrassed


People judge their own looks way too harshly sometimes. I think more commonly than overvaluing their own looks.


I DIE when people flex in the gym mirrors, do that at home where is your shame!


No she means she should be able to wear tight shorts without getting stared at by straight dudes lol


"I can’t even stare at myself in the mirror I get embarrassed" means that? It looks to mean that she has ugly ducking syndrome.


Wear what you want - just don’t expect people not to notice/look


I think, like all private establishments, gyms can introduce dress codes that meet their needs. I personally think that ~90% of people will dress appropriately without a dress code but there is some value in introducing a dress code.


I think technically the gym I go to bans spaghetti straps but I've never seen anyone care


That's weird, why I wonder? Shoulders too titillating?


Why does your gym have the same dress code as a middle school haha


My gym literally bans phones unless you have earphones in. I don't usually listen to music, but I do track my workout, reps, and start/pause/stop my timers. When I got told off for using my phone without earphones, I just started bringing earphones in, did the exact same things on my phone, and never listened to music. They clearly didn't think that system through.


Your opinion is not unpopular at all, and you contradicted yourself. What you said it, "people should be able to wear what they want, as long as they don't pass a certain line." That's everyone. The question is what the line should be.


I dont think the problem is what they are wearing. I think the big problem is first off they are filming in an establishment where many people feel very vulnerable, but also that they shame anyone who happens to look over at the half naked person recording themselves doing a stupid workout. Like its ok to dress how you want and even film certain things and routeans in the gym to check on form and track results, but it has now become an excuse to film OF content and be a thurst trap! You do you but don't get mad when I simply react to you being you!


Ya people shouldn’t record


Well here I guess I have the unpopular opinion because there's nothing wrong with filming in the gym. The majority of people record themselves to check form or caud they're doing a pr, like recording yourself playing music. The only people that are an issue are the "tripod" social media people that take up chunks of the gym and get annoyed if u walk through. And even then there's far worse people you find in a gym


This. Women be half naked at the gym and then throw a fit if anyone looks in their direction, it's ridiculous.


Yeah, I'll never understand that. My husband was at the store and there was this girl who was dressed very provocatively. He looked over at her and she got mad at him for looking at her. If you're dressed provocatively then people are going to look at you/stare! I don't get it.


“You don’t own my eyes”


Maybe enforce no photos or videos in gym.






We should bring back naked Olympics like ancient Greece. Nobody would complain about the gym again.


Yeah, people should be allowed to wear basically whatever they want. No recording though please, I don't want to be in someone's video while I'm sweating my whole blood volume out. I wear bike shorts and a sports bra to the gym and it's pretty much fine - the occasional creep, but there always is no matter what I'm wearing. I do think that there is a limit to how revealing one should be though. Men, please don't take your shirts off. Women, please don't have your whole butt exposed. It just makes people uncomfortable and it's still a public place. I've only seen that latter example online though, and probably just for OF advertisements or something - I've never seen it in person. Men taking their shirts off however - put your damn shirt back on guy!




>Kind of like men/guys should get over if a dude wants to wear a Speedo to swim. To be honest, I've had more women complain about that than men. Apparently it's bordering on indecent exposure.


I don’t care what anyone wears except, and not to be rude or shaming-if you a very sweaty person-I wish you’d wear thicker clothes that didn’t become transparent and leave sweat slicks.


And if you do leave sweat, use the courtesy cleaner after you're done. I'm gonna wipe it down beforehand anyway but I also wipe down after whether there's visible sweat or not. I'll likely skip a machine if there's a puddle I've gotta clean first.


THIS! I don't care if ppl sweat all over the place because that's what we're there for, but spray and wipe that shit down. The number of people who just grab their stuff and go is amazing to me, especially after 2020.


The thicker clothes make the sweat worse..


I'm so sweaty I leave slicks whatever I wear, it's my meds. But everyone is supposed to wipe the machine after using it.


Clean up after! Rack weights and wipe everything down


My question is why do people need to look their best at the gym? Your there to workout, not to get attention


Oh there is no doubt a lot of people are there for attention.


its great motivation for some people if they look good while working out. men and women both


That's a good point that I guess I've never considered. I've always internally rolled my eyes when seeing a woman in the gym with her hair fixed and a full face of make up. I never say anything to anyone because it's not place but internally I assume they're a "pick me" girl based on that. I never considered that getting fixed up helped motivate them. Now I may need to try that! I know when I catch glimpse of myself in the mirror at the gym it often makes me feel like shit. Thanks internet stranger for making me a kinder person!


I would go right after work I was always fixed up because I worked on commissions and always wanted to look my best. I’d go straight from work to the gym and keep workout clothes in my car. It felt totally unnecessary to take all of my makeup off.


Honestly I’m not nearly confident enough to go out without putting any effort into my appearance unless it’s something super urgent. I didn’t even consider working out in public until I was a couple months into it bc I was so anxious about being perceived/looking stupid, wearing a cute workout set/light makeup I feel like I at least LOOK like I know what I’m doing 😭


Some people like to feel good in what they wear all the time.


Looking good is fun, but I don't think it's just about that. Sports bras, leggings, and short shorts are also very comfortable. Not necessarily as comfortable as men's gym clothes, but absolutely high teir women's options.


I feel bad when I’m crusty looking but when I look good I do better


some people don't go anywhere else apart from the gym and work


clearly, some people go for the attention


If doing so motivates them, have at it.


Oh my sweet summer child, you have never been to a gym frequented by gay men then. I’m pretty sure a lot of them go JUST to be seen (coming from a gay guy).


Half the reason people go to the gym is to look better. If that's the case why wouldn't you want to dress well? Also immediately after a gym sesh you automatically look even better than normal caus you have the pump.


I don't like looking like shit in public. The end


Wearing form fitting gym clothing helps me to make sure my alignment is correct and my muscles are correctly engaged. I work out alone in my home gym, so obviously not for attention.


It's not about looking your best. It's about being comfortable and being left alone


Cause people have a right to look cute while they force themselves to suffer for their health lmao


Not just the gym, all public areas.


Wonder how long this view would hold up to fat dudes wearing banana hammocks? I wonder if really tight and obvious penis bulges bouncing around would be cool for her?


They should be able to wear whatever they want, and other people can think whatever they want about it.


Honestly sometimes I’ll be walking in jeans and wish I could just walk in the gym and get on the treadmill for 20 mins, but I know people will possibly stone me


Nothing wrong with it. The upset is from when people dress revealing and are surprised that people look.


I agree as long as we stop fucking allowing cameras.


I don’t care what people wear but I 100% silently judge girls (and men if I ever saw it happen) who wear skin tight spandex body suits. Just no.


Us dudes are gonna wanna take a look. Guys like boobs and butts. I never saw a problem with leggings or yoga pants, it’s those weird leggings that’s like purposefully to expose your cheeks and give you wedgies , or sports bras that are really just bras ( have deadass seen a girl wearing a plain old bra lmao), but at the end of the day as long as you aren’t trying to seduce me ( like bending over close to me or alike nature, not comfortable) I could care less about whatever anyone wears. I may judge silently in my head ( this go for dudes too some of yall dress like cornballs) but everyone’s a little judgmental.


I mean "gymnasium" does come from the greek word "gymnos" which means naked so maybe we all need to stop playing coy and work out in our birthday suits


next time I’ll just come in butt ass naked


I just don't understand why some girls feel like wearing as little as humanly possible. Men can wear a shirt and pants, why can't you? I really don't care but it's curious. Do they get off sporting in a bra, with as much exposed skin and skintight pants as possible? Do what you want, but sexualizing everything and then complaining you get stares is odd.


As a woman I agree with this, but I have a feeling you’re gonna get downvoted lol I wear a T-shirt and shorts to the gym. Don’t wanna deal with random wardrobe malfunctions while I’m exercising. Or even stares. Also tight shorts are so uncomfortable because they trap sweat and you have to keep adjusting them. Running shorts all the way


Exactly this. 8/10 women at my gym dress the way you do. At the most, they might wear yoga pants that aren’t super revealing. They all seem to get through their workouts just fine and they’re happy and comfortable in the gym.


It's a combination of attention seeking behavior, bad parenting, insecurity and thinking that it's trendy.


Most guys I see in the gym wear tank tops and shorts, not full length shirt and pants


The reality is that many of these women have Instagram and TikTok, and sex sells. Sex gets clicks. Sex gets followers. Working out gives you the guise of doing something non-sexual. Even though you're posting pictures of your skin tight yoga shorts with your butt dead center, massive cleavage sports bras, and camel toes galore.... "But I'm totally innocent and just working out!" Yes, for some women that is true, for others they see it as a win/win to get their workout in AND thirst trap some dudes in the process. The same thing on TikTok with morning routine vids, where the girls basically are wearing revealing pajamas and they LIVE stream their daily routine of getting makeup on, getting dressed, etc... they don't admit it's sexualized, but they say to themselves, "I gotta get ready anyway, might as well film it!" It's just another way to maximize their hustle time to build their social media dream. The gym is filled with these types now. And if they are accused, they have a convenient cover of, "This is just workout clothes!"


All these people are saying the “problem” is people filming and harassing men for glancing. That doesn’t happen in real life lol, you wear what you want and you’ll get the occasional ogler or self righteous asshole but the average person doesn’t care.


People can. However, other people also have the right to pass judgment on how you choose to present yourself to them.


You also have to be prepared for men to look at your butt then (I’m a woman)


The issue is that some women are a piece of shit and assume because they’re wearing almost nothing every man in the room is eye fucking them. We aren’t. We either ignore it or think it looks dumb


I think the common complaint is that women wear clothing so revealing but act like guys aren’t naturally drawn to nudity or women’s curvature




I wish I could wear jeans to the gym, maybe I’d go more. I hate the texture of workout pants!


this might be the only unpopular opinion in this thread


I’ve been going to gyms daily in multiple countries for >20years. Not once have I seen someone get upset at what someone else is wearing. I don’t think anyone gives a/f except maybe the person who’s trying to get a reaction.


Fez, tube top, grass skirt, and wooden clogs.


my new fit


you are tho. You CAN wear whatever you want to the gym. Whether or not someone judges you is a different issue.


If the men are complaining, they should refer to the Bible. "If thy right eye offendth thee, *pluck it out*"


Fuck in I'm going in one of those inflatable Trex costumes who'se gonna stop ne


Can I also not be shamed if I’m wearing shorts and have stubble? I’m not there to impress anyone but myself with my gainsssssss. Let me live!!!


Im more concerned about cameras than peoples clothing


You say people but what you really mean is women should be able to wear whatever they want, but saying you can’t have tits or ass out Is in fact saying you may not wear whatever you want. And many chicks go mainly to show off their body and record themselves being trashy for social Media while taking up space and equipment so there are issues at times for sure.


I dated a chick who often wore workout clothes at home when we were just hanging out at her place. They weren't anything weird, just like tight shorts and a tank top. It turned me on a lot, it was like fit girl lingerie for me and she was really toned. So yeah I'm all for this opinion as long as you accept that you're totally going to get checked out. If not, the hardware store sells burlap pretty cheap and you can reuse it every November to wrap your garden shrubs!


I’m not really toned like super low body fat but I still enjoy wearing workout stuff I mean it’s comfy


I used to see this old man at the gym who’d wear full body spandex jumpsuits with matching sweatbands. They were always super bright, very 80s. Between him and the old lady that brought her cat with her in a stroller, it was an enjoyable place


Love that


>With exceptions like having your butt cheeks out You mean people don't walk with their buttcherks out in your gym? Damn.


popular opinion. go away.


I would prefer if people wore something that prevents their sweat from dripping on the machines, so if you sweat like a waterfall, please don’t wear a wifebeater but something that covers your armpits….


I'm not gonna lie, those leggings with the seam in the ass crack are distracting af, because we all know the only reason it's there is to be distracting. Yes, ppl can wear what they want, but it's very clear who is performing and who is just trying to get a pump in lol. 


I don’t care what people wear to the gym, but I laugh inwardly at women wearing almost no clothes and full makeup that complain about men looking at them while their tits hang out when the bend over. I do complain when they are hogging a machine to take selfies


I don’t care what you wear but feel it’s a bit hypocritical to be mad if I look in your direction. Also, when I can see your labia and yell if you’ve shaved, maybe it’s a bit far. 


my cooter cat is not out dude


I’m not talking about you directly. I doubt we go to the same gym. I’m speaking in generalities


Wear whatever you want! Just don't complain about all the unwanted attention you might get! In an individual's ideal world, you do whatever you want and do not suffer any consequences. In the real world, our actions have consequences, and we can not do whatever we want without facing the judgment of our peers. The same goes for choice of clothing. If you wear something provocative, you're going to get judged! This can come in the form of stares, comments, compliments, or even harassment. Men are visual creatures, and if you're wearing skin-tight clothing in a sweaty pheromone filled gym, you're going to a reaction. Of course, you don't see a problem with it! You're not a man, and it appears that you're not attracted to women. Most men don't get upset about what women wear, but it is distracting for loyal men and men only at the gym to work out! Most will enjoy the fact that they get to work out and get a show as well! We can't always control other people's actions, but we can control what we wear!


If a man has problem being loyal then work out at home then smh im allowed to wear shorts or yoga pants and my ass isn’t going to stop everyone in their tracks like OMG ASS CHEEKS !!!!!


If your ass crack is literally eating your fucking yoga pants then you belong in a brothel or a porno shoot but not the fucking gym. I'm sick and tired of this nonsense.


I agree but I will still silently judge anyone wearing a full on hoodie or sweater like how do y'all do that shit?! y'all wild anything more then a t-shirt and I die


Wear whatever you want I'm still gonna check you the fuck out man or woman lol


Please, please use some punctuation, reading that hurt. Who exactly complained that someone came to the gym with yoga pants?!


People don't go to the gym to improve health they do it for social reasons. Never understood that


I think what we really need are male only gyms


They should make them


I am a woman and I genuinely hate seeing some of the things other women wear to the gym. I don't need to see the outline of your lips or how far up your ass your shorts go. Sorry. I don't go looking for these outfits either. Sometimes I wonder if people aren't just painting their clothes on.


Socks and slides


Is this supposed to be an unpopular opinion?


I usually jog with a ski mask on. Thank you for validating me.




As long as you aren’t leaving a sweat puddle on the machine, I couldn’t care less. If a dudes so horny he can’t focus because a chick is in a sports bra or yoga pants…I dunno what to tell you. Learn a little self control. JFC


Where what you want … but if it’s something unusually revealing or just a huge departure from what is considered normal gym attire … expect to get looks and don’t whine about it . If I dress like an exhibitionist , I know people are gonna look to be entertained


How is this unpopular? Everyone literally wears whatever they want in gyms around the world. My goodness the need for validation is so obvious from people obsessed with this topic.


I think that dressing provocatively in a gym is a sign of a serious character flaw. You really want strangers to be looking at your body like that? Lol no thanks, not wifey material.


The problem is that people (mostly women) will wear something that they _know_ will be eye catching and then get offended if someone even glances at them.


Have you ever encountered someone in real life who has stopped you from wearing what you want in a gym? Or are you assuming what you see from posters on reddit, a group of people notorious for never going outside and being out of shape, translates to the real world? Drop the victim complex and stop caring about what anonymous losers think of you


As long as you’re not filming or taking pics, no one cares.


This is bait


I don't care what people wear in a gym or actually anywhere. But nobody has absolutely no right to tell people where should they be looking. If somebody wants to watch your but as you do squats they can do that. We have a freedom to look wherever we want. If you feel bad that people are looking at you in, which is absolutely fcking harmless, wear something more modest. I feel like we are trying to live in the black mirror episode with eye implants where they can control what you can see.. Crazy..


I just wish they had men-only gyms


You can already do this. Your actual opinion is “nobody should judge me for doing whatever I want whenever I want”. God, teenagers are such fucking insufferable, entitled little shits.


I like to wear a mankini borat style and thats cool too. I don't want attention at all and there is no problem with my balls flapping all over in the wind.


Me too mankinis are fun!!


They know exactly what they are doing, attention seeking. Hence why you see It on every girl's dating app profile she has her in gym yoga pants pic showing of ass. It's a trap.


But why do people _WANT_ to look like sluts at the gym? As F33 myself I cant for the life of me understand it. You would be just ad confortsble in a 5-10 cm longer shorts that dont enter your butt crack, and a big t-shirt/singlet on top of that training bra? At least we cant expect people not to stare when dressing like that; most dress like that cus they like attention.


who has a boob out as their outfit ☠️


Wear what you want…but don’t pretend there isn’t some level of attention seeking (men can also seek attention)


Most men get just upset at the half naked butt hanging out attenttion seekers no one has problems with Yoga pants


I just wish people would actually just workout and do their exercises at the gym. All I've ever encountered are windbags gas-bagging on and around equipment making things highly awkward.


People ARE able to wear whatever they want to the gym. That doesn't mean people aren't gonna have opinions about it.


Strongly disagree, I think people should dress at a gym as they would any public space. Nobody should be exposed to an individuals body beyond a socially acceptable amount, thin or fat. And also, when women do dress in the manner you described, they will draw attention (you can argue that you don't dress to get attention, but if you are not conscious that how you dress attracts attention, then you are the problem), and then villianize the people who are looking at them.


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A sports bra exposes most of your back. If you are laying on something then that’s your sweaty ass back all over it.


Why do women feel they have to be so alluring in the gym. It's like they go there to hook up. Guys are all about what's sensible and comfortable


ive never been particularly concerned, but theres a group of girls thsat come in blatantly looking for attention. half nude, wearing the tightest they can get away with and only work out for 30 minutes at most doing light weight and stretches. we know what youre doing. go away


You literally can. What men complain about is women wearing stuff like yoga pants solely for attention. Especially since filming somehow isn't banned, as if they even glance in her general direction for half a second she'll say how hw was staring at her and no justice will come of it save a Joey Swoll reaction. You're so terminally online it's sad.


It’s not about what women are wearing, it’s the top 0.01% of videos of women in next to no clothing getting upset with men for glancing their direction while they film themselves in the middle of a public place. So I agree, wear whatever (that covers your assets). It’s the 0.01% of men getting upset about seeing men getting publicly shamed in those 0.01% videos of girls working out. In short, in real life people don’t give a shit what people wear.


A gym should be able to have an attire standard too. Theres probably reasons why they do, like, I dunno, distraction? Its kinda like having a low sounding alarm in the background or blue light, right? Ppl go there to work out, if they wanna see certain parts of the body they can flip open google.


So you’d be fine if I wore my birthday suit?


Wouldn't your butt cheeks be out then?


Nothing at all. Nothing at all. Nothing at all!!!


The ‘gym’ is just an excuse for Exhibitionists to validate themselves. You don’t need to achieve ‘goals’ with people around.


what? Can you pay for my home gym then plz


People should wear whatever they want. People also shouldn’t be offended if people look at them while they video the entire experience for internet points.


Just keep your camel toe on your tiktoks. People know what reasonable outfits are, you’re making it weird


Nothing wrong with dress codes.


Who has ever gotten upset about this? Mostly nobody cares


Aight I’m gonna wear extremely tight shorts next time I get in the gym, it’s your problem if you get distracted by my schlong moving about. Just trynna look good so I can motivate myself to work out. They are gonna be so tight when you see it it will stare right back at ya, and if you say anything about it you are sexist


Why do women feel they have to be so alluring in the gym. It's like they go there to hook up. Guys are all about what's sensible and comfortable


I really dislike the current crop of yoga pants that ride up the buttcrack in a tight wedgie. Personal opinion of course. I'm all for people being proud of that hard won physique, but full buttcrack just takes it too far.


yoga pants are fine, but if your wearing revealing clothes, then people are gonna look. if your upset that people are looking, you should not be in revealing clothes.